"What a coincidence! I dreamed last night that I was fighting with a giant spirit, but I could never win."

Qin Shihuang raised his head slightly and looked up into the air. There was a hint of doubt and thought in his deep eyes, and his voice slowly sounded in the hall.

After a pause, Qin Shi Huang continued, "This giant claims to be the god of the sea, but I see that its appearance is the same as that of an ordinary person. What does this have to do with the shark?"

"His Majesty!"

Wei Liao took a step forward and saluted: "I think that since the giant spirit calls himself the God of the Sea, it must be true. Gods and humans are the same, with a physical body and a soul inside. This shark is the form of the God of the Sea, and the giant spirit is the soul."

Wei Liao's explanation was clear and sincere, which made people convinced.

Listening to Wei Liao's explanation, Xu Fu showed a smug look in his eyes. That smug look was fleeting, but Yi Huawei saw it all. Yi Huawei sneered in his heart, I just don't know if you can still laugh in a few days.

Qin Shi Huang nodded slowly, seeming to agree with Wei Liao's explanation: "I think so too. ... Wei Liao!"

Wei Liao bowed again and said, "I am here!"

Qin Shi Huang stood up, his tall figure exuding a majestic aura: "Gather a hundred warriors who are good at archery for me, and prepare the best bows and crossbows. I will lead them to the sea by boat! Find the sea god... and start the war!"


The sea breeze blew the flags, making a loud sound, and the warships broke through the waves in the rough sea. The hull rose and fell with the waves, and the warriors stood on the deck, feeling nervous and excited. This voyage was a difficult mission, and the front was full of unknown dangers, but for the order of His Majesty, they did not look back.

After a long voyage, they finally spotted a giant shark in a vast sea, its mountain-like body rising and falling in the waves.

The warriors watched nervously, the bows and crossbows in their hands trembling slightly. Faced with such a huge creature, they were instinctively filled with fear.

"Get ready to shoot!!"

Following Zhang Han's loud shout, the warriors immediately entered combat status, moving in unison, drawing their bows and arrows, and the taut bowstrings were ready to shoot sharp arrows at the giant shark at any time.


Just as everyone was about to launch an attack, a strange light suddenly appeared in the sky. The light streaked across the sky like a bright meteor, instantly attracting everyone's attention. Everyone looked up and saw a woman flying out of thin air, with fluttering skirts, like a goddess descending to earth.

The woman stood quietly in the air, her figure light and graceful, as if she came from a dreamland and did not belong to this mortal world.

The sea breeze gently brushed her hair, which sparkled with a mysterious luster in the sun, as if it contained endless mysteries. The woman's face was shrouded in a layer of light, and although it was not clear, the vague outline made people feel a kind of otherworldly beauty, as if it was a masterpiece carefully carved by God.

The warriors were stunned by her appearance and forgot the existence of whales for a moment. They were filled with shock and awe, as if they saw a real god descending to the earth.


"The goddess has descended to earth!!!"

"Are there really immortals in this world?!"


The warriors knelt on the deck one after another, their movements neatly and devoutly, as if they were worshipping a sacred being. Their eyes were filled with piety and worship, and their shouts echoed on the sea, one after another, as if they were announcing the coming of the goddess to the heaven and earth, and the sound seemed to penetrate the clouds and reach the sky.

"Back off!"

A faint "celestial sound" entered everyone's ears. The sound was clear and pleasant, like the sound of nature, but it also carried an unquestionable majesty.

"Back off, back off quickly!"

Seeing that the goddess seemed to be about to take action, Zhang Han hurriedly ordered the boatman to withdraw the warship. He looked nervous and respectful, staring at the goddess closely, afraid of missing any details.

The boatmen moved upon hearing the sound, and quickly operated the warships, with oars paddling the sea water, making a rustling sound. The warships slowly retreated, leaving a trail of white ripples on the sea.

After the warship evacuated to a safe area, Xiaolan raised her hand and spread her five fingers. In the eyes of the warriors, the light of the goddess's palm became brighter and brighter, as dazzling as the blazing sun, making it impossible to look directly at it.

A moment later, a beam of light shot out from the goddess's palm, as fast as a bolt of lightning that cuts through the sky, carrying a majestic momentum that can destroy everything. Wherever the light passes, the air seems to be cut by a sharp blade, making a sharp and piercing sound, and hits the giant shark fiercely.

The giant shark's huge body trembled violently under the impact of the light, and in an instant, a huge blood hole appeared on its body. The edge of the blood hole was charred black, as if it had been burned by a mysterious force. The bright red blood flowed out like a spring, dyeing the surrounding sea water red. The giant shark twisted its body in pain, raising waves, but in the face of this fatal injury, its struggle seemed so powerless.

