In the 80s, the aboriginal women were aggressive

Chapter 700 Refreshing understanding

Chapter 700 Refreshing understanding
Lu Chuan: "I'm so sorry. The child bothered you last time, and this is still involved. I will teach the child well."

The chubby father is particularly cheerful: "What a smart kid, but I can't say that I am a kid. Let me tell you, if this is done well, my son can learn it. No matter how much it costs, I am willing to meet with him as many times as he wants."

Fang Yuan didn't want to, she was already full of satisfaction. For one dollar, why are you eating like that? Did I give you money? It's a good thing that she didn't say this, otherwise no matter whether it was a teacher or a parent, everyone would have to pay attention to Fang Yuan.

Seeing the two families coughing, they went politely, and then the teacher said: "I'm not asking you to come over to praise the children. This problem is very serious."

The little fat man finally came on stage, crying and saying that he was satisfied with coaxing him money, but the advertising effect was not achieved.

Satisfied but not convinced, he was very aggrieved: "But I did it seriously. I was so full that I went home and worked on it most of the night. I didn't promise you at the beginning. It must have some effect. My third uncle's sunglasses business became popular. , give me one hundred. I treat you as a friend, so I only charge you one dollar." This is also very aggrieved.

Hongye has a dark face. He should have asked Lu Xiaosan to come over if he had known earlier. It was all his fault. She felt sorry for her eldest nephew and for the trust of her second brother and sister-in-law.

The little chubby dad couldn't laugh or cry: "So you eat so hard, but you are still serious and responsible? At this point, I admit, kid, you really worked hard. Three bowls. I appreciate it. Don't eat like this in the future. How long will it last? Don’t worry, it’s okay.”

Satisfied and aggrieved: "Yeah, I won't agree to such things easily in the future. I haven't eaten noodles at home for several days. I feel like vomiting when I see them."

The teachers over there gritted their teeth to hold back their laughter. Why did she teach two children like this?

Fang Yuan felt sorry for her son and rubbed her head. She felt sick after eating it just for a dollar.

The little chubby father looked up at the clothes of Lu Chuan and Fang Yuan, and saw that it was not because the family was short of food, and the children were really not greedy.

I couldn't help but burst into laughter: "You said this was a big deal. Fortunately, the child didn't have a bad stomach."

Isn't it? Fang Yuan and Lu Chuan were embarrassed to say that the stupid son belonged to their family.

Lu Chuan was angry and laughing at the same time: "Why are you so careless and can you do this right under your nose?"

Hongye couldn't hold it back and said through gritted teeth: "I blame Lu Xiaosan." That was the culprit.

Fang Yuan: "First return the money to the little fat classmate, and then apologize to the little fat classmate. Finally, we will deal with your problem."

The mother-in-law finally used her logic again. Hong Yexin said that it turned out that the second sister-in-law would have understood the problem even if she had not encountered the problem of Mr. Lu and his wife.

The teachers have said: "I have been taking care of children for so many years and have encountered various problems. But the problem of your family being satisfied is something I really can't handle and it is beyond my scope of knowledge."

Fang Yuan could tell that she was being ridiculed, and she couldn't say that her son was not very knowledgeable. Her face turned red, she had never encountered such a problem before.

Lu Chuan apologized to the teacher: "We will pay attention to it in the future and let the children do what children should do."

Teacher: "No, it's because our knowledge as teachers is not broad enough. You don't need to apologize to me. You should just deal with the financial problems with the other party."

The four parents invited out by the teacher solved the financial problem of one dollar at the gate.

Little Fatty's parents told their children that if you promise to others, you must do it. If you are satisfied, Little Fatty will also do it. They can't ask for the money. Three bowls of noodles are not enough to ruin someone else's wealth. Boy, are they lucky. Lu Chuan: "We don't have any idea about the child. We can't accept this money at any cost."

Fang Yuan also handed over the money for three bowls of noodles. I really didn’t know that her son ate three bowls of noodles outside and thought he was eating unhygienic food. He spent the entire night.

The parents settled the matter politely, and the two children shook hands and made peace. They will remain good friends from now on, but they will no longer be able to deal with each other financially.

They really don't need to worry about things at home. Little Fatty's father also declared to Little Fatty that the business at home was very good, so he should worry less.

Lu Chuan couldn't say that it was still early for him to start a business. He should stop being satisfied and study hard. This kid had to give up.

Of course, I don’t know how to educate our own children when we go home.

Anyway, I was satisfied that Lu Chuan called me into the study at midnight. As a biological father, Lu Chuan is serious and responsible.
Of course, Father Lu was also serious and responsible for his son. When Lu Chuan was satisfied with the situation, Father Lu also took care of Lu Xiaosan. In Father Lu's opinion, his grandson was tricked by his son.

Fang Yuan knew that her child had made a mistake and had to be dealt with. But on this issue, Fang Yuan was so confused that she scratched her head and asked the fifth brother and the fifth sister-in-law: "Tell me, do you want a slap on the butt for such a thing? He seems to be quite good. You have some brains, but you can’t condone this, right?”

Wu Hu and Ding Min also didn't expect that satisfactory education would be so complicated: "It's okay to fight, but it seems right not to fight."

You said that as a parent, your children are confused. Fang Yuan: "Thankfully, I didn't take on this responsibility. The children have to have a father." Really, honestly speaking, she can't handle such a thing and doesn't know how to teach her children. .

After hearing this, Ding Min turned to look at Wuhu: "From now on, you should pay more attention to our fat girl's affairs." She didn't think she could solve such a problem. Children's education turned out to be so complicated and in-depth.

To be honest, Satisfaction is so scary. It turns out that raising children is so difficult. What comes out of this is beyond understanding.

Ding Min and Five Tigers Fang Yuan lamented: "My dad has raised so many of our children, and he has never encountered a problem like this. My dad said so."

Fang Yuan also lamented: “I don’t need my dad to tell me, but I know that so many children in our family have never encountered such a problem.”

Mrs. Lu was finally able to speak: "Then say it's not our fault. It's something that even you adults can't figure out. What can a child know?"

The grandson was still being kept in the study by Lu Chuan. Madam Lu was worried: "Fang Yuan, would you like to go in there and talk to Lu Chuan?"

Fang Yuan: "Mom, since we have given our satisfaction to Lu Chuan, it is better for us to trust Lu Chuan."

Madam Lu was dissatisfied with her daughter-in-law's attitude, and she didn't dare to go in to rescue her grandson. Why was it so difficult?

Then he complained: "The same goes for that little fat guy. How can he go back on what he said he was going to do? Our family was satisfied and ate three bowls of it without complaining about him."

Fang Yuan: "Mom, I think we should take care of him. You can save him from doing something more dangerous next time we don't know about it."

Mrs. Lu: "This is what I want to say. It won't be easy to agree to anything next time. Our family is not short of money now, right?"

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