Technology: Starting from selling mobile phones

Chapter 103 The whole network was shocked.

Chapter 103 The whole network was shocked.

The advantage of new online media is speed.

An hour later, Fang Xiaoqin and the cameraman had completed all the shooting of the "sampling inspection" by the Quality Supervision Bureau.

The two immediately returned to the headquarters to start making the interview video. Before leaving get off work, the first draft appeared in Editor Song's computer mailbox.

"Editor-in-Chief, the interview task you arranged has been completed. Would you like to review it?"

"It's very fast."

After praising Fang Xiaoqin, Editor Song immediately clicked on the interview video and started watching.

After a while, Editor Song's eyes became serious. He also realized that this "sampling content" would most likely attract the attention of netizens on the Internet.

Needless to say, power banks and Bluetooth headsets.

The "TF memory card" industry itself is monopolized by foreign manufacturers. The well-known "SanDisk", "Kingston" and "Samsung" are all foreign brands.

It is very rare for Nietzsche memory cards to be "independent" among many foreign manufacturers and have good quality and performance.

the most important is……

Editor-in-chief Song also noticed that in Nietzsche’s “buy a mobile phone and get a TF card for free” activity, it seems that this TF memory card was given as a gift.

After a moment, he focused his eyes and looked at Fang Xiaoqin.

"Xiao Fang, the news material this time is very good, and it is very likely to cause a lot of social repercussions."

"Now there are a lot of doubts about our domestic products on the Internet. They all say that domestic products are not good, and we have no conscientious enterprises. Isn't Nietzsche a domestic conscientious enterprise?"

"As I said before, we need to expose substandard products, but we also need to promote good and qualified products!"

"In this way, you can polish the press release, give some more footage and introduction to 'Nietzsche Memory Card', and this news will be the headline of the APP tomorrow."

Fang Xiaoqin looked happy. As a trainee reporter, it was self-evident what it meant to have his interview report on the headlines!

"Okay editor-in-chief, I'll make the changes right now!"


the other side.

Since Nietzsche launched "Buy a mobile phone and get a TF memory card", the sales of "Nietzsche X1" have inevitably experienced a surge.

Duan Yu is one of the customers who purchased it.


Duan Yu was quite confident in the "TF memory card" presented by Nietzsche's original factory, but in the past two days, he saw many people on the Internet complaining that the quality of "Nietzsche memory card" was not good, and it was just an OEM product, which made him feel a little worried. Hesitated.

Especially that sentence:
[How good do you think the gifts can be? 】 Completely let him agree.

As a mobile phone in-depth controller,

He then bought a 79 yuan "Kingston 32G" TF memory card according to the strategy on the Internet, and then inserted the memory card presented by Nietzsche into the old tablet computer at home.

There is no reason, what matters is a high-quality mobile phone experience.

Today happens to be the day when the 79 yuan "Kingston 32G" memory card arrives. Duan Yu happily inserted the memory card into his phone, and Duan Yu couldn't help but smile.

"It's great! The space has been expanded to 32GB, which is enough!"

"I have to say, Kingston's memory cards are really silky smooth..."

As he spoke, he turned on his phone and started browsing the news.

After reading a piece of entertainment news, an APP push notification suddenly appeared on the top of my phone. I glanced at it out of habit, and suddenly my eyes stopped.

"The quality of 'TF memory card' was randomly inspected, and the quality of a domestic brand surpassed many well-known international brands."

Although the title is a bit exaggerated, it really caught Duan Yu's attention.

Thinking back to the "Kingston Memory Card" he just bought, he subconsciously clicked on it.

It was reported by The Paper.

"Recently, the Quality Supervision Bureau has conducted sampling tests on 'TF memory cards' of major brands on the Internet, including foreign companies such as Kingston and Samsung, as well as the domestic Nietzsche 'Jinghong Memory Card'..."

Duan Yu suddenly became more interested after seeing the concise summary in the first few lines of the news report.

Got a Kingston?

And that “memory card” that Nietzsche gave as a gift?
He quickly clicked on the video to play, and Fang Xiaoqin's voice appeared in the video.

Duan Yu habitually turned up the volume so that he could hear it more clearly.


look, look,

Duan Yu's eyes gradually changed from calm to surprised, and his mouth opened slightly involuntarily!

There are no surprises.

The quality of the "Kingston" memory card is fully qualified, and the read and write speed has reached 40Mb/S, which is considered a high-performance TF memory card.


What about Nietzsche's "Jinghong Series" memory card?
What did the news reports say?

