Chapter 86 Testimonials on the shelves!

Received a notice, tomorrow at 12:[-] on the shelves.

First of all, I would like to thank all the book lovers for their support. Because of your support, this book has been able to go from the initial single-digit collection to four rounds of recommendations step by step. I love you.

This book actually belongs to the field of farming and cultivation. Using a simulator for farming and development is relatively new and alternative.

In fact, as a farming article, in addition to focusing on harvest, there should also be some interesting daily descriptions, which the author will also pay attention to in the future.

As a new author, I am very satisfied to be able to have the current achievements, and I would like to thank all readers for their support!Love you all again!

I won’t talk about the bad news, let’s just talk about the update plan.

It stands to reason that it will be updated on the day it is put on the shelves, but in fact, I am not writing a book fast, only [-] to [-] words in an hour.

Therefore, after it goes on the shelves at 3500 noon tomorrow, five chapters should be updated that day, each chapter should be more than [-] words, and a total of nearly [-] words will be given to everyone.

In the next two months, we will guarantee three chapters a day, 3500 words per chapter for everyone, and more than [-] daily updates!
The update time should be 12 am, 12 noon and [-] pm every day.

Of course, if the first order can exceed a thousand, I will add another chapter! (dream.jpg)

A monthly ticket of [-], plus one more chapter!
Finally ask for the first order, ask for a reward for the monthly ticket!

Love you guys!
(End of this chapter)

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