The son-in-law of Mr. Hachishaku

Chapter 262 Our era is over

Chapter 262 Our era is over

Not only did Sadie feel sad for Arthur, but Arthur also felt sad for himself.

This post-interruption mission was different from the previous ones. Dutch obviously believed Micah's slander and abandoned him, just like John before.

But the strange thing is that Arthur is not worried at all.

Because he knew that Li Ang was watching him all the time, this unique sense of security was something that Dutch could never give him.

There are more and more enemies in the field of vision, like a tide, including soldiers wearing khaki uniforms and Pinkerton wearing a bowler hat. They were not in a hurry to attack, but formed a huge encirclement.

Arthur hid behind a boulder and slowly loaded bullets into the magazine.

Since the opponent didn't attack, he just took the opportunity to recover his strength.

As the symptoms of tuberculosis worsen day by day, my physical fitness has been greatly affected. I used to be as strong as a cow, but now I am out of breath after running even a few steps.

Just then, Milton rushed over.

He first ordered his men to cease fire, and then shouted with a smile: "I'm glad to meet you again, Mr. Morgan, a good citizen, I finally caught him!"

Arthur kept silent, but his coughing sound spread far away.

"The cough is very serious." Milton looked like he was gloating: "I don't bother to attack a dying person, so it's better for you to take the initiative and surrender."

"Don't speak? Very good, very principled, much better than Micah Bell."

Arthur finally couldn't help but asked: "Micah?"

Milton pretended to be surprised and said: "Don't you know? We have been working together very well. He is simply more obedient than a dog."

"What did you say!" Arthur coughed more violently and couldn't even straighten his waist.

Milton winked and asked his men to tighten the encirclement, while he continued to attract attention: "I thought you would have guessed such an obvious thing."

"I know you really want to deal with that traitor yourself. We have the same goal."

"Look back, maybe it's not too late now."

The detective talked for a long time but got no response.

It wasn't until the soldiers and Pinkertons went around behind the boulder that they realized that Arthur had already run away.

Milton didn't feel angry when he heard the news. Instead, he relaxed: "Our mission is accomplished, let's close the team!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the soldiers who had just been 'beaten to death' by Arthur got up from the ground.

He went back home happily to receive his reward.

The Nether Dogs have long ago begun to infiltrate major forces, including the US military. It is no exaggeration to say that the West is now full of its own people.

Therefore, although there were a large number of enemies chasing Arthur behind him, none of them could really pose a threat.

We will all be colleagues from now on, which is great.

Compared to the relaxation and happiness on Arthur's side, Dutch and Micah had a much harder time. The group of desperadoes gathered earlier were all dead, and the two remaining were trapped in a tight siege and were driven to one place. On the ridge, there is no way to advance or retreat.

The enemy seemed to be playing tricks on them, surrounding them but not attacking, as if they wanted to trap the two of them to death on the mountain.

Micah, who was exhausted after being chased, collapsed on the ground without any image, panting heavily and asked: "Boss, don't you always have a way? Come up with a good idea to help us escape!" "

Dutch anxiously searched for a way out, but there were only cliffs and cliffs in front of him. In the end, he could only say helplessly:

"Our time is over."

Micah sneered: "There are only two kinds of people in this world, winners and losers, and I want to be the one who survives."

With that said, he quickly climbed up from the ground, walked quickly to the edge of the cliff, and looked down.

It's like thinking about the chances of surviving a cliff jump.

Dutch was not someone who would accept his fate easily. He thought for a moment and said, "I remember there is a river to the south. If we jump from there, we might have a chance."

Micah's eyes lit up: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go!"

But as soon as he made a move, a roar came from behind: "Micah!!!"

The two looked back and saw that it was Arthur.

He stepped closer. Although his face was sickly flushed, his eyes were extremely bright.

"I just met an old acquaintance, Agent Milton, and I almost got caught by him."

"You don't care about that though."

"Micah and Milton seem to know each other quite well, and they have some shady contacts in private."

As soon as Arthur finished his last words, Micah's hand unconsciously touched the holster on his waist: "What the hell are you talking about, cowboy?"

Arthur raised his voice: "I mean, you are the snitch!"

"You fart!" Micah retorted even louder.

The next second, the two of them looked at Dutch at the same time.

Arthur said: "Milton told me personally, Dutch, you shouldn't believe him."

Micah said: "Do you believe what Milton says? Where's your brain, consumption ghost? Or maybe it's because of other reasons. So you believe his nonsense."

Then, he advised Dutch: "Be realistic, we don't have much time, and we don't have the time to waste it in a place like this."

