Others practice leveling, I cultivate immortality, go out to Mahayana before leaving the mountain

Chapter 85: Heavenly and earthly treasures, the Condensing Tree and the Concentrating Pill!

Chapter 85: Heavenly and earthly treasures, the Condensing Tree and the Concentrating Pill!
Su Xing nodded slightly after seeing it. He could refine middle-grade elixirs and made rapid progress, so he could indeed be considered to have achieved some success in alchemy.

But when Su Xing saw the next simulation content, his eyes immediately went dark.

[In the first month, you refined thirty furnaces of concentration pills, all of which failed, and the success rate was zero. 】

[In the second month, you refused to give up and refined another thirty furnaces of Concentrating Pills, but all failed. 】

[In the third month, you firmly believe that heaven rewards hard work, and you practice alchemy day and night. You have spent a lot of effort refining each batch of elixir. After refining [-] batches of condensing pills, you finally succeeded in refining a substandard condensed pill. 】

[In the fourth month, you summed up experience and methods, and refined thirty furnaces of elixirs again, all of which failed. You understand that the concentration elixir that succeeded before was just good luck. 】

[In the fifth month, with your perseverance and amazing perseverance, you refined another thirty furnaces of Concentrating Pills, and finally succeeded in refining three inferior Concentrating Pills. 】

[You take all the four inferior Condensing Pills that you refined. The strength of your spiritual consciousness increases rapidly, and the range of your spiritual consciousness rises to 15 feet. 】

Su Xing rolled his eyes when he saw this.

In the first three months, after refining ninety furnaces of Concentration Pills, only one was successfully refined, and it was an inferior quality pill.

Based on the fact that there are ten pills in one furnace, the success rate of comprehensive alchemy is close to one in a thousand. This is called rapid progress?
Even after that, it took Su Xing another two months to refine just three inferior Condensation Pills.

It means that it took Su Xing nearly half a year to refine four Condensing Pills, and all of them were defective.

The refining difficulty of this Concentration Pill is far more difficult than any pill refined before waking up.

However, the effect of the Concentration Pill is also extremely strong. Just four inferior Concentration Pills have increased the range of consciousness of awakening four feet. If it is a normal Concentration Pill, or even a top-grade Concentration Pill, how abnormal is the effect?
"You still don't believe me. Do you really think I can't refine the Concentration Pill?"

Wake up and then simulate.

[In No. 18, you were still obsessed with refining the Condensing Pill, but at the same time you were also paying attention to the war ahead. 】

[You were relieved to learn that the Demon Suppression Pass has not been breached, because according to past experience, the real world will be invaded only after the Demon Suppression Pass is breached. 】

[You spent another half a year, simulating the steps of refining the Concentration Pill repeatedly in your mind every day, accurate to every minute and every second, and only started refining after ensuring that you would not make any undue mistakes. 】

[In half a year, you have refined hundreds of furnaces of Concentrating Pills. You have successfully refined three furnaces of Concentrating Pills, and refined a total of 13 defective Concentrating Pills. 】

[You took all the inferior Ningshen Pills, and in just a few days, the range of your consciousness increased to 25 feet, which is comparable to the range of consciousness in the late Nascent Soul! 】

[No. In 19, you continued to refine the Ningshen Pill, but after two years of your consumption of the Ningshen Wood, less than half of it was left, so you began to plan carefully to ensure that you could get it from every refining of the Ningshen Pill. experience. 】

【Finally, you spent a whole year refining ten furnaces of Concentration Pills, of which two furnaces of normal Concentration Pills were refined, totaling 6 pieces. 】

[You take all the six Concentration Pills, and your spiritual consciousness has skyrocketed again, and the range of your spiritual consciousness has reached fifty feet, which is difficult for most Nascent Soul cultivators to reach. 】

[In the same year, your cultivation level made a small breakthrough, and you were promoted to the third level of Nascent Soul Stage. 】

[No. In 20 years, just as you were about to continue studying the Concentration Pill, a shocking news came, the Zhenyao Pass was breached! 】

[In the same year, as the demon pass was broken, giant beasts covering the sky and the sun came to the real world. 】

[Dozens of golden figures rose into the sky, trying to drive the giant beast out of Blue Star, but they failed without a doubt. 】

[The giant beast swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one gulp. Before dying, you seemed to see Luo Shuying running towards you. She opened her mouth and seemed to be shouting something, but it was too far away, and you couldn't hear it clearly. 】

[Then your vision spins, your head falls, and you are dead! 】

【Your talent is activated with eyes wide open. You widened your eyes and saw clearly the person who beheaded you. This is a person you have never seen before. It seems to be a spy who has infiltrated the Great Xia military. 】

【There was a sinister smile on his face, and his face changed for a while, revealing his true face. 】

[You recognized him, Old Dog Zong! 】

[Old Zong’s dog stepped on your eyeballs, and the talent of not being able to rest in peace has expired...]

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

Su Xing took a breath when he saw this, he didn't expect him to be killed by Zong Laogou!

And the most important thing is that this old dog of the sect has lurked in the Daxia military without knowing it, and even approached him in disguise.

Su Xing recovered from the simulation, rubbed his temples, and murmured:
"It seems that Daxia's military is not necessarily absolutely safe. It has been exposed before that there may be spies from the Advent Sect among the top military officials. Now even Zong Laogou can disguise himself and lurk around me..."

"Be careful of attacks in this area in the subsequent simulations... But, this simulation really delayed a lot of time!"

According to the most original timeline, it should be 2038 when the monster comes and the end of the world, which is 14 years later.

In the last simulation, the time was delayed by three years, that is, the end of the world will happen 17 years later.

And this simulation, because of the refinement of the elixir of Long Lingdan, was delayed for another three years, and the doomsday time became 20 years later.

"20 years is not too short..."

Su Xing murmured, and it can be expected that as Su Xing's strength continues to increase and the elixirs he refines become more powerful, he will definitely be able to buy more time.

"Besides, the rewards of this simulation are very rich. Not only did I learn two new pills, but I also mastered the skill of one mind and two uses, and even improved my cultivation and spiritual consciousness..."

Su Xing looked at the reward of this simulation.

[Dharma Mastery]: Blue talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[Third Level of Nascent Soul Stage]: Qi refining cultivation, the ancestor of Nascent Soul is so terrifying, priced at 200 million points of energy.

[20 years of experience in alchemy]: perception of alchemy, including alchemy skills with one mind and two uses, low-grade pill Longling Pill (small success), mid-grade pill Ningshen Pill (entry-level) alchemy comprehension, priced at 100 million energy (obtain this reward Afterwards, the alchemy of the host will be promoted to the realm of Xiaocheng).

[Three Juling Flowers (mature stage)]: Mature Juling Flowers, spiritual objects favored by the Heaven and Earth Avenue, can swallow the heaven and earth aura, and further feed back more aura. The price is 30 energy.

[Spiritual Consciousness Fifty Zhang (Five Senses Realm)]: In this realm, spiritual consciousness is like the five senses, like eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. You can feel the wind and grass within fifty feet of your body with your spiritual consciousness. The price is 50 simulated energy .

[Three-foot Concentration Tree]: A treasure of heaven and earth, a rare treasure in the world of immortality. It can strengthen the realm of spiritual consciousness. It sells for 1000 million energy.

(End of this chapter)

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