Princess Chenxi pouted slightly, looking somewhat dissatisfied. Her eyes sparkled with a lively light under the starlight, her long black hair casually scattered on her shoulders, a few strands of hair gently fluttering in the breeze. She was wearing a lavender long skirt, the hem of the skirt swaying gently in the wind, as if blending into the night.

"What are you thinking about? I've been calling you for a long time but you didn't respond?"

Princess Chenxi frowned slightly, and although there was complaint in her tone, there was also a hint of concern.

Yi Huawei came back to his senses and smiled slightly, "Your Highness, I was thinking about something and was lost in thought for a moment. I didn't hear you calling me. I hope you will forgive me."

Princess Chenxi rolled her eyes at him and said, "Humph, you're busy all day long, how can there be so many things for you to worry about?"

Yi Huawei's heart moved. Looking at Princess Chenxi's charming appearance, he said softly, "Your Highness, His Majesty works hard for national affairs every day and cannot sleep at night. I just want to do my part. By the way, Princess, why are you here so late?"

Princess Chenxi lowered her head slightly, her long hair falling gently, and said softly, "I happened to hear that you had made some new and interesting things, so I came to take a look out of curiosity. I heard from them, what kind of treasure is this?"

"It's not really a treasure, but it can be considered a national treasure."

Yi Huawei smiled and said, "It's better to come at the right time than to come early. I just happen to have some paper left. If the princess likes it, you can take it back and write or draw on it."

"Oh? Okay! Then Chenxi would like to thank Lord Zhao!" Princess Chenxi raised the corners of her mouth, revealing a few white teeth.

Following Yi Huawei into the lobby, I saw that the room was tidy and all kinds of objects were placed in an orderly manner. The moonlight poured in through the window, adding a cool tone to the whole room.

Princess Chenxi's eyes wandered around the room, full of curiosity. Seeing the stack of yellow paper and the copper seal on the table, she asked, "Are these all things you invented?"

Yi Huawei nodded and patiently introduced the princess to the uses of paper and printing. Chenxi listened attentively and exclaimed from time to time.

After listening to Yi Huawei's explanation, Chenxi looked at Yi Huawei with an inexplicable light in his eyes: "Master Zhao, you are really amazing! I didn't expect that Master Zhao is not only skilled, but also so smart!"

Yi Huawei smiled slightly:
"Princess, you are too kind. I am just standing on the shoulders of my predecessors, so I can see farther."

Chenxi's eyes slowly fell on Yi Huawei's deep eyes. She lowered her head unconsciously. Her heart seemed to be quietly passed by a weak electric current. A tingling sensation instantly spread, causing ripples in her heart. She pretended to look at the paper on the table for a while before she whispered:
"I heard that Lord Zhao's calligraphy is unique. Can you let Chenxi see it?"

"Haha, obedience is worse than respect. I am sorry to show my humility!"

Yi Huawei smiled heartily and walked to the desk. He picked up the wolf-hair brush and moved the tip of the brush smoothly across the paper.

“…I only love the lotus because it grows out of the mud but is not stained, washes in the clear water but is not coquettish, is hollow inside and straight outside, has no vines or branches, and its fragrance becomes clearer as it gets farther away. It stands tall and clean. It can be admired from afar but not played with…” Lines of elegant handwriting jump out of the paper, exuding the charm of the fragrance of ink.

"This writing style is very peculiar, but it feels very straightforward..."

After reading these strange sentences, Chenxi's pretty face turned red instantly, and the blush on her face was like the gorgeous sunset in the sky, so beautiful that it was breathtaking.

Chenxi glanced at Yi Huawei, feeling embarrassed and annoyed. She stamped her feet lightly, turned around, and said angrily, "Master Zhao... you are so annoying! How do you know Chenxi's nickname is Lian'er?"


Yi Huawei was slightly startled: "Princess, you misunderstood. This is just something I wrote accidentally. It was not intentional."

Chenxi turned her back to Yi Huawei, her heart beating like a drum. She didn't know why she lost her composure, but the words "I love you alone" seemed to have pierced her heart and touched the softest part of her heart. She bit her lip and tried to calm herself down.

After a while, he slowly turned around, with a hint of shyness and expectation in his eyes: "Master Zhao, is there any deep meaning in this article?"

"…Reply to the princess,"

Yi Huawei shook his head slightly: "This is to praise the purity of the lotus, implying that a gentleman should be like a lotus, stick to his original heart and not be tainted by the world."

"What a would be great if you weren't a eunuch!"

