The son-in-law of Mr. Hachishaku

Chapter 261 Stepping into the Abyss

Chapter 261 Stepping into the Abyss

Dutch is actually an idealist. He opposes science and the government. He spends his life trying to return the world to the old west where the jungle was strong.

He believes that this kind of social operating rules not only promotes survival, but also tightens discipline and helps people use their own abilities and courage to overcome all difficulties.

But Dutch also wants people to remain civilized and not the savages they once were.

Therefore, when the government vigorously promoted new clothing and related technologies, he did not completely deny it.

Although Dutch was an outlaw with blood on his hands, his early crimes were motivated more by ideals than greed. He even regarded the killing of government workers as an effective means to combat corruption.

The irony is that Dutch keeps saying that he opposes the government's control of the people, but he is very autocratic when it comes to managing the gang, and he is a complete dictator.

He always instills the belief of 'loyalty' in his subordinates and does not accept any opinions or criticisms.

When someone dares to question it, it is a betrayal.

Arthur must put loyalty first no matter what, which is the result of Dutch's decades of brainwashing.

However, even though Dutch has various problems, he never lacks a positive side of his character, which is why he attracts so many people to surround him and are willing to go through life and death and commit crimes for his ideal 'savage utopia'. Crimes such as robbery and murder.

Until Hosea's death and the trip to Guama Island, everything came to an abrupt end.

First of all, Dutch himself became confused. He began to doubt himself and his ideals.

He dreamed of changing society through criminal behavior, but found that it was impossible to shake the tide of social change. Today's society is no longer suitable for a sophist like him to survive.

In fact, since Blackwater Town, every plan that Dutch thought he had under control has failed, and every failed plan will attract more law enforcers, making the gang's situation more and more difficult.

Dutch actually knew exactly how this situation was created, but he couldn't go against his own nature.

So as time went on, he became increasingly violent and erratic.

What was called idealism at the beginning has now become an excuse for killing innocent people and committing crimes, a smelly fig leaf.

The hatred of losing his best friend, the humiliation of repeated defeats, the pressure of how the gang can survive, and the panic that the situation is about to get out of control have pushed the once confident Dutch van der Linde to the edge of the cliff, with an abyss called madness behind him.

And Arthur, his most trusted right-hand man and loyal disciple, became the last straw that destroyed the balance.

Dutch is a sensitive person, especially after returning from Guama Island, his nerves are always tense.

He could feel Arthur's alienation from him.

The second-in-command who used to obey him and be as close to him as a family member started to stop obeying his orders unconditionally and began to doubt whether his decision was correct.

So when Arthur persuaded Dutch to give up robbing the army out of caution, Dutch was determined to use practical actions to prove that his decision was correct.

Robbery requires manpower, and right now there is no shortage of desperate outlaws like him in the West who are about to be abandoned by the times.

Micah alone knows a lot of them.

Using the fastest speed to gather seven or eight gunmen who were willing to sacrifice their lives for money, Dutch started his plan.

They first robbed a batch of high explosives sold by the military to the Cornwall mining industry.

Then, quickly rush to Bacchus Bridge and blow it up.

This bridge is the only railway to the military fortress of Fort Wallace. Without it, all the supplies needed by the army cannot be delivered.

Dutch's purpose of blowing up the bridge was to provoke conflict between the Indian reservation and the army. He wanted to fish in troubled waters and then rob the train transporting supplies.

If things go according to normal circumstances, his plan will most likely succeed.

Because the Indians and the military have many conflicts, they are like two powder barrels close together. The slightest friction will explode.

However, due to spending a period of isolation in Guama, the news in Dutch's cognition was lagging behind. The reservation does have conflicts with Fort Wallace, but with the mediation of Tishi's company, they have been eased. If we all make money together, there is no need to fight and kill.

The final result was that a bridge was blown up and two groups of people were provoked.

The Indians also needed the railroad to transport extracted oil to processing plants outside the reservation.

Daqi, who steals the chicken but loses the rice, the correct approach should be to find a place to hide for a few days.

Wait until the incident subsides before coming out for activities.

But Dutch didn't, because in his view, running away in despair meant admitting his failure again, plus he actually saw Charles in the Indian team.

There is no doubt that this is betrayal!

So when Leon and Arthur found Dutch, instead of running away, he planned to use the remaining explosives to ambush the military patrol that was chasing them.

"Is this still the Dutch you know, Arthur?"

Li Ang rode a horse and appeared on the top of the mountain, looking down at the busy desperadoes in the valley.

However, Dutch and his group had no time to pay attention to their heads and concentrated on laying explosives along the path that the patrol must pass.

Arthur next to him said nothing and looked incomprehensible.

Sadie on the other side looked far away: "There are people coming from the east, and there are quite a few people listening to the noise."

After being transformed by the black light virus, the five senses of the Western Valkyrie have already surpassed those of ordinary people.

After hearing this, Arthur became visibly agitated. Even the horse under his legs was affected by the owner's influence and began to plow its front hooves uneasily.

Li Ang knew that he was in a hurry and deliberately delayed for a while before speaking:

"I'll give you one last chance to repay Van der Linde. Don't forget to tell him that you have already received the money from Blackwater Town."

Arthur was grateful for the permission, then turned his horse and went down the mountain.

After he walked away, Sadie asked in confusion: "Why not let Arthur watch Dutch destroy himself with his own eyes?"

Li Ang replied calmly: "This will make him lose his last trace of illusion."

Sadie nodded in understanding.

On the other side, Arthur successfully reunited with Dutch.

Although he has criticized Arthur's recent behavior, Dutch is still very happy to see his former right-hand man come to help him.

"Why are you the only one, where are Javier and the others?"

