Chapter 73 The awakened nobleman, Jin Congxue!
"After cultivating the Nine-Turn Golden Pill, my alchemy speed has obviously increased a lot. According to my current speed, if I don't eat, drink or sleep, I should be able to refine 2000 beauty pills in a day, and I can barely refine it in a week. [-] pieces, the number is far from enough..."

Su Xing was contemplating while making alchemy.

"In any case, let's refine it first. If you can hoard more pills, you can sell them for more money!"

So, for the next week, Su Xing worked day and night to refine the elixir, relied on the Bigu Pill to maintain his strength, and did not sleep for seven days in a row.

Finally, in seven days, Su Xing refined 1000 Nourishing Pills, 300 Super Nourishing Pills, and 800 Healing Pills.

As far as this speed is concerned, it was barely achieved after Su Xing's strength broke through. It can be said that Su Xing's last bit of energy was drained.

Seven days later, Su Xing yawned incessantly with dark circles under her eyes.

Not eating or drinking for seven consecutive days to refine the elixir consumes a lot of mental and physical strength. This is also due to the fact that Su Xing is a monk at the golden core stage, otherwise he would have died suddenly.

Looking at the small pile of pills in the storage ring, Su Xing showed a satisfied smile.

"Counting the hundreds of pills I saved before, I now have [-] pills in my hand. Although it is not enough to buy the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce, I can only try it temporarily!"

Su Xing took out her mobile phone and sent a message to Jin Congxue, making an appointment with her to meet.

Half an hour later, the two came to the villa, booked dinner in advance, and planned to chat while eating.

Jin Congxue froze for a moment when he saw the sober appearance, and said in doubt:
"I haven't seen you for a few days, how come you look better... It's strange, it's just a feeling of kidney deficiency."

Su Xing rolled his eyes when he heard the words, the good-looking is due to the effect of talent, and the kidney deficiency is completely caused by staying up late to practice alchemy!
Soon, the servant brought over the luxurious dinner that he had ordered. Su Xing hadn’t eaten for the past few days. Although he had Bigu Dan to guarantee his physical strength, after seeing the sumptuous dinner in front of him, he couldn’t help but eat it up and picked up a big chicken leg Just put it in your mouth.

Seeing Su Xing eating without scruple, Jin Congxue rolled his eyes, handed over a tissue, and joked:
"You starved to death and reincarnated? Why do you feel like you haven't eaten for a long time?"

Su Xing gave a thumbs up and said while taking a big mouthful of rice:

"It's a shame that you don't become a fortune teller! I haven't eaten for several days, and I can't help but see these delicious foods!"

After drinking and eating, Su Xing chatted with Jin Congxue about business. She first gave Su Xing the 30 pieces of white quality equipment she bought this week.

Then he said:
"Su Xing, do you know that something big happened in the business world of Kyoto recently? Lingyun Chamber of Commerce began to sell a large number of properties due to poor management, especially the sale of low-end equipment. Do you have any ideas for acquisition?"

Su Xing had expected it, so he nodded and asked directly:

"I have indeed heard of the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce. It can barely be regarded as a first-class chamber of commerce. But how much cash flow is needed to acquire these industries?"

After hearing this, Jin Congxue stretched out two fingers and said:
"At least 2000 billion Daxia coins are needed! The Lingyun Chamber of Commerce has declined in recent years. At its peak, it monopolized most of the industries in the low-end professional market in Kyoto. The market value is trillions, but a thin camel is bigger than a horse! "

"Although the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce has fallen, the current industry valuation is more than 5000 billion Daxia coins. It's just because of some problems with the internal shareholders of the Chamber of Commerce that it sells the property at such a low price!"

"As long as the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce can be annexed, I am sure that the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will become one of the first-class chambers of commerce within a year!"

Su Xing nodded after hearing this, and at the same time admired Jin Congxue's business vision.

The symbol of a first-class chamber of commerce, at least with an industry valuation of more than one trillion yuan.

So many times in the simulation before waking up, relying on the advantage of foresight and foresight, it took more than ten years to make the Tarot Chamber of Commerce become a first-class chamber of commerce.

Only a rare woman like Jin Congxue, who was born in a businessman family, has a vicious vision, and a wide range of resources and connections, can confidently say so.

Su Xing thought that if Jin Congxue also had talent, then at least he had the talent of a purple-level business tycoon.

Su Xing thought for a while and said:

"2000 billion is still too much for the Tarot Chamber of Commerce. The Tarot Chamber of Commerce is only a second- and third-rate chamber of commerce now, and the industry valuation is only a few billion...I'm afraid the Chamber of Commerce can't afford so much money?"

In fact, Su Xing had some doubts during the simulation. Even if he worked hard to refine elixirs, it would be unrealistic to raise 2000 billion in a short period of time. How did Jin Congxue acquire the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce?

Jin Congxue patted her plump face, rolled her eyes and said:

"Wake up, you really don't know anything about the business world! It's very difficult even for my Jin's firm to directly take out 2000 billion in cash flow. Generally speaking, the acquisition of industries is carried out through industrial replacement or batch acquisitions! "

"The current industry involved in the Tarot Club is weak, so naturally it is impossible to carry out industrial replacement, but it is absolutely possible to purchase in batches! The first batch of funds only needs one-tenth of the total funds, which is 200 billion!"

Su Xing nodded slightly after hearing this, took out bottles of pills from the storage ring, and said:

"These are 1500 Nourishing Pills, 500 Top-quality Nourishing Pills, and 1000 Healing Pills, which are my last stocks. After that, I will provide more than [-] Pills every week, and try to buy Lingyun Chamber of Commerce as soon as possible. .”

Jin Congxue was shocked when he saw Su Xing take out so many pills at once.

Just these pills in Su Xing's hands are worth 35 billion Daxia coins!

Moreover, Su Xing also said that he could provide 15 elixir per week, which is at least worth more than [-] billion per week.

"Hey, you are a walking money printing machine!"

Jin Congxue was a little surprised, thought for a while and said:
"My original goal was that we should at least eat the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce's industry in terms of equipment trading, but now it seems that with your earning speed, we can completely swallow the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce!"

Seeing Jin Congxue's excited look, Su Xing nodded with a smile, but hesitated in his heart and said:
"However, the initial capital of only 35 billion should not be enough for the acquisition, and it seems that it is not very good to directly use the pill to acquire the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce..."

After hearing Su Xing's words, Jin Congxue giggled and said:

"Have you forgotten who I am? The eldest lady of Jin's Firm, this card is still there! Of course we won't use pills to trade directly. I will put these pills in Jin's Firm first and loan them out Three to four billion is not a big problem!"

"Then I will negotiate the acquisition as the daughter of Jin's Commercial Bank, and use Jin's Commercial Bank as the guarantor! With this signboard, although the initial billions of funds is a bit small, only you can provide a batch of funds every month , it is not a big problem to complete all the acquisitions within half a year!"

Su Xing was moved again after hearing this.

He finally knew how Jin Congxue managed to acquire Lingyun Chamber of Commerce within a year in the simulation. With Jin's Trading Company, a top chamber of commerce, as a guarantee, Lingyun Chamber of Commerce would naturally feel at ease.

"This Jin Congxue is really my noble person. Without her, the development of the Tarot Society would have slowed down a lot..."

(End of this chapter)

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