Technology: Starting from selling mobile phones

Chapter 101 Industry Debris Flow (for Subscription)

Chapter 101 Industry Debris Flow (for Subscription)
The horse soared.

The UP master in the digital area of ​​station B.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Ma Tengfei, who stayed up late last night to edit the video and was busy until two o'clock in the morning, slept soundly.

His mobile phone was placed next to the pillow, and at this moment, there was a burst of intensive notification sounds from the mobile phone.

The continuous and rapid sound woke Ma Tengfei from his sleep.

He was very upset.

"Who is it!"

In a daze, Ma Tengfei grumbled and touched the cell phone under the pillow. He squinted his eyes and took a look. Then he threw the cell phone on the bed and prepared to continue sleeping.

“Aren’t you tired of sending so many messages so early in the morning?”

But the voice just fell,
The next second, he suddenly sat up from the bed and quickly picked up the mobile phone on the bed, feeling completely sleepless.

Even though he was separated from the mobile phone screen, Ma Tengfei couldn't help but reveal a flattering smile on his face and typed:
"Brother Ran, I'm here! I'm here!"

"Brother Ran, I have something to tell you!"

"Brother Ran, are you looking for me because Nietzsche is about to launch a new product? This time is it an air conditioner, a refrigerator or a computer?"

"Don't worry, I will do a good job in evaluating and promoting it, and it will be taken care of by me."

After excitedly replying four messages in a row, Ma Tengfei took a breath and stared at the phone screen expectantly, for fear of missing important information.

Soon, Mo Ran replied.

"There is indeed a new product released, but it's not an electrical appliance, it's a 'TF memory card'!"

"TF memory card?"

Ma Tengfei was taken aback for a moment, and typed quickly after a while:

"Bull, Brother Ran!"

"We have established a firm foothold in the home appliance and mobile phone industries, and now we need to diversify and enter the storage chip industry!"

"Don't worry, I will make sure to review it carefully and make a video to promote it."

"There is no need to deliberately promote it, it's just a simple 'TF memory card', just introduce it objectively!"

"Oh... that's it!"

Ma Tengfei was in awe.

"Brother Ran, you are really low-key, luxurious and connotative. You are not exaggerated or hyped. You focus on the research and development of product quality. You are really a role model for my generation!"

"If our domestic products are like yours, why worry about the rise of domestic products!"

Mo Ran: "..."

After a brief silence, Mo Ran sent another message.

"But there is one thing you can mention."

"Anyone who purchases our 'Nietzsche X1' mobile phone will receive a 32GB 'memory card' as a gift from the factory, which is a 'TF memory card' produced by Nietzsche ourselves. This is a benefit for fans."

Ma Tengfei hesitated.

"666666, it has to be you, Brother Ran!!!"

"Did you see the voices of netizens on the Internet?"

"Everyone hopes to get a 'TF memory card' as a gift when buying a mobile phone. You are really responsive and considerate of public opinion!"

"With a down-to-earth leader like you, Nietzsche will definitely be among the top [-] in the world in a few years!"

Mo Ran: "..."

"Also, this time I have prepared 300 32GB 'TF memory cards' for you. You can give them to your fans as a gift, so that they can experience our Nietzsche's 'TF memory cards'."

"But you have to give feedback after using it. If you can find bugs, you will be rewarded."

"Brother Ran!!! You are my real brother!"


Seeing Ma Tengfei's exaggerated flattery, Mo Ran couldn't help but enjoy it.


It is Li Zhi's opinion to distribute 300 "TF memory cards" to let some deep users use Nietzsche's memory cards frequently.

Li Zhi’s original words are: Any newly designed memory card, even the most top-notch computer equipment, cannot fully simulate all usage scenarios, and some unpredictable BUGs and problems will inevitably occur.

The best way is to continuously collect customer opinions and continue to improve.

Mo Ran thinks it makes sense. Although he believes that the "drawing plan" given by the system should be fine, "Yellow River Storage" will eventually develop its own products.

Establishing this [Customer Feedback - Optimization and Improvement] system at this time will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the future development of "Yellow River Storage".

And the other side.

After finishing the conversation with Mo Ran, Ma Tengfei lost sleepiness completely.

One is that Nietzsche has launched a new product again.

Although it is a small TF memory card, it is still a new product.

two is,

Brother Ran really didn't forget me, and gave me a gift of 300 TF memory cards for fans!

What a sense of justice!

Thinking about it, he became more and more excited.

You know, more than half a year ago, he was just a digital UP master with tens of thousands of fans in station B. Although he is a bit popular, the upper limit is just like that!
And now half a year later, the number of fans has risen to 15.

All this is because of Brother Ran’s full support, which allows him to get Nietzsche’s new product reviews as soon as possible every time!

Thinking of this, Ma Tengfei excitedly opened several fan groups that he had already filled up and sent group messages.

