Chapter 8 Talent: You've become bald, but not stronger?

Voluntarily quit school?Good for everyone?
Su Xing sneered in his heart, I'm afraid it's only for the performance of you, the head teacher, right?
Liu Xiaodong, as the class teacher who wakes them up, is naturally responsible for the students' assessment indicators and employment rate after graduation.

And Su Xing is too far away from the target of the golden rank at this moment, Liu Xiaodong probably has the intention of driving Su Xing out of school.

Of course, forced withdrawals have a bad reputation.

But it is different for students to voluntarily drop out of school under special circumstances!

But will he wake up as he wishes?of course not!

Su Xing shook his head and said:

"Teacher Liu, I have no intention of dropping out of school. After all, the environment in the school is very good to me!"

Liu Xiaodong's expression changed slightly when he heard this, but he continued:

"Wake up! I know it's not easy for you now, as long as you are willing to withdraw from school, I am willing to give you a compensation on behalf of the academy, 50 summer coins, what do you think?"

"Besides that, I'm also willing to help you find a job! The security guard in the teacher's community happens to be short of people. With your ability, you can give it a try!"

Su Xing's expression darkened after hearing this.

Just 50 yuan, just want to drive yourself away?

Would you be kind enough to introduce yourself to security work?This is clearly an insult to him!

Su Xing stared closely at Liu Xiaodong in front of him, recalling his humble request to be his student three years ago.

Even this guy promised to give himself a scholarship of 300 million a year at the beginning.

Of course, no penny has been given so far.

Su Xing took a deep breath and said affirmatively:

"Teacher Liu, I have no intention of dropping out. I think the atmosphere at Jiangnan Vocational University is very good and suitable for my cultivation!"

After hearing Su Xing's words, Teacher Liu simply stopped pretending and said with a sneer:

"Wake up! Haven't you understood the current situation yet? You are no longer the genius you were three years ago!"

"You are at the bottom of our courtyard now, and you are completely behind!"

"Kyoto Vocational University has been a famous school for hundreds of years. Are we going to ruin the reputation of our school because of a pest like you? Is your conscience still not enough?"

Liu Xiaodong clattered the table, and mocked:
"You can save some face by voluntarily dropping out of school now, otherwise you will be forced to drop out, but you will be ridiculed by the whole school!"

After hearing Liu Xiaodong's words, Su Xing felt even more disdainful.

Kyoto Vocational University is the highest institution in the country, so naturally it doesn't care whether he can graduate, even if he can't graduate, it doesn't necessarily discredit the school.

As for Liu Xiaodong in front of him, in the final analysis, he just wants his performance appraisal to look better.

So Su Xing ignored him, and just said lightly:

"Does Teacher Liu have anything else to do? If not, I will go back!"

After saying that, Su Xing turned around and left without giving him any face.

The angry Liu Xiaodong was furious in the office.

Su Xing has simulated the future, and knows that Kyoto Vocational University will not let him drop out of school at all.

Even if I drop out of school, it will be five years later.

During this period, he naturally chose to stay in school.

After all, the outside world is very dangerous, and there are so many experts in Jiangnan Vocational University, so it will be safer to wake up.

Moreover, the resources in the school can also help him quickly obtain the energy needed for the simulation.

After leaving the office, Su Xing first spent all his savings, the 500 million Da Xia coins lent to him by Fatty Yu of Unicom.

Su Xing used the money to buy nearly [-] pieces of white quality equipment.

Then all these equipments were replaced with energy.

As a result, the awakening energy reached an astonishing 22040 points!
A total of more than 2 points of energy, which is definitely a huge sum of money for Su Xing.

In the next week, Su Xing continued to level up and upgrade the dungeon as usual.

Occasionally pay attention to junior fellow student Wang Qingxuan.

Finally, the day came when the number of simulator usages was refreshed again.

After waking up in the dormitory, he chose the simulation without hesitation.

"Whether you can embark on the road of cultivating immortals depends on this time!"

"Start the simulation!"

[Consumption of 500 energy points, 21540 remaining energy points, no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract the white talent, and 1000 energy points to extract the green talent. Do you want to extract it? 】

"Draw white talent!"

Su Xing now has enough energy to extract the green talent, but this time he is after all to bring out the spirit stone, so the white talent is enough.

[Ding, congratulations on getting the white talent: you have become bald, but not stronger. 】

[You have become bald, but not stronger]: With white talent, you die young and your hair falls off more easily than your peers. However, your bald head looks like a monk in a temple, which makes it easier to arouse the trust and favor of others.

wake:? ? ?
What kind of talent is this!
Su Xing glanced at her hair, fortunately, it was still thick.

[You touched your hair, and a dozen black strands fell out. 】

【You feel bad, so you bought Bawang shampoo and tincture of minoxidil on a certain treasure overnight, hoping to cure hair loss. 】

[As always, you take the new students to level up, and you gain a lot every time. 】

[Half a year has passed, your hair is getting thinner, but your wallet is getting bigger and bigger. 】

[Sparse hair has affected your appearance, and you have missed many opportunities to communicate with freshmen. 】

[But Wang Qingxuan doesn't dislike you at all, and is still very enthusiastic about you. 】

[After another six months, your hair became less and less, so you simply cut off all your hair and shaved your head. 】

[For some reason, you, who have become bald, prefer to use your fists to crush the monsters in the copy, and because of your strong physique, you can often kill monsters in one blow. 】

[Your friendly appearance makes the freshmen in the school more willing to find you for power leveling. You have accumulated 3000 million assets in just one year. 】

[You are well-known in the Kyoto Vocational University, and your nickname in the school is: One Punch Man. 】

[One day, Wang Qingxuan found you, and she told you about the mysterious organization. 】

Su Xing saw this subconsciously touching his hair, and fell into deep thought.

To be honest, now that he has obtained the first half of Changchun Gong, he doesn't really want to continue to be involved with that organization.

But the problem is that his Changchun Kungfu is only the first half, so Suxing must pave the way for the future.

And Changchun Kung Fu comes from this mysterious organization, maybe there is a second half in this organization!
Su Xing took a deep breath and continued to simulate.

[Somewhere, you felt that Wang Qingxuan joining this mysterious organization would be more helpful to you, so you acted according to the plan and still persuaded her not to join. 】

[Early the next morning, you were left alone on the hotel bed, and Wang Qingxuan dropped out of school again. 】

【You know, Wang Qingxuan joined that mysterious organization again, so you are not too worried. 】

Su Xing saw this slight frown, and a thought came to him.

"Could it be that my thoughts in reality can be fed back to the simulator instantly?"

(End of this chapter)

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