Looking at Yi Huawei's clear eyes, Chenxi blurted out, and as soon as the words came out, she realized she was speechless. Her cheeks became even redder, and a trace of panic flashed in her eyes. She turned around and walked towards the door, her steps hurried and messy: "...I'll come again next time."

"You haven't got the paper yet..."

Yi Huawei looked at Chen Xi's departing back, with a complex emotion in his eyes. He walked to the pool and looked at himself, and couldn't help shaking his head. It was still Gao Yao's dark face!


On the ancient yellow land with gullies everywhere, the wind was howling, raising gusts of sand and dust.

Prince Fusu stood alone on the high plateau, the rings and bracelets on his waist jingling in the wind, and he looked solemnly at the team that stretched for nearly ten miles across the mountain pass.

The Guandong laborers carried things on their shoulders and hands, their faces were distressed, and their heavy steps seemed to tell of endless fatigue.

Fusu sighed slightly, his voice drifting in the wind: "I heard that Qi County is Nanbin and Beidi County is Beibin, both of which are the original lands of Zhou. Duke Zhou led the Westerners to the East, and the Westerners went to the East Mountain and missed the Western lands. Now the Easterners are serving in the West, just like the Zhou army back then. They are exhausted in the military, sleeping in the open air, and sleeping beside the carriages, just like the mulberry insects exposed to the sun in the wild in April."

Fusu was deeply influenced by Confucianism, had a benevolent heart, and treated the people well. He opposed some of Qin Shihuang's harsh policies, such as "burning books and burying scholars", and believed that the country was just beginning to be settled, and the people should be appeased with benevolence, rather than harsh punishment. This kind and generous character made him deeply loved by the people. When Chen Sheng and Wu Guang started the uprising, they used the reason that Fusu was virtuous but was demoted by Qin Shihuang to garrison in other places, which shows the image of Fusu in the hearts of the people.

Fusu developed a compassionate character because of his mother's death from neglect, his mother's relatives from the Chu Kingdom were suppressed and expelled, and his uncle Changping Jun betrayed the Qin State and died tragically. He could deeply understand the suffering of others, and felt pity and worry when he saw the suffering of the common people.

Although he was kind-hearted, Fusu also had a resolute and courageous side. He dared to speak out and advise Qin Shihuang, and when faced with disagreements with Qin Shihuang, he could stick to his own views and wrote to express his opinions many times without fear of offending the emperor.

However, the many setbacks and blows he experienced growing up made Fusu somewhat indecisive. For example, when he received the forged edict from Zhao Gao and Li Si, although Meng Tian suggested that there might be fraud and asked Qin Shihuang for instructions, Fusu eventually chose to commit suicide instead of taking more decisive actions to verify the truth or resist.

Fusu respected Confucianism and advocated "benevolence and righteousness", "moral governance", "ritual and music", etc. He agreed with the Confucian concept of governing the country and believed that the country should be governed by benevolence and education so that the people could live and work in peace and contentment. This was in sharp contrast to the Legalist thought and strict governance strategy pursued by Qin Shihuang, and was also the main reason for his disagreement with Qin Shihuang in political views.

Although he had political differences with Qin Shihuang, he always respected his father's authority and engraved the etiquette between the monarch and his subjects in his heart. This idea of ​​loyalty to the monarch limited his actions to a certain extent, making him choose to obey rather than resist when faced with possible unfair treatment. As a politically far-sighted figure in the ruling class of the Qin Dynasty, Fusu realized the many problems faced by the Qin Dynasty after unification, such as the people's incomplete peace and cultural integration. He understood that it was difficult to achieve long-term stability in the country by relying solely on force and harsh laws, and a more moderate and tolerant policy was needed to stabilize the situation.

This time, as a military supervisor, he escorted 15,000 laborers to the north to build the Great Wall. Along the way, Fusu truly witnessed the suffering of laborers. Complaints in different dialects rose and fell, like a sad melody. He witnessed the pain of the laborers, their tired faces, their calloused hands, all of which told of the heavy burden of corvée.

The sun was blazing, and the laborers had to travel under the scorching sun all day. Many people were not used to the local climate and were plagued by diseases. Before they reached the border, several people died on the road every day.

Fusu was filled with worry, as if he had seen the tragic future. Of the more than 15,000 civilians, perhaps one or two out of ten would never be able to return home?

After Fusu sighed, someone beside him immediately responded: "Sir, you can understand the meaning of the poem about soldiers. You are truly a benevolent gentleman."

The person who spoke was Meng Tian, ​​who was wearing a wide robe with big sleeves, and his eyes revealed respect for Fusu.

