Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 53 The Mystery of the Bowel Refining Realm, 5 Viscera of the Human Body

Chapter 53 The Mystery of the Bowel Refining Realm, the five internal organs of the human body

After waking up and leaving the training venue, several students on the other side quickly gathered around, wanting to see the numbers on the training machine.

"One...ten...hundred...thousand...ten thousand! Fuck, the force of that fierce man's punch just now reached 15 kilograms?"

"It can't be that high, can it? 15 kilograms, this is a figure that can only be blasted by most master-level strength professionals!"

"Could it be that the fierce man used strength-enhancing skills just now? That's why he achieved such strength?"

"You are stupid! Just now that fierce man punched four times in a row. The numbers are 151376kg, 149789kg, 155678kg, and 157689kg. This kind of skill is generally not used. It should be a test of your own strength in the stadium after you have just broken through. !"

"That's right, besides, who would use skills in the face of a training machine? Isn't this superfluous?"

"So, another fierce man appeared in our school's senior year? With a punching force of 15 kilograms, it's close to 150 tons! This should only be achieved by a master-level professional?"

These students talked a lot, nodded frequently, and envy flashed in their eyes.

"I'm so envious! I'm afraid that the senior just now is ranked in the top ten in terms of strength in the entire senior year, right? But such a fierce person... why have I never seen him before?"

"Quick, quick, take the picture and post it on the school forum, it will definitely set off a storm!"

Su Xing had already left the training venue at this time, and didn't know what the students behind him were thinking.

To be cautious, Su Xing first circled around the school a few times, and returned to the boys' dormitory after making sure that no one was following him behind him. Then in a deserted corner, Su Xing first returned to the blessed land of Lingtian.

It was not until the next morning that Su Xing came out of the blessed land and returned to the dormitory.

"In this way, no one should be able to discover my identity..."

At this time, the effect of Yi Rong Pill had disappeared, so he lay awake in the dormitory and drank a sip of Coke, his mind kept turning.

"When I completed the Bone Forging Realm, my strength had already reached over 20 jin... But why did my strength reach just over 30 jin when I reached the ninth level of the Bowel Refining Realm?"

Su Xing was somewhat puzzled, this upgrade from the Great Perfection of the Bone Forging Realm to the Ninth Level of the Bowel Refining Realm was definitely a change in strength, but it didn't add much to Su Xing's strength.

"Perhaps, the real strength of the Bowel Refinement Realm lies in other things?"

Su Xing was thoughtful, then entered the Lingtian Blessed Land and began to perform martial arts.

With one punch and one leg, he used all his strength to wake up, and the sound of the sonic boom when the speed of the fist broke through the speed of sound came from the air. If it weren't for the stable space in this Lingtian blessed land, and the large amount of spiritual energy in the air, the scene of the martial arts performance in the wake up would probably cause a lot of trouble. The world is changing.

Su Xing practiced martial arts from night to early morning, only to feel exhausted, so he couldn't help but sit down and take a sip of spiritual spring water, and began to adjust his breathing.

Su Xing sat cross-legged in the blessed place, the surrounding spiritual energy continuously nourished Su Xing's physical body, allowing Su Xing's physical strength to quickly recover.

"So that's how it is. The mystery of the Bomb Refining Realm doesn't lie in strength, but in improving the inner body of a body-refining cultivator!"

"The first realm of body refining monks is the body refining realm, also known as the Tongmai realm. This realm is to lay a solid foundation and lay the foundation for the road to body refining. It focuses on nourishing the body, and at the same time has a good effect on combat effectiveness and strength. bonus."

"The second level of body training is called the bone-forging level. This level mainly improves the strength of the human skeleton and the physical body. When the strength increases, the strength will soar! That's why my previous strength was able to rise to 30 jin. This should be the level of improvement in combat effectiveness in the early stage!"

"The third stage of body refining is the state of refining the internal organs! What is the state of refining the internal organs? It is to strengthen the internal organs. It is a bit like the inner strength and mental method in martial arts novels, to strengthen the internal strength!"

Su Xing continued to think along this line of thought.

"Strengthening my heart can improve my ability to continue fighting, and my strength is endless. I may have been exhausted after fighting for an hour before, but now I will gradually become exhausted after fighting for three or four hours..."

"Strengthen the kidneys. The kidneys belong to water and can store essence and absorb energy. The energy and spirit of a body cultivator is very important, and it is critical to maintain the function and balance of the entire body."

"Strengthen the liver, the liver is the place for detoxification. After reaching the level of refining the internal organs, all poisons in the world will not invade. Even poisonous snakes and centipedes will not harm me at all. Only the poison that can deal with monks can take effect on me."

"Strengthening the lungs can make the body breathe continuously, and even gain the ability to breathe and exchange air underwater."

"Strengthen the spleen. The spleen is the organ that makes blood in the human body. Body-refining cultivators are most concerned about abundant qi and blood. Only when the spleen is strong can the qi and blood of the whole body be full and steadily improve the strength!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and murmured:

"From this point of view, the Dirty Refining Realm is more like a transitional realm that connects the past and the future, and restrains oneself... and maybe after the fourth realm, the Yuanwu Realm, there will be a huge transformation in strength!"

A gleam flashed in Su Xing's eyes, and he had his own preliminary understanding of the visceral refining environment.

After regaining his strength, he woke up and took a shower, washed away the stinky sweat all over his body, and felt comfortable and transparent again.

As soon as he returned to the real world, Su Xing found that Jin Congxue contacted him.

"My big boss, is he there? My aunt has been very busy these days... Your chamber of commerce is almost established, do you want to come and hear about the future plans of the chamber of commerce? By the way, I will also prepare the equipment for this week alright……"

"You won't answer me? Good guy, is it fun to be the shopkeeper? My aunt has worked so hard to set up your chamber of commerce. You just came to see the members of the chamber of commerce?"

Jin Congxue sent several messages in succession, but unfortunately there was no signal when he woke up in Lingtian Blessed Land, so he was never able to receive them.

So Su Xing quickly replied:
"Grandma, I was wrong, where are you now, I will come to you right away! (Regret.jpg)"

Jin Congxue replied in seconds:
"I used the money from the Tarot Society to buy the villa before Jin's Commercial Firm, and used it as my initial residence."

"Wait for me for 15 minutes, I'll be right there!"

Su Xing replied quickly, then rushed to the gate of the school, took a taxi and arrived at the villa area where he met Jin Congxue before.

Jin Congxue is wearing a light yellow floral dress today, and the waterfall-like blue hair is scattered randomly, perhaps because of taking the Nourishing Pill.The whole person looks like a girl of eighteen or nineteen years old, with delicate skin and youthful.

In addition to Jin Congxue, there are more than a dozen professional-looking people in the villa.

Most of them are gray-haired old men, and a few are young women who seem to be Jin Congxue's girlfriends and secretary.

Jin Congxue's eyes lit up when she saw she woke up, and she quickly introduced:
"Su Xing, you're finally here...Let me introduce you, these are the veterans of our Tarot Chamber of Commerce, master appraisal masters, Mr. Wang, Mr. Rui, Mr. Liu..."

(End of this chapter)

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