Mrs. Lu: "I just let my child sleep with me while he is still young. When he understands something, it will be difficult."

Lu Chuan pulled his son's feet and stopped Mrs. Lu from holding the child. He said in a calm voice, "I'm not ready yet."

Madam Lu patted her son's hand: "What are you preparing?"

He turned around and hugged the child mercilessly and left. I really don’t think this is a problem for Lu Chuan, gentlemen, there’s no need to be pretentious.

Lu Chuan looked at Fang Yuan resentfully: "No matter how big the matter is, you decide it as soon as you say it, without consulting me."

Fang Yuan couldn't listen anymore: "How big of a deal is this that still needs to be discussed?" The child was just carried from the west room to the east room.

Lu Chuan was really annoyed. He was more annoyed than Fang Yuan who spent a lot of money to buy a place or even change a car. That's a child, well together with the couple. Is that something someone can pick up casually?
  Lu Chuan's face was full of seriousness: "Fang Yuan, let me tell you, anything you are satisfied with is a big deal. We should discuss it together as husband and wife before making a decision."

Fang Yuan didn't even glance at Lu Chuan: "What should I do? Will you take me back again?"

Lu Chuan felt that his opinions were looked down upon by Fang Yuan and not respected: "Fang Yuan, I am serious. I feel sorry for you, and I am afraid that I will upset you with my satisfaction at night. But I can't bear to be satisfied either."

Lu Chuan felt that Fang Yuan failed to understand the dilemma between father and son and husband and wife.

Fang Yuan made a serious suggestion: "What should we do? Otherwise, if you are satisfied, you can go to live in another house." You see, this way you have both ends, you will not disturb my rest, and the father and son will not be separated.

Lu Chuan's face became serious when he heard this, and it took him a long time to speak: "Fang Yuan, you have such a casual attitude towards me. I am dispensable to you, right?"

Fang Yuan really doesn't think there's any problem with this. This is the only way to have both ends of the world: "Don't you feel sorry for me? You're afraid that I won't be able to sleep."

So, if you feel sorry for your wife who can't let go of the child, you can sleep in the same room with the child by yourself.

Seeing that Fang Yuan was serious, Lu Chuan turned around and hugged the quilt and left.

Fang Yuanxin said that she was not so pretentious and would not have trouble sleeping when the child was here. Otherwise, you and I could just live in the house.

It's a pity that Lu Chuan went out and never came back. Fang Yuan didn't even have the chance to express these words.

Mrs. Lu is holding her eldest grandson in her arms. Milk powder is ready in the house. If her eldest grandson is hungry at night, she can feed her some milk powder and save Fang Yuan from waking up in the middle of the night.

What people think is really good, they are all for their daughter-in-law.

Then Lu Chuan watched TV in the living room until the TV stopped playing and there were snowflakes. He didn't go back to the house to sleep.

Father Lu looked at the bright light outside, sighed, and said to his mother-in-law: "Otherwise, you can send the child back, and you should consider his son's mood."

Mrs. Lu: "What are you thinking about? Look at Fang Yuan. She has dark circles under her eyes. She has so many things to do during the day and she has to feed the child when she comes back. How can she be so alert at night?"

Father Lu tried to persuade him: "But your son is willing to work hard and can't sleep without his grandson. You should just feel sorry for your son."

Mrs. Lu glanced at the light coming from the door: "Then let him get used to it. He will get used to it."

Father Lu was also speechless. This woman was so cruel to her son: "You are so."

But he couldn't bear to let go of his grandson's little hand. Therefore, between his son and his grandson, Father Lu chose to let his son get used to it.

Lu Chuan saw that there was no movement in Mrs. Lu's room and there was no movement in Fang Yuan's room. He felt very uncomfortable and went to the study to rest.

I got up several times in the middle of the night and listened to the sound at the door of Father Lu's house. I'm afraid that if I wake up from sleep and cry, Mother Lu and Father Lu won't be able to hear me. Just tell me why this father is so worried.

Fang Yuan had a good night's sleep. The dark circles under her eyes were really gone. She hadn't slept so comfortably for a long time.

Normally when Satisfied was in this room, Lu Chuan would take care of the baby, and Fang Yuan would be in a daze while breastfeeding, but after all, it still affected her sleep.

Lu Chuan is just the opposite, Panda is. And he looked bad. When he got up early in the morning, no one paid any attention to him. Of course, he was holding his son.

Lu Chuan looked at his satisfied expression, as if someone had separated their father and son from being together.

If I hadn't really been busy with something today, I wouldn't have gone out with satisfaction. It’s summer vacation anyway.

Father Lu also has dark circles under his eyes, and he can tell from a glance that he has not rested well.

Fang Yuan: "Dad, is it because the child is making trouble and you haven't even fallen asleep yet?"

Father Lu glanced at his son who was holding his grandson in his arms over there, and said to himself that it was the child who was making trouble, but it was just the older child making trouble, and it had nothing to do with the grandson.

In the middle of the night, his son got up and listened outside the door several times. Who can sleep well? Father Lu felt that his quality was not up to par, so that was it. He couldn't say this to his daughter-in-law, so he could only happily say: "It's okay, I'm satisfied." Don’t make a fuss and be good.”

Mrs. Lu didn't say anything carelessly. Looking at her son's appearance, she even joked: "You can put down your satisfaction. Why do I look at you as if you want to run away from home with satisfaction?"

Didn't these words pierce Lu Chuan's heart? If the conditions didn't allow it, do you think he wouldn't run away from home?

Lu Chuan glanced at Fang Yuan and snorted. Putting the satisfaction in Mrs. Lu's arms, she turned around and left.

Mrs. Lu held her grandson in her arms and looked at her son who was going out: "Who is he angry with so early in the morning?"

Father Lu looked at his mother-in-law and said nothing. You don't take your son seriously.

Usually the son hangs around his daughter-in-law, but today he doesn't even talk to his daughter-in-law. Is this mother-in-law really not noticing or is she pretending not to notice?

Father Lu glanced at Mrs. Lu and finally concluded that this woman had acted out of conscience for the sake of her grandson.

Fang Yuan didn't pay much attention to it. After teasing her for a while, she hurried out. The team had to be repaired today. Can't live without people.

At noon, Fang Yuan went home to feed Satisfaction, but Lu Chuan didn't come back. This was not a big deal, as the couple were usually very busy. We may not meet for lunch together.

When she got home in the evening, Fang Yuan realized something was different. Lu Chuan didn't seem to pay much attention to her.

Fang Yuan's reaction was quite slow. In the morning, Lu Chuan ignored her and didn't feel it.

It wasn't until the evening that Fang Yuan felt this abnormality. The couple didn't say a word during the meal. Of course, Lu Chuan was satisfied from beginning to end.

When Mrs. Lu wanted to hug her, Lu Chuan didn't let go. He even said, "It's all yours at night, but you won't let me hug her during the day."

Mrs. Lu really didn't say a word. This is really not what she is doing. Why is my son so ignorant?

Nagging Dad Lu: "I am helping him take care of his children, not robbing them from him. What are you talking about? This is someone who is not satisfied."

Father Lu: "You also said that we are helping people take care of their children, not robbing them. We only accept our favor if the person is happy. Listen to me and send it back to him at night."

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