Arthur suddenly laughed, shook his head and said, "No, Micah, we still have a lot of time."

As soon as the words fell, the two of them pulled out guns and aimed at each other.

Even though Arthur is suffering from illness, he is still faster than Micah.

"Make a choice, Dutch. Trust me or trust him."

Dutch, who was always silent, had a solemn expression and was very troubled in his heart.

Emotionally and rationally, he should trust Arthur, a relative who has watched him grow up, but from a practical perspective, a terminally ill person is of little use and may even become a drag.

But then again, Micah's behavior is indeed fishy.

Dutch didn't know how to choose, so he simply threw the choice back to the two of them.

He used his remaining arm to draw out the gun, and the black muzzle swam between Arthur and Micah.

"Who of you plans to follow me, and who plans to betray me!"

After hearing this, Micah stood behind Dutch without saying a word and expressed his attitude.

Arthur, who was targeted by two people at the same time, was heartbroken: "Betrayal? You betrayed me, Dutch, I have dedicated everything to you!"

Dutch looked at him with a complicated expression: "I"

Feeling guilty, the King of Ideas unconsciously lowered the muzzle of his gun, but Micah refused to let go, forcing Arthur back to the edge of the cliff bit by bit.

Only one of them will survive today.

Thinking of this, the legendary mouse fired without warning and emptied all the bullets as quickly as possible.

The fierce gunfire completely shattered Dutch's tense nerves, and he subconsciously pulled the trigger.

He shot the deadliest bullet into Arthur's heart.

The other party's sad and surprised expression made Dutch tilt his head unconsciously: "It's all over, kid, it's all over. If only you were willing to listen to me."

Arthur's crystal blue eyes gradually dimmed, and his body fell weakly off the cliff.

Micah deliberately ran to the edge of the cliff to take a look, and then tried his best to restrain his joy and urged: "We should go, brother, hurry up!"

Daqi turned a deaf ear and stood there for a long time, not knowing what he was thinking.

After just a short delay, the two of them had the opportunity to witness a scene that could be called a miracle.

In the distant sky, a golden beam of bright light tore through the clouds, fell from the sky, and completely enveloped Arthur's body.

His injuries are recovering and his illness is slowly being eliminated.

Meanwhile, Arthur had another dream.

He found himself in an extremely luxurious castle. Not far in front of him was Li Ang sitting on a tall throne.

Herds of deer, representing holiness and wisdom, surround the throne.

The most majestic deer among them, Arthur's appearance was reflected in its clear eyes.

Li Ang gently stroked the antlers. Although his mouth didn't move, his voice kept echoing in the castle.

"Arthur Morgan, you have repaid Dutch's kindness to you with your own life. From now on, both your body and soul will belong to me."

"Now, wake up."

As he spoke, Arthur, who was lying at the bottom of the cliff, suddenly opened his eyes, and his originally crystal blue eyes were stained with blood red.

Bathed in golden light, his body floated up and slowly returned to the cliff.

The wild wind blew Dutch and Micah unsteadily, but they stared at the returning Arthur with incredible eyes.

"You're not dead! Still..." Legend has it that the mouse was frightened.

At this moment, he finally understood what Milton meant when he said 'Arthur is spotted by a big shot'.

Dutch was even more panicked and didn't even dare to look at his once most trusted brother.

Arthur did not rush to do anything to the two of them. Instead, he first picked up the black gambler's hat that had fallen off due to being shot not long ago, dusted the dirt off it, and put it on his head again.

This hat is extremely important to him and was left to him by his father.

Although their relationship was somewhat strained and the hat itself was worn out, he never threw it away.

To some extent, this hat has already become a symbol.

After putting on his hat, Arthur lowered his hand naturally, close to the holster on his waist, and took a deep breath: "Micah, it's time for us to come to an end."

Although he can now tear Micah apart with his bare hands, he prefers to use a more traditional method.

The panicked Micah first looked at Dutch, who had no intention of continuing to help him, and then at Arthur, who was eyeing him eagerly. Finally, he decisively pulled out his two guns and attacked the other two at the same time.

Even if he died, he would still have someone to support him.

But his speed couldn't even match that of the terminally ill Arthur, let alone the now complete Arthur.

As soon as Micah made any move, Arthur reacted.

By the time Micah took aim and was about to shoot, Arthur had already emptied all the bullets in the magazine at an incredible speed.

The legendary mouse, whose chest was completely stained red, fell down unwillingly.

When Dutch saw this, he took several steps back in fear. He didn't realize that Micah would shoot him.

If Arthur hadn't taken action in time, the consequences would have been disastrous. "Thank you, you saved me again."

