On the sea level, an extremely luxurious ship was sailing through the waves. The huge deck building was like a magnificent palace, which could accommodate hundreds of people. The ship was tall and wide, and its appearance was just like a towering building. The head and tail were carefully carved into the shape of a majestic dragon. Many green feather flags fluttered in the wind, showing the royal prestige.

The front, back, left and right sides of the building ship are tightly protected by various types of ships such as the large wing, middle wing, small wing, and battleships.

Qin Shi Huang and his ministers including Li Si stood near the dragon's head, with the sea breeze blowing their sleeves.

Qin Shi Huang is tall and straight, holding the dragon head in his hand, with his head held high and his chest puffed out, looking majestic. As the boat sails through the waves, the Zhifu Island opposite, which looks like a giant Ganoderma lucidum, gradually comes into view.

"Fu" means barrier. Zhifu Island lies in the Yellow Sea, like a natural and solid barrier, loyally guarding the Jiaodong land behind it.

Half a minute later, the ship slowly entered the harbor. The temporary dock built by the Jiaodong County Governor played a huge role at this time. Qin Shihuang, surrounded by his ministers, stepped steadily onto the island.

The island is more than 50 miles in circumference. It is neither big nor small. The coastline is winding, the beach is vast, and several natural harbors are like gentle embraces, welcoming the fleet to land. The island is full of hills, winding like a giant dragon; the forests are dense and lush, like a green ocean.

Qin Shi Huang looked around the island curiously, and saw tiny hermit crabs crawling all over the beach. The arrival of people disturbed them, and they quickly retracted themselves into their hard shells. A group of seagulls soared in the sky against the sea breeze. They seemed to be afraid of these uninvited guests, and regarded the huge ship as a terrible monster, and did not dare to land for a long time.

Standing on the hard land, he no longer had to endure the torment of vomiting on the shaking board. Qin Shihuang turned around and stared at the vast sea quietly. The deep blue seemed to have endless mysteries, and the waves came in layers, hitting the rocks on the shore, making bursts of roaring sounds.

"Is this the sea? Lord Zhao, have you been here before?"

Princess Chenxi was amazed by the magnificent scenery. Her bright eyes were full of curiosity and amazement. She tilted her head slightly to look at Yi Huawei. The sea breeze blew her hair, and a few strands of soft hair fluttered in the wind.

Yi Huawei bowed slightly and replied, "Your Highness, I have never seen such a shocking sight before."

Princess Chenxi nodded slightly and cast her eyes toward the vast sea again. The waves rolled in one after another, making a majestic sound.


There was a slight sound, and a small stone hit Yi Huawei squarely. Yi Huawei was slightly startled, and quickly looked back, only to see a palace maid winking at him playfully. The familiar look made Yi Huawei instantly understand. Turning his head and looking around cautiously, he saw that everyone's attention was attracted by the magnificent sea, and no one noticed them. So, Yi Huawei quietly stepped back a few steps, like a shadow hidden in the dark, and quietly followed the palace maid to behind a thick tree.

Yi Huawei rubbed the maid's head lovingly, raised a gentle smile on his lips, and whispered: "Why do you have to be so sneaky? Can't you just come to me at night? By the way, have you found the Jiaodong gold mine?"

The Jiaodong region is rich in gold resources and is the third largest gold mining area in the world. There are more than 70 large and medium-sized gold mines, with an estimated gold resource reserve of more than 2400 tons. Yi Huawei asked Xiaolan to come here mainly to mine gold and lay the foundation for the future issuance of currency.
"The gold mine is right here and it won't run away!" Xiaolan curved her eyebrows and pouted her lips and said, "It's so boring here, there's nothing fun. That Zhang Liang is also boring and can't do anything. Do you want to eat shark fin? I'll go find some sharks and bring them over."

"Are you comparing yourself to Zhang Liang?"

Yi Huawei was slightly stunned, then smiled helplessly:

"Let the sharks here live. Even if you catch them, you'll just boil their fins in seawater. Besides, you have a more important mission to accomplish. Mine the gold first. It'll be very useful!"

Xiaolan nodded and said, "I understand. I will make a good mining plan. But you have to be careful, is that woman peeking at you?"


Yi Huawei looked back, but saw Yu Shu and Xiao Yue hurriedly turned their heads back and smiled: "It's okay. By the way, did you receive the imperial edict from Qin Shi Huang? You are now the first female duke in history."

"I still don't understand the weird things you humans have. Can this thing be charged?"

Xiaolan stuck out her tongue and smiled, "I'm leaving first. If you have anything... write to me!"

"it is good!"

Yi Huawei smiled and patted Xiaolan's little head, then walked back quietly.

Looking at the inscription carved by the stonemason, Qin Shihuang felt much better. He waved his sleeves, and the group returned to the palace in a mighty manner.


In the side hall.

The light shines through the carved window panes onto the ground, creating mottled shadows.

