Zhang Wei smiled. After knowing each other for such a long time, Fang Yuan was so polite for the first time and even greeted her eldest brother. It seemed that this matter was more important than helping her find talents: "Don't be so polite."

Although it was a bit irritating to get on the sedan chair, he was willing to associate with lucky people, so he didn't mind this.

People were so polite, Fang Yuan felt that their Lu Chuan had the ability to recognize people, and the people he knew were so kind.

Fang Yuan gave people a smile: "I just want to ask, Lu Chuan will graduate at this time next year, which unit can he be assigned to, or can this matter be done in advance."

I had to be careful when I asked this last question, lest others might overhear it. Fang Yuan has not been thinking about this for a whole day. Zhang Wei is not the only person who has asked.

Zhang Wei: "You still have this problem? Lu Chuan has such a big business, why does he still worry about which company to work for? Doesn't he have a company of his own?"

Fang Yuan: "That's different. It belongs to my family. What kind of workplace is it? Is this what you went to school for?"

Zhang Wei: "Otherwise, where else do you want him to go? I tell you, in some places, your Lu Chuan is not allowed to do this outside."

Fang Yuanxin said that he had asked the right person. No one else told him: "Then find someone who agrees."

I really want to take all of this, darling, Zhang Wei: "If you know the things in the world, it's hard to have both. And I heard that when they get to the unit, they get some kind of furlough, so you can stay outside by yourself. Do something."

Fang Yuan held her position quite firmly: "Is it illegal? We don't get other people's money in vain."

Zhang Wei understood that for Lu Chuan Fang Yuan, it was not about money. The key is this person's heart. The first reaction is this. How safe and practical it is to deal with such a person. I have finally found the right person.

Zhang Wei: "Brothers and sisters, I think Lu Chuan should be aware of it. And there's no rush. There's still another year, right?"

Fang Yuan: "That's what I said, but since I arrived in the provincial capital, I even gave birth to a child. How fast it goes. Can't you plan it earlier? I saw that Lu Chuan didn't say anything about this. It doesn't seem to matter."

Zhang Weixin said that it was strange that Lu Chuan could not figure it out. Judging from Lu Chuan's appearance, he didn't hide anything from his family. He probably had some different ideas from Fang Yuan.

Otherwise, I must have told Fang Yuan long ago.

Zhang Wei and Fang Yuan couldn't stay together any longer. It would be inappropriate to let this slip: "Brother and sister, I also have something to tell you. Brother and sister, look at me, I have to work now and I don't have a direction. I have a little money in my hand." , Brothers and sisters, see if there is any suitable business, let the two of us do it together."

Fang Yuan was really surprised this time and pointed at her nose: "You said you want to partner with me?"

Why don't you believe it so much? What is he trying to do? Or what do you want to do for yourself?

For someone like Zhang Wei, who has money and acquaintances in the provincial capital, does he need to find her to do business as a partner? Fang Yuan's mind came online urgently at this time.

Zhang Wei looked at Fang Yuan's reaction and said a little anxiously: "Ah, brother and sister, you don't look down on me?"

Fang Yuan: "Don't talk nonsense. Is it okay if I like you? I have no idea about you at all."

Zhang Wei's face turned green. What did he say? "You can't accuse me wrongly. I am prepared to have an everlasting friendship with Lu Chuan."

Fang Yuan: "You don't understand what you say, can you blame me? You have to make it clear that I am a serious person."

Zhang Wei stared at Fang Yuan speechlessly. If this person wasn't really lucky, he really wasn't ready to continue. He gritted his back teeth and said, "Okay, serious man, I want to work with you to make money. If there is any suitable business, ask me, the big brother who just recognized me." Fang Yuan: "That's not true, it's just that you don't like my idea? Obviously we are not the same people."

Zhang Wei: "Either my younger siblings look down on me, or they look down on me. We have become familiar with each other in the past two years, and I don't say that in vain. Whatever my younger siblings do is not unique, I admire them very much."

Fang Yuan nodded. As expected of a college student, she still had some discernment. She felt better instantly: "That's right. I built a bicycle stall for my parents-in-law, and the cold drink stall is quite popular, but it doesn't make us a joint venture. .”

The key is that Fang Yuan doesn't want to give Zhang Wei a piece of the pie, which has already been profitable.

That project was indeed too small, and Zhang Wei didn't want to sell ice cream with Fang Yuan.

His ideal is really not in this area, and it doesn't matter how much money he makes. This business is looked down upon by others. He showed his expression inadvertently.

Zhang Wei expressed his opinion tactfully: "Ahem, sister-in-law, you are smart, we can't steal the business of uncle and aunt, otherwise sister-in-law, please think of another direction. I am sincere."

Fang Yuan could still tell that Zhang Wei looked down upon her own thoughts.

This man was very generous and didn't say anything directly. After all, he was Lu Chuan's friend.

Although Fang Yuan is not a face-conscious person, she doesn’t want to be looked down upon. She is afraid that you won’t be able to catch her if she talks too high, so she raises her chin and says: “To put it more seriously, I have always wanted to buy a crane, but this project is still a success. ?"

Fang Yuan can't do this now. She knows that Zhang Wei is capable, but she may not be able to do it.

If not, it was really promising, Zhang Wei would think that Fang Yuan was deliberately trying to squeeze him out. He is in this business and knows that this stuff is scarce.

But all Zhang Wei saw was money and prospects, and his eyes lit up: "Buying a crane makes me worthy of being my younger brother and sister. It's amazing. It's amazing. This project is so successful."

At least Zhang Wei didn't dare to think about it. As expected of Lu Chuan's wife, she dared to think about it. If they really buy it, the money will chase them.

Fang Yuan is a little proud, it must be great, it has always been her goal.

People who care about money, as long as the money is in their pockets, do they care whether they make big or small money?

Finally found someone who could talk about this and approve it, Fang Yuan: "You said that thing makes more money, right?"

Zhang Wei's eyes were a little empty, but he believed more in what he had seen in the past few years. Fang Yuan's luck was really good. She could earn whatever she did: "Brothers and sisters, how about we give it a try."

Fang Yuan looked around subconsciously and took a few steps back. Why did she always feel that this person wanted to seduce him: "Speak well, I will only try to hook up with you, and I don't have much money."

Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed. Although he had been struggling for several years, he really didn't dare to say that he was richer than Fang Yuan: "I don't have that much money either."

The key is to be excited and not want to give up. He gritted his teeth and said: "It's almost impossible for us to work together, but if it really works out, we will definitely get money."

Zhang Wei followed and said: "But we can get a loan, so there is still some hope."

Fang Yuan refused immediately without thinking: "That won't work, that won't work. No matter what I do, it will work. If the family loses money, it will be lost. I can't suffer from starvation, my parents will beat me to death."

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