"Brothers, good news... Nietzsche is about to launch a '32GB TF memory card', the thing is already on the way, live evaluation tonight!"

"And there's big news!"

"The next time you buy a 'Nietzsche X1' mobile phone, you will get a 32GB 'TF memory card' for free, so you don't have to pay extra for it!"

As soon as the news came out, within seconds, the major fan groups immediately reacted!

"???Did I hear correctly? When you buy a Nietzsche mobile phone, you get a 'TF memory card' for free?!"

"Damn it, free TF card? Is it true?"

"It must be true! We, Ma Laoshi, are Nietzsche's loyal 'running dogs'... No, we are die-hard fans, and we never miss the news!"

"999999, if it turns 6, it must be Nietzsche's conscience!"

"5555, I'm so broke! I just bought the 'Nietzsche X1' mobile phone last week..."

"@集主, hurry up and evaluate, group owner, Nietzsche is one of the few domestic brands I trust, the price is right, I will buy one directly!"

Ma Tengfei's fan base instantly became lively, and Nietzsche's side also started to advance in an orderly manner.

In the Nietzsche Pinxixi store, the sales page of the "Nitsch X1" mobile phone has added the information of "Buy Nietzsche X1 and get the original 32GB 'TF memory card'."

On the second day after the sales page was replaced, even though there was no publicity, it still caused a small-scale heated discussion on the Internet.

After all, the sales volume of Nietzsche X1 itself is good. When the sales are good, Nietzsche offered to give a "TF memory card" as a gift. Such a situation is really rare.

In a post forum.

"I'm so stupid, Nietzsche's operation is anti-human! All manufacturers are eager to sell a mobile phone with all the accessories, and you still take the initiative to send TF memory cards yourself? Isn't it good to let consumers spend money?"

"This is definitely because Nietzsche's senior management saw the suggestions of netizens. I didn't expect Nietzsche to really respond to requests. He is smarter than the bastard in the wishing fountain!"

"Upstairs, if you can talk, talk more..."

"No, brothers, don't you think it's a little strange? The memory card sent is Nietzsche's own brand. Can they produce memory cards?"

This topic instantly attracted the attention of many netizens. "Damn, TF memory card is not a high-tech product!"

"I have learned before that many brands are produced by OEMs... I guess Nietzsche should also find OEMs to produce OEMs."

"It doesn't matter whether it's an OEM or not. I just want to know how the performance of the 'TF memory card' they send is? How much is it?"

"???Brother, how good do you want the gift to be?"

"That's it, don't be too greedy brother, as long as you can use it, what else do you need a bicycle for?"

"That's right. I'm too demanding. I won't say much. I just want to buy one, so I'll place an order."

Netizens are discussing in the post bar.


As netizens said, if you buy a mobile phone and get a "TF memory card" as a gift, you are already a conscientious company. How much better can you ask for?

Soon, the next two days were about the same as Mo Ran expected.

"Nietzsche X1" has experienced a small increase in sales because of the free memory card when buying a mobile phone. The daily sales volume has increased from 2000 units to 2200 units.

And as time went by, on the third day, the news that "Nietzsche X1" bought a mobile phone and got a memory card for free gradually appeared in major online news.

Many netizens who just saw the news that "Nietzsche bought a mobile phone and got a memory card for free" thought at first that their eyes were broken!

Good guy, it's already 2016, and there is such a conscientious company?

It was reported in the news a few days ago that a certain mobile phone company plans to no longer send original earphones with new mobile phones. Nietzsche is doing the opposite, increasing the quantity without increasing the price!

Such a move is no longer a clean stream in the mobile phone world, but a mudslide!
The news spread slowly, and almost all the public opinion on the Internet praised Nietzsche's conscience, but...

It was not without voices of doubt and ridicule.

Orange Live Room.

If Ma Teng Pegasus and Ma Laoshi are Nietzsche's biggest fans and the official UP owner, then in the past few months, Orange has also attracted a bunch of so-called "reasonable customers" and anti-fans because of his criticism of Nietzsche's various products on the Internet. gather.

Seeing that Nietzsche has been highly praised recently, this group of people began to feel strange.

And their eyes are focused on the price of Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" TF memory card!
"Hehe, the 32GB memory card is priced at 68 yuan! Who gave Nietzsche the courage to set such a high price? Is it Liang Jingru?"

"What the hell, there are a lot of 32GB and 30 yuan on Taobao! Why don't you grab it for 68 yuan!"

"You don't understand this, do you? The price is inflated so that consumers can see it, and feel that they have taken advantage of 68 yuan, but they don't know that this is just Nietzsche's routine!"

"Disgusting, Nietzsche is so damn disgusting."

The barrage was flying in the live broadcast room, and UP host Cheng Zi also had the right time to open the "Jinghong Series" 32GB memory card that Nietzsche put on

Seeing the price, he shook his head and sneered.

