Chapter 95 Weird talent: I can't be unlucky alone
Su Xing blushed when he heard this.

Although he was experienced in many battles in the simulator, in the real world, he was a new recruit who had never been on the battlefield.

Being teased by Jin Congxue like this, Su Xing felt at a loss for a while.

But being a cheeky person, Su Xing quickly adjusted, pulled Jin Congxue into his arms, and said with a smile:
"Oh? So how is sister Xue'er going to help me?"

Jin Congxue was a little overwhelmed by Su Xing's sudden hug. Her face turned red to the root of her neck in an instant, and she looked really cute.

Seeing Jin Congxue's flustered look, Su Xing pretended to be puzzled and said:

"Hey, I thought my sister was very experienced... Don't tell me you haven't tried it, sister?"

Su Xing deliberately laughed at the top of his voice, making Jin Congxue even more embarrassed.

Jin Congxue shyly broke away from Su Xing's arms and changed the subject in a panic:
"Ahem, the goods hoarded by Lingyun Chamber of Commerce in other cities have also begun to be gradually transferred, but the quantity is huge, so it is not easy to liquidate. It is estimated that a larger batch of goods will arrive next week..."

Jin Congxue handed over a storage ring and said:

"This is the latest shipment. There are about 60 pieces of white equipment. You may have to wait another week for the rest..."

Su Xing nodded and said:
"I can understand. After all, you can't become a fat man by eating in one breath. The real role of the business lies in the continuous and continuous income..."

After hearing this, Jin Congxue glanced at Su Xing unexpectedly, and joked:
"Yes, Boss Su, do you have a business mindset now?"

After waking up and listening, he laughed and said:

"That's right, it doesn't matter who I learned from?"

"Here, here are five thousand pills for this week..."

Su Xing handed the elixir to Jin Congxue.

After Jin Congxue took the elixir, he issued an order to chase away the guests, saying:
"Ahem, I'm done with the business... It's time to go back to school, right?"

Su Xing was stunned for a moment after hearing this, and asked doubtfully: "You won't treat me to a casual meal?"

Jin Congxue blushed and said, "I don't dare to keep you. Who knows what you will eat or something else when the time comes..."

Su Xing had no choice but to return to school first.

Taking advantage of no one around, Su Xing entered the blessed land of Lingtian. The 60 pieces of white quality equipment brought Su Xing a full 330 million points of energy.

Such awakening energy broke through again, reaching 920 million points!

"It's just a pity. If you break through 1000 million points, you can unlock the purple talent..."

Su Xing sighed, but then he thought about it. What he urgently needs to improve now is his alchemy skills and body refining skills. He is not in a hurry to extract the purple talent. He just wants to wait for an extra week, which is acceptable.

On the afternoon of March 2024, 3 in the new era, Su Xing started the simulation on time.

"Start the simulation!"

【Ding!This simulation consumes 2700 energy points, leaving 920 remaining energy points and no remaining simulation times. 】

【The simulation starts! 】

[It costs 100 energy points to extract white talents, 1000 energy points to extract green talents, and 1 energy points to extract blue talents. Do you want to extract them? 】

"Extract blue quality talent!"

[Ding, congratulations on getting the blue talent, I can't be unlucky alone! 】

[I can't be unlucky alone]: You are a born broom star, you will step on dog shit when you go out, and your teeth will get stuck when you drink saliva, and your unlucky not only affects yourself, but also the people around you will gradually become unlucky.

Su Xing frowned slightly after seeing this talent and said doubtfully:
"Is extreme bad luck a kind of talent?"

"Forget it, let's simulate it first!"

