Chapter 102 Sampling Testing

Pengbai News is a relatively well-known new online media in China.

After a while,
Editor-in-chief Lao Song took the mobile phone handed over by Fang Xiaoqin, glanced at the news about "Nietzsche's mobile phone comes with a memory card", then nodded and praised:
"Comrade Xiaofang is making rapid progress, and he already knows the hot spots on the Internet."


With that said, Editor-in-Chief Song returned the phone to Fang Xiaoqin.

"But you are still just a trainee reporter and lack experience. Leave this interview to other colleagues."

"I have another thing in hand that is more suitable for you."

Although the editor-in-chief did not agree to the interview plan, she was a little disappointed, but Fang Xiaoqin still looked bright when she heard that there were other arrangements, and hurriedly said:

"Leader, what's the matter?"

"Well, it's like this..."

"Comrades from the Quality Supervision Bureau contacted us this morning and said that they were going to conduct a quality inspection of electronic products on the e-commerce platform immediately. They hoped that we would send a reporter to follow the whole process and report on the matter."

"This job is not difficult, so, I think it's just right for you to be competent for this job."

Do you report the random inspection of electronic products on e-commerce platforms?
It's really not difficult.

Without hesitation, Fang Xiaoqin immediately nodded in agreement.

"Editor-in-Chief, don't worry, I will definitely take care of this!"

"But...why does the Quality Supervision Bureau suddenly want to conduct a 'quality inspection'? Does it want us to follow up and report on it?"

Editor-in-chief Song valued Fang Xiaoqin very much. He was not impatient when she asked her question. Instead, he smiled and explained:
"I really asked about this matter."

"It is said that the complaint rate of Taobao and Pinxixi platforms has increased sharply in the past two months, especially mobile phone-related electronic products are the hardest hit areas."

"So they are going to conduct a comprehensive spot check to rectify the substandard electronic products on the e-commerce platform and safeguard the rights and interests of consumers."

"Oh, that's it! Editor-in-Chief, don't worry, I will definitely expose those bad businesses."

Seeing Fang Xiaoqin's indignant look, Editor Song nodded and then showed a calm smile.

"Don't focus on those unqualified merchants... Our goal is to promote more qualified and high-quality merchants!"

"Well, I know!"


After receiving the official interview notice, Fang Xiaoqin quickly came to the Quality Supervision Bureau.

At this time, the relevant departments of the Quality Supervision Bureau have already been prepared. The various electronic products to be randomly inspected this time have also been purchased from the e-commerce platform and are waiting for the news media to shoot and report.

"Hello, Reporter Fang, I am Wang Long from the Supervision Section, and I am also the person in charge of this 'sampling inspection of electronic products'."


The person who contacted Fang Xiaoqin was Section Chief Wang of the Supervision Department.

After a brief introduction, the two came to the "sampling room" to prepare for sampling product shooting.

Before starting, Chief Wang said:
"Reporter Fang, let me briefly introduce to you the main categories we are sampling this time!"

"It's troublesome."

"The electronic products we sampled this time were mainly mobile phone related parts."

"One is the 'power bank' commonly used on mobile phones, then the 'Bluetooth headset', and finally, the 'mobile phone TF memory card' that is also the focus of this operation!"

Fang Xiaoqin looked around and saw that the table in the sampling room in front of her was indeed filled with power banks, Bluetooth headsets and mobile phone memory cards of various brands.

She knows some manufacturers, such as Samsung and SanDisk, and she has never heard of some manufacturers.


As a journalist, she quickly captured a different piece of information from Section Chief Wang's words.

"Chief Wang, did you say that the focus of this operation is the 'mobile phone TF memory card'?"


Section Chief Wang nodded.

"It was fine before, but the number of complaints about 'mobile phone TF memory cards' has skyrocketed in the past two months, especially on Taobao and Pinxixi, which have increased exponentially, and almost all of them are about quality issues."

"So we have to sort it out."

Fang Xiaoqin was a little confused and asked with a frown:

"Why is there a sudden surge in complaints?"

"According to our judgment, a mobile phone company named Nietzsche should have launched a mobile phone that supports 'TF memory card', and it is selling well."

"In the past two months, many mobile phone manufacturers have followed suit and supported 'TF memory cards' in their new mobile phones. Gradually, 'TF memory cards', which originally had low sales volume, have become popular again."

