Qin Shi Huang called out to the Chief of Works, who had a gloomy look on his face, at the end of the hall: "Chief of Works."

"I want to ask you, how much is a bamboo slip that can be written with three or four hundred words worth?"

The Minister of Works originally wanted to see Yi Huawei make a fool of himself, but he never thought that he could actually turn decay into magic and make paper that could be written on with those rags and rotten corners.

If he had not personally inspected every process, the Minister of Works would even suspect that Yi Huawei had only presented some finer cloth. Faced with this ironclad fact, he could only honestly answer the emperor's question:
"Your Majesty, due to the different materials used, the value of the bamboo book varies from two to three coins, while the willow wood tablet is one coin."

You know, bamboo itself is not expensive, but the production process is extremely time-consuming, plus the price of cowhide and leather belts, the bamboo book is not as cheap as imagined. If it is replaced with silk, a piece of silk with a width of 2 feet and 2 inches and a length of 40 feet is worth 500 coins, and if it is cut into a length of 1 foot, it is also worth about 10 coins.

With this comparison, everything becomes clear. With the same width and the same number of characters, the price of a piece of hemp paper is half of that of a wooden slip, one fifth of that of a bamboo book, and one twentieth of that of a plain silk book... There is indeed a reason why paper can replace bamboo slips and silk books.

At this time, Nei Shiteng raised a sharp question: "Now the Shaofu has collected hundreds of stones of cloth and hemp in Xianyang, and produced more than a thousand sheets of hemp paper every day, which can be used for a year. But after a year, the cloth and hemp will be gone. What should we do?"

This is not groundless worry. No matter how large the population of Xianyang City is, there is a limited amount of rags. Moreover, those poor families recycle rags and take turns wearing them. Even if they are broken, they can be used to pad the soles of shoes. However, those wealthy and luxurious families do not care about the little money they get from rags and often throw them away.

"The Nei Shi's concerns are justified."

Yi Huawei smiled and responded calmly: "Your Majesty, in addition to cloth and hemp, papermaking can also use rattan, mulberry, paper mulberry bark, etc. The process is the same as hemp paper. It can be produced by the end of September, and the cost may be lower than hemp paper..."

The Minister of Works suddenly realized why Yi Huawei asked the Minister of Garden to soak many mulberry barks in the Haochi!
This statement also cleared up Nei Shiteng's doubts. He nodded, indicating that he had no more questions.

"When Zhao Gao requested to make paper, he promised me that the paper he made would be of good quality and cheap." Qin Shi Huang narrowed his eyes slightly, gently tapping the soft hemp paper with his hands, his expression full of satisfaction and appreciation. His eyes slowly moved to Yi Huawei, and he slowly said: "You have lived up to my expectations!"

Upon hearing this, Yi Huawei bowed quickly, his eyes drooping slightly and flashing a few times: "It is because of your majesty's wisdom and trust in me that the paper has been able to come into being. Your majesty's trust is like a beacon that illuminates the way forward for me. I will never be able to repay your majesty's kindness even if I die a thousand times."

"Hahaha~, it's your credit, it's your credit. Although this papermaking technique is Yilan's contribution, you still deserve credit."

Qin Shihuang's hearty laughter echoed in the hall, and then he raised his hand slightly, motioning Yi Huawei to come forward and help grind the ink.

Yi Huawei hurriedly took small steps forward, picked up the ink block gently and skillfully, and slowly turned it, and the ink gradually spread in the inkstone.

Qin Shi Huang turned to Nei Shi Teng and said, "Come here and write the imperial edict."


Nei Shiteng accepted the order respectfully.

Qin Shi Huang stood with his hands behind his back and spoke slowly:
"Since ancient times, most books and contracts were compiled on bamboo slips. Those written on plain silk were called silk books. Silk is expensive and the slips are heavy, which is not convenient for people. Now there is Shaofu Zhao Gao, who has followed my idea and made paper to replace bamboo slips and silk, and spread it all over the world. I am pleased with his ability and commend his achievements. Now I grant Zhao Gao a mansion and promote his title to the Great Shuchang!"

After the decree was issued, everyone in the hall had different expressions. Some were envious of Zhao Gao, with desire and jealousy in their eyes, and some were amazed at the revolution brought about by papermaking, with slightly opened mouths and flashing eyes, as if they were witnessing the beginning of a great era.

Looking at the yellow paper on the imperial desk, Qin Shihuang seemed to be able to see the official script documents written on the hemp paper being passed around the counties. The people of Shandong also wanted to learn seal script and official script from the Qin officials, throw away the heavy bamboo slips filled with poems and books, and copy the Qin laws on brand new paper.

He seemed to see a unified culture taking root in this vast land, and saw the glory of the Qin Dynasty continuing for thousands of years under the carrier of this paper.

