Chapter 139: Tricked the Wife

Then someone asked: "Didn't I say you married a wife at home?" The look in his eyes said that it is inappropriate for you to have a wife at home and one outside.

Lu Chuan was in a good mood, so he refused to care about them and showed off: "I'm married, that's it." Everyone really didn't believe it.

That girl just now didn't look like she was from the countryside, and with Lu Chuan's sticky eyes, who could be so stupid and happy towards his own wife.

Lu Chuan: "Another day, when I'm free, I'll take my wife and invite everyone to dinner and get to know each other."

I really believed it this time, otherwise I wouldn’t have dared to introduce it so blatantly: “Brother and sister, you are capable, I thought you were from the countryside.”

Listening to these words, you can tell that they are all unfamiliar people.

Lu Chuan never hid his background from others, so it's not shameful, right: "I'm originally from a rural area."

Everyone looked at Lu Chuan with strange eyes.The way you are dressed and the way your wife looks like do not look alike.

Lu Chuan: "My wife knows how to live a good life and can save enough money. She is also willing to dress me up." If you say any more, she is too proud and cannot be suppressed.

A man wearing glasses next to him said: "Lu Chuan, teach me, brother, if you have this ability, why should I eat steamed buns every day?"

Lu Chuan knew that this man thought he was coaxing his wife to spend money, and he didn't explain.

There is no deep friendship with such a person. There are several versions of rumors about him, and I can't pay attention to them.

Someone from the same dormitory came over and pulled Lu Chuan away. This group of people had no good intentions: "Don't talk nonsense. What's wrong if you don't want to see others?"

However, I really don’t know much about Lu Chuan’s family background and what happened to Lu Chuan’s schooling.Living in the same dormitory, his temperament is clear, and Lu Chuan is quite down-to-earth.

When Lu Chuan and his colleagues returned to the dormitory, Sun Long sighed beside him: "Chuan'er, I want to ask you something serious."

Lu Chuan had lived in the dormitory for a short time, and was not as familiar with each other as the others, but they all got along well: "You tell me."

Sun Long: "Chuan'er, you're married, why do I see you so happy all day long?"

A few people nearby also listened carefully.He also helped to explain: "We just want to say that we don't have to worry about food, rice, oil, salt, sauce, vinegar, tea, and getting married?" Otherwise, who can be silly and happy all day long.

Lu Chuan: "Isn't it a good thing to get married? Isn't it fun?"

Sun Long had a frown on his face, which was really a serious attitude: "But I am in a relationship, and I am unhappy more often than happy. Sichuan, tell me, brother, how do you coax your wife, how do you feel happy every day?"

Everyone: "You've been looking so sad lately. Are you dating someone?" That girl may not be easy to coax.

Lu Chuan asked back bluntly: "You don't have much time to be happy, what are you doing with your partner?"

Everyone in the room thought there was nothing wrong with this question, but it didn't seem to be the case, so why don't you try to coax the other person a little bit?

Sun Long really couldn't reach Lu Chuan's level: "No, Chuan'er, are you always happy when you look at your wife?"

Lu Chuan asked directly back: "Shouldn't you? Make my wife happy. I feel happy if my wife is happy."

Just listen to Sun Long next to you: "You are awesome, brother, I admire you."

Followed by a group of young men: "Teach me your experience, how to make your wife happy, how to smile every day."

Lu Chuan: "My wife has an open mind. She doesn't have so many things to worry about. She is very happy every day." Isn't this nonsense?
Everyone: "The point."

Lu Chuan: "That's not enough. We don't have anything earth-shattering or sad. The two of us live a normal life." Several people ignored Lu Chuan and went to class with their books.Do you usually have fun all day long?
Lu Chuanxin said, you can't understand my happiness, thinking of Fang Yuan coming to him with a pale face in a hurry.

Lu Chuan couldn't help but laughed. Compared to Sun Long in front, his face was full of depression.

Looking at Lu Chuan, I wanted to slap him on the raised corner of his mouth. Why was he so annoying?

Lu Chuan felt that married life was quite good.Although in school, people often laugh at her because she is married.But Lu Chuan didn't care much.

Speaking of which, he came from the countryside and didn't know much about things in the provincial capital, so he made a lot of jokes.

I really want to laugh when I think of Fang Yuan. I laugh when I see you.Lu Chuan has been humming to this tune lately, even if it's off-key.

The uncle was very considerate and helped find several houses. Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan specially asked Wu Hu to come over and made an appointment with the three brothers to go look at the houses together.

When they heard that Lu Chuan Fang Yuan was going to buy a house in the provincial capital, the five tigers were shocked.My sister actually wants to settle down in the provincial capital.

Then the five tigers figured it out: "That's right. My brother-in-law is studying in college in the provincial capital and is unlikely to go back to the village. Forget it if he doesn't have any money. Since he has money, why not buy a house in the provincial capital. What do you think? Why didn't you think of that?"

Lu Chuan was willing to support Fifth Brother: "That's all because of Fifth Brother. If it hadn't been for Fifth Brother who was handling the project in the county and we shared some money, we wouldn't have the money to buy a house in the provincial capital."

Wuhu glanced at Lu Chuan: "Come on, forget about telling others this. What can you tell me? How much wealth do you have, can I not count it in my heart?"

Lu Chuan wanted to say it, but I didn't know what it was, and Fang Yuan didn't even tell me.

The five tigers followed and asked: "What is the price of a house in this provincial capital? Do you think we who come from the countryside can settle down in the provincial capital?"

My brother-in-law didn't say that before buying a house, none of the five tigers had this concept.I really never thought about settling down in the provincial capital.

Fang Yuan really doesn't think much about that, so why can't she say: "You have money, no one can care about where you want to buy a house."

Wu Hu: "That's right. The house in the countryside is still new. I'm a little reluctant to leave it."

Lu Chuan was afraid that Fang Yuan would mention this and call him a prodigal: "We have to go back eventually. We have to have a place to live when we get home."

After the Five Tigers tasted it, a few years ago, they would not have dared to think like this: "This means they are rich and dare to say this."

Fang Yuan: "The main thing is to have the ability. I can support myself in the city." Otherwise, why not buy a house in the provincial capital and enjoy the northwest wind?
Wu Hu: "Look, I've made a fool of you. But Fang Yuan, you seem to be different. You speak loudly."

Fang Yuan: "Even in our village, I am more generous than others."

Wuhu didn't want to break up with her. She was generous and generous, which was a bit different. Since coming to the provincial capital, her horizons have broadened.

Then the three brothers went around the streets looking at houses, which was really a big deal.carefully.

At the end of the day, the five tigers all slapped their calves tiredly and sighed with Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan: "It's not easy to make money. It turns out that it's not easy to spend money either."

Fang Yuan also patted her calf and added: "It's not easy to spend a lot of money." It can be seen that she is very tired today.

It's been a day, and the three of them haven't settled on a suitable house yet.It can be seen that spending money is really not easy.

 Chapter 139, the content is here, but the order of the chapters is wrong. I'm sorry for the inconvenience caused to everyone.

(End of this chapter)

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