Chapter 52: The Ninth Level of Refinement Realm, Strength Soars!

Before waking up, his body training was at the second level of the Bone Forging Realm.

In this simulation, the cultivation level directly reached the ninth level of the organ refining realm, and the body refining cultivation level soared directly!
What's more, this body training practice is still the kind that gets rid of erysipelas, so Su Xing naturally has no reason not to choose it.

Of course, the energy points needed for the Ninth Layer of Bowel Refinement Realm are also huge, a full 100 million energy points.

Counting the 10 energy points required for talent, the current energy points for awakening are not even enough.

In desperation, Su Xing could only sell some more spare equipment that he had accumulated in advance, and he barely managed to collect 110 million energy points.

[Ding, you chose to bring out the ninth level cultivation base of the refinement realm, spent 100w points of energy, and the remaining energy is 10 points. 】

[Ding, you chose to bring out the natural power of the blue talent, spending 10 points of energy, and the remaining energy is 103 points. 】

Su Xing felt like crying when he saw the remaining 103 points of energy. After working hard to accumulate energy for more than two weeks, he returned to before liberation overnight.

But it's all worth it!
After the sound of the simulator sounded in the awakened ear, a huge change occurred in the awakened body.

Su Xing only felt that the power in his body increased sharply in a short period of time, and his whole body was rising violently.

Bone-forging level three... Bone-forging level five...

The Bone Forging Realm is complete!

In just tens of seconds, the awakened cultivation base climbed from the second level of the bone forging level to the great perfection of the bone forging level!

And the strength of the awakened body has also increased several times, and the strength of both arms has reached more than 20 catties!

But it's not over yet.

Su Xing's physical strength was still accumulating. After reaching a certain critical point, Su Xing felt that a certain shackle in his body had been successfully broken.

Fu-Refining Realm!
Su Xing quickly looked inside, and found that his internal organs were covered with a layer of faint golden light, the golden light continued to be restrained, and finally merged into the internal organs, disappearing...

The first level of the Fu-Refining Realm is far from the limit of Su Xing’s simulation!
In the next few minutes, the strength of the awakened physical body increased intermittently.

The second level of Organ Refining Realm...the third level of Organ Refining Realm...

The fifth level of the Fu-Refining Realm... the eighth level of the Fu-Refining Realm!

In the end, after breaking through to the ninth level of Organ Refining Realm, Su Xing felt that the speed of his cultivation gradually slowed down, and finally stabilized at the ninth level of Organ Refining Realm!
"That's it, the ninth level of Organ Refining Realm?"

After waking up for a while, it was still a bit like a dream. From the second simulation, he obtained the body training state of Dzogchen, to the current No. 18 simulation, and he has not been able to bring out the body training level from the simulation.

Even after waking up and simulating several times, his body exploded and died because he wanted to break through to the Fu Refining Realm.

But all of this is worth it, Su Xing accumulated a lot of money, and directly became a cultivator at the ninth level of Bowel Refining Realm.

If we can make another breakthrough, we will reach the fourth realm of body refining monks, the Yuanwu realm!

After waking up, he entered the blessed land of Lingtian, sat cross-legged, and kept exploring his body with his mind. He could feel the strength of his body.

"Although there are no side effects from this body training, I still have too little control over the power of this body... I should get more familiar with it."

In the next week, Su Xing did not make alchemy, but began to get familiar with his own body strength.

Breaking through from the second level of the Bone Forging Realm to the ninth level of the Fu Refining Realm in one day is like a beggar who suddenly won a 500 million lottery ticket. Naturally, he must be familiar with it to be worthy of this great gift.

After being familiar with Lingtian Paradise for several days, Su Xing gradually mastered the strength of his body.

"It's just that I don't know how much strength I have now... At the Bone Forging Realm, I had a strength of 20 jin. Could it be that my current strength is going to break through a million jin?"

After a person suddenly gains huge power, if he does not undergo experiments, he will never know how powerful his power is.

"Maybe, I can find a place to test how much power I have..."

To be on the safe side, Su Xing took a Yi Rong Pill that had been refined for a long time, and after taking a completely different look, he sneaked into the training hall secretly while there was no one in the school's training hall.

I saw dozens of specially-made strength training machines placed in Nuoda's venues.

These strength training machines are used by some melee professionals.

Professionals often gain a lot of attribute points after level breakthroughs. Legal professions usually have stronger mental power, and they need to continuously release skills to fully master their strength.

As for melee professionals, especially the strength and speed types, after their attribute points are improved, they also need continuous training before they can fully grasp their own strength.

Kyoto Academy has such facilities that can help professionals quickly master their own strength and speed.

It was late at night, and there were only a few people training in the entire training venue.

And this is exactly the purpose of waking up. After changing his appearance, training in a place with few people will not attract too much attention.

I saw Su Xing walking in front of a strength training machine that marked the gold level. This machine could theoretically withstand the full attack of a strength-type gold level professional.

And Su Xing, as a cultivator in the Bowel Refinement Realm, is the third realm of a body refiner. Theoretically, his strength should be equivalent to that of a gold level 30 strength professional.

Su Xing strode to a strength training machine in the corner, took a deep breath, and punched out.

There was a loud bang, and the specially-made machine, which was three meters in length, width and height, was directly bombed.

Seeing this, Su Xing was stunned for a moment, then frowned and said:
"This gold-level strength training machine... seems a bit too unbeatable, right?"

Su Xing blasted the training machine with a punch, and the huge movement instantly attracted the attention of a few people in the venue.

"Hey, a gold-level strength training machine is blasted with one punch. If I remember correctly, a gold-level training machine seems to be able to withstand a maximum force of 100 tons, right?"

"This senior looks a little unfamiliar! He just broke through the master level and came to the training venue to fry fish, right?"

"Is it possible to have such power just after breaking through to the master level? Even some veteran power master professionals may not be able to reach the power of 100 tons with one punch, right?"

"Hiss... Master level peak professional? This senior is probably the strongest among the seniors, but we have never seen him before."

On the other side of the training venue, several professionals looked at Su Xing from afar with admiration on his face, and whispered to each other.

Su Xing frowned slightly. He didn't want to be noticed by other students, but at this moment, his purpose of testing his own strength had not been achieved, so Su Xing quickly walked to the strength training machine that marked the master level.

Accumulate your strength and punch!
Seeing Su Xing punching out, the whole training machine was trembling slightly, Su Xing glanced at the numbers on the machine, showing surprise on his face.

Then Su Xing punched a few more times, and after confirming that the values ​​​​were correct, he quickly left the training venue.

(End of this chapter)

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