Fan Kuai was very surprised. How could there be such an official? You know, under the Qin law, private fighting is illegal. He asked the person next to him in a low voice, but the person smiled disdainfully and said, "Don't say that he is a city official. We have long wanted to see Han Xin suffer. This kind of scoundrel should have been dealt with long ago!"

At this time, Han Xin wanted to quietly go around the side, but the young man blocked his way again.

Han Xin frowned slightly and said in a deep voice: "Xu Tu, what do you want?"

When Han Xin spoke, he was short of breath and his voice was weak, as if he had been hungry for a long time and had no strength in his body.

The young man put his hands on his hips and shouted, "Haha, it's nothing, I just can't stand you swaggering around the streets all day and coming to my house to look for offal to cook. This dog intestine is a good thing, you are a bad guy, you are only worthy of eating the intestines!"


After hearing this, everyone burst into laughter, and their laughter was full of sarcasm.

The young man's words were extremely harsh, but Han Xin was not angry. He just nodded slightly and said calmly: "Since you are unwilling to give it to me, I will leave and will never come again."

However, the young butcher still refused to give in. He stared at the sword in Han Xin's hand with a scornful smile on his face, and said, "Han Xin, in the past half month, you have also picked up a lot of my family's offal, all of which are worth a hundred coins. I think the broken sword you hold all day is only worth this much. You can leave if you want, but leave the sword behind. I will forget the past. Today, I can also give you a pair of dog intestines."

Han Xin was already hungry, but he still held the sword tightly in his hand, with a firm attitude, and said angrily: "Don't go too far!"

"Nai Gong wants to bully you today, what can you do?"

The young man sneered, "Although you are tall and like to carry a sword, pretending to be a knight, you are just a coward. Have you ever killed anyone with this sword?"

Han Xin remained silent and tried to turn around and leave. However, the strong young man grabbed his collar and pushed him back. Han Xin stumbled back to the corner, his eyes full of anger, and a feeling of helplessness and humiliation welled up in his heart.

"In that case, I don't want your sword anymore. If you want to leave today, you only have two ways."

The young man took a step forward, his eyes full of provocation, patted his bare chest, and shouted: "If you can kill me, stab me with your sword. If I die, the road will naturally be cleared. If you can't kill me, come, just crawl under my crotch!"

"This is too much, kill him!"

Fan Kuai kept shaking his head while watching this scene, thinking to himself: This butcher boy is really going too far, this is clearly an insult. But the people around him seemed very excited, as if they were watching a wonderful play. Some people even started to make a noise:
"kill him!"

"Han Xin, are you still a man?"

Han Xin's eyes were like a beast trapped in a dead end, full of anger and despair. He tightly grasped the hilt of the sword, his knuckles turning white. His body was trembling slightly, as if in the next moment, he would draw his sword and rush towards the dog-killing boy to fight for his dignity.

However, in the end, Han Xin lowered his head and squeezed out two words from between his teeth: "I'll drill..."

For a moment, all sounds seemed to disappear and the whole scene fell into dead silence.

With the young man's smug smile and hundreds of his fellow villagers watching, the tall and strong Han Xin slowly crawled to the ground. He knelt on the ground, raised his buttocks, lifted his clothes towards the young man, and crawled towards the wide open crotch. Every movement seemed so heavy and humiliating.

Fan Kuai thought that Han Xin would draw his sword and stab the butcher to death before crawling in. This kind of thing often happens in street fights. However, it didn't happen. Although Han Xin's face was throbbing with veins and his lips were almost bitten to bleed, he hesitated again and again and still crawled under the crotch obediently...

After Han Xin passed through the crotch, he looked up and saw hundreds of eyes. Those eyes were like a hundred arrows, fiercely piercing his bleeding heart. Those eyes were no longer looking at a person walking upright, but at a dog.

Han Xin's heart was filled with pain and humiliation, but he did not show it. He just stood up silently and brushed off the dust on his body, as if he could forget the humiliation just now. Then, he picked up the sword on the ground and held it tightly in his hand, as if it was his only remaining dignity.

But just as Han Xin was about to leave, a bloody dog ​​intestine was thrown onto his head from behind.

"It's a good drill. If you like it, take it." The young man leaned against the butcher's shop and said with a smile, "Han Xin, you are only fit to eat shit!"

Han Xin's body shook slightly, but he did not look back. He just gritted his teeth and left with heavy steps.

"The caterpillar bends to seek trust; the dragon and snake hibernate to preserve themselves!"