The sea water was also stirred up into huge waves several feet high, and the warship was shaken violently under the impact of the shock wave, like a small boat in a storm. The warriors looked at the scene in horror, their hearts filled with awe and amazement at the power of the goddess.

"The elixir is hard to find, and there may be many difficulties, but the emperor's determination is as strong as iron, he is not afraid of dangers and obstacles, and his sincerity moves heaven and earth..., the immortal fate is about to come, and grant eternal life and endless wisdom..."

Xiaolan's voice was like the sound of nature, echoing on the sea.

After saying that, Xiaolan took off into the air without stopping at all, flying higher and higher. Her figure became smaller and smaller in the sky, and finally disappeared from everyone's sight.


When Qin Shi Huang learned that a "goddess had descended to earth" and helped him kill the giant shark, he was discussing state affairs with his ministers in the palace.

A guard came hurriedly to report, his face was excited, his voice trembling slightly: "Your Majesty, there is a strange thing on the seashore! It is said that a goddess came down to earth and helped our Qin warriors kill the giant shark."

"A goddess descended to earth?!" Qin Shi Huang raised his eyebrows upon hearing this, with a hint of surprise and curiosity flashing in his eyes. He stood up suddenly, his wide sleeves fluttering in the wind, showing the majesty of the emperor.

"The immortal has arrived, with eternal life and endless wisdom... Take me there to see it quickly."

After listening to the guard's stammering retelling of the incident, Qin Shi Huang quickly ordered all officials to go to the beach with him.

Led by his guards, Qin Shi Huang rode on a magnificent imperial chariot and led his ministers to the seaside. Along the way, Qin Shi Huang was full of expectations. He imagined the goddess's appearance and guessed her purpose. He was surprised and delighted. Could it be that his piety really moved the heaven?

The ministers were sitting in their respective carriages, but their hearts were surging. Some ministers were full of doubts, secretly wondering who this so-called goddess was and whether she really had such magical powers. Some ministers were very excited, thinking that this must be the favor of God to the Qin Dynasty and a symbol of the prosperity of the Qin Dynasty. Some more cautious ministers were worried about whether there were any unknown risks. After all, such a mysterious power suddenly appeared and was hard to predict.

Arriving at the seaside, Qin Shi Huang saw the giant shark's body being dragged ashore by the warriors from afar. The huge body was like a small mountain, which was daunting. Qin Shi Huang stepped down from the imperial chariot and walked towards the giant shark with firm steps. When he got closer, his eyes were fixed on the huge bloody hole on the giant shark's body, and a look of shock appeared on his face.

Qin Shi Huang slowly stretched out his hand and gently touched the giant shark's body, feeling the cold and hard touch. His fingers wandered around the edge of the blood hole, and his heart was filled with awe for the goddess's power.

"Such power is truly like a god descending to earth." Qin Shihuang whispered to himself. Although his voice was soft, it was full of shock.

The sea breeze blew Qin Shi Huang's dragon robe, making a rustling sound. The ministers gathered around Qin Shi Huang and were also shocked by the scene before them. An old minister stepped forward and said respectfully:
"Your Majesty, this is an auspicious sign! The goddess is helping us, it must be that God is blessing our Great Qin."

The officials gathered around the giant shark, looking at each other in bewilderment. Their faces were filled with astonishment and disbelief. These officials, who were usually high and mighty and well-informed, were also shocked by the scene before them. They whispered to each other about this incredible event.

"I didn't expect that there really are immortals in this world." An old minister muttered to himself, his eyes full of fear and curiosity about the unknown. Others nodded one after another, their understanding of this world being completely overturned.

Xu Fu stood in the crowd, his face uncertain. His eyes were sometimes flustered, sometimes gloomy. There are immortals in the world, but do they know that he has deceived Qin Shihuang? Xu Fu's heart was filled with fear and uneasiness. Xu Fu knew very well what consequences he would face once his lies were exposed. He looked at Qin Shihuang nervously, trying to read a clue from the emperor's expression. However, Qin Shihuang's mind was all on the goddess and the giant shark at the moment, and he didn't notice Xu Fu's abnormality at all. Xu Fu secretly calculated the countermeasures in his heart, and fine beads of sweat gradually seeped out of his forehead. He clenched his fists tightly, and his heart was full of anxiety and uneasiness.

"Where's the goddess?!"

There was urgency and majesty in Qin Shihuang's voice. He stared at Zhang Han with questioning eyes.

"Your Majesty, calm down."

