Chapter 94 The magic of Yuanli, the power surges!
[You have become familiar with the physical strength and try to control the newly acquired Yuan Power. 】

[You find that Yuanli is also a special power that can be cultivated, and it seems to have a special form of application. However, you have no way to study this and can only use it in the most superficial way. 】

[A few days later, you left the customs. 】

[At this time, the situation in Human Race Town Yaoguan is deteriorating day by day, and more and more powerful people of Human Race died in battle, but you know that you still cannot change this situation with your current strength, so you still put most of your energy on improving your cultivation. For the above. 】

[No. 20 a year, you swallow three catties of ferocious beast flesh and blood essence, one spirit martial pill, and dozens of catties of spirit rice every day. 】

[With the addition of the talent of the big stomach king, your body training and physical strength will increase rapidly, and you will see visible progress every day. 】

[No. In the second year of 20, you practiced diligently day and night, and seized the last time to improve your strength. 】

【No. 20 In the past three years, under your unremitting practice, your physical training has approached the second level of Yuanwu Realm. 】

【No. 20 In four years, the heavens have paid off, your body training has successfully broken through, and you have become a second-tier monk in the Yuanwu Realm! 】

[In the same year, the Zhenyao Pass was broken, and the human race fell into a huge crisis. 】

[One day, that familiar giant beast descended again and swallowed the entire Great Xia Kingdom in one gulp. 】

[You fight back hard, but a mere Yuanwu cultivator is no better than an ant in front of a giant beast. You followed the entire continent and were swallowed by the giant beast. 】

【you are dead! 】

[Your talent is activated, and all you see is darkness. 】

【Ding, this simulation is over! 】

After the simulation ended, Su Xing breathed a long sigh of relief. The improvement of this simulation to Su Xing was obvious. After several simulations, Su Xing's body-refining cultivation reached the second level of body-refining!

The Big Stomach King's talent plays a major role in this, but Yuanwu Dan and the essence of monster flesh and blood are the keys to the awakening's strength.

"So, this time the world only lasted 24 years..."

Su Xing frowned slightly and murmured.

"Perhaps 25 years or so is the limit for extending the doomsday. After all, the middle-level combat power can only improve Zhenyaoguan and the overall situation. If we want to further delay the doomsday and extend the simulation time, we still need to increase the high-end combat power!"

Su Xing closed his eyes and meditated, and began to think over and over whether there could be improvements in this simulation and whether any key information had been missed.

After a while, Su Xing opened his eyes and had further plans for the next simulation.

"First of all, the dungeon of the Luotian Conference, it's time to go there in the next simulation. After receiving the rewards this time, the cultivation base of the Yuanwu realm plus the cultivation base of the Yuanying realm, there should be no danger in exploring this dungeon..."

"As for Zong Laogou...the secret of this old dog is not small! In the next simulation, we should make a more detailed layout to ensure that Zong Laogou is killed on the spot, so that he can inherit his legacy..."

After Su Xing made a plan, he set his sights on the rewards of this simulation.

[Silver gun does not fall]: Blue talent, priced at 10 energy points.

[Level 200 of Yuanwu Realm]: Body training, priced at [-] million points of energy.

[24 years of alchemy experience]: The perception of alchemy, including the experience of low-grade elixir Yuanwudan (Xiaocheng) and some refining experience of Ningshendan, priced at 60 energy.

[Spiritual Consciousness 430 Zhang (Five Senses Realm)]: This realm of spiritual consciousness is like the five senses, such as eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and body. You can feel the wind and grass within 480 feet of your body with your spiritual sense. The price is 380 million simulated energy.

[Heavenly King Monster Beast Flesh Essence 50 catties]: The essence of the Heavenly King Monster Beast contains a lot of life essence, and the price is 500 million energy.

Su Xing looked at the rewards for this simulation and thought for a while.

"Is this monster flesh and blood essence so expensive... Fifty catties of flesh and blood actually cost 500 million points of energy!?"