Although I don’t know much about TF memory cards, as the barrage in the live broadcast room said, if I open Taobao and Pinxixi now, I can see that most 32GB memory cards are priced at 30-35 yuan.

Only major international manufacturers such as Samsung, SNOY, and Kingston dare to sell it for more than 65 yuan!
A manufacturer like Nietzsche who has never made a memory card, an OEM manufacturer!How dare you price it at 68 yuan? !

Isn't this cutting leeks? !

"Brothers, I have to say that Nietzsche's routines are really deep..."

Many anti-fans, driven by Chengzi, frequently appeared in comments on major news platforms.

Whenever there is news about "Nietzsche sending memory cards", they will comment on how Nietzsche tricked consumers in a "sober world".

Gradually, many netizens noticed this rhetoric.


Although Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" TF memory card is given away for free, the price of 68 yuan seems a bit inflated...

Can Nietzsche's memory card really sell at this price?

Or is Nietzsche really a bit of a trick on consumers?
Mo Ran quickly noticed these comments.

In fact, when he gave Li Zhi the product plan of "U3 high-speed TF memory card", Li Zhi reminded him of this problem.

The "U3 high-speed memory card" provided by the system is good, that is, it has high performance and high cost.

In the "TF memory card" industry, there are two main reference standards for judging the performance of a memory card, that is-read/write speed.


In other words, this write speed is even slower than the broadband download speed of many households.

And now.

The high-performance TF memory card has been developed to U1 and U3 grades;

The lowest writing speed of U1 has reached 10M/S, and the lowest writing speed of U3 level has reached 30M/S!

And this "Jinghong Series" TF memory card produced by Nietzsche has reached the U3 level standard, and the writing speed has reached 45M/S!

What is the concept of 45M/S!
The traditional computer mechanical hard disk is 50-60M/S transmission speed!

right now,

Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" U3 high-speed TF memory card has reached the standard of traditional mechanical hard drives in terms of reading and writing speed!
It only takes 1 seconds to transfer a 22GB file!
Such high-speed writing performance, let alone storing mobile phone photos, APP applications, and chat records, even if you install mobile games on the TF memory card, and then run the game on the TF memory card, there will be no half lag !

Without him,

The reading and writing performance is completely enough, and it can easily meet the requirements of any game for fast data transmission!

It is no exaggeration to say that in terms of performance, Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" is a high-performance TF memory card!
And the only downside is - expensive!

Li Zhi was surprised when he knew that Mo Ran was going to give away such a high-cost "Jinghong series" TF memory card for free, and immediately proposed to replace it with an ordinary C6 memory card.

After all, a C6-level memory card is enough to store photos on a mobile phone, and the cost is only about 25 yuan!
And, most importantly!

This is a giveaway!
There is absolutely no need to use a high-speed TF memory card with such good performance as a gift. Even most customers don’t understand how awesome this card is, and all their good intentions are completely in vain!
However, after thinking about it, Mo Ran finally decided to give this high-performance "Jinghong" TF memory card as a gift.

Although the ex-factory price of "Yellow River Storage" has reached 48 yuan, since they have decided to give it away, they will give it away generously.

Looking at a small number of doubts about the "Jinghong" memory card on the Internet, after thinking about it, Mo Ran did not rush to explain.

The clear is self-cleaning, and the turbid is self-turbid.

Most of the 32GB memory cards currently sold on Taobao and Pinxixi are indeed around 35 yuan, but those are ordinary C4 and C6 level memory cards.

With the same performance of this "Jinghong" high-speed TF memory card, the price of other international first-tier manufacturers has reached 70 yuan or even approached 100 yuan.

Nietzsche sells for 68 yuan. Not only is the price not inflated, on the contrary, the price is very reasonable!

Before long, time will tell.


Mo Ran calmly watched the comments ferment, and the discussions on the Internet gradually spread.


Compared with the questioning of Nietzsche, the positive energy news such as "Niezsche buys a mobile phone and gets a memory card" has attracted more people's attention.

Fang Xiaoqin, graduated from Beijing Communication University, just graduated this year, and is currently working as an intern reporter on, a well-known online news media.

The internship was just when she was full of energy. By chance, she noticed the news that "buy a Nietzsche mobile phone and get a memory card for free".

"Editor-in-Chief, I found a hot corporate event, I want to interview it, take a look..."


PS: Sorry, I didn’t update yesterday, I really didn’t have time to write.

Because the score of this book is only 200-300 follow-up subscriptions, to be honest, I can't make much money, and sometimes I have to do other things to make a living.

But I will still write as much as possible, and I will find a way to make up for yesterday's update, just three or two days.

Thank you for the monthly ticket,

Thanks to Kechen for the reward of 600 coins

Thank you for the reward of 100 coins for Time Moyu.

(End of this chapter)

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