On the vast sea, the waves were surging, and the fleet spread out like a winding dragon. The sunlight sprinkled on the sea, sparkling, and the spectacular sight of the fleet complemented each other.

The fleet's flagship is a huge ship named "Goddess". It was originally a large ship of the State of Chu captured in Kuaiji. It has three floors, is eight feet high, and is painted in a terrifying black color, like a huge black tower standing on the sea. It was once used as the vehicle of Emperor Qin Shihuang during his tours; it was the core of the fleet during wartime, and is now renamed the Goddess.

The flags fluttered in the sea breeze. The "Goddess" was not only majestic in appearance, but also had powerful crossbows on board, like a steel jungle, ready to launch deadly rain of arrows at the enemy at any time. However, it also had its shortcomings, that is, its speed was slow, and it could only sail in the middle and rear positions of the fleet, playing a role of command and commanding heights.

In addition to the "Goddess", there are five other ships on both sides, each with its own characteristics, some are tall and majestic, and some are flexible and agile. More than ten ships of the large wing, middle wing, and small wing, like loyal guards, surround the "Goddess". More than ten warships, plus dozens of small boats converted from local fishing boats, they shuttle between the fleets, transmit information, and perform various tasks. The entire fleet is a "hundreds of boats competing for the current", which is spectacular.

On the ship, Xu Fu was in high spirits, wearing a gorgeous robe and a tall crown, his eyes full of confidence and expectation. He looked out at the sea in the distance, his heart full of lofty ambitions.

"The goddess is coming!"


A surprised shout came from a crossbowman, instantly breaking the dull silence on the ship. Everyone looked up at the sky, and saw a figure flying lightly in the sky. The figure looked particularly light and graceful under the sunlight, and the silky long hair fluttered in the wind, and every strand of hair was shining with mysterious light.

The goddess slowly descended, her toes lightly touching the bow of the boat. At that moment, it seemed as if time had stopped. She was like a real fairy descending to earth, with an otherworldly temperament that made people involuntarily feel awe.

"Meet the goddess!"


The officials and workers on the ship were trembling with fear, and their bodies were shaking with fear. The awe and fear in their hearts were like a surging tide, almost drowning them.


No one dared to look up, as if they would offend the gods. They could only express their loyalty and awe in trembling voices, which were as weak as leaves in the wind and could be blown away at any time.

In this vast ocean, they are like tiny ants, and the goddess is the god who controls everything.

"Get up!"

Xiaolan raised her hand, her voice was like the sound of nature. Her eyes were full of majesty and kindness, making people dare not look directly at her. She turned her head to look at Xu Fu who was kneeling in the middle, her eyes became sharp: "Are you Xu Fu? You are so bold that you dare to deceive the emperor in our name... Do you know your crime?"

"Xu Fu knows his crime, and hopes the goddess will spare his life... Spare my life... I am only following the order of His Majesty the Emperor to seek the elixir..."

Xu Fu was shaking and sweating. His body was shaking constantly, as if he would fall down at any time. His eyes were full of fear and despair. He knew that he could deceive the emperor, but he could not deceive the legendary omnipotent goddess!

Xiaolan snorted coldly, the sound was like ice breaking, stirring up a chill in the air. She raised her delicate hand slightly, and a light flashed on her index finger, and in an instant it was like a sharp lightning streak.

Before Xu Fu could react, a bloody hole suddenly appeared on his head, and blood gushed out, staining the deck red. His eyes were wide open, full of fear and disbelief, and his body slowly fell down.

"Throw him down."

Xiaolan brushed her sleeves expressionlessly, as if she had just done something insignificant. Her voice was cold and majestic, and it spread throughout the fleet.

Everyone on the boat was trembling with fear, and hurried forward to lift up Xu Fu's body and threw him overboard without hesitation. The body fell into the sea, splashing a small splash of water, and was soon swallowed up by the surging waves.

Xiaolan raised her eyes slightly and looked into the distance. Her eyes, like autumn water, flickered a few times. She opened her red lips and said, "All fleets follow me..."

There was an unquestionable majesty in the voice, as if it was God's will, and it echoed in the air for a long time.

After saying that, Xiaolan took off into the air, her figure as light as a swallow, her clothes fluttering, like a fairy. She flew directly into the air to lead the way for the boats, letting the sea breeze blow her long hair and clothes.

After a day and a night, an island appeared before everyone's eyes. The island was covered by a thin layer of mist, as if covered with a mysterious veil.

From a distance, the mountains are undulating and continuous, like a giant dragon winding and circling. The green trees are shady, the peaks are towering, and the mountains are shrouded in clouds and mist, just like a fairyland, which reminds people of the saying "Suddenly I heard that there is a fairy mountain on the sea, and the mountain is in the void." The clouds and mist sometimes float like a veil, and sometimes surge like waves, changing unpredictably, as if hiding countless secrets.