Arthur ignored the King of Ideas' insincere thanks and silently stuffed a bullet into the gun.

The closest partner in the past has now become an enemy. Unable to withstand the stimulation, Dutch went completely crazy. He let out a very weird laugh and threw away his weapon.

"We shouldn't be like this, Arthur."

"We can't fight nature, we can't fight change, we can't fight anything, but I have been fighting my whole life. All I can do is fight, because this is my nature."

"Goodbye, Arthur, I'll wait for you below."

After saying that, Dutch jumped up without hesitation and fell towards the bottom of the cliff where Arthur had just been.

Even if he is finally desperate, he cannot accept death at the hands of his own people.

Arthur put away his weapon expressionlessly and murmured in a low voice: "Our time is over."

Just as he was about to turn around and leave, he saw Sadie walking towards him.

Mrs. Adler, who had obviously become younger, showed a hearty smile, and then shook the glass bottle filled with mysterious liquid in her hand.

"The husband said that this thing can help Micah wake up again. I just think it would be too cheap for him to die once."

"Hosea and Lenny are on their way too."

"If we use it sparingly, it should be fine a dozen times, right?"

Arthur was infected by Sadie's emotions and couldn't help but smile.

[With Aunt Susan leaving without saying goodbye, the notorious Van der Linde gang in the West was completely swept into the dust of history.

Dutch's death hit her hard, and no one knew where she had gone.

Hosea and Lenny returned to New York and probably wouldn't be able to see each other for a while. I heard that Lenny made great progress in his studies and even received a scholarship.

John is still being held in jail in Rhodes Town, but Colonel Hanson, now a state legislator, promised that after three years in prison, all past crimes will be offset.

Abigail agreed very much. She dreamed of living an ordinary life with her husband.

But this may be difficult to achieve, because John will have to work for his husband after he is released from prison.

Little Jack successfully entered Rhodes Town Primary School. It is worth mentioning that there was a teaching assistant named Marybeth in the school.

This girl, who has always been elegant and well-spoken, in addition to serving as a teaching assistant, also likes to write novels in her spare time, but she never lets others read them, so no one knows what she is writing.

Kieran, the chief groom of the Ti family manor and a former member of the Austrian gang, claimed that Marybeth might be writing stories about everyone's past. He likes to get close to Marybeth recently, and anyone with a discerning eye can see his little thoughts.

But Marybeth didn't seem to have any feelings for him.

Silly boy with wishful thinking.

Speaking of this, I have to mention the Irish boys Sean and Karen. The two of them actually got together. Although there were various signs that the relationship between the two was extraordinary, after it happened, it still made everyone They were all shocked.

Most people thought Karen could find someone better, including me.

Mrs. Adler has been mysterious recently and has not been seen all day long. It is said that she is trying to apply for transfer to South America with her husband, which is the place she and her dead husband have always longed for.

Javier must be happy because he is preparing to leave for Mexico and they can have a companion on the way.

Charles said that he would like to go north to Canada to find his people in the future.

There will be less and less time for everyone to get together in the future.

Pearson opened a grocery store in Rhodes; Strauss entered Tishi Mining as an accountant; Reverend Swanson successfully quit alcohol and morphine and really became a priest; the black girl Tilly got married, The other party's conditions are quite good. He is a rare black lawyer. I wonder if Lenny recognizes him.

The old liar Trelawney finally impressed Colonel Hanson with his sharp tongue and temporarily stayed with the colonel as a reception secretary.

Through Mrs. Aqina's relationship, Miss Ouch entered the public relations department of Tishi Company. Her daily work consisted of dressing up and attending various high-class cocktail parties, and she never tired of it.

Although I don't know what a public relations department is.

The uncle is still the lazy uncle who loves to eat. Fortunately, everyone is willing to help him from time to time, otherwise he will definitely starve to death.

There are rumors that this useless loser might have been a legendary gunslinger in his youth.

I can personally guarantee that this rumor is absolutely false!

Bill's bones were returned by the new governor of Guama, and I buried him and Dutch together.

The poor fool fell at the last second before dawn.

However, nothing is perfect in this world. I once thought that one day I would go to Tahiti to grow mangoes, but now I am still an executioner with blood on my hands in this evil land of America.

I have also longed for death, but unfortunately my life is no longer my own. ]

After writing this, Arthur stopped writing and looked up at the time.

Relying on working for his husband, he recently bought a house in Saint-Denis. His ex-girlfriend Mary was very happy about this. As soon as she was happy, the two got engaged.

"I won't eat at home for lunch."

