Chapter 59 Spirit Chicken and Peak Level Alchemy

The performance of the level [-] beast language talent in this simulation far exceeded Su Xing's expectations.

The first thing to bear the brunt is to gain the ability to communicate with Gu worms at the time of the awakening crisis, so that the awakening can turn the crisis into safety.

The second is to be able to communicate with the spirit chickens, which can also allow Su Xing to breed spirit chickens better and improve the quality of eggs and chicken soup.

Even in the future, awakening can use this ability to cultivate more useful spiritual beasts.

This kind of talent is rare. If you miss it in the future, you really don’t know when you will be able to get it again.

As for his cultivation level, Su Xing’s cultivation level improvement in this simulation is limited, so it is not a must-choice.

After waking up and making a choice, the system's prompt sound came from his ear.

[Ding, you chose to bring out the full version of Changchun Gong, which cost 50 energy points and left 19 energy points. 】

[Ding, you chose to bring out the tenth-level animal language with the blue talent, which cost 10 energy points, and the remaining energy is 9 points. 】

At the same time, a complete ancient book appeared in Su Xing's hands, which was the complete version of Changchun Gong.

Su Xing sighed a little:
"The first half of the exercises are only worth 50 points of energy, but the exercises that can be practiced to the stage of returning to the void are worth [-] points of energy."

Perhaps in the eyes of the simulator, being able to cultivate to the golden elixir stage is nothing. After all, the most you can do is become a golden elixir stage monk.

But being able to refine the Void Return Stage is completely different.

Of course, Su Xing guessed that a large part of these 50 points of energy may be because the Changchun Kung Fu is a component of a more powerful technique, so it has such value.

Su Xing read through the Changchun Gong carefully, and sure enough, in the second half, he found the training formula for post-Nascent Soul stage.

And besides practicing the formulas, Su Xing also discovered some cultivation experience noted by the predecessors, which is the cultivation experience left by the previous monks of the Changchun School.

Su Xing immediately felt like he had found a treasure. This cultivation experience played a great role in Su Xing.

Su Xing has been cultivating by himself until now. The experience in this method can not only make Su Xing practice more easily, but also avoid many detours.

"So that's it. During the foundation stage of Qi training, we must pay attention to the expansion of Dantian. Only in this way can we lay the foundation for the Golden Elixir stage and condense higher-grade Golden Elixir."

Su Xing sighed slightly, this experience also described in detail some methods of expanding the dantian, but Su Xing didn't know about it before, so the cultivation in the golden core stage may be slower.

"However, it is not that there is no remedy. According to this experience, if you spend more courage and time to directly upgrade the quality of the golden elixir to the top grade, its cultivation speed will also be greatly improved..."

Su Xing was thoughtful, repeatedly observed the experience of cultivating immortals in ancient books, and then combined with what he had gained from practicing these days, he always felt that he had benefited a lot.

It took a long time before Su Xing came back to his senses, and said confidently in his eyes:

"As long as I can grasp the experience recorded in this book one by one, my cultivation speed may be one-third faster!"

Faster to one third, this is not a small amount, maybe in the future it can save several times of simulation time for waking up.

Su Xing carefully put away the ancient book, and then began to comprehend the second reward he took out, the tenth-level animal language talent.

After thinking about it carefully for a while, Su Xing didn't notice any difference. Just when Su Xing was a little confused, he suddenly heard a sound coming from a distance.

"Brother Chicken! Can you give me some Lingmi...I don't want too much, just two and a half grains!"

Su Xing froze for a moment when he heard the sound, then looked towards the source of the sound.

Then he discovered that in the chicken farm he had enclosed, there were several spiritual chickens with fawning looks on their faces, as if they wanted to eat more grains of spiritual rice.

And a big rooster with a high-spirited spirit actually showed a hint of disdain in his eyes, and said casually:
"Little Heizi, it's not that I don't want to give it to you, brother chicken, it's because you don't work hard! This world is where the weak eat the strong, and I'm stronger than you, so I can naturally get more Lingmi..."

After hearing what the chicken brother said, the other thin chickens immediately trembled.

Su Xing witnessed this scene completely, and a black line appeared on his forehead.

"I asked why the evolution speed of spiritual chickens has slowed down recently. It turns out that there are bad people among the masses! How dare you call yourself Brother Chicken? Doesn't this affect the speed of my spiritual chicken breeding?"

"Looks like I'm going to have an extra meal tonight, a chicken soup..."

Su Xing didn't hesitate too much, picked up a knife and sharpened it at Brother Ji.

Hands up and down, bloodletting, hair plucking...a series of processes flowed smoothly.

Su Xing drank the spirit chicken soup and said to those spirit chickens:

"You are all equal! There is no chicken brother or chicken brother. Anyone who dares to prevent other chickens from evolving is the enemy of the Sa family!"

These soul chickens saw that the strongest soul chicken among them couldn't handle the slightest wave in Su Xing's hands, at most it could only make Su Xing burp, and they trembled in fright.

"Ah! There is only one Chicken Brother in this world, and that is our great master! My little Heizi will defend Brother Chicken to the death from now on!"

Seeing a group of spiritual chickens expressing their loyalty, a black line rose again on the sober forehead.

It's over, I'm a chicken brother?

Su Xing pouted, but in the past few months, the breeding speed of Su Xing's spiritual chickens is not slow.

Now the second generation of spiritual chickens have begun to develop slowly, and these spiritual chickens can provide enough spiritual eggs for Su Xing every day, ranging from dozens of eggs to fifty or sixty eggs.

Su Xing has so many spiritual eggs that he can't even finish them all, and the effect of these spiritual eggs is even better than the spiritual rice. They are constantly nourishing the physical body of Su Xing, and all he needs to pay for Su Xing is some spiritual rice.

In the next week, Su Xing refined [-] beauty pills as usual, and besides the beauty pills, Su Xing had a brainstorm and also refined some low-end versions of healing pills and nourishing pills for emergencies.

Because there were not enough old elixirs, Su Xing was completely unable to refine the Fu-Refining Pill, and even the healing pills and Yangyuan Pills were only one-tenth as effective.

But even so, Yangyuan Dan is also a precious medicinal material that can directly enhance the spiritual power of immortal cultivators, and even the spiritual attributes of professionals.

However, after Su Xing tried it, the low-grade version of Yangyuan Pill will completely disappear after taking dozens of pills, and the improvement it can bring is very limited. Aura.

However, the advantage of this low-end version is that the materials are cheap enough and the refining method is simple, and hundreds of pieces can be refined in one day after waking up.

After developing the low-profile version of Yangyuan Pill, Su Xing unexpectedly found that in his skill column, the refining level of Yangyuan Pill had been raised from Dacheng to the peak level.

This surprised Su Xing. Among the alchemy techniques he has mastered so far, there are two kinds of elixirs that have reached the peak level.

They are Yangyan Dan and Yangyuan Dan.

Without exception, these two elixirs for awakening have undergone their own improvements, and new versions of elixirs have been developed.

"Could it be that to raise an alchemy technique to the peak level, in addition to mastering the original essence of alchemy, you also need to have your own understanding, and even self-improvement?"

(End of this chapter)

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