The coastline of the island is winding, like a flexible ribbon, surrounding the entire island. The golden beach sparkles in the sun, as if countless gold grains are scattered on the ground.

The waves hit the rocks, splashing white spray, which is as pure as snowflakes. The clear sea water is azure blue, transparent enough to see the sand and fish swimming on the seabed. The fish are colorful and in various shapes, swimming freely in the water. There are all kinds of strange plants growing on the seashore, some of which are shaped like palm trees, tall and straight, with leaves spread out like fans; some are entwined on the rocks like vines, as if they are wearing a green coat on the rocks.

In the center of the island, there is a vast plain covered with green grass and colorful flowers. A clear stream meanders through it, making the sound of gurgling water.

There are some quaint villages scattered around the plains, with houses scattered in an orderly manner, mostly built of wood and stone. The houses are simple and the people in the villages wear simple clothes.

"Could this be the fairy island?"

For the officials, craftsmen, and 3,000 boys and girls who had just set foot on this land, this island seemed like a brand new world. They were shocked by the beautiful scenery here, and their hearts were full of curiosity and expectation. Everything here was completely different from the Qin Dynasty land they were familiar with, and was full of mystery and unknown.

Hearing the noise outside, the local natives walked out of the stone house and looked at the big ship docked on the shore, as well as Xiaolan and the others, their eyes full of curiosity and vigilance. They gradually gathered together and surrounded this side, their steps slow and cautious.

The Qin crossbowmen thought they were the goddess's attendants, so they let them watch, standing there quietly, their eyes full of awe.

Looking at the natives who were ready to make a move, Xiaolan raised her hand, a light flashed, and with a loud "boom", a deep pit was blown out not far away.

The loud noise reverberated in the air like thunder, making people tremble with fear. The natives were so scared that they dropped their stone spears and axes, knelt on the ground, and screamed. Their faces were full of fear, as if they had seen the end of the world.

"Move all the things on the boat down. You will live here from now on."

Ignoring the natives who were still in shock, Xiaolan casually pointed at the leading Qin officials with expectation and majesty in her eyes, as if she could penetrate people's hearts: "From now on, you will all have the surname Yi, Yi One, Yi Two to Yi Nine..."

Xiaolan's voice was clearly audible in the sea breeze, like the sound of nature, and it seemed to carry a mysterious power. The Qin officials who were called felt a strong sense of mission.

Yi Yi and the others bowed their heads respectfully, their eyes full of awe and expectation, waiting for Xiao Lan's further instructions. Xiao Lan raised her eyes slightly and looked at the three thousand boys and girls. They stood there, their small figures looking a little fragile in the sun. Their eyes showed both fear of the unknown, which was an instinctive reaction to unfamiliar environments, and curiosity about the future, which was a child's unique desire to explore the world. "Yi Yi, Yi Er...Yi Wu, you lead the crossbowmen to patrol the island."

"Yes! Please rest assured, Goddess!"

Although he was a little confused, Yi Yi still nodded solemnly.

"Yi Liu to Yi Jiu," Xiao Lan turned around, took out a blueprint from her sleeve, pointed at the natives and said, "You take the workers with you to build houses with them first, so that everyone has a stable place to live. Then arrange for them to cultivate the land and ensure that there is enough food supply."

As she spoke, Xiaolan took out a slightly yellowed dictionary and said, "From today on, everyone must study the immortal language for two hours every night, because this is the key for you to enter the immortal world."


Spring March.

On the banks of the Huai River, the breeze blew gently, and the willow trees on the bank began to sprout tender branches, as if announcing the arrival of spring. However, the weather was still cold, and the chill penetrated the skin. The pavilion chief lazily huddled in the house, roasting charcoal fire to drive away the slight chill on his body.

At this moment, a shout was heard from outside. "Captain, the official ship is coming!"

The head of the pavilion quickly stood up and went out to take a look. Sure enough, a deep-draft ship with a capacity of 300 hu was slowly approaching the shore.

This is an official ship that travels between Huaisi and Jiangdong. The sails are brand new and sparkle in the sun. The hull is painted, looking solemn and majestic. There are two middle-aged Qin officials in black talking on the deck. Their figures look calm and resolute in the sun. A sturdy man is shouting at the side of the ship with a loud voice, asking the head of the pavilion to send someone to help tie the boat, and his attitude is very impolite.

The head of the pavilion was waiting on the shore and had clearly seen that one of the officials was wearing a plate crown and a copper seal and black ribbon on his waist, which was a sign of a rank of 600 shi or above. The head of the pavilion was startled and dared not neglect it, so he immediately arranged for people to help.

"Fan Kuai!"

On the boat, Xiao He frowned and scolded the burly man, "When you are out, be polite when talking to others."


Fan Kuai shrank his head and his tone became much gentler.