"After testing, Nietzsche's 'Jinghong Series' memory card has a storage capacity of 32GB and a read and write speed of 45Mb/s, fully meeting the U3 speed standard."

"Compared with the 79 yuan 'Kingston' memory card, it has better performance and stable quality. It is a qualified high-performance memory card!"


Duan Yu was stunned.
Good guy, according to the news, this TF memory card sent by Nietzsche is actually better than the 79 yuan "Kingston" one? !
This unscientific!

After being slightly stunned for a few seconds, he quickly found his old tablet and quickly took out Nietzsche's memory card from it.

He couldn't believe it at all. After carefully comparing it with the model in the video, he suddenly took a deep breath!


Damn it, I was led by those black guys on the Internet!

What the hell, Nietzsche is OEM?

What kind of bullshit is the delivery quality bad?

It's all because Heizi deliberately set the pace to discredit Nietzsche!
The memory card presented by Nietzsche is not only not a defective product, but is actually a top-notch performance card in the industry!
What's ridiculous is that I actually spent 79 yuan to buy a "Kingston" memory card to replace Nietzsche. I was laughing my ass off!
This, this, this... this is the strongest person already in the formation!


After being annoyed for a few seconds, Duan Yu looked at the Nietzsche "Jinghong" memory card on his phone and realized it again, shaking his head and complaining.

"Nietzsche Company, you are such a fortress!"

"It's okay to give a memory card, but it's so conscientious to give such a good high-performance memory card!"


Duan Yu was not the only one who downloaded the news APP. Almost at the same time, Mo Ran's direct descendant, Ma Tengfei, also received news push from other channels.

In fact, Ma Tengfei is having a headache these days when he faces criticism of Nietzsche’s memory card on the Internet.

He has already tested the Nietzsche "Jinghong" memory card launched by Range this time. Not only does it have excellent performance, but the price is also very cost-effective.He originally thought that giving away such a high-performance memory card would arouse unanimous praise from netizens, but he did not expect that Brother Ran would be so conscientious.
What the hell is someone messing around with the rhythm and spraying!

He couldn't be more angry.

Although he has released the evaluation video of Nietzsche's "TF Memory Card" on Station B, and although he tried his best to explain it to Nietzsche, he is just a small UP master at Station B, and may still have some influence on Station B.

But on the entire network, not even a single wave can splash.

Early this morning, just as he was about to continue fighting the black people on the Internet, he suddenly saw the news push of The Paper.

Click on it without hesitation.

After reading the entire report, he couldn't help but reveal a hint of teeth-gnashing excitement on his face!

The media reported it!
This is just great!

There are reports from major news media and there are test reports from the official Quality Supervision Bureau. Who the hell is going to say that the memory card presented by Nietzsche is garbage!


Just as Ma Tengfei expected, the headlines of The Paper quickly attracted the attention of netizens.

After all, these randomly inspected products are related to everyone’s daily use and purchase.

At the same time, other major news platforms, such as Toutiao and NetEase News, also forwarded the news immediately.

In just one hour, not only has there been thousands of comments on The Paper, but the topic #nietzschejinghongmemcard# on Weibo has also begun to hit the hot searches.

"Damn it, it turns out that the card Nietzsche gave me is really worth so much money. It turns out that the card Nietzsche gave me is really not a junk card!"

"My body is broken. Not only is it not a junk card, but it is a top-notch high-performance 'TF memory card'. Why the hell are you telling me this is a gift? Aren't all gifts sold on the street?"

"No way, Nietzsche, are you really giving me a 'high-performance memory card' worth 68 yuan? Are you serious?"

"Absolute, absolutely amazing. Who can tell me this time that Nietzsche is just cutting leeks and a consumer of routines? Labor and management are fooling him. He is so conscientious!"

"Yes, I remembered it. Wasn't it reported that buying a Nietzsche TV will also give you a one-year VIP membership? Now, buying a mobile phone will also give you a high-performance memory card. Nietzsche is too conscientious. I hope he doesn't lose money in business!"

"Losing money is not a big deal, but I don't think it will make much money... and Nietzsche has not come out to explain so many voices of doubt on the Internet recently, and silently uses actions to give back to consumers. Such a domestic company is too rare!"

"That's right, we can't let Nietzsche down. We must support such a cost-effective memory card no matter what!"

"+1 for second opinion, I have already placed the order, screenshot.jpg."

"6666 upstairs, we are still chatting, but you are already taking action!"

"I also said I would buy a SanDisk memory card, but now I have to buy a Nietzsche card too!"

