Chapter 96 Luo Tian Conference!

Su Xing felt a burst of dizziness before his eyes, and when he realized it again, he had already appeared in an unfamiliar environment.

"What are you doing in a daze? Go in early and come out early! The people behind are still queuing up!"

Urged by a staff member in uniform behind him, Su Xing nodded and stepped into the dungeon teleportation array in front of him.

The line of sight changed again, and soon he woke up and found himself in another space.

“The air here is so nice~”

Su Xing looked at the lush trees around him. There was no steel jungle in the city, and the air was fresh.

But then, Su Xing came to his senses and was extremely shocked.

"Fuck, the aura in the air here is so strong that it's about to overflow! Hiss~ Could it be that this is the fairyland?"

Su Xing's heart was shaken, because even his blessed land of Lingtian didn't have one-tenth of the rich spiritual energy of this world.

"So, this is where the copy of the Luotian Conference is located, and I am now in the territory of Luotianzong?"

Su Xing finds that a string of extra memories has appeared in his mind at some point, and this memory shows Su Xing's identity in the copy of Luo Tian Conference.

"Luo Xiaochuan, an inner disciple of the Luotian Sect, a young Nascent Soul cultivator with unlimited of the 12 inner disciples who participated in this Luotian Conference?"

Su Xing was somewhat puzzled and said:
"Strange, in the introduction of the dungeon, didn't it say that Luo Xiaochuan is a monk in the Foundation Establishment Stage?"

But soon woke up and found something strange.

That is the Luo Xiaochuan who he replaced. Although his appearance is different from his real body, his cultivation level is exactly the same as his own!
It is also a monk who has just entered Yuanying, and is also the second level of Yuanwu Realm!
Even the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir is exactly the same!
After waking up, I quickly realized:

"So, this Luo Xiaochuan is not a fixed foundation-building monk, his cultivation level is exactly the same as that of the person who entered the dungeon!"

"It's just that except for me, other professionals cannot cultivate immortality, so when they enter this dungeon, they will only display the lowest level of foundation-building stage cultivation?"

Su Xing was a little surprised in his heart, and once again lamented the mystery of this copy of the Luotian Conference.

"Now, I seem to have a task. I want to go to the back mountain to call my little uncle to participate in the Luo Tian Conference?"

Su Xing absorbed the memories in his mind, and then walked towards the back mountain.

After passing through several confusing formations, Su Xing arrived at the back mountain of Luotian Sect.

After arriving at the back mountain, Su Xing was stunned. There are all kinds of spiritual plants everywhere, from the medicinal herbs and spiritual flowers that can be seen everywhere, to the towering trees, Su Xing really gained his knowledge.

"Hey, this is the Bone Flower, right? Rumor has it that it can be reborn with a broken arm, even the Void Patriarch is envious..."

"This is the Enlightenment Tree? Meow... Isn't this extinct for hundreds of thousands of years? Why does this kind of thing still exist... According to legend, if you practice under the Enlightenment Tree, even a stupid pig may become a canopy marshal Bar?"

"There are also the primordial grasses all over the place, they are so fucking weeds that they can be seen everywhere..."

"Fuck, this is Nine Heavens Pox!? One of the refining materials of the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir that is rumored to take it and become an immortal?"

Su Xing was shocked all the way, the flowers, plants and even every stone here looked so extraordinary.

Su Xing even wanted to take all the flowers, plants and stones here home.

"Fuck, if only it wasn't a dungeon of illusion!"

Su Xing almost gritted his teeth, he knew that everything in the "Luo Tian Conference" dungeon could not be brought out, which made him feel worse than eating a fly.

Su Xing memorized 360 kinds of alchemy recipes in the "Lihuo Alchemy", and was in charge of Shennong's spiritual cultivation technique, so he recognized many plants here.

But the problem is that Su Xing only recognizes a small part, and there are more Lingzhi that Su Xing can't name, which is probably more mysterious and has extraordinary origins.

"Hey, let's finish the task first, these Lingzhi can only watch the eye addiction..."

Su Xing recalled the extra memory fragments in his mind, and soon came to a thatched hut in the back mountain.

This thatched house was like the most ordinary farmhouse in the mountains, but the two extraordinary ancient trees at the door made Su Xing unable to take his eyes away.

One is the Enlightenment Tree, and the other is the Enlightenment Tree!
"Fuck, and the flowers at the door are all Juling flowers?"

