The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 193 Mercenaries

Seeing the two people unable to hold back and going to experiment, Anne couldn't help but said:
"The space capsules used to house the respective team members, etc., our group will no longer provide services from now on!"

"I understand, I understand!" He disappeared before the words left his mouth.

Blessed people don't have to worry, Sha Xie passed by these two people, and after completing the task, Sha Xie came back to report.

"Hello, captain three, hello to the team, the task has been overfulfilled!" As he said this, he looked at the backs of the two people walking away without knowing why.

"Captain Sha, sit down, I was looking for you!" Annie looked at him and finally remembered that his name was Sha Xie.

Captain Che looked at the bag in Annie's hand and said nothing.Captain Sha sat down, and Annie observed that he was one of the few who heard her words and did not look at Lin Sen or Captain Che.Transparent!
A transparent person has a strong understanding. He learned this faster than Lin Sen, but he learned it after trying it three or five times.

"From now on, you will keep your team's equipment, food, weapons, etc."

Sha Xie said quietly: "An Tuan, I understand, I understand!" He smiled and stared at the bag before walking out, almost tripping over the threshold.Xuanxuan and Brother Ti covered their mouths and snickered.

Perfect!Except for the hand stretched out by the white-eyed wolf!
The hearts of the people are not enough. Didn’t you give one before? It’s even bigger than these people.

"An Tuan, don't favor one over another, I'm still the captain after all!"

What does it mean to be shameless? This is it.This man is quite multi-faceted.
However, Anne figured it out in a second. The previous one must be full, and besides, it was best not to keep that storage bag in public.

Go upstairs, go downstairs, and hand him another one!
"Thank you An Tuan. I'll take them to collect a wave of information. The weather is too cold, so don't go. It's freezing."

There's no point in going there. There's no way to collect information. Besides, the space is full, so there's nothing you can do if you go.

According to the shift schedule, Sha Xie is leading the team on duty today. The tasks he completed were received yesterday and he only came back this morning to take over the shift. Now he is arranging for others to be on duty to guard the base camp.This captain is really good at squeezing the labor force.

Sha Xie's team members were so excited that they followed Sha Xie and started to pack the team's property inside.

"There is still room for other things..." In addition, the special operations team members were so smart that they didn't catch up on sleep. They came over and asked Annie and others if they were interested in going to the supermarket to replenish supplies.
"What supplies?" Annie was fine, but Brother Ti and Xuanxuan were excited.

To be honest, Anne came after she was prepared for the end of the world. The two of them were in a daze, and the end of the world was coming, and the space power came too late. They really didn't prepare anything. When they heard that the supermarket was preparing supplies, they immediately became energetic.

"set off!"

When we set off, it was already half an hour later, because when Sha Xie sent a message to Captain Che's mobile phone to ask for instructions to go out, he received a reply that he could not go out wearing uniform clothes and had to wear regular clothes.But clothes are also required to have protective functions.It's obviously just creating difficulties.

It was hard for the three captains, so everyone put on their coats over the special combat uniforms they were wearing now!Even if the requirements are fulfilled.

Annie and others naturally used the furs that Annie bought to wear outside.A long coat and a fur-trimmed horse skirt was put on directly outside the trousers. This was a skirt that Annie bought a long time ago. It was only then that she remembered that she could put it on to cover the camouflage pants on her feet.Very good, very good, Annie took out three items, Xiu Ma's habit of buying clothes and fighting once again demonstrated its extraordinary practicality.

Sha Xeng and others did not change their clothes. Originally, Captain Che's dress code was for the three captains.They just put some unnecessary weapons into Sha Xie's bag.Ten people, their faces covered by black masks, only one tactical knife on their body, and only one wooden knife was left in the wooden bag.The professionalism is weakened and it seems more friendly.

No car!Yes, I don’t have a car, and I can’t go out in an RV. Thirteen people can’t fit in!Even if it’s Xiaoguan’s A-type RV.In fact, even if it could, the car wouldn't be able to drive. The snow outside is more than a foot thick. This is still the road. Cars and people pass by, and the snow falls and is trampled hard. Then the snow falls and piles up. Not long after, it is frozen again. Reality.

Nothing can trouble the three of them!

Sha Xie regretted extremely why he went to the supermarket to collect supplies.It made the group leaders have to walk out.The group of people walked outside and saw that it had never snowed so heavily in the Imperial Capital, nor had the temperature been so's too cold.

Before leaving the community, they walked 300 meters and even before leaving the villa area, Xuanxuan and Brother Ti wanted to go home.

"No, the road is too difficult. Let's go back and go by car tomorrow!"

"I have no idea of ​​going to the supermarket. It's too cold. I dare say it's not even minus 50 degrees."

"That time, I don't want to go either."

Of course, Annie didn't refuse to follow them. She originally followed the two of them out. In this kind of weather, there is no sense in collecting anything.

Sha Xie had never been so grateful to the three group leaders at any time. He didn't dare to think about the consequences of just walking to a supermarket two miles away.

This is still a general calculation. There is a supermarket two miles away, but the apocalypse is coming. Whether the supermarket is open or not, whether it has been purchased for zero yuan, and what kind of goods are unknown.

"Three leaders, my proposal is too outrageous. Let's go back first. I'll take the time to inspect a few supermarkets with a full range of goods before we talk!"

The return journey was only 300 meters, and the three of them skied around on the snow. Annie smiled and said: "It's a pity that there are not enough skis..."

Yeah, snowboards, not much really.It had never appeared on the shopping list. Only then did Annie realize that no matter how well prepared you are, there are still some shortcomings.

"Hey, are you mercenaries?"

Everyone looked up and saw a woman in her thirties appearing on the balcony of a villa, wearing a mink coat and a mink hat, but without ear protection. She obviously came out in a hurry.

"Is something wrong?"

Sha Xie did not answer directly, but asked back,
"I have money, I will pay for it, you will protect me, I want to find my husband..."

"No! Madam."

"What's wrong? Aren't you just soldiers who will sacrifice their lives for money? It's not like I don't want to pay. I'll pay three times as much as they pay. 1 yuan a day, you guys come and protect me."

This man was sick. The three of them looked at each other and continued to walk back.

Sha Xie and others also turned to follow, as if they had not heard what the woman said.

On the balcony, a woman came forward holding a scarf: "Madam, let's go in..."

"These stinky soldiers, who are disrespectful to others, can't even afford ten thousand for a day! How much more do you want, one hundred thousand?"

The woman didn't reply. She didn't need to reply to these words, and she didn't want to reply. Isn't [-] yuan a high price?What time is this? Besides, the mercenary has been hired a long time ago. How could he abandon his former employer and come to your house to work? If someone else pays a high price, you can't keep him!

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