Chapter 194

The lady cursed and threw things for a while, and then said to the woman: "Go and ask your man to find out what number these three little bitches live in?"

"Okay, ma'am."

The three of them failed in shopping and returned disappointed, so they went out to show off for a while. Some people were poaching talents in front of them, but this person reminded Annie and others that they were mercenaries!This is a good name!

The 508th Regiment's force value is somewhat strong, but it cannot be strong. These people cannot say it openly. Now, mercenaries, you must know that the Federation has a mercenary union, and mercenaries are the employment of many retired soldiers. the way.Another option is to work as a bodyguard with a security company.Driver Lu was an exception. Due to his strength, he became a driver in the An family.

So, the three began to study the possibility of mercenaries.

"Forget it, wait until Captain Lin and the others come back and ask. Maybe not, otherwise they won't think of it!" Brother Ti looked through the mercenary management regulations on the Internet and felt that there was no loophole to exploit. After all, these people are dead, dead. There will be no identity.

"You're so shortsighted. How could you change your identity to a dead person?"

"Remember Mr. Jiang? They have retired and were recruited back. So what do you think we can do to the immortals who are currently on duty?"

The three captains studied the unfamiliar field for a while, but they had no choice but to give up. At this time, Anne was a little disappointed with her previous life. At least you have to listen to it without experiencing it yourself. If you had asked the mercenary before, Who is the superpower team composed of?

While the three of them were worrying, they heard the doorbell ring.

Outside the door is the property of the community.A middle-aged man introduced himself as the property director, accompanied by two young men carrying bags.

What kind of property director is he?It's outrageous.

Brother Ti has never been so disgusted with people in the real estate profession, and he gets annoyed just by looking at them.

Conduct safety inspections and community population registration.You can only open the door and let people out.

Sha Xie and the others were next door, and Annie used the communicator to tell him not to show up yet.

As soon as the three property management people entered the door, the young man was okay and serious, but the middle-aged man looked around as if he was looking for someone. Only Anne and the other three were in the living room.The fat chef heard the noise and came out of his room.He looked at the three of them and didn't answer.

Anne and the others were burning a wood stove in the living room.The visitor actually said that according to the relevant regulations of the Imperial Capital and the property management regulations, open fires are not allowed...

Also, people who live here need to register.

On such a cold day, no open fire is allowed during the period when the heating is turned off. Is this just for fun?
Annie: "Has every household registered? What is the reason for registration?"

"With such chaos now, it is natural that unknown people cannot enter the community. The safety of the community cannot be guaranteed."

This makes sense...

Annie took out her ID card, the one with the huge name.

To register a visitor, write down the identity number in a book.

"what is your telephone number?"

"2558142358" Annie reported a number casually.

Surprisingly, this man also had a satellite phone. When he took it out to make a call, the number was of course empty.

"Why can't you get through?"

"The phone won't turn on in this temperature. Besides, my phone has long lost signal."

"The men you live here need to register too."

"Who told you that there are men living here? Except for our chef and two drivers, there is no one else."

"Drivers and chefs must also register. Even visitors must register, and no concealment is allowed." The tone was affirmative, as if he knew that many people lived here.

The fat chef went into the house to get his ID card...

"There is no concealment!"

"You must be responsible for underreporting the population. Those who are underreported must go to the Emergency and Safety Office to register."

There's definitely something wrong with this guy.Anne reached out and took the book in his hand, and there were only three fake names of Anne on it.And this notebook is just an ordinary notebook.

Annie handed it to Brother Ti.

"Did you just change your registration book?" Annie asked coldly.

"Come back," the man wanted to curse, but he was naturally afraid of these people's last names.There was no curse: "This is official business, don't interfere with official business!"

Brother Ti moved his hands, and four or two earth walls trapped the man.Seal your mouth, leaving only your nostrils exposed.

Brother Ti said coldly to the other two who were obviously assistants: "Go and bring someone else's registration book to me. If he only came to register our family, he would stay here today!"

"Director! Director!"

The two were startled and hurriedly came forward to see their leader. The earthen wall was very tight, and the property director's face was already red from holding back.

"You are in trouble. Do you know who our director's uncle is?"

"I don't know. Do you think your director is still alive after you introduce his uncle?"


The director's face was already red, purple and blue.

"Let go, our director's uncle's surname is Jiang, and the director is from the Jiang family..."

"Oh, why didn't your director say his last name was Jiang when he came in?" Brother Ti asked.The surname is Jiang, isn’t he an enemy?

Xuanxuan and Anni also thought, why did they come to hide on the Jiang family's territory?

"Come on, let's talk about this Uncle Jiang. As for whether your director is dead or not, if Uncle Jiang asks, we will say that you did not do enough to rescue him."

"Is it that difficult to get a notebook?"

Another thinner man who had just joined the job said: "How can I get it if I don't have it? You are the first one to register today."

"Who asked you to come? Your Uncle Jiang?"

"No, no, our director took us here after he answered the phone. Please loosen this wall quickly. It's not good for people's lives!"

"Okay, whoever made the call is responsible."


"It was a friend of the director who called and said that you have a complicated staff here."


"I don't know, the director answered the phone..." Anne looked at them and waved away the wall while the director took a big breath of air.

"I I I..."

"Don't worry, tell me after you've recovered your breath, what did your friend say when you called him?"

As Brother Ti spoke, he waved his hand, and the earthen wall began to slowly rise from the director's instep...

The director tried his best to kick, but he couldn't move. The earthen wall was extremely strong.

"You, do you have superpowers?"

"Well, we still have knives..." Brother Ti conjured up a small knife in his hand, slowly spinning it in circles, and then spinning it faster and faster.

My brother Ti is amazing, and Annie has a starry eye. When she was in school, she was very good at turning the pen, and the pen could turn flowers between her fingers. Now that she has turned the knife, it is even sharper!
"She's my high school classmate who lives right in front. She said you have a group of mercenaries. She wants a contact information and someone to protect her to find her husband!"

(End of this chapter)

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