"I have something else to present to Your Majesty!" Yi Huawei bowed slightly with a serious expression. He carefully took out two pieces of yellow paper covered with words from his arms and presented them respectfully with both hands.

"Oh?! Is Zhao Gao going to give me another surprise today?" Qin Shi Huang laughed, a hint of anticipation flashed in his eyes, and he reached out to take the two pieces of yellow paper from Zhang Lehui's hand. However, when his eyes fell on the paper, his brows suddenly frowned.

The excerpts of Qin Law on these two pieces of paper are not only identical in content, but also in handwriting. The size, spacing, and even some typos are exactly the same! Qin Shihuang knew that although everyone has unique handwriting, it is almost impossible to write a word exactly as if it was carved from the same mold. If it is impossible to write one word, how can it be possible to write hundreds of words?

Qin Shi Huang was full of doubts and could not figure out the reason. He waved his sleeves and said:

"Don't keep us in suspense. Tell us what's the secret quickly!"

"Your Majesty, the words on these two pieces of paper were not written by me, but printed on them in bronze relief!"

Yi Huawei explained in a steady tone.

"Printed?" Qin Shi Huang suddenly realized, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

Yi Huawei struck while the iron was hot and continued, "I have made a machine. First, I ordered the craftsmen to carve a positive template and carve the words of the entire book on the copper plate. Once it is carved, only two people are needed, with enough paper and ink, and the speed of publishing books can reach 100 times that of handwriting. 100 books can be printed in a day, with as many as a million words, which is far faster than the speed of handwriting by clerks!"

After that, Yi Huawei bowed deeply to Qin Shi Huang and said, "I call this technique printing, and I now present it to Your Majesty!"

"Zhao Gao, was this your own idea? Wasn't it Miss Yilan's invention?" Looking at the joy in Qin Shihuang's eyes, Li Si couldn't help feeling a little jealous, and there was a hint of questioning in his words.

Yi Huawei smiled slightly and responded calmly: "Your Excellency, this method was developed by asking ink painters and craftsmen to combine common seal carving and printing."

The printing technology was actually all ready-made. In the Qin Dynasty, every official had a seal. Every time a document was written, it had to be stamped solemnly. Among the craftsmen in the government, there were people who specialized in seal carving. They were not only skilled in making seals, but also in carving inscriptions on bronze ware. Their seal carving skills were extremely sophisticated.

However, the seal has fewer characters and a small surface. Although engraving is not a problem, the experience of stamping is insufficient. Most of the beautiful silk clothes on the market are stamped in batches using letterpress printing and dyeing technology. The combination of these two technologies has created printing. But if I hadn't come up with this idea, I'm afraid it would have to wait until the Northern Song Dynasty for Bi Sheng to break this window paper. Today, on this land of Daqin, the birth of printing will surely bring earth-shaking changes to the dissemination of culture and the implementation of government orders.


Qin Shi Huang nodded slightly, praising Yi Huawei's innovation. Although Li Si was unwilling, he had to admit the great significance of this invention. Everyone in the hall was talking and talking, full of curiosity and expectation about this magical printing technology.

The reason why books are expensive is not just because of the high cost of materials, or even the profound knowledge they contain, but because of the endless human effort that went into them. Every word copied and every page edited is the result of the hard work of countless people.

Moreover, the heavy copying work often leads to mistakes. Once a mistake is made, the clerk will be severely punished! The law clearly stipulates that if you copy the wrong article, you will be punished for it! But sometimes, those petty officials are really wronged. It is obvious that the mistake was made in the county, but the people in the county can only copy it. What else can they do?

But now, with the emergence of woodblock printing, all of this is no longer a problem! Nei Shiteng nodded slightly and said solemnly: "In this case, as long as the Imperial Censorate has a woodblock printing machine and enough paper and ink, it will be no problem to print ten copies of the decree in one day!"

Yi Huawei smiled, his eyes full of confidence: "Master Teng is right. Compared with copying on bamboo slips and paper, printing is not only faster, but also can be done by a few people, and the cost is much lower!"

"In this way, within a month, all counties in the country will be able to obtain the full text of the laws and decrees, and the content will be completely consistent with the Censorate, without any possibility of errors or omissions! In the future, when the Censorate changes or edits laws and decrees every year, it only needs to print hundreds or thousands of copies of the revised chapters, give them to county officials to take back, and then distribute them to counties. Even townships and villages can issue laws and decrees, and let officials teach the people to learn them."

Yi Huawei spoke earnestly and made a suggestion to Qin Shi Huang, "This way, the clerks will not have to work so hard on paperwork, and the court's laws and orders can be issued quickly and accurately! I hope Your Majesty will approve it and let the Shaofu set up a carving and printing room in Xianyang!"

