"He's bluffing!"

Looking at Trent and Arnold's reactions, Michael's face looked a little ugly. He put the information in his hand on the table beside him, winked at his subordinates, and then looked at Trent.

Being threatened by Simmons, Trent was very nervous, and cold sweat broke out on his forehead: "Hurry up and give him the money!"

"Michael, my mom's name is on this!"

Arnold stared at Michael and said excitedly, "The missile attack just now was no joke! No wonder so many people call him the ruthless and deadly Dark Angel! Michael!"

"Listen to me, he's just bluffing!"

Michael tried to appease the two. After all, he had not received the balance yet and did not want to fall out with them.

"You make it sound easy, but let me ask you, is there anyone you care about on this?"

Trent looked at Michael with a sullen face: "Don't even think about your commission, Michael! This money belongs to Simmons!"

"You two weaklings from Silicon Valley!"

Michael couldn't bear it any longer, he stood up and stared at the two of them: "Leave it to me, okay?!"

Arnold pointed at Michael and warned:

"Don't interfere, do you hear me? It's because of your interference that things are like this! I don't want to hear anything you say now, Michael! Now, get out of my way!"

Seeing Michael and his men approaching, the two bodyguards immediately stood up and pointed their guns at them.

"I won't interfere!"

Looking at the bodyguards staring at the two men, Michael suppressed his anger, slowly raised his hand, and stepped back: "I won't interfere! Everyone, take it easy, take it easy! Be careful of accidental discharges of guns!"

"Cruze, how's the turn?"

Watching the men retreat, Arnold relaxed a little: "Time is almost up!"

"Right now, it's spinning now, 30 seconds left."

The technician sitting next to the computer nodded: "No, it will be fine, don't worry!"

Trent and Arnold relaxed after hearing this, but then they started arguing again.

"I hacked into their system and got the codes and all kinds of information."

At this moment, John whispered to Michael, "I can transfer all their money, and I'm more obedient than both of them. Now you don't need them, Michael!"

Michael nodded slightly, raised his head and looked coldly at the two people who were still arguing, and whispered: "I will count to one, two, three, and then open fire!"

Michael's men glanced at each other and nodded.

"one two Three!"

"Bang bang bang!"

“Da Da Da~~”

As soon as the words fell, Michael's men immediately took action. They quickly raised their guns and fired at the enemy opposite without hesitation. Bullets poured out like a rainstorm, instantly tearing the tranquility in the air into pieces.

Trent's bodyguards were totally unprepared for the sudden attack. Some of them fell down in an instant before they could react, and the sparks of life were extinguished in an instant. However, the remaining bodyguards quickly adjusted their status and began to fight back.

Suddenly, the whole room was full of sparks and bullets. The lights on the wall flickered under the illumination of the gunfire. Michael's men and Trent's bodyguards started a fierce gun battle. The smoke was so thick that it was impossible to see the true face of the other side.

The equipment in the computer room was damaged under the impact of gunfire, the display screen exploded, the computer hard disk was punctured, and the data was destroyed. However, the battle between the two sides did not stop because of this. They continued to fight for life and death in this battlefield full of smoke and sparks.

Michael's men relied on their numerical advantage to continuously squeeze the living space of Trent's bodyguards. However, Trent's bodyguards showed strong resistance in the face of adversity. They were fearless in the face of danger and defended their master's safety with their lives.


Steve, who was riding the elevator up, asked, "Is it safe in there?"

Sarah looked at the display in her hand: "It's hard to tell, but there is no one inside who can move!"

"Wow..., the battle is fierce, little genius!"

After clearing out the nearby guards, Steve walked in. He couldn't help but exclaimed at the tragic scene in front of him. Fully armed corpses were lying all over the machine room, and the air was filled with the pungent smell of gunpowder and blood.

Looking around, Steve soon found the secret box on the table: "Gary, the secret box has been found! Check it out!"

After a while, Gary's excited voice rang out: "No problem, Steve, you've done a great job! No, it's us who have done a great job!! Hahahaha, I can't wait to go back and bring it out quickly."


