"Ooooh! Look who this is?"

In the courtyard of the ancient castle, Simmons, who had no appetite and was sitting at the dining table, looked at the three people who came in swaggeringly. He felt even worse and his eyes slowly moved from the three people:
"If you guys are wondering if I'm feeling pissed off right now, the answer is yes, I'm feeling pissed off!! Isn't this humiliating, Emily?"

The sexy secretary next to her, wearing a white shirt with the buttons buttoned to the second position, nodded: "Yes!"

Simmons continued: "Then can we still continue to discuss cooperation?"


The female secretary nodded. She knew that the boss was just looking for a way out. Now that the three of them had the upper hand, there was nothing she could do but cooperate.

"Yes, you can!"

Simmons nodded and turned his gaze to the three people: "Of course, we won't fight back. Steve... this name is very sexy, really. You must have a little crush on her. Fake Misia!... I also have a little crush on you!"

Then he pointed at Danny and said, "You set a trap for me and used him as bait. You staged a perfect Trojan Horse attack. It was very clever and tasteful. But your old rival Michael may not be so tasteful. He suddenly appeared and acted as a righteous judge, stealing your limelight and possibly my commission."

"Your commission has not been robbed, Simmonds."

After Simmons finished complaining, Steve smiled, pulled over a chair and sat down.

Simmons tilted his head: "Oh...really?"

"Oh, yes! You can keep not only your commission, but also your reputation and your freedom."

Sarah sat down and looked at Simmons. "Because you will donate the commission you just mentioned to charity."

"Oh, is it?!"

Knowing that this was the condition they proposed, Simmons' mind raced and he finally let go of his worries.

Steve asked, "Who is the buyer? Simmons!"

"I never reveal my buyers, Steve!"

Simmons turned to look at the female secretary: "Emily, you tell me!"

The secretary looked at Steve and smiled: "Remember Trent and Arnold?"

"It was the charity gala that day. You introduced it to me?"

Steve thought back.

"Yes, at this time they are using your precious... that programmable AI, which you call the Secret Box, and combining it with multiple satellites."

Simmonds nodded. “Their aim is to disrupt the global banking system.”

“No wonder they are buying $400 billion of gold,”

Steve suddenly realized: "At the same time, it is concealed from others so that they won't find out."

"You're right, Steve."

Simmons nodded and said solemnly: "Once they succeed, gold will be the only currency in circulation."

"Take us to meet them."

Knowing what the consequences would be if the global banking system collapsed, Steve's face immediately became serious.

"Okay, I should be able to get in. Because... I have something they are afraid of. This is the insurance I bought for myself. But I don't know if you can get in."

Simmons knew he couldn't refuse this request, so he simply nodded: "Trent and Arnold hired a dangerous private army."

Steve smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about that."

Danny suddenly looked at Simmons and said, "Oh..., let me interrupt, Mr. Simmons, let me follow you and see your style."


After looking at Steve and the other man, Simmons smiled and said, "How can I refuse you?"


London, Prime Minister's Residence.

The cold wind blew through the windows of the conference room, making the temperature in the room even lower. The senior executives of the intelligence department were sitting around a huge round table, their faces grim and their eyes revealing a hint of uneasiness.

The atmosphere in the conference room was unusually heavy and silent. The executives looked at each other, but no one was willing to speak. Everyone was thinking silently in their hearts, weighing various possibilities and consequences.

Suddenly, the phone in front of the Intelligence Minister began to vibrate.

Looking at the people present, the intelligence chief picked up his phone, stood up and walked to a corner, and said softly, "Hello? How's it going? Have you found out what they plan to do with the secret box?"

Gary's voice was very heavy on the other end of the phone: "This secret box will become an atomic bomb in the financial world! It will cause the global banking system to malfunction. Although it may only last for a few minutes, it will be enough to destroy the credibility of the traditional financial market. After this, gold will become the only reliable currency in the global market. Its price will also skyrocket, and order will be disrupted, catching the whole world off guard."

The intelligence chief, who was sweating coldly, was stunned for a while before he said, "Okay, Gary, now is the time for your people to show their strength."

"Everyone, let's adjourn the meeting,"

After hanging up the phone, the minister turned to his secretary and said, "Alita, call the president's hotline."


Late at night, the watchtower standing on the coastline is brightly lit, like a lighthouse guarding the city at night. The lights are reflected on the sparkling sea, flashing charming brilliance.

This 56-story cylindrical observation tower is a landmark building in Antalya. It is breathtaking for its unique design and grand scale. At night, when the lights are on, the entire tower is wrapped in soft lights, like a huge pearl inlaid on the coastline. Climbing the observation tower, you can overlook the beautiful scenery of the entire city. The sea is sparkling under the moonlight, and the mountains in the distance are looming, giving people a sense of tranquility and mystery.

In the elevator to the top of the tower, Simmons looked at Danny, who looked nervous, and smiled: "How do you feel? Are you nervous?"

“…It’s okay!”

Thinking about meeting those vicious criminals soon, Danny rubbed his hands nervously, but still nodded calmly.

"Don't be nervous, remember your lines, they're just two sentences."

Simmons looked at Danny and said, "You played yourself very well, didn't you? Haha, it's just a joke, don't be nervous! Do you know where to turn off the lights?"

Danny took a deep breath and nodded: "I know!"

"One more thing, Danny,"

Seeing the numbers on the elevator showing that they were about to reach the top floor, Simmons smiled and turned to look at the elevator door: "It's time to take off your sunglasses."

"Oh..." The elevator door opened. Danny took off his sunglasses and followed Simmons inside.

In the spacious office, Trent, Arnold and Michael sat at computer desks and watched several technicians operating computers.

"Hello, boys!"

Simmons glanced around the room, nodding politely to everyone.