Qin Shi Huang glanced at his ministers and asked, "What do you think?"

Everyone looked at each other. Si You secretly glanced at Li Si and found that he didn't say a word. He mustered up his courage and raised a question:

"Your Majesty, this woodblock printing machine is indeed a powerful tool, but if it is obtained by someone with ulterior motives and used to print poems, books, and articles that mislead people, what should we do?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Huawei sneered: "You are throwing away your food because of choking! How ridiculous! Sir, do you think that the court judge, the prison guards, and the thieves are just for show?"

"I..." Si You was interrupted and did not dare to argue with Yi Huawei, so he retracted his head.

Qin Shi Huang looked at Li Si and asked, "What do you think, Prime Minister?"

Li Si nodded and said, "This thing is of great benefit to the court. However..."

Li Si stepped forward and said solemnly, "Your Majesty, I think that the art of woodblock printing should be strictly guarded. This art is a sharp weapon for the country. If it is obtained by people with ulterior motives, it may cause chaos. At the same time, the production and use of paper by the people should be banned, and the government should monopolize it. In this way, it will not be easy for scholars in Guandong to obtain it. After all, the people can be allowed to use it, but not to know it! Your Majesty should use thundering means to ensure the country's control over knowledge."

Qin Shi Huang nodded slightly, with a thoughtful look in his eyes. After a moment, he said, "Prime Minister, what you said makes sense. This woodblock printing technology and paper do need to be carefully controlled. In my empire, stability should be the first priority."

Yi Huawei frowned slightly. Li Si was determined to keep the people ignorant. However, Yi Huawei also knew that in this era, the stability of power and the control of knowledge seemed to be closely linked.

However, as long as Qin Shi Huang died, he would have the final say. It would take time to popularize it, so Yi Huawei was not in a hurry at all.

Qin Shihuang immediately issued an edict, ordering Yi Huawei to set up a printing room in the Shaofu to specifically assist the Censorate in printing legal texts so that they could be circulated throughout the country.

Yi Huawei bowed and accepted the order. After Qin Shihuang announced the adjournment of the court, he sent Qin Shihuang back to his bedroom and walked towards Nanyuan.

Looking at the stars in the night sky, Yi Huawei felt an indescribable emotion in his heart. Those stars seemed to be witnesses of history, witnessing the rise and fall, honor and disgrace of the Qin Empire.

Thinking about the earth-shaking changes I have brought to this vast empire, I feel both proud and burdened with a heavy responsibility.

He knew that these were not just two technological innovations, but also a major move concerning the fate of the country. Under this vast starry sky, he seemed to see countless books being born in the printing room in the future, carrying the laws, culture and wisdom of the Qin Dynasty and spreading to every corner of the empire.

The invention of papermaking and movable type printing will greatly promote the dissemination and inheritance of culture. Papermaking provides a cheap and easy-to-write medium, and movable type printing increases the speed of copying books exponentially. It can more efficiently spread official ideas, culture, and various types of knowledge to all parts of the country, improve the cultural literacy of the people, and enhance the cultural cohesion of the country.

With papermaking and printing, educational resources can be distributed more widely, more people have the opportunity to access books and learn knowledge, and cultivate more talents, providing intellectual support for the country's construction and development.

In terms of domestic affairs, the central government has strengthened its control over local governments. Legal provisions and government orders can be quickly and accurately transmitted to counties to ensure policy consistency and enforcement. Local officials and people can understand the central government's requirements more clearly, reduce errors and delays in information transmission, and improve administrative efficiency.

Unified writing and cultural communication helped eliminate regional differences and enhance people's sense of identity and belonging to the country. At the same time, it also made it easier for the Qin Dynasty to promote unified values ​​and behavioral norms and maintain social stability.

It can also promote the prosperity of commerce and trade. Contracts, account books and other documents in commercial activities can be made and preserved more conveniently, and the flow of information is smoother. Papermaking and printing also provide new means for commercial advertising and product introduction, which can indirectly promote the development of commerce.

Moreover, the papermaking and printing industries themselves have become emerging industries, creating a large number of employment opportunities. At the same time, it has also stimulated the development of stationery industries such as ink and pens, forming a complete industrial chain. It can bring considerable tax revenue to the country. At the same time, the prosperity of business has also promoted the development of other industries and increased the country's fiscal revenue...

"Hey! What are you thinking about? Why don't you respond even though I called you several times?"

A playful voice rang out like a silver bell, instantly breaking the tranquility of the night and interrupting Yi Huawei's thoughts. Then, he was patted on the shoulder, with a little bit of anger. Turning his head, a bright and pretty face came into view.

(End of this chapter)

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