Han Xin threw out such words, as if he was defending himself, but when he looked around and saw that no one understood, a trace of loneliness flashed in his eyes, and he left weakly.

"This Han Xin is really a pile of mud."

The people in Huaiyin shook their heads and dispersed one after another. Their faces had complicated expressions, and it was unclear whether they were completely disappointed in Han Xin or felt regretful for not seeing the bloody scene on the streets.

Fan Kuai also found it quite boring. If he were Han Xin, he would definitely kill the dog-butcher boy with one sword. Even if he couldn't win, he would never suffer such a great humiliation. He spat and turned around to see Xiao He standing aside with his hands behind his back.

"Master Xiao!... This fellow is actually also called Han Xin..."

Fan Kuai hurried over and looked at Xiao He, who seemed to be deep in thought, with a hint of surprise in his expression:
"Sir Xiao, is this the person Young Master Zhao is looking for?"

Xiao He arrived a little late and did not see the whole process, but he heard Han Xin's last words clearly.

Xiao He frowned slightly, as if thinking about something. He did not answer Fan Kuai's words, but called a follower and whispered a few words in the follower's ear. The follower respectfully agreed and immediately chased in the direction Han Xin had gone. The group walked around the market again, but the bustling streets could not dispel everyone's thoughts. While eating in the hotel in the city, Xiao He and his friends heard more stories about Han Xin from the people at the next table... The people at the next table talked about Han Xin's past:

"Han Xin and his family escaped from outside more than 20 years ago."

While carefully filling the cups of hot soup for the guests, Sheren talked about the distant past, with a hint of nostalgia in his eyes.

At that time, the King of Qin was conquering the world, and the country was in chaos. There was war everywhere, and the people were displaced and fleeing became a common thing. Han Xin's parents went through untold hardships and died soon after arriving in Huaiyin, leaving the young Han Xin alone and helpless. Han Xin became an orphan and grew up eating at other people's homes.

When Han Xin got older, he still lived like this. He often stayed in other people's homes and ate free meals. It was okay once or twice, but if it happened every day, even a person with a good temper would feel disgusted. Gradually, there were fewer and fewer places where Han Xin could eat, and finally the only place left was the pavilion chief's house.

"Pavilion Chief?" Fan Kuai nodded slightly. Their boat was parked there. "I have met the Nanchang Pavilion Chief. He is indeed a loyal and honest man."

The servant said, "That's right. Han Xin took advantage of the kindness of the pavilion chief and squatted outside the pavilion every day, watching eagerly. As soon as he saw the smoke rising, he would immediately go over and sit beside it, his stomach growling with hunger. The pavilion chief couldn't bear it, so he naturally asked his wife to bring him a bowl of rice." The servant paused and continued, "In this way, Han Xin occasionally helped the pavilion chief with some work, but mostly he would leave after eating and come back the next day. This continued for several months... People who didn't know would really think that Han Xin was the pavilion chief's illegitimate son!"

Everyone laughed after hearing this.

The attendant went on to say, "The pavilion chief was kind and generous, but his wife was angry and disliked Han Xin. So one day, she cooked rice early in the morning and ate it secretly with her family. Han Xin waited until the sun was high in the sky, but there was no smoke rising from the kitchen. He walked in with doubts, but saw the pavilion chief's wife washing the pot and looking at him coldly. The pavilion chief also pretended not to see him. Han Xin then realized that he could no longer eat here. So he left and never went to the pavilion chief's house again."

"There are even more shameless things!"

The guest at the next table came over with a hint of excitement on his face and added, "I moored my boat by the Huai River. Since Han Xin lost his place to eat, he has been digging worms in the mud and fishing by the river every day to fill his stomach. There are often washerwomen fermenting hemp and washing silk by the water. One old washerwoman saw that he was hungry and took pity on him, so she shared a few bites of the cold rice she brought with Han Xin. Guess what the result was?" The guest deliberately kept the question in suspense and looked at everyone with anticipation.

"How is it?" Fan Kuai asked curiously.

The guest couldn't help laughing and said, "Han Xin actually ate the poor old washerwoman for dozens of days in a row!" He shook his head slightly and continued to explain, "Washing silk is a common job for women. It is extremely hard work. Those women's hands are soaked in water all year round, their skin is cracked, and they can't make much money. Only women from poor families will do this business. But even such a poor person could eat for dozens of days in a row, which shows that he is really shameless."

The guest paused and continued, "Han Xin still doesn't realize it. One day after eating cold rice, he bowed to the floating mother solemnly and said, 'I will definitely repay my mother in a big way.'"