[In Lingtian blessed land, you realized that you were imitating. 】

[You started to refine the new week's beauty pill and healing pill, but what you didn't expect was that you, who can make it with your eyes closed, actually exploded the alchemy furnace. Although you were not injured, the furnace still affected you alchemy mood. 】

[So you did not make elixirs for the time being, but took care of the spiritual plants, but unexpectedly when you watered the Spirit-Gathering Flowers, you shook your hand and poured half a ladle more water, and one of the Spirit-Gathering Flowers died on the spot. 】

【You were a little depressed, so you cooked some lingmi for dinner, but you didn't expect that you would choke more than 20 times in one meal, a dignified Nascent Soul monk, almost choked to death because of eating. 】

[Fortunately, you are lucky and have water at hand, otherwise you might become the first Nascent Soul cultivator in history to choke to death. 】

Su Xing saw a black line rising on his forehead.

"Damn, this talent is too it really like a broom star?"

"The problem is, I still have the positive talent bonus of good luck! Otherwise, my life would be in danger just walking on the road..."

Su Xing suddenly felt a slight toothache and was a little worried about the future of this simulation, but he continued the simulation.

[Several days of bad luck have made you frightened, and you have begun to become cautious in doing things. 】

[What makes you feel even more sad is that in the next six months, due to bad luck, the development of your Tarot Chamber of Commerce became slow and even on the verge of bankruptcy. Jin Congxue spent a lot of effort to maintain the Tarot Chamber of Commerce. 】

【Unfortunately, even Jin Congxue became unlucky because he got too close to you. 】

[In desperation, in order to prevent the people around you from suffering the same misfortune as you, you can only spend most of your time in the blessed land of the spiritual field, practicing and refining elixirs alone. 】

[Until one day, Wang Qingxuan, whom you have longed for, finally found you. You were extremely pleasantly surprised, hoping to bring your bad luck to the Adventist Cult. 】

【One night later, Wang Qingxuan took you to meet an elder of the Adventist Church. 】

[What you didn't expect was that the elder seemed to dislike you, and was a little hesitant to let you join the Adventist Cult. 】

Su Xing saw this moment of shame and complained:
"Damn it, it's so unlucky that people can't drink enough water to clog their teeth... Meow, why don't you let me join the Adventist Cult?" The medicine can enhance the strength of others, and you hope to use this as a stepping stone to join the Adventist Cult. 】

[The elder finally agreed with you to join the Adventist Cult. After all, alchemy is really useful for the Adventist Cult, so he had to let you join. 】

[Because you exposed your alchemy skills, the old dog of the Adventist Sect quickly followed you and wanted you to join his faction. 】

[Of course you know what Zong Laogou is planning. Joining Zong Laogou is a dead end, so you shirk it in every possible way and refuse to join. 】

[But you are just a new member of the Adventist Cult, and Zong Laogou is a powerful protector, and you cannot resist at all. 】

【Just when you thought you could only defect from Adventism, Luo Shuying proposed to include you in her faction. 】

[You are ecstatic and join Luo Shuying's faction. 】

[The next day, you told Luo Shuying the agreed code word, but because of your bad luck, Luo Shuying actually expressed doubts about it. After your various explanations, Luo Shuying believed you. 】

[You told Luo Shuying that you have bad luck, so except for necessary contacts, you hope to have as little contact with Luo Shuying as possible. 】

[Luo Shuying collects all the medicinal materials you need, and you start refining the elixir. 】

[In the second year, you have provided many pills for the Adventist Sect this year, so you were appreciated by the high-level and successfully promoted to the elder level. 】

[But what makes you confused is that most of the believers who took the elixir you refined were accidentally seriously injured or died in various tasks. 】

[In the one year since you joined the Adventist Cult, the overall strength of the Adventist Cult has not improved, but has actually declined a lot. 】

[Fortunately, no one connected this strange phenomenon with you. You still take Yuanwu Dan to practice and study alchemy every day. 】

[Because you have an elder-level status, your time in the sect is considered free. Besides refining alchemy and practicing, you plan to explore the Luotian Conference dungeon. 】

Su Xing looked forward to seeing this. Is he finally going to enter the mysterious Luotian Conference copy?

But then he woke up and felt a little worried.

"Damn, if you have such bad luck in this simulation, you won't fall into the Luotian Conference dungeon, right?"

