In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 138 Spending Money Is Not Easy

The order of chapters in Chapter 138 is wrong and the content is in order.

Lu Chuan's thoughtfulness was really not understood at all.But my daughter-in-law is my own, so I should feel distressed even more.

Lu Chuan: "In the long run, if we don't make this money, and Fifth Brother doesn't make this money, it will be in vain if you go. This is for the long-term consideration of our engineering team."

Fang Yuan: "Are you serious?"

Lu Chuan frowned: "I'm serious."

Fang Yuan was angry and bit Lu Chuan: "Why didn't you tell me earlier? I've been following you for so long."

Lu Chuan complained to Fang Yuan for the first time: "Just watch it, who asked you to work?" His tone was mostly distressed.

Fang Yuan asked Lu Chuan: "In the beginning, when you went there, didn't you also follow suit?"

Lu Chuan: "Aren't you here? What can you say to me if I don't work hard? Why don't I show off? But no matter how you work, neither Fifth Brother nor I will earn wages."

Fang Yuan punched Lu Chuan twice. What was the sign of chaos?But something doesn't seem right.Fang Yuan is not easy to fool now, especially the mess on the construction site.

Fang Yuan: "That's not the calculation. In the end, the extra work and the money earned won't be shared by Fifth Brother and you two."

Lu Chuan was particularly grand: "It's not as bad as yours."

Fang Yuan became even angrier and bit Lu Chuan harder: "You're a coward. You bullied me into not being able to use your brain. You went around me, and you almost fainted."

Lu Chuan: "It would be fine if you didn't go. Why are you working so hard?"

Fang Yuan: "What's the hard work? I'm young and I won't tire myself out. I can't use up my strength."

Lu Chuan was anxious, feeling sorry for his wife as to why it was so difficult for her: "Nothing you say will work, right?"

Fang Yuan is so bold, she can scare Lu Chuan: "Yes."

Lu Chuan was worried. He really wanted to deceive him as much as he wanted: "Son, don't you want a child? If you have one, can you do the hard work? Mom didn't tell you this?"

That tone, that demeanor, it was so true.

Fang Yuan looked down at her belly. It was so amazing: "Is this it?"

Lu Chuan's words were irresponsible: "Who knows, what if."

Fang Yuan clutched her belly and was careful when walking. She wanted to have a baby. Fang Yuan was serious about it: "That really won't work."

Lu Chuan clapped his hands. If I had known this trick would work, why would I have spent so much effort?
Fang Yuan, a sweet girl: "Okay, you go to school, I'll take good care of my belly at home."

If Lu Chuan said at this time, he didn't have to keep him. He could go out for a walk or go shopping. I wonder if Fang Yuan would take care of him.

Seeing Fang Yuan being so careful, she felt a little reluctant: "Then don't tire yourself out. It's okay to take a stroll outside the door."

Fang Yuan waved her hand: "Don't worry, it's stable."

Lu Chuan went out for several steps, then turned around and came back. He was just like him, he knew how to learn lessons. After making a common-sense mistake last time, he gave Fang Yuan a vaccination this time: "Well, don't listen to that. You can’t listen to other people’s nonsense when it comes to raising a baby, so it’s best not to ask other people.”

Lu Chuan felt uncomfortable seeing her mother-in-law when her daughter-in-law asked her about this kind of thing last time.

It would be very embarrassing if Fang Yuan asked her neighbors about this matter in the yard.

Fang Yuan waved her hand: "You don't need to tell me, I'm being cautious. People outside are unfamiliar, who knows what they are worried about?"

Lu Chuan was really relieved to go to school, he was very safe, and his wife would definitely have a good rest at home.

As a result, my daughter-in-law came to school at noon.

Lu Chuanxin said, after raising a baby to this extent, didn't he say that he shouldn't go out and ask others randomly? Why did he understand it?

Seeing Fang Yuan being so aggressive, Lu Chuan felt bad.There are so many people here that it would be embarrassing for his wife to scold him. Lu Chuan also knew how to find a place for him to stay and wait for his wife to scold him.

Lu Chuan, a shameless man, wanted to give his wife some relief first: "Don't be angry, don't be angry, talk about it slowly. Take care of yourself."

Fang Yuan couldn't bear to hear "be careful about your body" right now: "Don't say that" she was so cautious that it was embarrassing.

There was no need to ask. Lu Chuan immediately knew that Fang Yuan was annoyed. Who was talking so much? He felt aggrieved and said, "Didn't I agree not to ask others?"

Fang Yuan hates it: "I don't ask anyone else, I ask the doctor." They were really very cautious about this matter.

Lu Chuan also didn't expect such a development. He covered his head and laughed: "You are so impatient." I don't know if his wife was embarrassed at the time.

Fang Yuan gritted her teeth: "How dare you laugh."

It was really difficult for Lu Chuan to hold back his laughter: "I won't laugh, I really won't laugh. Don't be upset, save some face for me, others are watching."

Fang Yuan: "Why haven't you thought about what others think of me? Why aren't you afraid of my embarrassment? Do you know how the doctor trained me?"

Lu Chuan felt particularly aggrieved: "I thought of it."

Fang Yuan stared, thinking that you would do such an unethical thing?Seeking death, right?

Lu Chuan sought leniency for himself: "I told you specifically, it's not good to ask other people."

Fang Yuan was furious and stepped on Lu Chuan's foot hard: "You can only do it."

Lu Chuan covered his feet and had to praise his wife: "My wife is smart. She went to ask the doctor. This must be true. What did the doctor say?"

Fang Yuan was rarely angry and sounded like a girl: "I don't want to talk to you."

Lu Chuan went to fetch vegetables, which were all the vegetables that Fang Yuan liked to eat. These things were good for the fire.

He also didn't expect that his wife would run to the doctor and ask him, "You said this really screwed up Fang Yuan."But I just couldn’t help but want to laugh.

After eating, Fang Yuan felt better indeed, and the look in Lu Chuan's eyes was no longer angry.

Lu Chuan asked Fang Yuan cautiously: "Why did you remember to see the doctor?"

Fang Yuan answered naturally: "It's safe, what the doctor said is always right."

Lu Chuan: "Then, did the doctor say there is one?"

Fang Yuan blushed angrily: "The doctor is not as capable as you."

Lu Chuan chuckled again: "I'm really a little impatient."

Seeing Fang Yuan glare, Lu Chuan shut up, and then Fang Yuan went to the construction site in the afternoon.He no longer ignored Lu Chuan's various reasons for taking a break.

But I told Lu Chuan: "The doctor said, work properly and don't delay the pregnancy of the child. It's not too late to pay attention after the pregnancy."

Well, I came here for the sake of An Luchuan's heart.The trip to the hospital was really not in vain.

Lu Chuan didn't dare to say, "My wife, I don't want to let you work."

After sending Fang Yuan away, Lu Chuan's face was filled with pride.Looking at his wife's back, he saw that it was all brushed.

It didn't matter. He covered his mouth and had fun for a while. I don't know, he thought he was stimulated and went crazy.

A classmate who knew her came over and asked Lu Chuan: "This girl from the provincial capital is very generous and pretty. How did we meet her?" Otherwise, Lu Chuan would not be as beautiful as she is.

Lu Chuan twitched the corner of his mouth and said with a look of dismay on his face: "We met when we got married."

The classmates were all amused: "Don't be ridiculous, if you are willing, others are willing?"

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