"This has allowed many criminals to see business opportunities. A large number of refurbished second-hand cards have appeared on Taobao and Pinxixi platforms. Some small manufacturers have also falsely marked their data and passed off inferior products as good ones. The entire market is full of bad products!"

Nietzsche Company?

Fang Xiaoqin was slightly surprised, and suddenly thought that the company she wanted to interview before was Nietzsche Company.
"Nietzsche mobile phone? Is it the Nietzsche mobile phone that is very popular on the Internet recently, 'Buy a mobile phone and get a TF memory card'?"

"Reporter Fang, are you paying attention too?"

After the words fell, Section Chief Wang couldn't help but be stunned, and then showed a hint of surprise.

"Well, to tell you the truth, I was originally going to interview them because of the issue of 'buying a mobile phone and getting a memory card'!"

"What a coincidence. This time we also bought a sample of their 'TF memory cards'. The price is not cheap, so we can see what their memory cards are like!"

"Nietzsche's 'TF memory card' is also on the random inspection list?"

Fang Xiaoqin's eyes lit up instantly.

She originally planned to interview Nietzsche Company. Although she failed to make the trip, she has realized that "Nietzsche mobile phone" is a hot topic on the Internet recently.


She is also very aware that the topic of "Nietzsche TF memory card routine fans" has become very popular recently.
If we can take this opportunity to highlight it, it will most likely attract a lot of attention on the Internet!

Thinking of this, Fang Xiaoqin suddenly felt excited and expectant, and she began to secretly pay attention to the random inspection of Nietzsche's "Jinghong TF Memory Card".

"Chief Wang, if that's the case, let's get started!"

"it is good!"

After everything was ready, Fang Xiaoqin picked up the microphone, pointed at the accompanying camera, and said with a smile on her face:
"Dear audience friends... Our Quality Supervision Bureau is now preparing to conduct 'quality spot checks' on the major brands behind me. They have the foreign brand 'Samsung'..."


After a simple recording of the opening remarks, various electronic products placed on the table began to be sent to the professional "Technical Section" for sampling testing.

Conducting quality inspection sounds complicated, but it is actually very simple with professional inspection tools.

Just a few minutes later, the first testing product came out. "This is a power bank produced by the 'Jisubao' company. It sells for 79 yuan. The battery capacity they marked is 10000mAh, but the actual capacity is only 7000mAh. This product is a serious false standard of performance parameters and failed to pass the random inspection."

Immediately afterwards, the test results of the second and third power banks submitted for inspection also came out.

Not surprisingly, some brand manufacturers have truthfully marked the battery capacity, but many manufacturers have falsely marked the capacity.

While Fang Xiaoqin was talking about the results, the camera on the side recorded the whole process.


All the more than a dozen power bank models commonly seen in the market were tested, and the "Bluetooth headset" test began immediately.

Half an hour later, the random testing of more than ten "Bluetooth headsets" ended, and finally the test of "TF memory card" came.

Fang Xiaoqin had always been thinking about Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" TF memory cards. At this time, she saw dozens of "TF memory cards" starting to be tested, and she felt refreshed.

Five minutes later, the test report of the first "TF memory card" tested came out.

Fang Xiaoqin quickly took the test report and read it into the camera lens.

"Dear audience friends, this is the 'Caron Memory Card' in my hand."

"This memory card has a capacity of 32GB and a read and write speed of U1 level, which is 10Mb/S, but!"

"The writing speed only reaches the C4 level, only 4Mb/s! The reading and writing performance is not up to standard!"

"Although the price is only 35 yuan, there is no doubt that this is an unqualified product with false performance standards! We will notify the manufacturer of this unqualified product and impose penalties."

Then, the second one.

"This is the 'Excellent Nameplate TF Memory Card', which was also randomly purchased by our staff from the Pinxixi platform, priced at 29 yuan!"

"This memory card is marked as 32GB, but the actual capacity is only 25GB! The read and write speed is completely different from what is marked, only 2Mb/S!"

"Moreover, this TF memory card has been professionally tested and is a second-hand refurbished card!"

"There is no doubt that such refurbished second-hand cards can easily cause data loss to users when used on mobile phones. Such memory cards already have serious quality problems!"

The test reports of different manufacturers came out one after another, and Fang Xiaoqin became more and more frightened as he read it.

These "TF memory cards" are almost all priced at more than 20 yuan or more than 30 yuan. They either have false reading and writing speed standards, or there are some discrepancies in storage capacity.

The more serious ones are even some second-hand cards or "old cards" that have been outdated many years ago.