At Christmas, the atmosphere in London is particularly festive. Snowflakes are falling on the streets, the streets are decorated with lights, and the bustling crowds are laughing and talking happily, celebrating the holiday together.

The Prime Minister's residence was also enveloped in festive joy. This core place that symbolizes the political power of the United Kingdom ushered in an unusual Christmas. The residence was decorated with colorful lights, and the flames in the fireplace jumped, illuminating the entire room. In the Prime Minister's residence, a grand dinner was about to begin.

The Prime Minister personally invited many important guests, including government officials, celebrities and ambassadors from various countries, to gather together to celebrate this special holiday.

At the dinner, the Prime Minister delivered an enthusiastic speech, reviewed the brilliant achievements in politics, economy, military and other fields in the past year, and expressed his confidence in the country's development.

After the dinner, the Prime Minister led the guests to the lawn outside the palace to enjoy the fireworks display. The brilliant fireworks bloomed in the night sky, lighting up the entire city of London, as if foreshadowing a bright future for Britain.

"Oh, really? Well done!"

As he was enjoying the fireworks, the Minister of Defense came over and whispered something in his ear. After hearing it, the Prime Minister's eyes lit up with joy, and his uneasy heart relaxed. He smiled and said, "Let's go, I want to go and greet our hero in person!"

"Mr. Prime Minister!"

“Your Excellency, Prime Minister!!”

When the Prime Minister came to the office with several trusted ministers, everyone, including the usually rebellious Steve, stood up.

"You are heroes, heroes of the whole world!"

The Prime Minister's old face was full of smiles. He nodded to Gary and the others with a smile. After saying a few polite words, he turned his eyes to the secret box on the table: "Is this the thing that can control the financial lifeline of the whole world?"

"Yes, Prime Minister, should we destroy it?" Steve nodded.

"Oh, no, young man, you still don't understand the significance of this?" The Prime Minister shook his head. "Our experts said that the technology inside is very useful to us, so we have to let them study it first. Once they have mastered the technology, they can destroy it!"

"Of course, forgive him for being so young." Gary agreed with a smile, and then said: "Some technologies can be used to harm people, but they can also be used to save people. It's like the atomic bomb. We can do without it, but we can't live without it."

"Yes, that's the truth!"

The Prime Minister nodded to the director of the Strategic Research Institute standing beside him.

The director understood and waved his hand, and a fully armed man walked over.

"Oh fine!"

Steve looked at the man picking up the secret box with some worry, suppressing the vague uneasiness in his heart.

"Well, boys, and this pretty girl..."

The Prime Minister smiled and nodded, his eyes full of pride and satisfaction:
"A celebration banquet has been set up for you outside. Everyone has worked so hard for so long, and you can finally relax." There was a relaxed and joyful atmosphere revealed in the words.


At this moment, a scream suddenly broke the silence of the meeting room. Steve's face was pale, and his eyes were full of fear and disbelief.


Then, a huge explosion sounded, and the entire conference room was shaken. Steve only saw the secret box suddenly melted, and a strong heat hit him. Then, his vision began to distort, and his body seemed to float in a weightless space. It was the feeling of vaporization. His thoughts flashed for the last time in fear, and then everything fell into darkness.


The Prime Minister and four ministers were killed in a sudden attack. This news was like a bombshell, which quickly caused an uproar in the international community. Media around the world reported on this incident and analyzed its deep meaning and possible consequences.

After the aftermath of the explosion subsided, the investigation team quickly intervened to try to find out the truth of the incident. Security personnel conducted a careful investigation of the scene, looking for any possible clues, but all the people in the Prime Minister's meeting room and several nearby rooms were killed, and all clues turned to ashes. With Gary's death, the intelligence department was leaderless, and several department heads acted independently and looked for support.

It was not until the next Chief of Intelligence was determined that several recent incidents handled by Gary were linked together. As a result, Simmons became the most wanted criminal in the world with a reward of 30 million pounds.

