Chapter 74: Shadow Guardian’s test, can they form an alliance?
After preliminary discussions on the acquisition, Su Xing handed over the matter to Jin Congxue.

After returning to school, Su Xing entered the Lingtian Paradise while no one was around.

First, the newly obtained 30 pieces of white quality equipment were exchanged for energy. Counting the remaining 130 million energy, the awakened simulated energy was instantly more abundant than ever before, reaching 300 million points!
Seeing the mountains of equipment in front of him disappear quickly, Su Xing murmured:
"At this stage, white quality equipment is the most cost-effective in terms of energy output, but white equipment is also limited. As my demand for energy becomes higher and higher, I may not be able to use enough white quality equipment in the future. !”

"Perhaps, we will have to find some other substances to replace the white equipment."

It’s not like I haven’t tried to use other things to convert into energy before I woke up, and potions into energy. A bottle of ordinary potion can be exchanged for hundreds of energy points, but the key is that this thing is too expensive, and it is impossible to buy it in large quantities.

Not to mention the skill scroll, the energy contained in this thing is not as good as the equipment.

As for converting green and blue quality equipment into energy, Su Xing also tried it, but found that white quality equipment can be converted into energy, which is more cost-effective.

"Forget it, don't think about these things for now, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain, let's simulate it honestly!"

Su Xing looked at the simulator, and with a movement in his heart, he said silently:
"Start the simulation!"

On February 2024, 2 in the new era, the No.11 three simulations started after awakening.

【Ding!This time, 2300 energy points were consumed, with 301 remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract white talents, 1000 energy points to extract green talents, and 1 energy points to extract blue talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract blue quality talent!"

【Ding, congratulations on getting the blue talent, plant affinity! 】

[Plant Compatibility]: You are born to be a good material for farming. You can easily plant various plants in your hands, and the plants planted by you will grow faster.

Su Xing's eyes light up after seeing this talent, plants are friendly, this is a perfect match for Su Xing's blessed land of Lingtian!
"It can make plants grow faster, is this a Druid? I just don't know if it will work for Lingzhi..."

Su Xing rubbed his chin and muttered.

At present, Su Xing has planted thousands of spiritual plants in the blessed land of Lingtian. Among them, the ones that grow quickly, with the nourishment of spiritual energy, may be able to be used in medicine and elixirs in another year and a half.

However, most spiritual plants need to grow for more than ten years before they can exert their medicinal properties, and some even need to be cultivated for a hundred years before they can fully exert their medicinal effects.

Naturally, Su Xing couldn't wait so long. Fortunately, he had a simulator, but he could only harvest a small part of the medicinal materials in the simulator.

Now with the plant affinity talent, the speed of awakening and planting spiritual plants will definitely be much faster!
"This talent is really suitable for me, it seems that I have to choose it in this simulation!"

Su Xing thought to himself, and looked at the simulation interface.

[In Lingtian Blessed Land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You decided to try your newly acquired talent. You planted several spiritual plants and carefully cared for the previous spiritual plants. 】

【A month has passed. For this month, you will spend an hour every day planting spiritual plants, and the rest of the time will be used for alchemy. 】

[You were surprised to find that the spiritual plants you planted grew rapidly. In just one month, they almost caught up with the spiritual plants of the previous three months. You were a little surprised and opened up several new wastelands. 】

[One day, Jin Congxue found you. She told you that the Lingyun Chamber of Commerce has been initially acquired, and the remaining money needs to be paid off within half a year. 】

[You nod in agreement and provide Jin Congxue with pills on a regular basis every week. Although the Tarot Chamber of Commerce will not be of much use to you in the simulation, you also want to see the subsequent development of the Chamber of Commerce. 】

[Soon, half a year passed by, and one day, Wang Qingxuan found you. 】

[She told you about the mysterious organization. Through Wang Qingxuan, you successfully joined the Advent Cult. 】

[When you first join Adventism, you should still act cautiously in order to gain the trust of the members of the sect. 】

[In the second year, you showed your talent in alchemy, and Shadow Guardian valued you very much. She asked you to refine elixir for the descendant teaching, and said that you could be promoted to a senior member within a year. 】

[You agreed to refine the defective pills every day to submit the task, but in fact, you kept all the pills you carefully refined for your own cultivation. 】

[A few months later, you deliberately revealed clues in front of the Shadow Guardian, allowing the Shadow Guardian to vaguely guess your identity. After that, the Shadow Guardian came to test you more, but did not ask you to refine it for her privately. The pill plan. 】

[In the third year, due to your outstanding performance throughout the year, you were successfully promoted to the No. 18 elder of the Advent Sect. What made you even more excited was that the day after you became an elder, the Shadow Guardian came to you. 】

[She expressed the hope that you would refine a batch of pills for her, the number of which would be around [-]. 】

[You frown and pretend to refuse, and ask her why she wants to refine such a huge batch of elixirs. 】

[Shadow Guardian said that this is her private matter, you just need to complete the task on time, and the benefits will not be without you. 】

[From the tone of the Shadow Protector, you could hear the displeasure. You knew you couldn’t eat hot tofu in a hurry, so you told the Shadow Protector that you would give her this batch of elixirs within half a year. 】

[Shadow Guardian looks a little surprised, because according to the alchemy speed you showed before, it will take at least one or two years to refine [-] pills. You smiled meaningfully and did not speak. 】

[In this way, another half year has passed. In the past six months, you have been refining medicine pills for four hours every day. There are enough herbs in the Adventist Sect. You have privately stored tens of thousands of medicine pills. 】

[In addition, you will ensure four hours of cultivation time every day. Your cultivation will improve day by day. You feel that it will not be difficult to break through to the Nascent Soul stage in a few years. 】

[One day, the Shadow Protector found you. You handed her all the five thousand pills you had prepared in advance. After verifying the efficacy of the pills, she showed a look of surprise on her face because of the quality of this batch of pills. , several times higher than the elixir you gave to the sect. 】

[Shadow Guardian realized the deep meaning of your actions, so she launched the last temptation to you: she asked what is your purpose for joining the Adventist Church. 】

Su Xing suddenly became nervous when he saw this person, and muttered:

"Here it comes! It's finally here. The Shadow Protector is indeed a cautious person by nature. After getting along with him for more than three years and showing clues many times, the Shadow Protector reluctantly trusted me. Has he finally come to the point of joining the Advent Cult?"

Su Xing knew that there was no rush for all this, he provided Shadow Guardian with [-] Yangyuan Pills within half a year in the simulation, just to show his own value.

Only when the Shadow Protector sees hope can she reveal her sincerity to her.

Wake up and then simulate.

[Faced with the Shadow Guardian's inquiry, you just smiled lightly and said: My purpose is the same as yours, to save this broken world! 】

(End of this chapter)

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