When Zhang Wei heard this, he said directly: "I still can't explain it to Lu Chuan."

Fang Yuanxin said that Lu Chuan never said anything about anything I did: "When I got married, my mother said not to cause famine to men."

Zhang Wei felt that it was fortunate that Lu Chuan had such a wise mother-in-law, otherwise Fang Yuan's ability to do so would not have been possible. Moreover, with Fang Yuan's luck, it is impossible to say that he would have been far away a long time ago: "Uncle Auntie is really knowledgeable."

Fang Yuan: "Otherwise, let's save up money and wait. Once we buy the crane, we don't know who to rent it to."

Zhang Wei is a little anxious and a little angry. It’s all money. Can the money-making thing wait? "Fang Yuan. Brothers and sisters, let me go and inquire first. As long as I find a job, it will be a job for one or two years." Yeah, let’s do it.”

Fang Yuanxin said, why did she just do it? There was no careful discussion: "No, you can't be anxious. I really can't borrow money."

Fang Yuan's understanding of money is that you can earn both big and small money, while Zhang Wei's understanding is that you can't wait to make money, so when the two of them get together, they are really chasing money: "Let's see if there is any work first, and the rest Let’s discuss the matter later.”

After saying that, Zhang Wei left, anxious, very anxious to find a job.

Fang Yuan looked at Zhang Wei's leaving figure and suddenly felt that it would not be good to just join him casually: "Why is this more impatient than me? I usually look pretty safe."

When she got home, Fang Yuan told Lu Chuan her worries: "You said he wouldn't build a crane to throw me away. Why am I so quick to talk? If something good happens in the future, I have to hold it back. I can't talk to others casually. .”

Lu Chuan: "There is nothing to worry about. If someone can really buy it, it shows that he has the strength."

Fang Yuan looked unhappy and said, "It's just that I have no connection with this money." Then she began to calculate the little money in her hand, thinking, otherwise I will strike first.

Who is Lu Chuan? Judging from Fang Yuan's expression, he was really worried about it. He quickly reassured her: "No, we will buy it again in the future. But Zhang Wei is not that kind of person. He will definitely make you feel at ease."

Why is Fang Yuan so disbelieving? Lu Chuan has only known Zhang Wei for a long time, so how can he trust others so much: "Really? It's good to be honest, but you can't trust others easily. You should be more careful."

Lu Chuan really didn't realize that his wife actually had the knack of making other people take notice of her, but Zhang Wei was a little unjust: "Really, Zhang Wei will definitely pull you along."

Fang Yuan: "Don't worry, I can do a lot of things with how much money I have, and I will definitely not let him persuade me to borrow money.

Lu Chuan just smiled and said, "I'm very relieved. My wife is a down-to-earth person. Let's save up slowly. Don't worry about the crane."

Fang Yuan: "With your words, I can fall asleep."

Fang Yuan never had anything to worry about, and she wouldn't stay overnight if she had something to worry about. If people really said they didn't care about it, they wouldn't care about it.

She doesn't have enough money to buy a crane, and after coming to the provincial capital for two years to do this, Fang Yuan understands that even if she has a crane now, she can't afford it. Not quite in terms of status. Fang Yuan really doesn't think about this anymore.

Before school started, Lu Chuan helped Fang Yuan hire a helper. His surname was Peng. He was in his forties, of average appearance, and had gained weight.

When Lu Chuan introduced him, he asked Fang Yuan to greet Uncle Peng.

Uncle Peng can drive and repair cars himself. He used to work in the logistics department of a team.

Uncle Peng didn't agree to everything about Fang Yuan, he just said he would give it a try first. After all, you not only have to look at your job, but you also have to get used to your boss.

When Fang Yuan first met Uncle Peng, she was a little unhappy, but Fang Yuan was very considerate to Lu Chuan and said that she would let Uncle Peng check it out for a couple of days.

Uncle Peng didn't say anything and followed Fang Yuan to the garage, and then focused on the team. Uncle Peng has seen big events. Although Fang Yuan's fortune is not small, Uncle Peng can get started with it.

There is no ambiguity at all. Uncle Peng helped to think of things that Fang Yuan had not thought of in the past. This is because he is familiar with this business.

Moreover, Uncle Peng has a wider network in the team than Fang Yuan. It’s all about jobs with more money and less work.

Although Fang Yuan didn't let go, she did feel relieved a lot.

Lu Chuan could tell that Fang Yuan was not very energetic: "Uncle Peng is very good, but why is he a little unhappy looking at you."

Fang Yuan: "You are so old and your body is not very flexible. Can you do things? I want to find someone who is about the same age and can talk and communicate well. Like Uncle Peng, I can't give him orders if something happens."

Just like Xiao Ding, Xiao Ding originally worked for Fang Yuan.

Now this Uncle Peng, Fang Yuan usually works as a handyman for Uncle Peng. Given her age, she seems to be not very good at it.

Lu Chuan: "You can't look at body shape, but mainly based on ability. To be honest, if Uncle Peng thinks it would be good to stay here, you don't need to give Uncle Peng any instructions."

What I didn't say is that I'm afraid Uncle Peng will instruct you in turn. Lu Chuan didn't know that Fang Yuan just felt that she was doing chores for others.

Fang Yuan: "How did you find such a person?"

Lu Chuan: "My teacher introduced me, and my character is definitely good. In addition to his wife, Uncle Peng's family has an old man and several children. Life is pretty good. I think it's more practical than asking young people to come over to help. Uncle Peng is more stable." .”

Fang Yuan nodded. There are seniors and juniors, so they must be more practical: "That's true."

Fang Yuan followed her and said: "The teacher's face still has to be given, so let's take a look first. If it doesn't work, just stay in the car factory. We can always make arrangements."

Lu Chuan couldn't laugh or cry. This was really rare. Fang Yuan actually knew how to be kind, but Uncle Peng really didn't need such special care. He was really capable.

Fang Yuan: "What's your expression? Isn't this enough? You are a teacher, ahem..."

Lu Chuan: "No, no, don't think too much. Uncle Peng is actually not bad at work. You really don't need to ask someone else. I asked the teacher to help introduce him."

Fang Yuan was worried when she heard this: "Then if I ask for it, wouldn't it be even more inappropriate if I don't use it?" That was the person introduced by Teacher Lu Chuan.

Lu Chuan had no choice but to tell his wife: "There are not that many things. In fact, not only you want to see this matter, but Uncle Peng also wants to see it. If Uncle Peng feels that it is not appropriate to stay here, he will help us introduce it." The right person comes along.”

Fang Yuan's eyes widened. She wasn't the only one who was inspecting Uncle Peng: "He also chooses his employer?"

Although Fang Yuan couldn't accept it, it was a fact. Lu Chuan nodded: "More or less, yes. We have to get along."

Even Lu Chuan was embarrassed to say that our temple was small and people might not want to stay there.

Fang Yuan's expression became even worse: "Have you never heard of hiring a waiter and choosing an employer? How capable does he have to be to be so tough? It's okay for craftsmen to be so tough these days, why is he still so tough?"

Lu Chuan: "Isn't that the person who manages the craftsmen?"

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