Chapter 84 First Class Sequence, Powerful Dragon Spirit Pill
Su Xing saw this and was immediately happy.

Unexpectedly, the self in the simulator became the first rank of the Great Xia Kingdom by virtue of refining the elixir. This is the real peak of the power of the Great Xia Kingdom.

Yao Xiang thought that when he first simulated, he was also a capital tycoon worth hundreds of billions, but in the end he couldn't even meet the senior executives of Daxia.

"Receiving the third-class treatment has so many benefits, how powerful should the first-class treatment be?"

Su Xing had some expectations in her heart.

[At the meeting, you introduced the functions of the Dragon Spirit Pill in detail, saying bluntly that it can increase the mental attributes and physical fitness of the master-level masters of the legal system. Professionals who take this pill are expected to break through to the king level! 】

[The rest of the senior executives were astonished when they learned the efficacy of the Dragon Spirit Pill, and quickly summoned some veteran master-level professionals to prepare to take the Dragon Spirit Pill. 】

[In order to ensure the safety of the period, you selected ten master-level professionals and prepared to test the specific effects of the elixir. 】

[You found that a master-level professional can only take at most one Dragon Spirit Pill per month, and the efficacy of the medicine will gradually decrease after taking it. After taking ten times, the medicine's efficacy will be almost less than one-third of the first one. 】

[In No. 13, among the ten grandmaster-level professionals, the strength of the weaker five doubled, and the strength of the five veteran grandmaster-level professionals also increased by more than [-]%. 】

[After the strength increased, ten master-level professionals volunteered to enter the dungeon to complete the promotion task, hoping to be promoted to king-level professionals. 】

[A week later, only five of the ten grandmaster-level professionals came back alive, four of which were veteran grandmaster-level professionals. This made you aware of the dangers of the King-level promotion mission. 】

[You learned that all master-level professionals need to undergo a heavenly king baptism in addition to completing the promotion task. 】

[All professionals who have completed the baptism of the heavenly king will have a metamorphosis in their life essence, and become longevity species from then on, and can easily live for three to five hundred years. 】

[After you learned that only half of the master-level professionals were promoted to the king-level powerhouses, you felt a little disappointed, thinking that the effect of the Dragon Spirit Pill was not as strong as you imagined. 】

[But I didn’t expect that those professionals who have successfully advanced to tell you that such a probability has already broken the record. In the past ten veteran master-level professionals who wanted to be promoted to the Heavenly King level, only one could successfully advance to the Heavenly King level, with a success rate of ten. One percent. It is precisely because of this that there are more than 1 master-level professionals in Daxia, but there are less than [-] heavenly king-level experts. 】

[After knowing this statistic, you are relieved. At the same time, you feel that the half chance is still too low. If those veteran master-level professionals swallow the Dragon Spirit Pill, the probability of success in promotion may increase to [-]%. 】

[Next, you start to gather veteran master-level professionals to swallow the Dragon Spirit Pill. 】

[No. 14 years, your cultivation has been stuck on the second floor of the Nascent Soul Stage for the past few years, and you feel that it is becoming more and more difficult to improve your cultivation. A dragon spirit pill, and his cultivation base has not yet broken through to the third level of the Yuanying stage. 】

[So you no longer try to improve your cultivation, but try to improve your consciousness. 】

Su Xing nodded slightly when he saw this, and murmured:
"It is difficult to improve your cultivation for the time being. Maybe improving your spiritual consciousness would be a good direction..."

Su Xing didn't know much about spiritual consciousness, and only read a few short paragraphs of descriptions from the experience of senior practitioners behind Changchun Gong.

Immortal cultivators all have spiritual consciousness, but the spiritual consciousness of low-level monks is weak and can almost be ignored. Only when the monks reach the golden elixir stage will the spiritual consciousness gradually take shape, and only the Nascent Soul monks can truly use their spiritual consciousness. As a monk in the Transformation of God Realm, your spiritual consciousness can reach up to a hundred feet!

It can be said that there are many benefits for a monk to improve his spiritual consciousness. Within the coverage of his spiritual consciousness, he knows every plant and tree in his heart, and it is difficult to escape the monk's spiritual consciousness.

After the spiritual consciousness is strong, you can practice some supernatural means to use the divine consciousness to kill people invisible.

For waking up, there is another greater use of spiritual consciousness.


As his spiritual consciousness becomes stronger, Su Xing's grasp of the elixirs in the elixir furnace will be even better, the error rate in refining elixirs will be lower, and the probability of refining the best elixirs will be higher.

"It's a pity that the cultivation of spiritual consciousness should have corresponding techniques, but now I don't have any techniques. I can only practice by myself, or take pills to enhance my spiritual consciousness..."

Su Xing murmured.

"Fortunately, I have the spirit-nourishing pill, and I have never been behind in improving my spiritual consciousness..."

Before Su Xing raised his cultivation level, he would also improve his spiritual consciousness along the way. Because of this, Su Xing's spiritual consciousness reached ten feet wide after entering the Nascent Soul, almost catching up with the middle-stage Nascent Soul cultivator.

"So, in this simulation, it is better to improve alchemy skills and spiritual consciousness..."

Su Xing thought this and continued the simulation.

[Next, you swallow three Shen-nourishing pills every day, and the intensity and scope of your spiritual consciousness continue to expand. Fortunately, you snatched enough Shen-nourishing grass from the Advent Sect before, so that you can swallow it every day. 】

[In the same year, with your help, the Daxia military gained 150 more king-level professionals!They followed the master-level professionals to the Demon Suppression Pass. 】

【No. In 15 years, you continued to cultivate your spiritual consciousness. After a year of continuous training and growth, the scope of your spiritual consciousness has further expanded, reaching a width of eleven feet. 】

[No. In 16 years, you cultivated your spiritual consciousness, and the range of your spiritual consciousness reached twelve feet. 】

【No. In 17 years, you felt that your speed of cultivating your spiritual consciousness was too slow, so you began to think of ways to develop a new pill to increase your spiritual consciousness, Concentration Pill! 】

[The Condensing Pill is a middle-grade elixir. Unlike the Nourishing Pill, which focuses on warming and nourishing the spiritual consciousness, the Condensing Pill focuses more on increasing the intensity of the monk's spiritual consciousness. 】

[Ningshen Pill is mainly refined from a kind of wood called Ningshenmu. This kind of wood is extremely mysterious and has its own fragrance. Just smelling it will make people feel refreshed. Slowly increase the spiritual consciousness, which can be called a real treasure of heaven and earth. 】

[The Ningshen Wood is even more precious than the Dragon Spirit Grass, not only because of its powerful effects, but also because your Ningshen Wood is taken from the trunk of the Ningshen Tree, and the Ningshen Tree grows one foot in ten years, and each tree is one foot tall. The Concentration Tree requires hundreds of years of cultivation. 】

【Fortunately, when you and Luo Shuying ransacked the treasury of the Adventist Sect, you found a three-foot-long Shenshen tree, which is now in your storage ring. 】

[So, you took off a small piece of the Concentrating Wood and started refining the Concentrating Pill. 】

[The refining of Ningshen Pill is not easy. Fortunately, your alchemy has already achieved some success. Not only have you learned the Longling Pill, which is close to the middle-grade pill, but you have also mastered the alchemy technique of one mind and two uses. Therefore, after the refining of Ningshen Pill Progress is fast on the road. 】

(End of this chapter)

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