But Simmons seemed to have planned it in advance and had disappeared long ago, so Danny became a scapegoat and was secretly captured from Las Vegas and brought back to London by the intelligence department in an attempt to force Danny to reveal Simmons' whereabouts.

But as the investigation deepened, people began to suspect that this was not just a terrorist attack on high-level officials, but that there might be a deeper power struggle and complex conspiracy behind it. Governments and intelligence agencies around the world are paying close attention to the development of the incident, while strengthening their own security measures to prevent similar disasters from happening to them.

Of course, these are all things to follow.


White House, Washington, USA.

The White House has a unique architectural design. The main building and the east and west wings together constitute the main body of the building. The east wing is mainly used for banquets and various activities. It is the place where state banquets and other official events are held. The west wing is the administrative office building, which contains the president's office. The entire White House has a total of 132 guest rooms with luxurious interior decoration. The total area of ​​the building reaches 7.3 square meters.

The walls of the presidential office are covered with historical photos and paintings, recording every detail of the president's life. Here, the president meets with leaders of various countries, holds important meetings, and handles national affairs.

At this moment, the president was listening to an oral report from his young female secretary.

"Philippine authorities said the casualties from yesterday's hotel bombing have risen to 146, with 231 injured! This is the worst attack in Asia in the past decade, and unprecedented in Manila's history! No organization has yet claimed responsibility for the incident."

"And then? You want to tell me this? I'll be so busy. To hell with the damn Philippines!"

The president looked at the female secretary in surprise and felt a little depressed.

"Okay, but you should be interested in the news inside." The female secretary adjusted her skirt and gave the president a resentful look:
"But our intelligence agencies have determined based on the chemical traces at the scene that the explosion was caused by the notorious arms dealer Simmons. Security experts say Simmons has been inciting violence in the capital of a remote small country, fueling social instability! He is trying to use this to expand the sales of large-scale weapons around the world. Simmons is not one of us, but we support the Philippines... so... you know!"

"Okay, let's find his whereabouts first!"

The president nodded, straightened his clothes and sat back in his chair: "Anything else?"

"Oh, and one more thing,"

The secretary looked at her watch and said, "Mr. Speaker of the House is waiting for you. The Senate Majority Leader would like to take five minutes of your time!"

"Okay, let's meet him first!"

The president picked up the cup, poured half a cup of wolfberries into his mouth, and frowned:

"This thing doesn't seem to be of any use? By the way, when will Gabor come back?"

"The Vice President still has three days left on his vacation,"

The secretary said: "He has hinted that he would resort to violence if disturbed."

The president smiled and said, "Okay, I get it. We can't interrupt his date with the fish."

"Sir, you can video chat with your son now!"

An assistant in a suit walked in with a laptop in his hand. He looked at the female secretary and twitched his nose slightly. Then he looked back to normal and smiled at the President.

"Great, he went on a first date last night..."

"Mr. President, there is an emergency call!"

Just as the president was about to take the laptop, a think tank hurried in, picked up the microphone on the table and put it in the president's hand.

The female secretary said, "Mr. Speaker of the House is still waiting for you!"

The think tank stared at the president: "You must answer it now!"

He looked at the three people in front of him, thought for a few seconds, waved to the female secretary and assistant, sat down again and borrowed the phone: "Hello, I'm the president! ... OK, thank you!"

Looking at his think tank, the president slowly said, "According to the news, the British Prime Minister and four ministers were killed at the same time. Currently, Simmons, who is a major suspect, has disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown."



Joint Security Committee.

Interior Minister Alicia Parisi stood up and broke the silence, saying:

"We propose that the funeral be held at St. Paul's Cathedral at 4 p.m. on Thursday, the 9th. Leaders of all countries have confirmed their attendance. The only one who will not attend is the Russian Emperor! I understand. We are irreconcilable!

Our royal family will attend a private service at St James's Palace that morning, along with 28 other heads of state, including Prince Albert of Monaco, Queen Leilia of Jordan, Prince Muglen of Saudi Arabia... Yes, it's a logistics nightmare, but we still have to make sure it's foolproof, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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