Su Xing was a little surprised. He originally planned to take out some of the essence of the monster's flesh and blood for future use in training in the simulator.

But looking at it now, the price of the essence of monster flesh and blood is too expensive, and the exchange is not worth the loss.

But when Su Xing thought about it, there was excitement in his eyes.

"Wait, fifty catties of monster flesh and blood essence is worth 500 million energy points. According to the medicinal properties of the simulator, the price difference between converting and converting into energy is about ten times... This means that fifty catties of monster beast flesh and blood can be exchanged for 50 points. A little energy, it seems like a lot..."

Su Xing paused, and continued to think along this line of thought.

"In this case, when my strength becomes strong enough, I can completely hunt monsters and alien races to exchange for energy, and the number of monsters is endless. Doesn't that mean that I can get more simulated energy?"

Thinking of this, Su Xing's eyes brightened, and he vaguely discovered a new channel to quickly obtain simulated energy.

"But these are things for the future, let's exchange rewards first!"

After thinking for a while, Su Xing said silently:
"I choose to exchange for the second-level cultivation of Yuanwu Realm and 24 years of alchemy experience!"

There is naturally nothing to consider in exchange for the second level of Yuanwu Realm. After all, waking up and breaking through Yuanwu Realm is the purpose of his simulation this time.

As for alchemy experience and the choice of divine consciousness, Su Xing still prefers alchemy experience.

After all, this includes the refining experience of Xiaocheng grade Yuanwu Dan and more importantly, the refining pill of Concentration.

With this experience, Su Xing is confident that he can upgrade the Condensing Pill to Xiaocheng level in the next simulation. By then, it will be easier to improve the realm of consciousness, so there is no rush for this moment.

As for the talent of not falling down with a silver gun, although Su Xing really wants it, but at present, the most important thing is to improve his strength!
[You choose to bring out the second-level cultivation base of the Yuanwu Realm, spending 200 million energy points, and the remaining energy is 652 points. 】

[You choose to bring out 24 years of alchemy experience, spending 60 million points of energy, and the remaining energy is 592 points. 】

The simulator's prompt sounded in Su Xing's ear.

Su Xing first felt that there was a lot of alchemy skills in his mind, so Su Xing's alchemy experience took another big step forward, and he mastered the refining methods of Ningshen Pill and Yuanwu Pill.

After that, it was the improvement of cultivation!

A mysterious energy blesses the awakened body.

After waking up, he only felt that his aura began to rise continuously, and his physical strength increased sharply.

In just a few minutes, Su Xing's body-refining cultivation level broke through to the Yuanwu realm, and was still rising.

This growth didn't stop until Su Xing's cultivation reached the second level of Yuanwu Realm.

"Is this... is Yuanli?"

Su Xing stretched out his hands and looked at the invisible energy wrapped around his arms.

Su Xing has a feeling that he can burst out this energy in a short period of time, greatly increasing his vigor and destructiveness, and he can also use Yuanli to protect the outer layer of the skin and play a defensive role.

"It's no wonder that body refiners are superior to Qi refiners in terms of combat power. This elemental power is indeed an excellent means of attack." Su Xing murmured slightly, and then felt a little curious.

"I just don't know, how much has my current physical strength improved compared to before?"

Su Xing first took care of the spiritual plants planted in the spiritual field, and then left the blessed land of the spiritual field when it was getting dark, and went to the training venue in the school.

Swallowing an Yi Rong Pill, combined with the Condensing Breath Pill, Su Xing has completely changed from the outside to a devilish appearance, even the aura is quite different from before.

After making sure nothing was missing, Su Xing entered the training venue.

It was late at night, and the training venue was rarely empty.

Su Xing took advantage of the fact that there was no one around and came to the strength testing machine.

Go directly past the master-level training machines and come to the master-level strength training machines.

The master-level training machine can only withstand a maximum force of 50 kilograms. Su Xing is confident that the strength can exceed 50 kilograms. It would be bad if the training machine explodes like last time.


