The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 230 Human nature

People are like this, they are in a dilemma, there is no clear dividing line between what they should and shouldn't do.

Xiu Jia just watched like this. Except for the three little ones who were jumping to save others, everyone in the room remained silent.

An Zhou grabbed his godmother who jumped up from the sofa and wanted to pull An Tuan away.

Xiuzhen's lower abdomen was slightly protruding, and An Zhou knew that it was his little brother for almost six months. However, it was hard to talk about it in his younger life, so he just watched it carefully.

"Godmother, we have to discuss this matter carefully and leave it to me. There are few things in the world that An Zhou and I can't handle! Leave it to me, don't worry, don't worry!"

Xiuzhen's stomach also moved, and under everyone's gaze, she had no choice but to sit still reservedly.

An Zhou felt bitter. One day a few months ago, when he agreed to have a phone call with Zhou Laozu, he mentioned that Annie didn't want to be Zhou Laoba, so why not change the name of the godmother's belly to Zhou Laoba? Come on, I got scolded in the end!
"Without eight and nine, there is definitely no seven. Patriarch Zhou keeps pace with the times and tells him: seven, eight, nine and one hurdle!"

He had a bad mouth at the time, so he just said: It's still in the belly, who can guarantee it, the godmother is already 45 years old, Zhou Laozu almost came along the phone line to bury her!
Both families now know that Helan Jingzhou and Zhou Laoqi are gone!Everyone couldn't figure it out and could only accept the pain of losing their loved ones.
However, fortunately, the people of the Zhou family and the Helan family are all righteous and know that Zhou Qishao died because of Helan Jingzhou, and Lin Sen died because of these two people, and Annie and Mo Ti are still alive. , Xuanxuan experienced life and death all because of Zhou Qishao’s words!
They all remember this love and treat the 508th group as relatives.

Except for the ancestors of the Helan family and the ancestors of the Zhou family, the two of them spent a long time divination and knew that their two eldest grandsons were destined to die. The ponds of the Helan family and the Zhou family were too shallow to hold these two living dragons.

However, seeing the two of them die without saving them, the two of them felt unwilling to do so and both had some stubbornness, insisting on fighting against the odds.
Therefore, when I found out that these two people were still alive miraculously, I burst into tears!

Ancestor Helan used divination and divination, and he came up with a hexagram. He threw it out, as far away from home as possible, and don’t get involved with blood relatives!
Easier said than done!Very few people in the Helan family and the Zhou family knew that these two living dragons were still alive and well.

Over the past few months, watching the two of them living better and better as they moved further away from home made me feel so happy.Ancestor Helan one day took advantage of a good opportunity. In order for these two children to come back to honor their ancestors and revitalize their family, a Fuwa of their generation must be born!Blessings and luck
There can be Fuwa, and it is very simple, the first thought of ancestor Helan, but if you look closely at the hexagram, the word "peer" is stuck!

In the Helan family, unless the mother is changed, Helan's biological mother is already 60. If the mother is changed, the biological father is already 68.Therefore, the ancestor knew very well that the key is not whether to change or not, but whether it works.

The Zhou family, Zhou Laoqi’s mother, does not mention her mother, only her eldest sister who is already 55.It can solve all problems.My biological father, his biological father said, please keep the man’s age a secret, I also want to save face.When Lao Qi was born, she was already completely embarrassed.

As for those cousins, there are many of them, Zhanzhanzhan, my ancestor was eating ginseng and Zhanzhanzhan, but none of them!
There is really no compromise, including marriage, neither the Zhou family nor the He family can live up to their expectations, so they can't take advantage of it.

The reason why Zhou Qishao is so thick-skinned is actually passed down from generation to generation. Zhou Laozu is the kind of master who has the final say. Finally, one day when he and Helan Laozu were discussing the impermanence of life, he always said that it was him who settled down. The direct branch of the Zhou family!The original words are: The An family must be like this. I don’t know if it is a hidden gem of a certain generation of ancestors.That's what a vow is made.

Ancestor Helan was already at his wits end and had no other choice. When he heard his rogue words, he suddenly felt that they made sense!

Why did the gold bricks Annie took out have the word "zhou" on them? If Annie couldn't hit them with eight poles, she would feel kindhearted when she saw the photo.And the most important point is that these two brats are looking for death. It is a fate destined to have no solution. Annie was inexplicably coaxed by Zhou Laoqi to come to save people, but she actually saved her!
On that day, Ancestor Helan randomly came up with a hexagram.It actually took a little bit of life in the south!Very good, then take advantage of it.Counting the female comrades in the 508th Regiment, none of them are still fertile. They are all over fifty years old. Xiuzhen, the youngest, remembers in the hospital's medical records in black and white that her uterus was injured when she gave birth to a daughter, and the chance of having another child. One in 44 people aged [-] or over.

As for the young ones, they are different from the same generation.

Ancestor Helan is very unscrupulous. Since his life is in the south, even if it is less than a sliver, he is not going to let it go. He is serious about replacing the fathers of the four leaders of the 508th Regiment with wives. This possibility is possible No.

As a result, on that day, Qi Shao suddenly said that he was going to have a younger brother!Ancestor Zhou didn’t even hang up the phone, so he immediately called Ancestor Helan. Ancestor Helan knelt down in front of his ancestor’s memorial tablet, prayed seriously, and then set up the altar to commemorate it!
Ancestor Helan made a hexagram!Zhou Laojiu became the great savior of several tribesmen!
An Lao Er "The toothless clan, my surname is An!"

Now, the Helan family is planning how to increase support for the 508th Regiment without making any noise.

Ancestor Zhou felt that the Zhou family's boat was small and could be turned around, and he wanted to go south to retire.

Zhou Qishao's biological father received the order and began to turn around desperately. Unfortunately, the Zhou family's boat was not small. Turning around, no, the course was slightly off by a minute and a half, and it was a waste of effort!Being scolded every day by the grandfather who misses Fuwa, and by the wife who misses his son, life is miserable. From time to time, I think, I might as well go out and pounce on a zombie to be happy!
Qi Shao's biological father felt the pain first and said he would go back to Qingshan City.

An Shan also had a headache, and his daughter was jumping to pick up the little girl from the Jiang family. He couldn't say no, let alone say yes.
Both the Wei family and the Guan family were equally embarrassed, so they said OK, we have gone all the way, not to mention whether we can pick them up or not, the key is whether they can arrive safely.

90% chance of delivering food!

The Jiang family wanted to pick her up and had to pick her up. Not only was Wenwen of the Jiang family there, there was also the Jiang family's grandfather, Jiang Nanshan's cousin.

But if the children of Anwei and Guan's family were asked to pick him up, they firmly disagreed and couldn't bear such a big affection.The Jiang family has thought about it, sent out a mission, and asked people from the superpower team to pick it up!As for the cost of hiring the superpower team, it will naturally be borne by the principals of the Jiang family. After all, Grandpa Jiang is just a cousin to Jiang Nanshan.

Jiang Nanshan said this.

"Everyone, please be patient and take care of Wenwen's mother and daughter's affairs. I am going to report back to the Jiang family and let them take charge. After all, Grandpa Jiang's safety is not something I can bear."

Perfect solution!

Zhou Qishao and Helan both felt much more relaxed.After all, the 508th Group has a lot going on right now!The two of them really didn't want to get into trouble.

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