"Forget it, I don't have time to worry about this. Arthur, take over Micah's job. When the patrol enters the ambush position, press the detonator!"

Micah's expression turned gloomy for a moment, and he reluctantly gave up his position.

Regardless of who is responsible for detonating the explosives, it is a small matter, but it reflects who Dutch subconsciously trusts more.

However, Arthur did not touch the detonator, but persuaded: "I got the money from Blackwater Town, let's go, Dutch, take everyone out of the United States." It was obviously a kind words to persuade, I hope the former boss will stop being stubborn.

But what he heard in Dutch's ears was a different meaning: "How dare you disobey my order? I asked you to gather people, not to go to Blackwater Town!"

"You messed up all my plans!"

Micah added fuel to the fire and said, "Consumption ghost, what else have you done behind Dutch's back?"

One sentence planted the seeds of suspicion deeply into Dutch's heart. He stared at Arthur's face, which was getting paler due to tuberculosis: "Can you tell me how much loyalty you have to me left?"

"What?" Arthur was stunned.

He finally realized at this moment that Dutch might have never thought of leading everyone away all along. Lack of money and so on are all excuses. Lawlessness and never-ending willfulness are the life that Daqi really wants.

"Why didn't you answer? Are you feeling guilty?" Micah asked sadly.

Arthur roared angrily: "You have no place to speak here, shut up!"

As the second-in-command of the Fan Gang, he has the qualifications to teach ordinary members a lesson.

In the eyes of the already crazy Dutch, it turned out to be a sign of seizing work and power.

"Then I should be qualified, right? Answer the question I just asked, Arthur!"

Seeing that a conflict was inevitable, the military patrol arrived.

Dutch didn't want his plan to fail, so he let Arthur go temporarily and took the detonator himself.

"When this is over, I need an explanation."

Then, as if under hypnosis, Dutch said to himself: "I just want to scare them and make them retreat."

This time he finally told the truth, instead of calling it a visit but actually seeking revenge like last time in Cornwall.

When the ignorant patrol entered the encirclement, Dutch detonated the bomb without hesitation.

In an instant, a deafening roar echoed through the valley, dozens of towering trees fell to the ground, and the scattered debris ignited raging fires, completely trapping the patrol.

Fortunately, apart from the frightened horses, there were no casualties.

Seeing the chaos on the other side, Dutch showed a bit of pride, and then ignored Arthur's dissuasion and shouted to the patrol: "This is a warning, soldiers! Hurry up and run for your life with your tail between your legs. If you continue to chase, you will be bombed." It’s not the tree, it’s you.”

But the patrol team didn't know whether they didn't hear clearly or they were confident and asked:

"What did you say?"

At the same time, the gunman on guard duty discovered that a large number of people were following the patrol.

And it was a joint force composed of the military and Pinkerton.

As the bridge bombing incident escalated, the local state government issued a death order. The illegal criminal gang headed by Dutch must be eradicated, the sooner the better.

Only then did Da Qi realize that something was wrong and hurriedly ordered everyone to retreat.

Naturally, the patrol team could not let them leave. With the disadvantage of fighting low and high, they vowed to hold Dutch and others until reinforcements arrived.

"You shot first, soldier!" Dutch began to order his men to fight back.

Of course he knew that the army was not easy to mess with, but at this point, he had no choice.

As usual, Arthur became the one at the back. In addition to preventing the enemies behind him from rushing up, he also had to escort Dutch away safely.

Innocent lives fell to his gun.

Arthur, who was really bored, couldn't help but cursed: "You brainless idiots, this is an army!"

"Be careful what you say!" Dutch was still insisting: "This is just a ragtag group of pastry chefs and hooligans."

As soon as he finished speaking, a shell roared and exploded not far from him.

A desperado recruited by Micah was instantly torn into pieces all over the sky, and Dutch himself was knocked to the ground by the shock wave.

"Bombardment, pay attention to bombardment!"

Arthur yelled at the top of his lungs while braving a hail of bullets to rescue Dutch.

"Damn it, they actually used artillery!" Micah emerged from nowhere at this time. As a survival master, he always has a way to protect himself in times of danger.

"Arthur, hold them back, I'll take Dutch and leave first!"

With that said, Micah helped Dutch, who was staring at stars, and ran towards a safe place.

Although Dutch fell hard, he was still conscious. He didn't speak, which proved that he acquiesced in Micah's decision.

Arthur was just left at the back.

On his side, he struggled to hold on and block the enemy, but Da Qi and others who escaped had a hard time.

Pinkerton and the army seemed to be refreshed out of thin air. Their people were everywhere in the mountains and plains, making it extremely difficult for Dutch to take a step forward.

In such a critical situation, Micah still had time to give Arthur a thumbs up:

"The consumptive ghost must have exposed our whereabouts, he is the traitor!"

On the other side, on the top of the mountain that no one noticed.

Leon looked at Arthur from a distance, who was already surrounded by people, and said, "Go tell him the truth, Agent Milton. Then let him go and drive him to Dutch."

"Understood, sir." Milton responded respectfully and rode away.

Although from the perspective of the game, Milton plays a "villain", he has a bottom line and ability, and is not stingy in serving capital. Therefore, Leon passed Cornwall early to kill this man who has made countless desperadoes in the West. The frightened senior agent took him under his wing.

Sadie was dissatisfied with her former enemy turning into a colleague, but she couldn't say anything.

"Can I go help him? I mean Arthur."

"No, Mrs. Adler." Leon said with a smile: "I hope he will walk the last part of the road by himself."

Underneath the man's gentle smile was a darkness that made Sadie tremble.

She couldn't help but feel sad for Arthur.

I originally planned to finish the copy today, but obviously I can’t finish it. I’ll try to update more tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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