"As a result, the washerwoman who had tolerated him for dozens of days became angry and scolded Han Xin, saying: 'You are a man but you can't support yourself. I pity you, so I gave you food, how can I expect anything in return?' Han Xin was so ashamed that he never went to the river again. After that, he began to look for food in the city. Every day he went to the butcher to ask for offal, washed the dirt and cooked it to eat. After a while, Xu the butcher's son became angry, and this is what happened today."

After hearing this, Fan Kuai was filled with disgust and said, "He is indeed a shameless person."

Xiao He just smiled and shook his head, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes, and asked: "What's the matter with the sword in his hand?"

The servant came over with dishes and answered, "It seems that an old man who passed by Huaiyin left it to Han Xin. The old man was also a beggar. After arriving here, he was very sick and had difficulty walking. It was Han Xin who saved him, picked him up and brought him back to his shack by the river, and caught fish for him to eat. After the old man recovered from his illness, he stayed in the local area for more than half a year and taught Han Xin how to read. Later, he left without saying goodbye, leaving only a sword to Han Xin."

"From then on, Han Xin carried his sword wherever he went. Outsiders thought he was a frivolous knight, but locals knew that he was reserved and had no knight-errant spirit. But it was also strange that even if Han Xin was hungry, he would not sell his sword."

Xiao He already knew everything he wanted to know. At this time, the attendant he had sent out to do something came back and whispered a few words in Xiao He's ear, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the restaurant.

"Han Xin, what are you doing here?"

A disgusted voice sounded, and everyone looked up, only to see Han Xin, who had a terrible reputation in Huaiyin, standing by the restaurant in a dejected manner. He was still holding the sword in his hand, his eyes fixed on the threshold, and he was afraid to step in.

The clerk came over immediately and drove him away with gestures, like he was chasing a dirty stray dog: "There is no leftover food for you, go away, go away!"

Han Xin's face looked very painful due to long-term hunger. After being driven away, he stepped back a few steps, looked at Xiao He's men who summoned him, and then looked at Xiao He and his men with chest-length beards and brocade clothes, as well as the fragrant fish and meat dishes on the table. He swallowed hard, mustered up his courage, and said stiffly:
"There is a distinguished person here, please treat me to a meal!"

"Lord Xiao, I'll go buy the things I need along the way." Fan Kuai stood up angrily with a gloomy face. When he left the restaurant with two people, Fan Kuai couldn't help but look back at Han Xin, his eyes full of disgust and disdain.

In his opinion, a cowardly and lowly person like Han Xin was not worthy of sharing the table with them. He was a lowly disciple who crawled under people's crotches! Fan Kuai was filled with anger and contempt. He could not understand why Xiao He would be interested in such a person.

Xiao He just nodded and continued to drink the hot soup slowly, as if Fan Kuai's departure had no effect on him. His eyes fell on Han Xin, who was a little reserved and three feet away from the table, and he said gently, "Don't be reserved, eat."

Han Xin hesitated for only a moment. Although the purpose of this "noble man" was unclear, he was a man who could even shamelessly eat the cold rice brought by the floating mother. Forced by life to this point, he bowed to Xiao He without thinking twice, and then wolfed down the food.

It was unknown how long the boy had been hungry. Although he was tall, he looked pale and thin. However, Han Xin ate very reservedly, or rather very cautiously. After taking a bite, he would look up at Xiao He.

Xiao He nodded, looked at Han Xin, a trace of thought flashed in his eyes, and said: "You were in the market, with a sword in your hand, but you would rather endure this great humiliation than fight back, why?"

These words successfully hit Han Xin's wound. Han Xin stopped chewing, a trace of pain and helplessness flashed in his eyes, and he said slowly: "Don't mention that I can't beat the butcher's son in a fight. Even if I really kill him, what can I do except venting my anger? Private fighting is a crime and the murderer must be put to death. I will either be killed by his father and brother in revenge, or I will become a murderer and be wanted by the government, and be sentenced to death." Han Xin's eyes revealed a kind of helplessness and rationality.

In his opinion, he was unwilling to fight to the death with the son of the butcher and sacrifice his life for such a dog butcher. So in his judgment, crawling under the butcher's crotch became the best option.

Having said that, a great humiliation is a great humiliation. Han Xin could get through the man's crotch, but he still couldn't get through himself. After leaving the market, he felt his mind was blank. The "great chaos in the world" that he had been looking forward to for a long time had not come yet, and his life was getting more and more difficult. He could not even stay in his hometown. His heart was full of confusion and pain, and he didn't know where the future would go.

(End of this chapter)

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