Su Xing thought that the copy of the Luotian Conference was not life-threatening, so there should be no problem.

Wake up and then simulate.

[You traveled through mountains and rivers and arrived in Kyoto, which is where the copy of the Luotian Conference is located. 】

[Just when you were about to enter the dungeon, the administrator of this dungeon told you that only one person can enter the Luotian Conference dungeon at a time, and you need to make an appointment in advance to enter the dungeon, and now the reservation has been made a month later. 】

[In desperation, you can only make an appointment first. A month later, you come back to the location of the Luotian Conference copy. 】

[This time, you successfully entered the copy. 】

[The next day, you came out of the copy of the Luotian Conference and found nothing except the vague memories in your mind. 】

Su Xing was stunned for a moment when he saw this, and a black line rose on his forehead, "Damn, what do you mean you have nothing but memories? What did I see in the copy of the Luo Tian Conference? Why did I skip the most important part?"

Su Xing was a little helpless. He knew that he wanted to understand this dungeon in depth. It seemed that he had to use immersive simulation to know what exactly happened in the dungeon.

Woke up and looked down.

[You came out of the dungeon and wanted to continue to make an appointment for the simulation, but were told that a person can only enter this dungeon once a year at most. In desperation, you can only make an appointment to enter the dungeon next year. 】

[At this time, there is still half a year before you enter the dungeon of the Luotian Conference next time, so you decide to go back to the Adventist Church first. 】

[Unexpectedly, on your way back, you were stared at. 】

[The people who are targeting you are from the higher-ups of Daxia. They know that you are the elder of the Advent Sect, a traitor organization of the human race. You were personally captured by a warrior-level warrior and forced into the army. 】

[In the face of all kinds of torture and questioning, you can only admit that you are an undercover agent who joined the Advent Cult in order to obtain resources within the Advent Cult and contribute to the human race. 】

[The senior officials of Daxia do not believe this and ask you to present evidence and ask who your contact person is. 】

[Of course you don’t have any connections. After all, you are now a serious traitor to Adventism, but you will betray Adventism in a few years. 】

[In order to prove your innocence, you can only ask to see Lu Yuanwu alone, because you know that Lu Yuanwu cannot be a human traitor. 】

[You successfully met Lu Yuanwu and gave him the tens of thousands of pills he had accumulated over the past year. Lu Yuanwu was very surprised after verifying the effectiveness of the medicine. He proposed that you join the Daxia military and protect your safety. . 】

【You rejected Lu Yuanwu's request, because you know that your goal has not been achieved, Zong Laogou is not dead, and the remaining value of the Adventist Church has not been squeezed out by you. 】

[The most important thing is that you are worried that joining the Daxia military will bring misfortune to the Daxia military. 】

[So you proposed to cooperate with the Daxia military. Every three months you will give the Daxia military a batch of pills, but this batch of pills will not be taken until five years later. This is to prevent you from betraying Adventism was discovered in advance. 】

[At the same time, you put forward your own request, that is, every three months, the Daxia military will provide you with a batch of heavenly king-level monster flesh and blood essence in return, and the quantity must be more than three hundred catties. 】

【Lu Yuanwu agreed to your request without much consideration. Although the essence of monster flesh and blood is precious, it is nothing compared to the elixir you can provide. 】

[You have successfully returned to the Adventist Cult, everything seems to be as usual, you still practice alchemy every day, but with the help of the essence of the flesh and blood of monsters, your cultivation base has improved more quickly. 】

[In the third year, you picked an auspicious day and arrived in Kyoto again under the escort of Luo Shuying. This time you plan to explore the Luotian Conference dungeon again! 】

[After communicating with the dungeon administrator, you are about to enter the Luotian Conference dungeon. 】

Su Xing saw this and hurriedly muttered:

"I want an immersive simulation!"

[Ding, you successfully used the immersive simulation, consuming 909 energy points, the simulation time is one hour, and the remaining energy is 888 points! 】

(End of this chapter)

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