Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 680 Surprising Information

Chapter 680 Surprising Information

Shen Mingxi did not expect that a river would appear here.

Shen Mingxi was not in a hurry. She went to the small villa to take a look. The grid where the vegetable seeds were placed opened another layer.

This time there are extra strawberry seeds, lettuce, broccoli, etc.

Shen Mingxi entered the villa. It had two floors. After entering, there was a square hall. After the square hall, there was a large living room with marble floor tiles.

There was an empty room on the right and the kitchen on the left. Shen Mingxi became interested and ran upstairs quickly.

There are actually two rooms upstairs. Of course, they are both empty, but the architecture of this villa is no different from that in reality.

Suddenly, Shen Mingxi felt familiar, as if he had seen this small villa somewhere.

Shen Mingxi froze for a moment, then patted her head. She remembered that this seemed to be a sketch that she and Feng Anyen drew together when he was participating in the architectural design competition.

I never expected that it would be built here!

A strange feeling rose in Shen Mingxi's heart.

Is this a coincidence?Or some other reason?
I can't help but look up and look outside, is there someone watching here in the dark?
Thinking of this, a layer of cold sweat broke out on Shen Mingxi's back.

She quickly stood in front of the window and shouted to 009 flying in the distance.

009 heard Shen Mingxi's cry and flew over quickly, asking Xiaoxi in a cheerful voice what was wrong with him.

Shen Mingxi quietly pinched its wings, lowered her voice, and expressed her worries.

I didn't expect that 009 would comfort Shen Mingxi without caring at all. This kind of situation would never happen.

Because the space she is in belongs to the system space developed by their interstellar plane alliance.

There are various agreements and systems that bind developers.

Just like a product produced in a factory, users can use it with confidence and boldness.

And the most important thing is that the system developed by the Interstellar Plane Alliance is deployed in three thousand big worlds, three thousand small worlds, and even countless other parallel time and spaces, which are simply countless.

It is said that there are people beyond people, and there is a sky beyond the sky. For this world, the Interstellar Plane Alliance is simply the sky beyond the sky.

There are several levels of level suppression, so they put these system spaces in order to collect the energy value of each world.

After all, for a universe, it requires countless amounts of energy to prevent it from exploding or perishing.

And because of the upgrade system, 009 also has an extra memory in his mind. Even the Interstellar Alliance has not existed since ancient times, nor has it always been so advanced.

It has also gone through several reincarnations to get to where it is today.

It is said that the reason why the Interstellar Alliance can develop to this day is because their last reincarnation experienced an apocalyptic crisis.

That end of the world is the real end of the world.

The viruses floating in the air have mutated and can no longer be controlled by humans.

The human body's immunity collectively declines. These viruses multiply in the human body, engulfing human cells and functions of all parts of the body, and finally become walking zombies. This is for most ordinary people with weak bodies, but at the same time many ordinary people become A person with super powers.

After the apocalyptic crisis has passed, some of these superpowers are already at their peak, so they can easily rebuild a world.

This world is the current interstellar plane alliance.

It can be said that it is a place that cannot be imagined by the human brain.

System 009 has no memory in its mind. It only knows that it is very good there. The current three thousand big worlds and small worlds are incomparable.

Shen Mingxi was stunned when she heard this. Many things were really new to her.

Apocalyptic crisis, superpowers!
It sounds very powerful, just like what she always told herself, there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world. There are always unknown things in the unknown time and space, things that you can never understand or even touch.

But this 009 talk seems to have never gotten to the point.

Shen Mingxi frowned and lowered his voice and said: "Xiaojiu, tell the truth. Are you sure there won't be any light waves monitoring us? Otherwise, how will this energy be recovered?"

"There are no light waves to monitor us. When we were created, the huge database had already begun to include us among them. The chip in my head is actually a huge energy box. This energy box will collect the energy we collected. If it’s worth it, send it to the alliance headquarters.”

Shen Mingxi blinked: "But it means the same thing. Isn't there still a connection?"

"It's not quite the same. This is what my energy box actively delivers. It's like we can obviously upgrade, but as long as we don't upgrade, the alliance headquarters won't know what our current situation is, and they won't This energy value is automatically collected without our consent, so the initiative is in our hands..."

Shen Mingxi thought for a while, then simply shook his head and stopped thinking about it. Maybe 009 was right. As long as the initiative was in their hands, what should they be afraid of?

But Shen Mingxi still felt that he should ask something.

"Xiaojiu, do you know? Are the parallel time-spaces you mentioned really extending from the main time-space, as mentioned in the science magazine? Or maybe one of these two parallel time-spaces is exactly the same as you Yes, your family, relatives and friends are all the same, and even your experiences are the same in every aspect, but maybe there will be a turning point one day and big changes will occur..."

"Yes, scientists in the past thought this was impossible when they were doing research. It was just a conjecture. However, it was confirmed thousands of years later. It does exist. It's just because the time and space we are in now is too backward. Science and technology are underdeveloped and we can’t see it. As long as the barrier of space is broken and the distance between dimensions is no longer out of reach, it may be easy to go from this time and space to another time and space..."

Shen Mingxi frowned. In fact, she could understand it, but she couldn't see it or imagine it. Although she thought she was very smart, there were some things that her brain couldn't imagine.

Shen Mingxi waved his hand and asked 009 to go and see what changes there were in the system store.

I continued to wander upstairs in the villa, thinking about what I should add here. Now that my body can come in, I can also confirm that I can bring others in besides myself.

Of course, I have only taken Yaya with me so far.

But this also let Shen Mingxi know that the accommodation of this space is not so strict.

(End of this chapter)

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