In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 333 Use appropriate words

Master Zhang: "Do you think I still want to associate with you? Do you still dare to hold grudges?" This woman is really worried.

Sister-in-law Zhang looked back at the door of Fang Yuan's house: "It doesn't look like it to me."

Followed: "But don't worry, I'll keep an eye on Aunt Lu when I buy groceries from now on. I'll go shopping with her. I'm going to be shameless. I have to get along well with her."

Master Zhang was frightened after hearing this. This woman was one of those people who became more and more busy the more she helped, "No, let's just not provoke others. Stay away. There's nothing wrong with that."

In fact, Master Zhang was even more worried about what was going on in the shop. After all the fuss, who would come from his own barber shop?

This woman has no idea. Can Sister-in-law Zhang not count it in her heart? Don't you dare to mention it?

I am always worried in my heart: "It's all caused by those talkative women. It's my fault. I just let them watch the fun."

Master Zhang: "Okay, it's better to provoke such a reasonable person than to provoke an unreasonable person. Just have a longer memory."

Sister-in-law Zhang: "That's what happened. I have a really long memory. If this is an unreasonable person, I can't let it go so easily."

Master Zhang said to himself that he didn't know how his mother-in-law could tell that he was so easy to mess with. It's just that I don't care about them.

Fang Yuan also hated her: "How could such a thing happen in the countryside? I didn't expect that there is nothing wrong with being famous."

Madam Lu coaxed her daughter-in-law: "Mom, you are fine no matter what. It's over now. We won't be angry."

Fang Yuan looked over at Madam Lu: "Mom." Lu Chuan felt sour at hearing that tone. His mother took advantage of him again to please him in front of his wife.

Lu Chuan stood directly in front of Mrs. Lu: "Okay, it's not a big deal. People like Zhang's sister-in-law bully the weak and fear the strong. They are not worth your attention."

Fang Yuan: "It's rare that I'm so kind and kind-hearted, but I actually used it for this person. It's all in vain."

Mrs. Lu: "Then let's make up for it, right? If you're still angry, go back and guard the door of their barber shop. I'll stop anyone who goes in, and tell me about Master Zhang's craftsmanship."

Lu Chuan: "I've already apologized. Even if I feel uncomfortable, I can't use this method."

Ding Min could tell that he didn't apologize and just let it go. It depends on Fang Yuan's mood. It seemed inappropriate for her status not to say anything.

Just listen to Fang Yuan say: "You all said that it's not worth arguing with such a person, so let people know that I, Fang Yuan, am a kind person."

Then he coaxed Mrs. Lu: "Mom, we can't afford to work hard for this matter. They are worthy of asking you to show them the door."

Ding Min: "Our family, Fang Yuan, is generous, has time and effort, and spends all her time on business. This is not something worth worrying about. It will be in the past."

Fang Yuan looked at Ding Min. She still remembered what the fifth sister-in-law did, and immediately said: "Our family must abide by the laws and regulations, and strive to be rated as one of the five good families by the end of the year."

Ding Min nodded happily: "I would say that our Fang Yuan is very generous."

Well, Wu Hu and Ding Min were sent away by their family. The two of them are here, so it's not convenient for people to talk.

After closing the door, Mrs. Lu said: "Fang Yuan, if you are not happy, we can just not be a good family."

Lu Chuan: "Fifth sister-in-law has to give me some face. But it's not like this."

Fang Yuan: "That's not the case. Didn't I make it clear that our family will not go to their house for haircuts in the future, and dad, don't go either. That's all."

Dad Lu: "I listen to you. Dad won't go, and neither will the people who work in our family. If anyone asks about the barber shop later, I will point them to the barber shop across the street. Our family doesn't want to be popular. , Who are you showing the atmosphere to?"

Fang Yuan nodded happily: "You can have this, it doesn't take any effort." Then she smiled,
  Father Lu was happy when he saw his daughter-in-law: "That must be true. Next time this happens again, Dad will knock a basin for you, and it will be no worse than your mother's." Mrs. Lu then smiled: "Fang Yuan, today's mom Whether the tapping is good or not, once the rhythm is found, when the woman opens her mouth, I will tap the basin."

Dad Lu: "That won't work in the beginning, you should make her unable to say a word."

Fang Yuan: "Good knocking, better than me. Next time, my dad will hold the basin and my mother will knock."

The old couple were satisfied and thought it was a success.

What Lu Chuan wanted to say was snatched away by Mr. Lu and Mr. Lu. Why do you think you are so insignificant as a man?

Even the work of carrying the basin was taken over by others.

When the couple was left alone, Lu Chuan wanted to comfort Fang Yuan and found that all his parents who could speak had already said so. As soon as he mentioned Master Zhang, Fang Yuan said: "It's in the past, don't mention it."

Fang Yuan really didn't care anymore.

Well, if Lu Chuan said one more word, it would make him look arrogant. Why is my heart a little blocked?

Then Fang Yuan chatted with Lu Chuan about the children with satisfaction.

Fang Yuan was slightly satisfied: "Because of me, we have neglected our family's satisfaction."

As a man, Lu Chuan could only say at this time: "That doesn't count, Master Liu's leadership is pretty good."

Fang Yuan: "Don't let Master Liu hug you in the future. If you learn from Master Liu's temper, you will be disliked by others."

Lu Chuan kissed his son's cheek: "My wife is right, we have to take care of our children. We also have to study hard and not use wrong words to let our children make the same mistakes we have made."

Fang Yuan frowned: "Did you use it wrong? Where was the mistake? When was it?"

The co-author didn't realize that this was all a matter of using the wrong words.

Lu Chuan faced Fang Yuan and carefully explained the word 'you love me' and how this word should be used.

Fang Yuan: "Ahem, Hezhu misunderstood like this, but I am innocent."

Lu Chuan: "Well, I don't believe you either. You would keep a man like me from having sex with others."

Then he took his wife and kissed her: "This is what we call your love."

Fang Yuan was a little shy: "Ahem." She kissed her back and said, "I learned it. I won't use it randomly anymore."

Then the couple's eyes were glued to each other, and when they wanted to do something consensual, Mrs. Lu came in and said, "Have you fed Satisfied?"

Fang Yuan felt embarrassed and smoothed her hair on her forehead: "Mom, I'm satisfied and full."

Mrs. Lu took the satisfaction away directly. It was so late at night, what was she going to do? Lu Chuan didn't even care about his wife, so he pulled Mrs. Lu: "Mom, what do you mean?"

Mrs. Lu hugged her eldest grandson: "I'm so satisfied that I don't need to feed him at night. I'm thinking of carrying him to my room so that you two can sleep well. Look, Fang Yuan has lost weight recently. The baby is tiring at night." "

Lu Chuan wanted to say that he was the one who coaxed the children at night, not your daughter-in-law.

But the daughter-in-law had indeed lost weight and couldn't say anything, but she couldn't bear to give the child to Mrs. Lu like this. She finally said: "I'm still young, let him get used to it first."

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