Chapter 7 Lingshi clues, the road to immortality is at hand!
[Members of the Tarot Society tell you that in Jinling City, Jiangnan Province, there is a treasured item called a spirit stone in the hands of a master-level powerhouse. 】

【You were ecstatic and rushed to Jinling City overnight. 】

[You have contacted the strong master and are willing to spend 1 million Daxia coins to buy that Lingshi collection. 】

[The Grandmaster agreed. 】

【However, on the eve of your transaction, that mysterious man approached you. 】

[You died at the age of 33! 】

[You have triggered the talent to die with peace! 】

【Your eyes are fixed on the mysterious man. 】

[The mysterious man was a little displeased, and stomped on your head. 】

[You have lost your eyes, and the talent of not being able to rest in peace has expired. 】

[This simulation is over! 】

[You can choose one of the following rewards: Calm and Sea (Talent), Half Changchun Gong (Congfa)]

Seeing this, Su Xing was ecstatic.

"Finally... the last clue to the spiritual energy! Lingshi... this is definitely related to the spiritual energy!"

Wake up and calm down, without any hesitation about the reward for this simulation
The talent of Calming Waves is really mediocre, it doesn't improve the awakening much, it just looks more powerful.

As for Changchun Gong, that is something that he can practice seriously!

In addition, he now has the clue of the spirit stone, maybe he can bring back the spirit stone next time, and he can really practice!

and so……

"I choose Changchun Gong!"

[Ding, you chose to bring back half of Changchun Kung Fu from the simulation, consuming 3000 energy points and leaving 182 energy points. 】

At the same time, a book of simple exercises appeared in front of Su Xing.

Su Xing was ecstatic and quickly checked the Changchun Gong.

[Half Changchun Kung Fu]: The Zhenzong Kung Fu of the Changchun Sect in the Qingyun Realm. This technique has a total of six levels, and can be practiced up to the level of returning to the void.However, because this technique is only half of the remaining techniques, it can only be practiced up to the level of pill formation.Changchun Gong consumes the spiritual energy of heaven and earth and nourishes oneself, which can achieve the effect of prolonging life and maintaining youth forever.

The practice formula is as follows: "The first level: all things are glorious, lie down at night and get up early, and walk widely in the courtyard to refresh the spirit... The second level: the relationship between heaven and earth..."

Su Xing was overjoyed after seeing the introduction of Changchun Gong.

This Changchun Gong seems to be much more reliable than the "Three Years to Teach You From Cultivation to Immortality" that he bought before.

The first half of Changchun Gong contains only a few hundred words, and it took Su Xing less than half an hour to memorize it by heart.

Su Xing looked at the exercises in his hand and sighed slightly:
"This practice has the effect of prolonging life and maintaining youth forever... It's a pity that the world will end in 15 years, and prolonging life is useless!"

After Su Xing finished reciting the Changchun Kung Fu, he made plans in his mind for the next simulation.

It should be noted that he can only simulate once a week, and each simulation consumes a lot of energy, so the opportunity to simulate is extremely precious.

And awakening must accumulate strength as soon as possible, so the goal of each simulation must be clear.

"The top priority is to step into the threshold of cultivating immortals, so there is a high probability that the next simulation will be to get that spirit stone..."

Su Xing thought about it, unless the talent he got in the simulation next time was extremely valuable, he would definitely choose Lingshi.

"But I don't know the true value of the spirit stone. How much energy is needed? I must save enough energy before the next simulation!"

The awakened Kali still has more than 80 Xia coins at this time, and he can only exchange for less than [-] points of energy at most.

It is still unknown whether the four thousand points of energy can bring out the spirit stone.

Su Xing sighed in his heart, indeed a penny can't beat a hero.

At this moment, the dormitory door was kicked open.

A chubby figure walked in, it was Yu Yan.

Su Xing rolled his eyes, laughed and cursed:
"Fatty Yu, can you be gentle? This door will be broken by you sooner or later!"

Fatty Yu smiled honestly when he heard this and said:
"Haha, I will definitely pay attention next time."

After hesitating for a moment, Fatty Yu said carefully, "By the way, Teacher Liu seems to have something to ask you... It seems to be about your profession..."

Su Xing nodded when he heard this, he was not surprised.

After three years of "disrepair" at Kyoto Vocational University, a top-ranked university in the country, and being considered a loser, Teacher Liu probably wanted Su Xing to drop out of school voluntarily by calling him there, right?

After all, a "waste" appeared in the school of the famous Daxia, but it would cause adverse effects.

Fatty Yu obviously guessed it too, he patted Su Xing's shoulder and said:

"Old Su, don't worry too much, our Kyoto Vocational College has not had a precedent of expelling a student... Besides, the career is not up to you to decide, and you haven't made any mistakes, so don't worry!"

"No matter what you are, you will always be my brother!"

Su Xing naturally believed this. After all, in the simulation, the fat man never cut off contact with him before he died.

Su Xing hesitated for a moment and said:

"Fatty, I'm a little tight recently, lend me some money!"

Yu Yan raised his eyebrows, he knew Su Xing's character, he had never borrowed money after three years of university life, and now he might be in trouble.

So Yu Yan nodded and said:
"How much? How much do you want?"

Su Xing gritted his teeth and said:
"500 million, do you have it?"

Yu Yan nodded, took out a bank card from the card, handed it to Su Xing and said:
"There are 500 million in this card...the password is my birthday!"

Su Xing took the bank card, feeling moved in his heart, hesitant to speak.


Yu Yan waved his hand and said:

"Lao Su, don't say anything pretentious. Five million is nothing to me! Who made you my brother?"

"Well, actually I want to ask, when is your birthday..."

Yu Yan: "..."

Yu Yan gritted his teeth and said, "Give me your money!"

Su Xing dodged sideways, hehe smiled and said:

"You're kidding! I'm going to find Teacher Liu first!"

After finishing speaking, Su Xing walked towards the teaching office.

Teacher Liu, formerly known as Liu Xiaodong, is the life teacher and class teacher of Su Xing's School.

Basically, everything in student life is to go to him.

At the beginning, Su Xing was recruited into Kyoto Vocational University by Liu Xiaodong.


Su Xing knocked on the office door.

"Please come in!"

Su Xing walked into the office, and saw a middle-aged man leaning on a chair drinking tea, looking like a leader.

"Teacher Liu, why did you come to see me?"

Su Xing asked straight to the point.

Liu Xiaodong said with a smile on his face:

"Wake up! How is your practice recently? Has your level improved?"

Sure enough, I came here for this matter.

Su Xing had expected it in his heart, so he shook his head and said:

"No, it's still the same! However, I will practice as soon as possible and strive to break through to the silver level as soon as possible!"

The smile on Liu Xiaodong's face remained unchanged, he took a sip of tea and said:

"Wake up, actually, I came to you this time to discuss something..."

"You know, your senior year is less than a year away, and our college has requirements for assessment rate and employment rate..."

Su Xing sneered in his heart when he heard the words, he already guessed [-]% of what Liu Xiaodong wanted to say, but he still pretended not to know and asked:
"So, Teacher Liu, what do you mean? I hope you can speak frankly."

When Liu Xiaodong heard this, he stopped pretending and said directly:

"Wake up, I hope you take the initiative to withdraw from school, it will be good for you and the school's reputation!"

(End of this chapter)

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