Hu Hai was kneeling at the table in a gorgeous brocade robe, which was embroidered with delicate cloud patterns that shimmered slightly in the light. At this moment, he was reciting with his head shaking:

"The way is invisible, and its use is unknowable. When there is nothing to do, the flaws can be seen in the darkness; see but not see, hear but not hear, know but not know. Know what he said in the past, do not change or alter, and compare and review it. If there is one official who does not allow him to pass on his words, then all things will be gone. Cover up his traces, hide his end, and the people below cannot forgive him..."

After Hu Hai finished reading the fifth chapter of Han Feizi, Yi Huawei nodded slightly and asked, "This letter conceals its traces and hides its origin. It cannot be forgiven. What does it mean? Please explain it to me, young master."

Hu Hai blinked his eyes, thought for a moment and said, "This means that the monarch should conceal his own actions and intentions, so that his subjects cannot guess the origin. In this way, the subjects will not know the monarch's true thoughts and will not dare to act rashly."

Yi Huawei nodded slightly, with a hint of approval in his eyes. "Sir, do you know why the monarch needs to act this way?"

Hu Hai frowned, thought for a moment, and then replied: "If the monarch's actions and intentions are known to the ministers, the ministers may cater to the monarch for personal gain, or use this to do something illegal. Only when the monarch is mysterious and unpredictable, the ministers will be in awe and dare not have second thoughts."

Yi Huawei smiled and said, "You are very smart, what you said is very true. Han Feizi's theory emphasizes that the monarch should control his ministers with tactics, and this 'covering up their traces and hiding their intentions' is an important tactic among them."

"But..." Hu Hai frowned, his slightly immature face full of doubts. He raised his chin slightly and continued, "If I don't let my subjects understand my intentions, how can I get things done? Is this also the Lord's way?"

Yi Huawei said slowly: "Sir, the monarch's intentions should not be easily revealed to others. If the ministers all know what the monarch is thinking, they will have their own thoughts, either to please the monarch or to take advantage of the situation. In this way, the people who do things may not be sincere for the country, but may be seeking personal gain."

Hu Hai nodded, not quite understanding, and then asked, "Then how can we get our subjects to do things?"

"The art of controlling subordinates lies in combining kindness with severity and clearly distinguishing rewards and punishments."

Yi Huawei smiled and patiently explained: "The monarch can assign corresponding duties to his subjects according to their abilities. He can urge his subjects to do their work with clear goals and assessment standards. At the same time, the monarch needs to secretly observe their words and deeds, and clearly distinguish rewards and punishments. In this way, the subjects will do their best to serve the monarch, and will not dare to slack off in the slightest."

Hu Hai curled his lips: "Oh~,... then doesn't everyone have to observe their abilities?"

"Lord Zhao! His Majesty has summoned you."

At this moment, a young eunuch quietly pushed the door open and walked in. He bowed to Hu Hai and Yi Huawei, bowed his head slightly, and spoke in a respectful and anxious tone.

"Yes!" Yi Huawei responded, and then nodded slightly to Hu Hai: "I will go to see His Majesty, and you want to read here or go back?" Hu Hai looked at the sky outside the window, thought for a moment and said: "It's getting late, I'll go back."

As he said this, he casually threw the roll in his hand, stood up and gently patted his clothes, his movements were somewhat casual like a teenager, but also noble. He turned around and was about to leave, but seemed to remember something, and turned back to Yi Huawei and said:

"Master, if His Majesty has any intention, please inform me in time."


Yi Huawei nodded slightly and watched Hu Hai leave. Then, he straightened his clothes and walked quickly towards where Qin Shihuang was.

"His Majesty!"

Yi Huawei stepped into the main hall and saw a white-haired old man sitting beside Qin Shi Huang. The old man was wearing a plain robe, and although his hair was as white as snow, he looked energetic.

Qin Shi Huang waved his hand slightly, signaling Yi Huawei to come closer. Yi Huawei walked forward respectfully and stood with his head bowed.

Qin Shi Huang then turned his gaze to the old man, his eyes full of anxiety and expectation: "Master Xu, have you ever seen an immortal during your voyage? Please ask for the elixir for me?"

"Your Majesty, I have been going out to sea for years and visiting many immortal mountains, all for the sake of seeking the elixir of immortality."

Xu Fu bowed respectfully and sighed slightly, "Several times, my ships have approached Penglai Island. The island is shrouded in clouds and mist, like a fairyland on earth, as if within reach. But there is a giant shark in the sea, causing trouble and blocking my ships. The Penglai Island is right in front of us, but we can't get close to it, so we have returned empty-handed several times.

Your Majesty is sincere in worshipping the gods. The immortal should have known about this long ago, so why wouldn't he give you the elixir? But if you want to obtain the elixir, you must first kill the giant shark!"

Qin Shi Huang frowned and said in a deep voice: "In your opinion, how should we kill this giant shark?"

Xu Fu shook his head slowly, a helpless look on his face. "This is beyond the power of a commoner. The giant shark is about a hundred feet long and several feet wide. Let alone killing it, even avoiding it is not an easy task!"

Yi Huawei looked at Xu Fu with a fixed gaze, and couldn't help but think in his mind.

Is this old man Xu Fu?

