Chapter 698 Celebrity Effect
Satisfied, she encouraged Hongye: "Third Aunt, my mother can drive, and you can also learn to ride a bicycle. When the time comes, we will go to school together, and we won't have to run around as hard as Third Uncle. Don't worry, I will protect you on the road." "

Lu Xiaosan snorted. There was actually a poacher. He was satisfied with the kick and kicked the broken boy farther away.

We haven't been riding for a few days, why is this bastard kid starting to mess around? You two are together, where do you put me, the third uncle?
Satisfaction opened her mouth, but she really didn't follow Fang Yuan's lead. She just opened her mouth with coaxing words: "Third uncle, I feel sorry for you."

Lu Xiaosan did not accept this trick, he was a duplicitous brat: "You are sowing discord and trying to steal my wife from me."

Hongye watched the two uncles and nephews bickering, and was very happy that there were actually people competing for him and jealous: "Look at what you two are capable of, I won't let you play to your satisfaction in the future."

Then she pulled her eldest nephew with a smile. They were both good eldest nephews and their worth was greatly appreciated by her. The chin and chin were raised.

He raised his eyebrows with satisfaction and looked at Lu Xiaosan: "My third aunt is the most reasonable in our family, and corporal punishment of children is not recommended. Third uncle will listen to my third aunt more in the future."

Hongye nodded, smiling and trying to stumbling upon his great nephew: "In the future, if you feel that Satisfaction was wrong, you can punish him by standing still, or ask him to write a review."

This really couldn't be better. It turns out that a woman can fall out of love so quickly and change her tune very quickly when she is satisfied. She is no worse than a woman: "The third uncle is my third uncle. A kick is actually nothing. My heart is not that big." Fragile."

Lu Xiaosan said that this kid was two-faced and almost laughed out of anger. You think you are betraying my wife, how can I promote you?

Hongye raised his eyebrows and said with satisfaction: "Of course, what my third aunt said is right." Then he said: "Third aunt, do you want to learn to ride a bicycle?"

Hongye: "I think I'd better wait until you are older and learn to take care of me. Third Aunt takes good care of you."

She sighed with satisfaction, her third aunt couldn't encourage her: "This is not impossible."

Then he looked at the cross-double outside, and looked at his little arms and legs. It was a bit difficult to control them. He should still try harder: "Third Aunt, I think you should be independent. My grandma said that women can hold up half the sky." , let’s just start by learning to drive, what do you think?”

Hongye has never seen such a solid child, who is so open-mouthed and yet so provocative: "I think it's time for you to do your homework."

Lu Xiaosan looked satisfied and lowered his head, returning to the room to do his homework: "Yeah, I should have dealt with him a long time ago."

Hongye pulled Lu Xiaosan and said with a smile: "Come on, teach me how to drive." So this was still a success after being encouraged by Satisfaction?
Lu Xiaosan: "Didn't I promise him?"

Hongye: "I didn't agree to take him on a crazy run. What does it have to do with me learning to drive?" Women can hold up half the sky. Is this true? "My second sister-in-law can already drive."

Well, Lu Xiaosan knew that his wife was encouraged by Satisfaction: "Why is this brat so troubled?"

Hongye just laughed, praised Satisfied even more, and complained: "You are so smart, but you have such a small mouth. It makes the teachers speechless. I work with them all the time all day long, just like them." Familiar. They have all looked for me.”

Lu Xiaosan didn't even know that his nephew was so naughty that his family couldn't see him: "You didn't say anything when you got home."

Hongye: "It's not a big deal. There's nothing wrong with being good at expressing yourself." Ever since I was a kid, I've been satisfied with things like this, so it's not worth mentioning.

Then: "With our satisfaction, I know more colleagues in school. It has really expanded my social circle." What does Lu Xiaosan mean when he raises his head? I really don’t understand whether this is a compliment or a criticism.

Hongye happily expressed satisfaction to Lu Xiaosan about his great achievements: "You see, the dean often comes to see me, and I am in the leader's eyes. The head teachers of all grades basically know me, and ordinary teachers are not as popular as me. Our family Satisfied, celebrity, capable person.”

Lu Xiaosan felt guilty for his eldest nephew. How conspicuous he is at school. Lu Xiaosan said: "Our children are really good. My second brother is well behaved in school, and I never look for trouble." It means, This kid didn't know who he was following, and why was he so noisy.

I almost didn't say it, maybe it was the second sister-in-law's problem, and she was really worried. This poor kid.

Hongye: "I can't say it's not good, he's just very active. There's no one in the school who doesn't know Lu Yiyi. That's not something ordinary people can get along with."

Then add: "From teachers, directors, principals, to students, and some parents of students."

Lu Xiaosan couldn't hold back: "I'm sorry." I didn't expect that their family was satisfied that a small person could have so much energy.

Hong Ye burst into laughter and said, "It's okay, it's good. You see, all the teachers and students know me. No other teacher is as popular."

Lu Xiaosan felt even more guilty. He couldn't have been so calm. This day and night, I'm afraid I have to accompany you all the time.

I have to talk to my nephew later. You see, when he and the second child went to school, they were both honest children and never took the lead. Studying did not count.

Their family is satisfied that apart from studying, they do everything else. Lu Xiaosan wanted to deal with his nephew, and he was very determined.

The result of Lu Xiaosan's talk with Satisfaction was that Lu Xiaosan rode a cross-double all over the provincial capital with the satisfaction of going to elementary school, and even wore the sunglasses that Fang Laosi got for his nephews in the south. It was really cool. There is no one in the entire provincial capital who doesn’t know them.

Hongye twitched the corner of his mouth: "So if you go through all the trouble, you can let Satisfaction walk out of the school and go to the provincial capital." The recognition is even higher.

Lu Xiaosan felt very guilty: "The key is that I have made a deal. Recently, people have been asking me about sunglasses. I called my fourth brother to help me get a batch back. When we go back to our store, I will buy this."

This makes Lu Xiaosan very untenable. He really wanted to start the conversation with Satisfaction, but he doesn't know why it has developed to this point, and his own position has become distorted.

Hongye understood, that was the advertising effect given by others.

Just listen to Lu Xiaosan say: "So, I have to continue to ride around the provincial capital with satisfaction, otherwise what will happen to my sunglasses."

Hongye didn’t want to say anything. This is being dragged down by satisfaction. You said how capable you are?
Of course, if people are satisfied, it’s better to help them. People are so satisfied that they spend money.

Fang Yuan and Lu Chuan didn't know about this until Lu Xiaosan made a lot of money and gave ten ten-yuan bills as red envelopes to Yiyi and Pangya.

Fang Yuan took the red envelope: "So, you guys didn't wander around in vain some time ago. It turns out you are rich. Mistress, why don't you say something? I can also let you take me for a ride around the provincial capital with my sunglasses on."

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