Mary came out of the kitchen after hearing the sound: "Are you working again?"

"Yeah, that's right." Arthur closed the notebook and put it in his bag.

Li Ang gave it to him. Although it was not big in size, it was very capable of being installed. It was like a bottomless pit.

I heard it's called Eastern Legend.

It's a bit funny that he is a Westerner, but he carries an Eastern satchel around the city every day.

Seeing that Arthur valued a broken notebook so much, Mary said with a hint of jealousy: "Mr. Li Ang said that those who like to keep diaries are not serious people. I suggest you get rid of this bad habit as soon as possible."

Arthur grinned and said, "I'm really not a serious person."

While the two were chatting, there was a knock on the door.

"I guess I'm looking for you," Mary said.

"No need to estimate, it must be, I can smell the pretentious smell on his body." Arthur said as he stood up and opened the door.

Outside the door, Milton greeted him politely: "The weather is nice today, Mr. Morgan."

"It would be better without you." Arthur replied firmly.

He is still brooding over the fact that Whysea was killed by the Pinkerton agent in front of him.

Milton was not angry at all, and still looked calm: "Mr. Morgan, don't bring your personal emotions to work, it will not be good for you."

"By the way, Linton should change her name to Mrs. Morgan. Is Mrs. Morgan here?"

Arthur's eyes were alert for a moment: "What do you want to do?"

Milton showed a meaningful smile: "Nothing, I just want to talk to Mrs. Morgan about Charlotte. Arthur, you are also getting married, so you can't make a mistake at this juncture."

Upon hearing this, Arthur immediately walked out of the house and closed the door tightly.

"I just saw how pitiful she was and wanted to help her."

"Who knows." Milton shrugged: "Even if something happens, it has nothing to do with me. I just want to remind you that the time is almost up and we should set off."

Agent Ross behind him wanted to laugh, but Arthur glared back.

"I remember the time. Even if you don't come, I will be ready to go out."

"That's good." Milton said without sincerity: "Would you like to ride in my car together?"

"I like riding horses." Arthur said as he walked towards the stables.

The only disadvantage of living in the city is that there is no place to keep horses, so they can only be temporarily stored in stables, and that also costs money.

I should have bought a ranch.

Abigail bought a ranch near Blackwater called Beecher's Hope.

But compared to the desolate Beecher's Hope, Arthur preferred today's destination - Emerald Ranch.

That is the real ranch, a brilliant gem set in the heart of the earth.

"So you want to run Emerald Ranch?" Milton asked casually.

Arthur wondered: "Is my idea that obvious?"

"Speaking of it, your mouth will water." Milton got into his own carriage and continued: "Before the gentleman leaves, you can try to talk to him, maybe he will agree to help you manage it. However, I doubt whether you are busy enough? If it delays your work, I will report it to the colonel."

Arthur said indifferently: "Wouldn't it be nice to have a bunch of children and let them help with the work?"

Milton couldn't help joking: "Who? Mrs. Morgan or Charlotte?"

Arthur simply broke the pot and said: "Two together!"

A desperado and a law enforcer were originally equally powerful, but now they can only use their words to differentiate between them. It has to be said that Li Ang made an indelible contribution to the stability and prosperity of the west.

During the break in the bickering, I hurried on, and Emerald Ranch arrived quickly.

Arthur arrived late, but Han Sen, Sadie, and Charles had already arrived.

Passing through the high fortress-like wall, the first thing that comes into view is a huge black carriage.

Arthur was quite impressed by it.

Li Ang's family had already sat in the carriage, and the driver was still the powerful butler.

Arthur walked to the carriage amidst everyone's joking.

"Sir, I'm here."

The car window slowly lowered, revealing Li Ang's shockingly perfect face.

The man said concisely and concisely: "I have already explained what needs to be explained. If you still don't understand, you can ask Han Sen. He will stay here for a while."

"Understood." Arthur nodded respectfully.

He knew very well that he was not very smart, and he did not have the talent to lead others. Li Ang's positioning of him was also very clear, a Sword of Damocles that would always hang over everyone's head.

The purpose of his existence is to monitor whether everyone is loyal to Li Ang and whether they have done anything that harms Li Ang's interests.

If so, then I'm sorry to say that he will immediately transform into a ferocious mourning bird and bring death to the unfaithful.

"Believe me, you will soon become one of the most powerful people in the world."

"Arthur Morgan."

After Li Ang said this with a smile, he closed the car window.

Immediately afterwards, Bayek raised his riding whip, making a crisp sound, and the dark carriage moved accordingly.

The moment it reached the pasture fence, it disappeared without a trace.

(End of this chapter)

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