A Confucian scholar also quickly echoed: "Your Excellency is kind-hearted, and it is a blessing to the world!"

Hearing this, Fusu smiled bitterly and shook his head slowly. He looked into the distance, with a myriad of thoughts in his mind.

His father was only pursuing his hegemony and might not have such a deep understanding of the suffering of the people. He wished he could persuade his father to reduce the burden on the people and let all people in the world live a peaceful life.

However, he also understood that his power was so small. How much influence could his voice have in front of this emperor of all ages? But he was unwilling to give up. He decided to do something for the people within his ability.

As a result, the 15,000 men finally missed the deadline. Meng Tian repeatedly advised, but still failed to change the situation. In such a situation, who could persuade Fusu? In the end, Fusu was only symbolically fined a fiefdom.

When the news reached Qin Shihuang, he just shook his head lightly, sighed, and lowered his head to continue browsing the mountain of memorials.

Qin Shi Huang was really tired of his son's indecision. Recalling Fusu's previous advice and admonitions, which were completely different from his own ideas on governing the country, he couldn't help but fall into deep thought.

However, when he thought about the elixir of immortality that was about to be obtained, he would be able to achieve immortality, and by then, he would still be able to protect these children. Forget it, it's okay to be pedantic! As long as he could live forever, he would have enough time to teach him and let him understand his good intentions.

Qin Shi Huang looked away from the memorial, and his mind was filled with thoughts. He thought about how he had fought all his life to build this huge empire, but now he was worried about his son's character. But he firmly believed that as long as he mastered the secret of immortality, all problems would be solved. He looked forward to the arrival of the elixir of immortality, and looked forward to protecting his country and his children forever, so that the Qin Empire would be passed down for thousands of years.

"Zhao Gao!"

Qin Shihuang's powerful voice suddenly rang out, breaking the oppressive silence in the palace.

"I'm here!" Yi Huawei bowed quickly.

Qin Shi Huang nodded slightly, his eyes deep and majestic, and slowly said: "How long will it take for that star to arrive?"

Yi Huawei bowed his head and thought for a moment, then replied respectfully: "Your Majesty, it will take two more days to reach Xianyang."

Qin Shi Huang narrowed his eyes slightly, and after a moment's silence, he said, "Call back your adopted sister Yilan. I want to build an underground palace, and I need her to preside over it."


Yi Huawei nodded in agreement.

When Yi Huawei brought Xiao Xizi back to Nanyuan, before stepping into the yard, he saw an unexpected figure at the door.

The man was dressed in gorgeous clothes and had an extraordinary temperament. It was Li You, the son of Li Si.

Yi Huawei was slightly stunned, then a smile appeared on his face, and he said with a cupped hand: "Isn't this County Magistrate Li? What a rare guest! How come you have the leisure to visit my humble home today?"

After saying that, his eyes fell on the large and small bags in Li You's followers' hands, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes. "Just come if you want to, why do you have to bring so many things? Zhao is really unworthy of it."

Upon hearing this, Li You also bowed in return, with an earnest smile on his face: "Master Zhao, you are too polite. I came to visit you today. This is just a small gift, not a token of respect."

There was a hint of deep meaning in the look in his eyes as he looked at Yi Huawei, as if he had some other purpose.

Yi Huawei secretly guessed the purpose of County Magistrate Li's visit, but he remained calm and said with a smile: "County Magistrate Li, you are too polite. Please come in, let's talk inside the house." As he said that, he stepped aside to let Li You go first.

When everyone entered the courtyard, they saw that the South Garden was decorated simply and elegantly. Several flowers and plants swayed gently in the breeze, adding a bit of vitality. As he walked, County Magistrate Li looked around, secretly admiring Yi Huawei's taste.

After entering the house and the host and guest sat down, Yi Huawei ordered someone to serve tea. The fragrance of tea permeated the air, making people feel peaceful.

Li You took a sip of tea and said, "Master Zhao, I came here today to ask for a favor. I don't know if I should say it or not."

Yi Huawei raised his eyebrows slightly. Although he had some guesses in his mind, he still smiled and replied, "Li County Magistrate, please feel free to speak."

Li You coughed lightly, hesitated for a while, and said, "Master Yi, I fell in love with your sister at first sight. I came here today to propose to your sister. ... I wonder what Master Zhao thinks?"

"My sister?"

Frowning, Yi Huawei smiled and said, “But Xiaoyue?”


Li You bowed and said, "I hope Lord Zhao will help me."

(End of this chapter)

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