Chapter 58 The complete version of Changchun Gong is available!

[But fortunately, there is enough food and water in Lingtian Blessed Land, and it even has beautiful scenery and abundant spiritual energy. You can stay here until the end of the world. 】

[After being tortured by Elder Jin, you found that your dantian was broken, and your qi refining practice almost fell to the foundation building stage.Your limbs were also melted by the pill furnace, and your whole body became disabled, unable to continue to practice at all. 】

[Although you can't continue to practice, but the means that monks have, it is not difficult for you to live like an ordinary person. 】

[In the days to come, you will live a leisurely retirement life every day, plant land, raise chickens, eat a few mouthfuls of delicious ling rice, eat some wild vegetables, and occasionally kill a ling chicken to satisfy your hunger , the day is not bad. 】

[No.14, one day, the entire Lingtian Blessed Land space began to shatter. You felt something in your heart, knowing that the alien beast had finally arrived. 】

[Before you died, you were going to go back to the real world to have a look, so you changed your mind, left the blessed land of Lingtian, and returned to the place where you were alchemy before. 】

[The three-foot-high alchemy furnace of the past is long gone. The surrounding area is pitch black, full of ruins and mud. You can hardly stand still. You realize that you may have been swallowed by the giant beast. 】

【Just when you thought you were going to die, an old voice came from behind you. 】

[You take a closer look and see a haggard, lifeless white-haired old man coming out of the corner tremblingly, it is Zong Dharma protector! 】

[You were stunned. You didn’t expect that the Protector Zong would be so persistent in refining you into a pill. He waited for two full years, and even ended up being swallowed by a giant beast like you. 】

[The Protector Zong looked surprised when he saw you, and he was already a little crazy. He tremblingly said that you have a blessed land in the cave. 】

【Guardian Zong knelt down in front of you with a cry, tears streaming down his face, and bluntly said that his time is numbered, and he just wants to see the heaven and earth you have before he dies. 】

[Seeing the painful look of the Zong protector, you grinned and chose to commit suicide. 】

【you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated...】

[Zong Protector saw your death and went crazy. You were his only hope to continue practicing. Now that you are dead, he knows that there is no possibility of practicing anymore. His whole human heart collapsed and he died miserably on your body. beside. 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing fell into deep thought.

This simulation is of great value to Awakening.

First of all, Su Xing finally obtained the complete version of Changchun Kung Fu, which means that Su Xing's path to immortality will not be cut off in the future, and Su Xing has hope of cultivating to the stage of returning to the void.

After cultivating to the stage of returning to the void, Su Xing can go to Qingyun Sect, which may be a world for immortal cultivators. Once Su Xing can reach there, there will be more resources for cultivating immortals.

At that time, Su Xing will rely on the simulator, and his cultivation speed will have a qualitative change.

The second is the information impact on awakening in this simulator.

Su Xing was completely sure that he was not the only immortal cultivator in this world.

In other words, he is indeed the only immortal cultivator on the mainland of Blue Star, but in those copies of Immortal Cultivation Direction, there may be quite a few immortal cultivators.

What's even more frightening is that those cultivators may already have a way to come to the real world and influence the real world.

Those people's purpose may be good or bad, but they can definitely be used by Su Xing, who is carrying a big secret.

The immortal cultivators who can be sure now include the old dog Zong Dharma, and the Dragon Protector who was awakened after the instant kill, and there is a high probability that he is also an immortal cultivator.

And Su Xing has been able to confirm that the sect protector came from the copy of the Age of Ending Law.

"The dungeon of the Doomed Age may contain many secrets, but with my current strength, it is too dangerous to explore it myself."

"The best way is to go to the dungeon of the Doomed Age to explore in the simulation. You may be able to get a lot of useful information, but before that, you still need to raise your strength to another level. It is best to reach Yuanwu Realm, or Yuanwu Realm. Infant realm... so that the number of simulations will not be wasted."

Su Xing was thoughtful.

"Secondly, and the most crucial point! That is, in the real world, I must never reveal my identity! Especially the matter that I am able to cultivate immortals! Because once exposed, I am afraid that many strong people who have cut off the road to immortality will come to make trouble. At least they will imprison me, and at worst they may even directly refine me into a puppet... You must not underestimate those people's desire to cultivate immortality!"

When Su Xing thought about the horrific torture he suffered in the simulation, his scalp went numb.

"In order to be able to imprison me, that protector even went so far as to hide for several years, just to observe whether I could practice stably."

"After discovering that he could indeed cultivate, Zong Hufa directly bared his fangs, and even waited for several years after I escaped, which shows the depth of his obsession!"

"The most terrifying thing is that perhaps there are far more people like this than just the sect protector. Those cultivators who came out of the dungeon will definitely reveal their true nature once they encounter a glimmer of hope in cultivation after experiencing the end of their path to cultivating immortals... plus those who If a person can survive from the Age of Ending Dharma to the present, his strength is definitely far greater than mine!"

Su Xing took a deep breath and repeated in his mind.

"Give up to a million points! Go up to a billion points! Before you have absolute strength, you must never expose..."

After a pause, he woke up and thought again:
"However, after gaining strength, we may be able to find a way to kill the sect elder. After all, that guy is a great monk in the realm of gods. He definitely knows a lot about the world of cultivating immortals, and I know too little about cultivating immortals. I can completely regard him as my master." A springboard to a greater understanding of the world of immortality.”

"But this matter can't be rushed for a while. What we need to do now is to steadily improve our strength!"

Su Xing took a deep breath, and then looked at the reward for this simulation.

[Tenth-level animal language]: Blue talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[Golden elixir stage fifth level]: With cultivation, the quality of the golden elixir has been further improved and has reached the upper-middle level. It is not far from the top-grade golden elixir, and the price is 40 points of energy.

[Ten years of alchemy experience]: Alchemy perception, priced at 1 points of energy.

[Changchun Gong]: The method of establishing a sect of the Changchun sect is the preparatory part of a more powerful method. The Changchun Gong can be practiced up to the Great Perfection of Returning to the Void Realm, and is sold for 50 points of energy.

Su Xing looked at the four simulated rewards in front of him and fell into deep thought.

First of all, Changchun Kungfu must be able to be used. After all, he spent a lot of energy and even tortured in the simulator to barely obtain it.

If you don't take it this time, you may waste another chance to simulate.

Among the remaining three options, Su Xing directly excluded alchemy experience, because in this simulation, Su Xing did not learn new alchemy recipes, so it was not of much value.

After some hesitation, Su Xing said:
"I choose to bring out the Changchun Kung Fu and the level [-] beast language talent!"

(End of this chapter)

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