Chapter 699 Economic Issues
Lu Xiaosan looked at his sister-in-law. He really didn't dare to let this publicity. Without wearing sunglasses, he was quite aura. If he wore sunglasses, there would be far fewer girls buying sunglasses from him in the past, because no one wanted them. Doesn't look like a good guy.

Lu Xiaosan smiled. He didn't dare to say that, for fear that his second sister-in-law would be annoyed, so he said nicely: "That's fine." The key is that my second brother may not be willing.

Lu Chuan glanced at Lu Xiaosan, "My wife is willing to promote you, but she doesn't appreciate it. To protect her, Lu Chuan is always online: "I let you run around with me for several times, but you didn't give me a red envelope."

Lu Xiaosan: "Can you agree with Satisfaction? Without Satisfaction leading the way, how could I have such a chance? Second brother, why are you still arguing with Satisfaction?"

Lu Chuan raised his eyebrows and hummed, "Am I arguing with my son? I am protecting my wife. As long as Fang Yuan is smiling, Lu Chuan will not care about Lu Xiaosan."

Wuhu hugged his nephew and smiled: "You're so lucky, boy. You're good-looking, just like your uncle, and he's even more handsome with sunglasses."

Everyone who heard this knows Lu Xiaosan. You are wearing sunglasses, and you don’t look like a good person. Then everyone looked at Fang Yuan and the Five Tigers, and finally understood why Lu Xiaosan didn't need Fang Yuan to wear sunglasses to promote.

Hehe, it's a pity that the Five Tigers and Fang Yuan couldn't understand what everyone meant by this glance, otherwise the Five Tigers would be annoyed.

Satisfied, he gave a red envelope to his sister: "It's for my sister. I took her in the car with her and took her to the department store on Sunday."

Fat Ya also knew that money was good. As soon as she grabbed it with her fat hand, her saliva started to flow. Ding Min gave Lu Xiaosan a thumbs up: "You're capable. I'll take my sister and do it well in the future."

Lu Xiaosan scratched his head in embarrassment: "What an unexpected surprise, after a quick sale, now the department store in the provincial capital also sells this thing. However, the two children were very eye-catching in front of the department store wearing sunglasses, so I took pictures." "

The five tigers were all happy to see the loud voice. It was more satisfying to praise his daughter than to praise him: "My daughter earned it for me, take it."

Ding Min: "She is really my daughter. She has been filial to her mother since she was young. Let's go and spend some money."

Okay, I happily took my daughter out to eat, and I had to spend the money no matter what.

Satisfied, he directly collected the money and said stingily: "I can't treat you, I'm useful."

Lu Xiaosan rubbed his nephew's head. He earned much more than this: "You don't need to ask for it. Third uncle does. Let's go and spend some money."

Lu Chuan took Fang Yuan with him, and she went with him without hesitation: "I won't give face to anyone who invites you. We want to go see a movie."

Fang Yuan wanted to say that she could eat first and then go to the movies, but Lu Chuan didn't give her a chance and was pulled away by Lu Chuan.

The couple also left. Lu Xiaosan invited his parents and eldest nephew to go out for dinner together. He really made a lot of money these days. He was very high-minded to his eldest nephew. As for the reason why he started looking for his eldest nephew, he had long forgotten Empty.

Lu Xiaosan's current slogan is that there is nothing wrong with being famous. If you are satisfied with not being famous, where will he get the foreign wealth?

She didn't even care that her daughter-in-law was known and familiar with so many teachers at school and was forced to interact with her. Hong Yexin said that from now on, her children could not be handed over to this person, and she really couldn't believe it.

Hongye had no opinion on this. Things were done by her men, so she couldn't just criticize Yang Yi, but could only worry about Yang Yi secretly. Otherwise, I will not be able to maintain the trust of my second brother and second sister-in-law. However, given the complexity of the satisfactory living environment, it is really not easy to manage children.

Hongye was very happy that her parents-in-law and nephew went out to eat together. The whole family was neat and tidy. Much better than going out to watch a movie. The key is to talk to Satisfied with satisfaction and don't let his third uncle lead you astray. This matter will be over in a hurry, and it is not as important as studying. Hong Ye is really thoughtful.

It's a pity that if you don't listen, then it's not Hongye's final decision. For adults, this matter has passed. If people are satisfied, they don't feel that this matter has passed. They are floating around and shouting that this is celebrity effect and talking about his great achievements. .

Many of his classmates used to buy sunglasses from his third uncle. They all left with great satisfaction. So everyone believes Satisfaction and knows that Satisfaction is not bragging.

Then, as a celebrity, I was invited by my classmates to promote my family's restaurant. I really didn’t expect to meet a classmate who knew how to do business at such an early age. You are so discerning, you already know how to do advertising at this age.

The result was a bit dismal, I was so satisfied that I vomited it, and it didn't bring any effect to people.

Fortunately, the classmates' parents didn't dislike their children's gluttony. They were busy entertaining their children's classmates and really didn't ask for money. He also praised his son and said it was nice to bring friends home.

But for Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan, it was embarrassing. The child went out to play at a classmate's house and was so greedy that he vomited after eating.

What if I don’t give you something delicious to eat at home? I’m still starving you. Fang Yuan felt sorry for her child and was also angry and satisfied. Is other people's food so delicious?
Satisfied with vomiting and feeling sluggish, he drank the hawthorn water cooked by Madam Lu to help him digest his food: "Don't you think I have celebrity status? Why don't no one see that I eat well and go there to eat?" You said, this kid, eat. I still wonder whether these are available or not.

Lu Chuan was so angry that he almost imitated Fang Yuan and taught his son: "Are you capable?" He really didn't think much and just took care of his son.

The family struggled with satisfaction for most of the night before the child fell asleep. It turned out that this was just the beginning, and there was a follow-up.

Because Satisfaction not only eats people's food, but also takes people's money. No one really expected that children could develop this relationship.

In terms of satisfaction, I promoted my third uncle, and my third uncle gave me one hundred, and I only took a piece from you, which is already a great honor.

One dollar is not a small amount for a first-grade child. People and children quit.

My restaurant is not as popular as you said, it has not achieved the effect, right? And you’ve eaten so many noodles from our house.

You see, the two little kids talked about business in detail, and the teacher who was brought in to evaluate them didn’t know so many professional terms.

When did such an old child become able to discuss such issues? Everyone is confused, do they still have to deal with financial disputes?
So, parents were invited again.

The parents on both sides were embarrassed. They didn't know that the greedy boy who went there was invited by their stupid son. He ate their own food and paid for it.

The other parent thought his son was a bit stupid and looked at Lu Chuan with envy, wondering how his child could be so smart.

Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan also blushed. She really didn't know that even if she just wanted to eat someone else, she would also take their money.

The four parents were embarrassed at first. The parent of the little fat boy said first: "It's not a big deal. The child is young and not sensible."

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