The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 202 Team Leader Upgrade

The three returned home with a full load. Except for Brother Ti, the list was very simple. There were only twenty grids, one item per grid. What else could be cleared?She and Xuanxuan worked together to clean up the goods.

"The host has triggered a random lottery. Do you want to draw or not?"

"Pull!" The recent card punching every seven days has made Brother Ti lose confidence in his cheating.

Who knows how to clock in and create a quick learning system? Who knows what to learn at this time? Brother Ti doesn’t know what to learn that can be used urgently, but he thought that if he can learn it, he will learn it. As a result, he opened it and looked at it, and it was a game similar to a five-dimensional game. Something similar to a machine is called a learning machine, but the software and scientific courseware still need to be punched in or drawn through a lottery.

"Congratulations to the host, you have drawn the advanced warehouse management system!"

You suddenly lost all goodwill. Should you go offline yourself or should I unplug?

Host, host...

Tongzi, who had nothing to say, was forced offline.A cruel host.

"An, put this away!"

Annie was used to it. Brother Ti, who had a system, often took out some inexplicable things for her to keep.What I took over was something like a game card.

"what is this?"

"I just drew it, Advanced Warehouse Management System. If I keep it, it will occupy a grid." Brother Ti's grid is hard-earned. When you punch in different items, a grid will be activated. If you use the previous item At the same time, the grids will not be activated, which means they can be packed together. Now Brother Ti has vacated all the grids and handed them to Annie to store, while he takes 20 empty grids outside to collect supplies.

"Oh..." Annie flipped around and looked up and down, and said to Brother Ti, the learning machine you gave me before seems to be able to roar!
"do not know!"

"Let me try!"

I took out the learning machine and it just fit in. It’s amazing!
"Brother Ti, it seems that I can learn. Can you learn?"

"If you don't want to learn, how about managing the warehouse? No!"

"Where is Xuanxuan?"

"No, I'm very busy!" Xuanxuan was looking through her inventory~
Annie thought about her large warehouses, so she decided to learn it herself!
So, Annie sat on the sofa next to her, picked up the learning machine, inserted the card and started using it!

It is indeed an alien civilization!Annie put on her headphones and began to listen to the lecture with her eyes closed.

An hour passed and Annie returned from her studies!The system shows that you can still learn 3 people/time!
Annie happily said to the two of them, you should also learn it. I think this is knowledge that space superpowers deserve to have.

"Come on, knowledge is power!"

The two of them were looking at a long list of printed product names in a daze. They only looked at a few items and found that they were repeated!

When I heard Annie was doing Kepu Chicken Soup, I went over, took the headphones, and listened to the class!

Annie had already learned it. Following the method she had just learned, she found a computer and started organizing her warehouse.

Little Yuanshu giggled happily in the fairy mansion: "People on Aqua Blue Planet are very receptive!"

"What kind of star is your hometown?"

Xiao Yuan didn't answer, and quickly found what she wanted. A long branch quickly found a jade bottle in the medicine storehouse of Xian Mansion. "This can enhance your spiritual consciousness. Let's increase the spiritual consciousness first, then practice physical training, and then take a crash course!"

"You can become an immortal quickly. I thought you have to study hard and practice hard to become an immortal."

"Aquamarine people have a saying that is quite right. The end of science is theology. I am just asking you to study in a scientific way at the end of theology. Don't be too weird!"

"Try your head off!" Annie took the jade bottle and opened it. Wow, the refreshing fragrance made her whole body clear. She poured it out and ate one, wow!
Everything in the wrench is vividly visible.Then my mind changed, and I arranged them neatly according to my own!
After thinking about it, I created a file on the computer and quickly entered all the items in the wrench into the warehouse management system.With new theories and new practices, a warehouse inventory list was quickly compiled!

The ring finger was filled to the brim with things that Xuanxuan and Brother Ti brought over.There were also supplies brought back by several captains, and Anne simply filed them separately, one team, two teams, and three teams.Brother Ti, Xuanxuan.Sort it out clearly.

Seeing that the two of them were still studying, Annie probed into the Immortal Mansion with her spiritual consciousness.Create a file for your own supplies too!
A fixed asset worth a small dollar!
"Master An An, you are so naughty!"

There were too many supplies in the Immortal Mansion. After Annie finished sorting them out, she felt like she was going to die soon!My brain hurts.My temples are jumping!

"An'an, take a pill."

"Unlimited?" In principle, it's two pills a day, which can quickly increase your consciousness. Now, when your consciousness is overdrawn like you, you can also take one pill.

The effect is very good and you can see immediate results!
"Can I give this elixir to them?"

"Captain Che can take it directly. He also has spiritual roots. Others can only use it like life essence, mixed with water, but in a smaller amount, otherwise, they will become stupid."

"No need to cut it." After asking about the ratio of water to water, Annie started to add water.

Xuanxuan and Ti Ge learned the same content, but the time was slightly different. The first one to finish learning was Ti Ge, gritting his teeth and swearing!

"That's too much. How can he teach so much in one breath? Why do you really think he is an interstellar high-tech person?"

"Thank you for your hard work, Brother Ti!" Annie handed him a cup of Xing Nao Ling.

Brother Ti drank it, and the effect was doubled: "Annie, your ancestor must be a god, the golden elixir boss!"

"It's not just about the golden elixir, it has to be about overcoming the tribulation!"

The two laughed for a while, and Brother Ti also made a list of his twenty warehouses. After Anne went to the general warehouse, Xuanxuan finished her study with a pale face.

Xuanxuan was so tired that she didn't even have the energy to curse.This is a true portrayal of liberal arts students forcing themselves to learn mathematics, physics and chemistry.Anne immediately handed over a glass of Xing Nao Ling.

"From now on, you two remember to ask me for a cup every morning when you get up, and a cup before going to bed. This will last for a year and a half. I guarantee that we are both smart babies!"

Xuanxuan calmed down after drinking the water and sorted out her warehouse: "Don't mention it, brother Ti, you are very powerful in this interstellar cheat. You allowed me to master such a powerful subject in less than two hours! It's really amazing The stakes are high!”

Anne merged Xuanxuan's inventory into the big account as usual.Count the total number of supplies together.

I have separate accounts for the personal belongings of both of you.

Xuanxuan smiled. I couldn't find anything for Maomao to use when my pet was so busy, but I expected that there would be a lot of expensive ones here. This kind of foldable single sofa is simply not perfect for Maomao.

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