Telling facts and reasoning is not as effective as putting people at the scene.The tragedy of this family has brought the gratitude of these three people to a new level, especially Lin Sen. If he wanted to send the three captains back because of his promise before, by this time, he had completely given up on himself. Being tied up with the 508th Regiment, I completely recognized the identity of the captain of the second detachment of the 508th Regiment from the bottom of my heart.

As for Helan, the reason why his ancestor asked him to come out this time echoed in his heart: "You have lived your own real life. The Helan family is not your responsibility. You may be the hope of the Helan family if you live a good life."

This ancestor is the only one in the Helan family who believes that he is the deity.Others, even their own mothers and grandmothers, are willing to wait for the test results to come out.

Love is conditional.Motherly love too?

Several people returned to the villa. Annie was sitting at the big dining table. The fat master was pointing at the bamboo steamer on the table and talking enthusiastically. Captain An looked at it with gleaming eyes.
"An Tuan, have you seen Wei Tuan shut down?"

"I'm back, let's go upstairs!" Annie held up a small bun with both hands, took a bite, and breathed a sigh of relief: "Fat Master, it's true that you can't tell it's fat meat. This oil residue is really delicious. …I can eat three!”

"Yes, yes, this is a recipe passed down from my ancestors. It just tastes good. Come on, come on, try this taste!"

"what is this?"

"Sauerkraut and minced meat..."

"Is it also passed down from ancestors?" Anne tasted it, turned around and saw these four or five people staring at her hands with incomprehensible expressions.

"Do you want it too?"

Several people thought of the scene in the basement and shook their heads.

"Fat Master, make a pot of white porridge today. No, no, just some vegetable soup, steamed buns... no, no, no, pancakes, green onion pancakes, bread..."

Zhou Qishao was stuttering when he ordered the food. Annie raised her eyes and looked at the roof. The faces of the two people were not very good, so she thought about it.Nothing was said.

The fat chef is also a capable person. He has a few laymen who help cook. He is quite capable. Shengsheng made these vegetarian dishes that are not easy to associate with brains, arms, and blood. The two group leaders also enjoyed this special meal. Sick meal.

The sick meal has been available for three days, so I won’t mention it anymore. As for the two captains, they are sad. Their eating habits have completely changed. They can no longer accept barbecue and other things. Medium-rare steaks are simply... Can't even look at it.

The matter of raising zombies has been settled, but this community is quite dangerous. Think about it, a family of three registered outside the community property actually has one person and two zombies. What about other families? This community has nearly [-] residents!

The members of several teams became more and more confused. Annie followed the black bear out and collected a lot of ingredients.

As for the storage bags that Anne sent out, these people came back and quietly asked Anne if they could help free them up!Yes, of course it was possible, so these people moved the things back and gave them to Annie, saving Annie the cold.It's just not efficient.

Sha Xie finally kept his word. He detected a super supermarket filled with various supplies, but there were security personnel guarding the outside and the door was not opened at all.

"The door to his house has not been opened. Do you want to take me to rob him?"

"Captain, how can it be a robbery? Do you know? I heard that someone from the superpower team was going to rob. Let's see. If it happens, it doesn't matter if there is one more person or one less person. Anyway, his reputation is Carrying it.”

"Where are you offline? Where's your morals?" An Tuan said with great righteousness.

But they did go out anyway. Xuanxuan and Brother Ti both transferred their inventory to Annie's space and went empty-handed.The supernatural team that came out to rob was also very unlucky. They shot down all the guards and rushed in. Annie and the other seven people entered.

They used trailers and forklifts to move, and large trucks with dozens of tons of load were waiting at the back door of the supermarket, waiting to be moved.

So, the three of them went out. Xiaoguan's family had a supermarket under their name, so they knew that such a large supermarket must have a warehouse. The seven people from the superpower team went over and took a look, and saw that the warehouse was full.

"They can't finish moving, should we wait?"

"Wait!" Annie smiled. This team with special powers belonged to the Wang family. Anne saw several members of the team. The leader seemed to be named Li Gang. He led a team with special powers. In his previous life, he was in the Wang family. The eldest brother's men committed a crime, so they were transferred to Wang Jiexi's side to keep him under inspection.

Anne heard Zhu Lin and the Queen Mother murmuring that Wang Jieming was unfair. These people were originally doing it for the good of the Wang family, and collected some things for everyone's use.

So, this is the time to collect things?If you are not the main member of the Wang family, you will definitely not be able to move them all.

"There is a pet supplies store here, you must check it out."

Next to this supermarket, there are several various specialty supermarkets, such as lifestyle supermarkets and food supermarkets.

The three of them didn't wait in vain. They sneaked to the entrances of these supermarkets and found that some people had visited them. Unfortunately, the seven of them didn't give up and went to the pet supermarket. It was quite good. Except for Maomao's few supplies, Annie and Ti Brother's pets are all small species, and there are still some leftovers. Brother Ti went to find some fish medicines, reagents, etc. Annie went to the birds, turned over some parrot diapers, and accepted them!

I also saw an alloy, two-person-high, fully enclosed birdcage. It was quite high-end and came with its own fresh air system.Received!
The seven people came back, and the moving was still in full swing: "Let's go in secretly and check how many are left." Sha Xie was worried that everything would be moved.

This guy named Li Gang had a lot of energy. Twenty big trucks came to mechanize the move. It took less than two hours, and everyone had to move a gap in the warehouse before leaving.

Sha Xie had already quietly inspected the types of goods in this warehouse and reported several times secretly. As soon as these people left, Xuanxuan and Ti Ge selected some items that were currently in short supply to fill their space and grid. Anne also Collecting them at the edge. In order not to scare them, Anne let them go first and cleaned up the rest herself. She emptied the entire warehouse in the blink of an eye.

As for those on the shelves, none of the seven people moved them, and it was very troublesome to pack them.Save some for the next batch of people to come!

On the way back, the seven people met Captain Che, who was leading a team to pick them up. The captain, who had snowsaws on his feet, stepped forward and gave Sha Xie a slap!
"You are leading the team to defend the base camp. You are so brave. You coaxed the three captains to go out. What if something happens?"

Sha Xie didn't dare to reply, he just looked at the captain: "I will never do it again next time!"

"go back!"

"We are not in jail, why don't we come out for some air?"

"Captain, the zombies in the Imperial Capital have all evolved now. I'm afraid you will encounter them. What if you can't defeat them?"

"If you can't beat them, just run away. We don't want to save face, so we'd be embarrassed to run away."

Captain Che looked at the three of them: "Are you serious? If you can't fight, just run away. What if you can't escape?"

The option of not being able to escape does not need to exist!

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