Su Xing's eyes widened, looking at the small white flowers all over the mountains and plains around the thatched cottage, he couldn't take his eyes off for a while.

They are all spirit-gathering flowers, and they are all mature!
"No wonder the spiritual energy in the back mountain is so abundant. There are tens of thousands of Spirit-Gathering Flowers in this special number, right?"

Su Xing couldn't help muttering.

Just as Su Xing was muttering to himself, a gentle voice came from behind him.

"Martial nephew Luo is wrong. There are 12 spirit-gathering flowers in my back mountain, which is equivalent to one Huiyuan..."

"The spirit-gathering flowers at the back of the mountain are also the foundation of my Luo Tianzong's sect. It is precisely because of such a large number of spirit-gathering flowers and my Luo Tianzong's large spirit-gathering formation that I have such ample spiritual energy, and I can practice with half the effort. "

Su Xing heard the words and quickly turned around, only to see a plain-looking young man dressed as a farmer standing behind him.

But Su Xing didn't dare to be presumptuous at all, because this young man had a very high seniority, he was a figure like the ancestor of Luo Tianzong, he was amazingly talented and proficient in alchemy and spirit cultivation, he often dressed as a farmer and hid himself here Among the back mountains.

"Uncle Shen Nong, you are being polite... Master asked me to invite you to the Luo Tian Conference."

Su Xing said so according to the reminder in his memory.

This young man's name is Shennong Youtian, his name is strange, but he lives up to his name, and he often cultivates in the spiritual fields.

Shennong Arita nodded and said:
"In that case, Nephew Luo will lead the way..."

Su Xing saluted, and led Shennong Arita towards the venue of the Luotian Conference.

Shennong Arita chatted with Su Xing along the way, as friendly as a big brother next door.

"Nephew Luo's cultivation has improved very quickly in recent years! But at the age of a hundred, he is already a monk at the Nascent Soul stage, and he is cultivating the Nine-Turn Golden Elixir. In addition, he also has a Yuanwu Realm cultivation on the road to body training. It is really rare. !"

"I'm afraid that among the more than [-] disciples in this inner sect, my nephew can be regarded as the best..."

After Su Xing heard this, he was even more surprised. This Shennong Arita saw his details clearly at just one glance, and it really was unfathomable.

So Su Xing quickly said: "Where is it, my nephew has to work harder to practice..."

Shennong Arita nodded, and said:

"Don't be arrogant or impetuous, my Luo Tianzong has successors! I don't know if my nephew has a way of secondary cultivation besides cultivation..."

The so-called secondary practice refers to alchemy, weapon refining, cultivating spiritual plants, formations, etc...

Su Xing thought for a while and said modestly:
"The disciple is not talented, in addition to practicing, he is only familiar with the way of alchemy and spiritual cultivation..."

If it were placed in the real world, the awakened alchemy and spirit cultivation would definitely be the best in the world, after all, he is the only immortal cultivator who knows these two methods in the whole world.

But here in Luo Tianzong, there are so many masters, Su Xing said that his rough knowledge is already a swollen face to pretend to be fat.

But Su Xing naturally has his reasons for doing so.

As expected, Shennong Youtian showed an interested look on his face after hearing Su Xing's words and said:
"Oh? Martial nephew Luo's way of minor training is very similar to mine! Let the uncle come to test you..."

Having said that, Shennong Arita asked Su Xing some common questions about alchemy and spirit cultivation.

Su Xing answered one by one, although they were not standard answers, but they were somewhat insightful, after all, Su Xing had devoted a lot to alchemy in the simulation all these years.

Shennong Arita sometimes nodded, sometimes frowned, and said after a long time:

"I didn't expect Nephew Luo to study so deeply in alchemy at such a young age. This kind of knowledge is comparable to that of an alchemist who has been refining alchemy for hundreds of years... It's just that in the way of cultivating spirits, it needs to be strengthened." !"

After finishing speaking, Shennong Arita showed an expression that could point him to wake up.

Su Xing quickly seized the opportunity and said:
"Uncle, I really encountered a problem recently in the way of cultivating spirits...Our Luo Tianzong has so many spirit-gathering flowers, where did they come from, and how did they cultivate them?"

Yes, this is the purpose of awakening!
Although awakening cannot bring the objects in the copy back to the real world, it can obtain memories.

And this Shennong Youtian, although he looks young, has lived more than a thousand years, and he is the person who has traveled the farthest in the line of Luo Tianzong Yuling.