Xiao He, who was appointed as the 'Captain' by Yi Huawei, was not only responsible for collecting military rations, but also for finding people.

Thinking that they would soon reach Jiangnan, Fan Kuai looked worried again: "Captain Xiao, we didn't capture Chen Ping, and we even let him run away. I wonder if Shaofu Zhao will be angry."

Fan Kuai's words were full of worry. He knew Zhao Gao's temper, and if he made him unhappy, the consequences would be disastrous.


Xiao He was also speechless. Zhao Gao then handed him a list with some names and their places of origin recorded. But now Qin Shi Huang was recruiting laborers everywhere, and nine out of ten were conscripted. Although there was the emperor's handwritten order, there were still many twists and turns in finding people. Only two people were found in the past few months.

However, Xiao He did not answer Fan Kuai's question, but said, "Huaiyin is not far ahead. Han Xin, who was highlighted by Zhao Shaofu, is here. Let's go look for him..."

Xiao He decided to let Cao Shen watch the boat and take people to the city to take a look. Before leaving, he also told everyone to take off their official uniforms and put on ordinary clothes so as not to cause a disturbance. The people's livelihood was difficult along the way, and Xiao He was very reluctant to accept the extravagant reception of local officials.

Half an hour later, the group had entered Huaiyin County. Although they were in civilian clothes, they held the seals of the officials of the Qianshi level, and the soldiers guarding the gate hurriedly made way. Fan Kuai led the way, looking at the scenery along the way and looking around. His eyes were full of curiosity, as if he was a child seeing the outside world for the first time.

At that time, people regarded Sishui, Chen, Runan and Nanjun in the north of Huai River as Western Chu, Donghai and Jiangdong in the east of Pengcheng as Eastern Chu, and Hengshan, Jiujiang, Yuzhang and Changsha in the south of the Yangtze River as Southern Chu. The customs of the three Chus were slightly different. Fan Kuai, who was traveling far away for the first time, found the clothes and products different from those in Huaibei quite novel, so he went to where there was a lot of fun.

Xiao He stopped and walked from time to time, asking his servants to inquire about the local prices, especially the prices of grains. After asking around, he found that almost all grains were several times more expensive than those in Sishui County, up to two hundred coins per stone! Huainan was also a granary, and with the introduction of compost and various new agricultural tools, it shouldn't be this bad. When asked again, the locals said that it was because the government was collecting grain, and the grain was sent to the south via the canal. There were 100,000 mouths waiting to be fed in Jiangdong, so the local grain was less, so the price was naturally higher.

When Xiao He was squatting in front of the grain stall and thinking, he heard a loud shout in the distance: "Someone is fighting!" This shout broke Xiao He's thoughts, and he stood up and looked in the direction where the sound came from.

A corner of the Huaiyin market, far from the main road, was now surrounded by passers-by. The people watching the excitement were whispering to each other, talking a lot, and their eyes were all cast towards the center of the circle. Fan Kuai, who liked the excitement, had to work very hard to squeeze into the crowd and get a glimpse of what was going on inside.

On one side of the conflict was a tall young man with a sword. His figure was as straight as a pine tree, and his body was healthy, giving people a sense of high power. His hair was neatly tied, but he was wearing a shabby robe, which fluttered slightly in the wind, showing his desolate state. The straw sandals on his feet were also tattered and could hardly cover his feet. From a distance, he really looked like a poor beggar.

On the other side was a young man covered in grease. Behind him were two butcher tables with three or five skinned dogs hanging on them, emitting a faint fishy smell.

The two men were facing each other, the atmosphere was tense and oppressive. The young man was bare-chested, holding a sharp boning knife tightly in his hand, his eyes were as fierce as a wolf, as if ready to pounce on his opponent at any time. The young man in veiled clothes was holding a sword, silent, his eyes were deep and calm, making it difficult to understand his thoughts.

"What happened?"

Qin Li was very efficient. The city official rushed to the scene as soon as possible. He frowned and walked into the crowd with steady steps, with a hint of majesty in his voice.

Someone immediately responded, "Municipal official, Han Xin came to ask for some fish to eat again, but Xu Tu's son refused to let him, and the two of them started arguing."

When the young man heard this, he immediately threw away his knife, put on a flattering smile, and said, "Sir, it was Han Xin who came to my house again to ask for food. I was negotiating the price with him. Don't worry, nothing will happen!"

"I see."

The city clerk nodded slightly, his eyes carrying a hint of indifference and annoyance. He glanced at the young man coldly, ignoring his request for help, and said indifferently: "It seems that there is nothing to worry about. You two, go away!"

The city official's voice was not loud, but it carried an unquestionable majesty. After hearing this, although the crowd was unwilling, they did not dare to disobey and began to disperse.

After saying this, the city clerk ignored the conflict in front of him, turned around and left, walking farther and farther away in the crowd, as if this little conflict had never happened.

(End of this chapter)

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