After Qin Shi Huang unified the six kingdoms, his pursuit of immortality became stronger. He hoped to rule his empire forever. This mentality provided soil for Xu Fu's lies. Xu Fu used people's worship and awe of immortals to make up stories about immortal mountains and immortal medicines, which made Qin Shi Huang believe them.

Xu Fu was well aware of Qin Shi Huang's desire for immortality, and by catering to this need of Qin Shi Huang, he received generous rewards.

People in later generations knew that Xu Fu was just a liar. He spent a lot of manpower and material resources under the guise of seeking elixirs, but only to satisfy his own selfish desires.

Yi Huawei sighed inwardly that Qin Shihuang was a man of great talent and strategy throughout his life, but he was so obsessed with the pursuit of immortality that he was deceived by someone like Xu Fu.

Looking at Qin Shihuang's anxious expression, he looked like a man eager to grasp a life-saving straw, his eyes full of persistence and expectation for immortality. Then he looked at Xu Fu's eyes that seemed sincere but were actually cunning. Yi Huawei sneered in his heart. This hypocritical performance of Xu Fu was so clumsy in the eyes of Yi Huawei, a time traveler.

Yi Huawei had already made up his mind. Just as he was dozing off, a pillow fell on him. When the three thousand boys and girls were gathered, Xu Fu would die. In Yi Huawei's view, these three thousand boys and girls were not tools for Xu Fu to seek personal gain, but the cornerstone of the future empire.

"If we can kill this mermaid, can the immortal ascend to the fairy mountain?" Qin Shihuang stared at Xu Fu with a sharp gaze, as if the dream of immortality would be within reach as long as Xu Fu gave an affirmative answer.

"Not only can you climb the fairy mountain to seek the elixir,"

Xu Fu raised his chin slightly, his eyes flickered a few times, and he slowly said, "Even the immortal can be brought back to accompany Your Majesty to tour the world and talk about the affairs of the immortal world!"

Yi Huawei laughed inwardly. Xu Fu's lies were full of loopholes. However, during the Qin Dynasty, people's knowledge of marine life was indeed limited, so Xu Fu made a big fuss about it.

As far as he knew, the ancients were not completely ignorant of whales. In Zuo Zhuan, whales were called "Jingniu", which shows that people had already noticed this huge creature in earlier times.

Moreover, there are many legends and descriptions about whales in ancient times. Although there may be exaggeration and imagination in them, they also reflect from the side that whales are not completely unknown.

This shark is most likely a whale invented by Xu Fu, who wanted to use Qin Shi Huang's eager desire for immortality to achieve his own goals.

However, Qin Shi Huang seemed to believe Xu Fu's words. Perhaps the achievement of unifying the six kingdoms made him full of confidence in his own ability, thinking that as long as he got rid of the so-called shark, he could climb the fairy mountain to seek the elixir, and even bring the fairy back to travel around the world together.

Qin Shi Huang hesitated for a moment, then turned to look at Wei Liao, the national commander, below the stage.

"I'm here!" Upon hearing the voice, Wei Liao immediately took a step forward and bowed respectfully.

Qin Shi Huang nodded slightly, with a questioning look in his eyes: "You are well-informed, have you ever seen that shark?"

Wei Liao frowned slightly, thought for a moment and shook his head: "I am ignorant and have never seen it."

At this moment, Yi Huawei stepped forward, bowed and said, "Your Majesty, I have heard of it." His voice was not loud, but it was particularly clear in this quiet hall.

"Oh?!" Qin Shi Huang and everyone else turned to look at Yi Huawei, their eyes full of curiosity. Qin Shi Huang leaned forward slightly and asked impatiently, "Tell me about it."

Yi Huawei cleared his throat and said slowly: "Your Majesty, I have heard that this mermaid is a giant monster in the sea. It is huge and powerful. Wherever it appears, it often stirs up huge waves, which makes people afraid. It is said that the skin of the mermaid is like armor, invulnerable to swords and guns; its mouth can spit out clouds and mist, which can make people lose their way."

Everyone gasped after hearing Yi Huawei's description. Qin Shi Huang narrowed his eyes slightly and fell into deep thought: "How can we kill such a powerful monster?"

Yi Huawei lowered his head slightly and said:

"Your Majesty, I think that in order to kill the shark, we need to understand its habits first. Perhaps we can send people who are good at sailing to go deep into the sea to find the traces of the shark and understand its activity patterns. Then, we can formulate corresponding strategies, combining wisdom and force, and perhaps we will have a chance to kill the shark."

Qin Shi Huang nodded slightly and turned to look at Xu Fu, "Master Xu, do you have any good ideas?"

Xu Fu's heart tightened. He didn't expect Yi Huawei to know something about sharks. He rolled his eyes and said immediately:

"Your Majesty, I think what Lord Zhao said is very true. But killing the sharks is not a one-day job. Your Majesty needs to dispatch a large number of manpower and material resources, build sturdy sea vessels, and prepare sufficient weapons and supplies. At the same time, you also need to recruit brave and skilled warriors to go out to sea together to kill the sharks."

(End of this chapter)

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