Su Xing took a deep breath, guarded his dantian, mobilized his whole body strength, and punched out.

A line of numbers appears on the strength training machine.

"76.8 kg!"

Su Xing threw out several fists one after another.

"77.7 kg!"

"76.9 kg!"

"75.6 kg!"

After punching several times in a row, Su Xing stopped and said with some surprise in his heart:

"More than 75 kilograms, which means that my strength has increased by five times compared to the previous 30 kilograms of the ninth level of refining organs!"

"Is this the strength of Yuan Wujing?"

The strength of more than 150 million catties, which is much higher than the expected strength of Su Xing.

After testing his basic strength, Su Xing did not leave in a hurry, but tried to wrap Yuanli around his fist, and punched out again.


Su Xing let out a loud shout, under the entanglement of Yuan Force, what is manifested is the full power of Su Xing.

What Su Xing didn't expect was that with his punch, the entire training machine was smashed into pieces.

This made Su Xing a little surprised. You must know that the upper limit of the strength of the grandmaster-level strength training machine is 100 million kilograms!
This is an absolutely safe value, because even a power-type professional, no matter how powerful he is, cannot reach this value.

There are even rumors that 100 million kilograms is a value that can only be achieved by professionals who have just entered the Tianwang class.

"This is nerve-wracking!"

Su Xing scratched his head and looked at the only King-level strength training machine in the training ground.

This machine is capable of withstanding the power attack of a heavenly king-level powerhouse.

When Su Xing came to the machine, his vitality wrapped around his fist.

In the next second, a punch blasted out!
The ultimate power that broke through the sonic boom hit the special soft material in front of the strength training machine, and then the whole machine absorbed it, feeding back to Su Xing the current accurate strength value.

"108 million kilograms!"

More than 200 million catties!

This is the limit of physical strength when awakened with entangled elemental power.

It is conceivable that Su Xing's mastery of Yuanli is still very superficial now. When Su Xing fully masters it, this power will be much stronger!

"The power has been increased by about a quarter, and it also has the ultimate destructive power... Hey, this power is really impressive!"

Su Xing nodded in satisfaction, and left the strength training field while there was no one around.

Skillfully circled around the campus, after confirming that no one was following her, Su Xing returned to the dormitory.

In the early morning of the next day, when the hardworking students went to the strength training hall, they were all dumbfounded when they saw the strength training machine that had been smashed into pieces.

"Damn it, who did this? The master-level strength training machines were smashed into pieces...could it be that some senior has broken through and become a king-level powerhouse?"

"Are you stupid? A heavenly king-level powerhouse is enough to be a teacher in the school! It must have been broken by a certain teacher..."

A group of melon-eating school girls were talking about it.

"Perhaps, we can check the surveillance video to see who did it?"

A curious school girl raised it, and then checked the surveillance in the training ground.

But Su Xing has already changed his appearance, and in addition to the operation late at night, he can avoid the surveillance in the school along the way. Even if he finds Potian, it is impossible to find Su Xing, an old senior who is about to be "dissuaded from school".

In the next week, Su Xing continued to refine beauty pills and healing pills.

In a week, Su Xing refined [-] elixirs, and brought these elixirs to Jin Congxue.

"Hey, why do I feel that you have grown taller... Are you almost 1.8 meters five?"

Jin Congxue was stunned for a moment when she saw Su Xing. She came over and made gestures with Su Xing. She was almost a head shorter than Su Xing.

Looking at the beauty who was close to him, he exhaled like blue, and the warm touch of his skin made Su Xing's heart beat faster.

"Ahem, what...the food has been better recently, maybe it's developed again?"

Su Xing tried to be perfunctory.

But the fact is that Su Xing was originally 1.8 meters tall and slender. Now after his breakthrough in physical training, his height should have reached about 1.8 meters.

Jin Congxue looked at the somewhat uncomfortable waking up, chuckled, and joked:
"Brother Su Xing, why are you so nervous, you are still a chick, right? Do you want my sister to help you?"

(End of this chapter)

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