Cannon fodder heroine online counterattack

Chapter 681 The magical villa configuration

Chapter 681 The magical villa configuration

It was only around nine o'clock in the evening, and it would take more than two hours to go to where Lin Hanzhang lived, so Shen Mingxi was not in a hurry.

He checked room after room, wondering what to put. He was also thinking in his mind that now he was almost exposed in front of Feng Anyen, but Feng Anyen never took the initiative to ask. , and never even asked her to take the initiative to tell him. This is how the two of them maintained a very harmonious tacit understanding.

Although Shen Mingxi felt sweet in her heart when she thought of this, but after having such a villa, Shen Mingxi actually hoped that Feng Anyen would share it with her.

After all, almost everything here was designed by Feng Anyen, and she provided some assistance and suggestions.

However, although this idea is a good one, it still cannot be implemented at present. Some things do not need to be known by the other party at once to prove how much you love him.

We can only talk about it later if we find an opportunity.

But after arriving downstairs, Shen Mingxi realized the architectural layout of the room. It seemed that Feng Anyen had a faint influence on this space, but now she couldn't tell where the influence was.

But I don’t know why, but once this idea comes up, I can’t stop it.

Shen Mingxi is in high spirits. Although her current body has not been specially genetically modified, with such space and the fact that she has eaten food with spiritual energy in the past few years, even if she does not rest for a night, she will not care about it the next day. Whether you are at work or at school, you are still full of energy.

Shen Mingxi felt that some things for cooking should be added to the kitchen.

I don’t know where this villa is connected to, but there is a gas stove, but there is no tank under the gas stove.

But Shen Mingxi, as the owner of this space, immediately understood that as long as he turned on the switch on the dining table, there would be blue flames for heating food and cooking.

Everything here resonates with her.

There are two bottom plates on the dining table, which are just right for cooking.

Shen Mingxi thought that this should use the energy and spiritual energy of space.

The spiritual energy in the space also includes the old mountain ginseng and purple lingzhi in the grass, plus the special circle of energy groups. They now complement her space, just like a cycle, endless.

Shen Mingxi thought to herself that spaces like hers might not be common. After all, not every space has a little koi.

This upgrade did not disturb the little koi, which was still practicing under the spiritual spring.

According to the little koi, in its world, some people practice seclusion for 1000 years. How long it lasts is not as long as the blink of an eye, so it is not surprising at all.

After Shen Mingxi thought about how to arrange the kitchen, he returned to the living room.

You can put a circle of sofas here and a Duobao Pavilion on the wall. You can put the jade products, ornaments and antique vases in the space on it.

There is a rosewood table. Shen Mingxi has repaired it and can put it in the study. The rosewood table can be used as a desk.

You can add a bookcase to the wall and put some books on it. Occasionally, she can treat this space as another home.

As for the upstairs, it can be her bedroom. She has already thought about how to arrange it. For Shen Mingxi, this is her personal space. She can move outside things in if she wants to, without even moving them. Put it where she wants it.

By the way, there are curtains. The only disadvantage here is that it is daytime 24 hours a day and the sun is shining brightly, so curtains are a must.

Shen Mingxi had even thought about what color curtains to use, as well as the bedding, the color and pattern, all of which were completely presented in his mind.

Shen Mingxi was a little excited, just like decorating her own home. Of course, she is the only one who owns this home, and no one else knows about it. She can't even invite classmates and friends to the home, but this is enough for Shen Mingxi to jump up and down with joy. Jumping.

Then after everything was arranged, Shen Mingxi discovered an important problem, that is, there was a faucet here, but there was no bathroom.

Shen Mingxi walked out of the villa hall, and suddenly moved towards the back of the villa. There was a wooden house behind the villa. Shen Mingxi knew without thinking that this was the bathroom.

In fact, Shen Mingxi didn't think about using the bathroom, because it always felt like it was inconvenient to use the bathroom here, whether it was to take a shower or go to the toilet, but Shen Mingxi was still curious and opened the door and went in.

The inside is very simple and clear at a glance. There is a stainless steel sink in the middle.

There was a large mirror above the sink, which clearly reflected her current appearance, so Shen Mingxi blinked curiously, feeling that this space was becoming more magical and humane.

On the right was the shower room. Shen Mingxi stretched out his hand and turned the faucet, which was as big as a sunflower disk. Unexpectedly, warm water actually spurted out.

Shen Mingxi hurriedly closed it, and then looked for a place to drain the water. He found a square box there, and the water flowed into it. After opening the lid, Shen Mingxi knew that the water had evaporated after being processed here.

Shen Mingxi hurriedly ran to the bathroom on the other side. Although there was only one bathroom, it was spacious enough.

This toilet was different from the ones sold on the market now. It looked much more advanced. Shen Mingxi pressed the button and the water in the water tank flushed down quickly. She opened the water tank cover again and found that the water inside almost filled up in the blink of an eye. full.

Shen Mingxi quickly retreated and looked along the line. She discovered that the water in the bathroom evaporated directly into steam, while the water in the toilet was filtered and purified through a pipe and then compressed into a solid substance, like fertilizer. Same particles.

The particles are stored under the original land of vegetables and fruits.

Shen Mingxi thought of something and ran towards the kitchen again.

This time she found a grinder in the corner of the kitchen. It couldn't be said to be a grinder. It should be used to process kitchen waste. Put the garbage into it and it can be turned into fertilizer. The fertilizer also flows to that place through the pipe. Vegetable patch and orchard.

Shen Mingxi stood at the door of the villa. Although it could not be said to be dumbfounded, she was really shocked. It can be said that this villa is at least a few decades more advanced than it is now.

It’s really amazing. I have to say that the development of science is indeed beneficial. At the very least, it can provide people with endless conveniences and allow people to enjoy a beautiful life.

Therefore, everyone who promotes social development is worthy of admiration!
(End of this chapter)

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