If Su Xing can get the guidance of Shennong Arita, maybe he can really understand the way of growing Juling Flower.

Sure enough, Shennong Arita thought for a moment and said:

"Nephew, you really asked the right person. About Juling Flower, most people really can't answer it! But I happened to read the method of breeding Juling Flower in an ancient book. Although I haven't tried it myself, it seems feasible... …

"The Juling Flower is a gift from God. It is extremely delicate. It takes an ordinary person to plant it for ten years before it can be matured from the seed. Moreover, the water and sunlight in the cultivation of the Juling Flower need to be extremely careful..."

"As for the reproduction of Juling flowers, it is said that Juling flowers are divided into male and female. The female Juling flowers have yellow spots in their stamens, while the males do not have them... and if you want to artificially reproduce Juling flowers, you need to grow Juling flowers. On the day that happens to be ripe, the male and female flower plants are pollinated..."

Shennong Arita stopped in the middle of speaking, stretched out his finger, and pointed the fingertip between the awake eyebrows.

In an instant, a flash of memory appeared in my waking mind, which is the way of breeding the spirit-gathering flower.

"Hiss~ Now you have the method to breed the Soul-Gathering Flower?"

Su Xing felt a little like a dream for a while. He had been suffering from no spiritual energy. Although there were three spirit-gathering flowers to cultivate aura in Su Xing's spiritual field, it was ultimately a drop in the bucket.

But if the number of Spirit Gathering Flowers increased to [-], or even [-], only for Su Xing to practice, then there was no need to worry about the lack of spiritual energy at all!

Su Xing never expected that the problem of lack of spiritual energy that had troubled him for a long time would be solved so easily.

At this moment, Su Xing realized the importance of the copy of the Luo Tian Conference to him.

This copy of the Luotian Conference cannot bring out any real objects, only memories.

For ordinary professionals, it is really not helpful.

But for Su Xing, it is the best opportunity to get in touch with the world of cultivating immortals up close!
As long as Su Xing is used properly, he can learn more knowledge and secrets about the world of immortality from the Luotian Conference.

Today I taught the method of cultivating the Awakening Spirit Gathering Flower, next time it might be the formula of a certain elixir, or even magical powers and exercises!
As long as Su Xing expends energy to come to this dungeon of the Luotian Conference many times, Su Xing's knowledge of the world of cultivating immortals will increase rapidly!
"Hiss... this dungeon is definitely a treasure!"

Su Xing felt extremely excited for a while.

Although the Luotian Conference copy can only exist for three years, Su Xing can go there many times in the simulator and gain enough knowledge to arm himself.

"Nephew Luo, why are you still standing there? Come quickly."

After Shennong Arita pointed, he said to Su Xing.

Su Xing hurried up, and wanted to ask Shennong Arita for some other ways to raise spirits.

But Shennong Arita just shook his head slightly, and said: "Master nephew, you should know the truth that you can't chew too much..."

Su Xing sighed in his heart, knowing that it was unrealistic to continue to squeeze the wool of this Uncle Shennong, but the breeding method of Juling Flower was definitely a surprise.

And in the next simulation after waking up, you can use the immersive simulation again to get some other attempts!

Su Xing quickly brought Shennong Arita to the venue of the Luotian Conference.

At this time, the Luo Tian Conference had just started, and the entire venue was crowded with people, and there were countless people, all of whom were disciples and elders of Luo Tianzong.

It should be noted that those who are eligible to participate in the Luotian Conference must at least be inner disciples.

As for the millions of Luo Tianzong outer disciples and disciples sent by other small sects to observe the ceremony, they can only observe the ceremony outside the mountain gate, and they cannot be in the Luotian Conference venue like Su Xing.

At this time, Su Xing glanced east and west, his eyes were full of curiosity, you must know that the disciples around here are all monks, Su Xing has always been practicing alone, this is the first time he has seen so many monks.

Su Xing soon saw his master, an ordinary elder with a long beard and an old face, known as Elder Che, although his strength was not the top among the elders, but his seniority was not low, he was regarded as Shennong Arita's brother of the same generation.

Seeing Su Xing's return, Su Xing's master Elder Che nodded to Su Xing, and then chatted with Shennong Arita.

Seeing that nothing happened to him, Su Xing was moved in his heart and planned to take this opportunity to get acquainted with the leader of the world of cultivating immortals, Luo Tianzong.

At this moment, the sound of the simulator came from the awakened ear.

[Ding, this immersive simulation is about to end...]

(End of this chapter)

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