"Yes, +1 must be supported."


Netizens discussed it enthusiastically, and finally turned it into practical actions to express their support for Nietzsche!
The price gap between TF memory cards is not big, but this report from the Quality Supervision Bureau is more like an endorsement of Nietzsche memory cards.

Soon, netizens flocked to Nietzsche’s Pinxixi store and store to place orders.

As the news spread, some netizens gradually began to notice the name of the manufacturer behind this "Jinghong" memory card.

"Huanghe Storage Electronic Technology Factory? Huanghe Storage? Have you heard of this name?"

"It seems not. It should be a new foundry, right? It should be specially made for Nietzsche."

"Well, if you dare to use the name Yellow River, there is something in it, right?"

As the reports of The Paper continued to ferment, more and more people in the country knew about "Nietzsche's gift of a high-performance memory card".

The public opinion on the Internet is turbulent, but Mo Ran is sipping tea leisurely in the office at this time.

The sales volume for November has been calculated, and the profitability of Nietzsche's three main businesses: mobile phones, TVs, and tablets is still good.

The first is the "mobile phone business unit".

Although the "Nietzsche A7" faced a sharp decline in sales due to replacement, the profit of the mobile phone business unit in November exceeded 1 million yuan for the first time due to the continued increase in sales of "Luban 4000" and "Nietzsche X[-]".

Reaching an astonishing 4200 million yuan!

And the TV business unit.

As the "Nietzsche E55 TV" continues to increase in volume, the monthly profit has reached 2000 million yuan!

After deducting other expenses, Nietzsche's profit in November was a full 6200 million yuan.

Adding in the previous balance and the 5000 million deposit received from Xiaomi and Opop, even after allocating 5.2 million yuan to the "Yellow River Storage Factory", the cash on Nietzsche's books at this time is as high as [-] million!

Compared with Nietzsche's current stable business and gradually becoming a cash cow, Mo Ran is even happier that the newly established "Yellow River Storage" is gradually starting to get on the right track.

He picked up another financial report data on his desk and looked at it, then nodded with satisfaction.

In the same way as the previous operation of "Wanglong Electrical Factory", Mo Ran completely separated the finances of Nietzsche Company and "Yellow River Storage" and operated them independently.

simply put.

"Jinghong series" memory cards are ordered by Nietzsche Company, and then "Yellow River Storage Factory" is responsible for purchasing raw materials and producing and delivering them, fully acting as an OEM manufacturer.

This time, Mo Ran placed a one-time order for 20 "Jinghong" memory cards. The final raw material cost was calculated to be about 42 yuan.

Considering that "Yellow River Storage" was just established, Mo Ran left 20% of the gross profit for the factory, and Nietzsche's final purchase price was 50.4 yuan.

To know,
For the manufacturing industry, a profit of 7% or 9% is already considered a very high profit, leaving a gross profit of 20%, which is enough to show Moran's care and concern for "Yellow River Storage".


Mo Ran also discussed it with Li Zhi.

At present, the scale of "Yellow River Storage" is still small, and the procurement cost is still relatively high compared with large OEM companies. When the scale increases in the later period, the procurement cost will decrease and the profit margin will increase.

Thinking of this, Mo Ran breathed out gently.

The only fly in the ointment now is that the "Yellow River Storage" business is entirely supported by Nietzsche, and it is still early to expand the scale.

But don’t rush this, just take your time.

After reading the November financial statements, Mo Ran's attention turned to the public opinion on the Internet about the "Nietzsche Memory Card".

He didn't expect the "God Assist" of The Paper, but even if there was no report by The Paper, Mo Ran was planning to expose and whitewash the most intense public opinion in the past few days.

At this time, Nietzsche Company is no longer the Nietzsche that shivered when Ma Tengfei posted a video, causing the store to receive malicious negative reviews.

Nietzsche now has a certain ability to resist risks.

Judging from the online public opinion in the past half year or so, Mo Ran has gradually realized that anti-fans are also fans. The more people who are anti-fans, the higher the popularity.
As long as Nietzsche concentrates on making products, all doubts and slanders will become Nietzsche's heat.

As if to confirm Mo Ran’s point of view, the day after the news was released.

In the Nietzsche Pinxixi store and store, the sales of "Jinghong" memory cards suddenly increased sharply!
On the third day, the two stores were running low on inventory and were about to be sold out!


PS: Thanks to book friend 2023030332018 588 reading coins for the reward.

Thanks to Huimeng Epiphyllum Book Friends for the 100-coin reward

(End of this chapter)

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