Hearing the noise, everyone in the room turned their heads and looked at the two uninvited guests at the door.

"Oh, everyone looks a little serious, Danny!"

Simmons smiled nonchalantly, turned to introduce Danny, "You still remember these two, Trent and Arnold..."

Then he pointed his finger at Michael:

"Oh, there's another one, that's you! You're Michael, right? You're awesome, Michael! What you did is a bit wild for the government. Of course, I'm not here to discuss this with you, let's just talk about the facts... The purpose of our visit is..., Danny?"


Danny came back to his senses and pointed at Trent and said, "You haven't paid Mr. Simmons' commission yet."

"We paid you to deliver the goods, you didn't deliver, Michael did, you broke your promise!"

Trent, who had a bowl-shaped haircut, looked at the two of them and said with a frown, "So, naturally, your commission will be gone."

"Oh, this reason is a bit far-fetched, isn't it?"

Simmons spread his hands. "Because I don't deliver. I supply. I supply. Right, Danny?"

"Of course!"

Looking at the militants who were eyeing him hungrily, Danny swallowed and nodded slowly.

Michael looked at Trent and Arnold, then turned to Simmons with an unfriendly look: "Why are we here listening to his nonsense?"

"You'll want to hear it, and I'll tell you why!"

Facing Michael's threat, Simmons remained calm: "I don't like to teach people how to do things, and I'm not a teacher, but you guys, one, two, three... you don't understand the rules of this business at all."

Simmons walked straight to a chair, sat down easily, and said with a smile: "There is a reason why no one dares to default on my debts... No one has ever defaulted on my debts! Assam won't, Malzahar won't, Makkabaka won't... Before I cooperated with these big guys, no one had the courage to not pay me!"

Looking at the people who were looking at each other in bewilderment, Simmons raised his thumb and pointed out the window: "Not far behind me, there is a shabby and old 60s hotel that needs to be completely demolished. It will take about 13 to 18 kilograms of explosives to demolish it. Am I right, Michael?"

Michael, who had no idea what Simmons was up to, didn't say anything and just looked at the building outside the window.

"You can also be more straightforward and turn off the lights, Danny!" Simmons smiled, glanced at Danny, and then said: "You can also use an AGM-65 Maverick missile to blow it up! ... Just like the scene that is about to happen, three... two... one!"

After waiting for several seconds, there was still no movement. No one spoke in the room, and everyone looked at Simmons like fools.

"Oh oh~, what's going on? Let's count down to three, two, one again!"

Simmons looked back somewhat embarrassedly and counted again, but this time as soon as he finished speaking, everyone in the room heard a loud bang in the distance, followed by a huge ball of sparks shooting straight into the sky.

Trent and Arnold looked at each other, and everyone else in the room looked at Simmons nervously, not daring to act rashly.

"Hey, wait wait, it's not over yet!"

As Simmons laughed, the sound of the bomb followed. It was a heart-pounding explosion, like the roar of hell. The night outside the window was instantly illuminated by the light of the explosion, and a few sparks flew in the air, as gorgeous as fireworks, but no one appreciated their beauty.

Then, there were several more loud noises, more violent than the previous ones. It was the sound of missiles exploding. The huge sparks rising from the ground were like the anger of a devil, lighting up the night sky and appearing particularly eye-catching.

"Okay, the show's over!"

As the firelight disappeared, Simmons looked at Danny with a smile and said, "Danny, turn on the light."

As the lights came on, Michael's face looked grim. "What are you trying to tell us by doing this, Mr. Simmons?"

"Michael, what I want to say is that the world you young people have seen is still too small."

Simmons laughed:
"You have no idea how high the sky is! I thought you all knew that I would definitely keep some tricks for myself, of course. Come on, Danny, show them the documents."

"Oh, yes sir!"

Danny quickly took out three documents from his pocket and handed them to Trent Arnold and Michael.

"Look, the left column of the document lists in detail the names of your relatives and friends, and their corresponding residential addresses."

Simmons shrugged. "On the right-hand column of the document is the time we've arranged for them to be... is there a polite word for it, Danny?"

Danny thought he had finished reading the lines, but he didn't react for a moment and was stunned for a moment: "Oh..., the body and head are separated?"

"This word is still not very elegant!"

Smiling, Simmons looked at Trent and said, "That won't happen. You will definitely satisfy me within five minutes! Of course, you only have five minutes because the countdown has begun. The only way to stop the countdown is... my business manager calls me and tells me that the remuneration I should receive has been transferred to my account."

Standing up and clapping his hands, Simmons smiled and said, "What should we do? I've made it very clear, Danny, shall we go for a drink?"

Waving to the three people, Simmons led Danny into the elevator in a swagger.

The elevator door closed and the elevator descended steadily. Danny breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Simmons with admiration: "Your acting skills in this scene just now are worthy of an Oscar!"

Simmons patted Danny on the shoulder: "Really? Hahaha! Maybe I can try to make a movie."

Danny flattered, "Of course, I promise, you will be a great actor."

"Haha, good! When I receive my commission, shit! When I receive my next commission, maybe I can invest in making a movie myself, hahaha!"


"Hurry up and give him the money, Michael, it has my mother's name on it!"

After Simmons and the other man left, the room fell silent for a moment. After a while, Arnold looked at the document in his hand, his fingers trembling slightly, and he felt a little terrified. The information on it matched his actual situation, which made Arnold a little scared.

Arnold said, looking at the technician: "Transfer it to him immediately!"

"OK, we have to transfer it out anyway!"

The technician smiled indifferently, thinking that Simmons was a fool. He knew that the credibility of the banking system was about to be lost, but he still asked the bank to transfer the money. He also put on such a big show, which scared the baby to death! !

(End of this chapter)

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