Zhang Han knelt hurriedly with a nervous look: "We don't know where the goddess is. After killing the giant mermaid, the goddess flew away, and we failed to keep the goddess. Your Majesty, she... why didn't she come to see you? Maybe the goddess is an immortal, and her actions are unfathomable, which are beyond the guessing of mortals like us." Zhang Han answered carefully, with beads of sweat on his forehead.

"My destiny has arrived! My destiny has arrived! Hahaha~, the goddess must have wanted me to go there in person before she would grant me the medicine."

Qin Shihuang's face showed excitement and enthusiasm, and his eyes were shining, as if he saw the hope of immortality was just around the corner.

He stood up straight, his dragon robe fluttering slightly in the sea breeze, showing the majesty and dominance of the emperor. At this moment, Qin Shihuang was full of expectations. He seemed to have seen himself, under the guidance of the goddess, stepping into the mysterious fairyland and gaining eternal life and endless power.

"Pass on my order and prepare to go to sea immediately. I want to track down the goddess and find the immortal fate."

Qin Shihuang's voice was firm and powerful, echoing on the seashore and making the ministers feel a chill in their hearts.

"Your Majesty! The sea is vast and the waves are huge. Once you get lost, it will be difficult to return. I have heard that a son of a thousand gold coins will not sit in the hall, and a son of a hundred gold coins will not stand on the balance."

Yi Huawei bowed respectfully, his expression solemn: "Going out to sea to search for immortals is not something that can be accomplished overnight. Your Majesty once said that if you were to go to a remote area with a group of people like King Mu of Zhou, it would be an irresponsible act of abandoning the world. Now, if Your Majesty rashly takes a boat into the East China Sea to search for the ethereal and traceless immortal mountain, how is this different from King Mu of Zhou abandoning his country and going to the Western Regions?

Your Majesty should think carefully. Now that the goddess has appeared, this is a sign of good fortune. You only need to send people to explore the route, and then your Majesty can go to find the fairy! Your Majesty shoulders the responsibility of the world, and should put the country and the people's well-being first. You must not put the Qin Dynasty in danger because of a momentary thought. "


After listening to Yi Huawei's words, Qin Shihuang fell into deep thought. His eyes revealed complex emotions, and he paced back and forth, weighing the pros and cons in his mind.

The appearance of the goddess made him firmly believe that his destiny as an immortal had come. He was eager to follow the goddess's trail, find the secret of immortality and realize his own grand ambition.

Qin Shihuang's brows were furrowed, and his eyes were sometimes as hot as fire and sometimes as cold as ice.

On the one hand, the temptation of immortality burned in his heart like a raging fire. He thought that if he could live forever, he could rule this huge empire forever and let the glory of the Qin Dynasty continue for thousands of years.

On the other hand, the remnants of the six kingdoms are now ready to make moves. If he rashly sets out to sea in search of immortals, the country may fall into turmoil. He cannot let his empire fall into crisis.

After thinking it over again and again, Qin Shi Huang stopped, took a long breath, and nodded slowly: "My dear minister, what you said is very true. I cannot put the Great Qin in danger because of a momentary thought."

Qin Shi Huang's tone revealed a hint of helplessness, but more of rationality and determination. Although he was still eager for the immortal fate, Qin Shi Huang decided to follow Yi Huawei's advice and send people to explore the waterway first, and then send people to search for the immortal.


Qin Shi Huang and his entourage ended their journey to Langya and announced a new personnel transfer: he ordered Xu Fu to take three thousand boys and girls, crossbow archers, grain seeds and craftsmen to go out to sea again to find the fairy mountain and seek the elixir of immortality.

Xu Fu was both surprised and happy. He was surprised because he was going to the vast ocean with an uncertain future and didn't know what kind of difficulties and obstacles he would encounter; he was happy because if there really were immortals, they would definitely seek an elixir of immortality for him, so that he could get rid of the birth, aging, illness and death of mortals and enjoy endless wealth and glory. He secretly thought that he must go all out to seize this rare opportunity.

The news of the goddess coming down to earth spread quickly from Qi. The people talked about it, full of awe and curiosity. Some said that the goddess was a messenger sent by heaven to save the people, while others said that the appearance of the goddess foreshadowed a great change in the world. The news spread quickly to every corner, causing an uproar.

Scholars and alchemists from all over the world came to search for the goddess, trying to find clues about immortality. Some people with bad intentions also had bad ideas, trying to use the legend of the goddess for personal gain. The whole world seemed to have been thrown into a huge rock, causing ripples.

The people's awe of Qin Shi Huang became stronger with the legend of the goddess descending to earth. However, the nobles of the six countries had mixed feelings about this matter and felt uneasy about the emergence of the mysterious power. They were worried that Qin Shi Huang would use the power of the goddess to further consolidate his rule, making their hope of restoring their country even slimmer.

(End of this chapter)

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