Right now,

She finally understood why Section Chief Wang said just now that complaints about "TF memory cards" had increased dramatically in the past two months. These cards were indeed cheap, but with such quality, it was difficult to think of any problems.


As more memory card test reports from regular manufacturers are released, there are more qualified products.

"This is the 32GB memory card produced by 'Langke'."

"The marked memory size is 32GB, and there is no problem with the U1 reading and writing speed level. Such a card is a qualified product."

"The price of this 32GB, U1 read and write speed TF memory card is higher than the 30 yuan ones just now, the price is 55 yuan."

"'SanDisk' this 59 yuan, 32GB, U1 read and write speed TF memory card is also a qualified product."

"Okay, let's look at the next one."

"This is a brand we are familiar with - Kingston. The parameters are 32GB, U3 high-speed read and write level. Its maximum write speed reaches 40Mb/S, which fully meets the requirements. There are no problems. It is a qualified product. Its price It’s 79 yuan.”

"Samsung Electronics' memory card test report has also come out."

"32GB, U3 reading and writing level, the highest reading and writing speed has reached 50Mb/S, there is no problem with a big manufacturer like Samsung, but Samsung's price is relatively expensive, and it is also the most expensive memory card we tested today: 99 yuan! "

Gradually, as the sampling results from major brand manufacturers came out, Fang Xiaoqin also roughly understood the standards for the quality of "TF memory cards".

The larger the capacity and the faster the reading and writing speed, the higher the price of the memory card.

TF memory cards worth 30 yuan or 35 yuan are almost all produced and sold by unknown small manufacturers, and there are basically some false performance standards. Most of them are C6-level cards.


At this moment, the test report of Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" also came out.

Fang Xiaoqin's heart tightened for no reason.

to be frank,
Like most ordinary people, she didn't know much about TF memory cards before, so she could only distinguish one capacity size, and simply believed that the larger the capacity, the more expensive it was.
Little did I know that in addition to capacity, the reading and writing speed of TF memory cards is also an important factor affecting the price.

After learning so much, she was a little worried about the level of Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" memory card.
Will the price of 68 yuan only have the reading and writing speed of C4 and C6?

Could it be that it is just like what is said on the Internet that it is a free gift, but in fact it is a false price to trick fans?
Before Fang Xiaoqin could think about it, Section Chief Wang had already handed over the test report.

"Reporter Fang, this is the test report of Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" memory card. The performance is good. I really didn't expect it."

Fang Xiaoqin took a quick look and was stunned.

"Product submitted for inspection: Nietzsche brand 'Jinghong Series' TF memory card."

"Marked capacity: 32GB, actual capacity: 32GB, qualified."

"Speed ​​level: U3 high-speed reading and writing, actual level: U3; maximum writing speed 45Mb/S, qualified."

"Performance features: supports 4K high-definition recording, can be used for high-speed camera shooting, is highly durable for repeated reading and writing, is waterproof, heat-resistant and impact-resistant."

32GB, U3 level? !
68 dollars? !


Fang Xiaoqin couldn't help but cursed in her heart.

She thought that the Nietzsche memory card was a qualified product, and also thought that the Nietzsche memory card might reach U1 level reading and writing speed, but she never expected that it could reach U3 level performance!

And the maximum writing speed is not low!
After a while, she quickly flipped through the test reports of other manufacturers just now...

Although Kingston is also U3, its maximum writing speed is only 40Mb/S, and the price has reached 79 yuan!
Nietzsche's price is lower in comparison, and it's more cost-effective!
Thinking of this, she suddenly thought of another thing.

If I remember correctly, Nietzsche seems to have given this memory card as a gift in his “buy a mobile phone and get a memory card” campaign!
The gift is this high-performance memory card with a market price of more than 70 yuan? !

there's one more thing!

She woke up with a start.

Nietzsche kindly gave such a good memory card, but now many netizens on the Internet seem to question that Nietzsche's memory card is not worth 68 yuan at all.
It is a routine customer who deliberately raises the price, and cuts the leeks of fans!

Fang Xiaoqin's breathing became rapid for a moment, and countless thoughts appeared in her mind.

The most eye-catching thing about news reports is the reversal and the truth!

At this moment Nietzsche is being questioned, if...

If the news of Nietzsche gifting such an excellent memory card is released, what kind of attention will it attract!
At this moment, the cameraman on the side coughed slightly.

"Xiao Fang, don't just say the words."

(End of this chapter)

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