The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 231 Go ahead bravely

The matter of taking over Jiang Wenwen has been decided and it will be handled by the Jiang family!
The three group leaders privately had different views: "It's a much shorter journey from the Imperial Capital to the Siluo Federation!"

"The level of superpowers in the Imperial Capital is higher and there are more people."

"If the direct descendants of the Jiang family can take action, why would Jiang Wenwen secretly call us for help?"

"If the direct descendants value Jiang Wenwen's family, how could Jiang Nanshan and his son just go south with a few suitcases?"

The three of them sat facing each other with headaches. Three children who had grown up in a honey pot had no idea of ​​the unpredictable nature of people's hearts!
"What if the Jiang family only cares about Grandpa Jiang and not Wenwen?" The three of them all felt that this was a high possibility, because they occasionally heard Wenwen say something about the Jiang family's situation, and Uncle Jiang was not an important figure in the Jiang family.

The three of them have been discussing it for two days.The conclusion we came to was to pick up Wenwen, but how to get there must be foolproof.

Helan had something to do. At about 2 o'clock in the afternoon, when he returned to Pemberley, he heard Xiaobai instructing the robot to deliver spring water to the tea room.

"Xiao Bai, who is in the tea room?"

"Report to Master Xiu that it is Young Master An who is in the tea room..."

Young Master An was that Young Master Zhou. He Lan frowned and walked straight to the tea room to see what this guy was up to.

Young Master An was indeed causing trouble. While playing with the tea sets on the tea table, he said to the phone: "Anyway, I don't believe that my girl can wait calmly. Dad, you'd better go and see the Jiang family. What an idea!"

"You stay here for me. The ancestors of the Helan family said that your life lies in the south. Don't run north for me. It would be a pity if you died. Helan's life is worth more than yours. How dare you become a monster? Go north, I will kill you first!"

"Are you my biological father? Mie, Mie, Mie, where is the family affection? I picked it up, right? Yes, I picked it up at An's house. What did I say..."

"Shut up, stop being poor, this is serious business, keep it in mind."

When Young Master An saw Master Xiu Biao, he immediately ended the call: "I know you are really my biological father. Goodbye!"

Helan looked at him and couldn't help but want to laugh:
"Is there any problem with uncle's phone?" (referring to monitoring).

"A new one! Clean."

"Listen to what I'm saying, is your little eighth sister going to be a demon again?"

"Anyway, these three people have been muttering together in the past few days. I asked several times but they didn't tell me. It's only a matter of time before the demon emerges."

Young Master An heated the cup, poured tea, and brought it to Young Master Xiu.

There was a knock on the door of the tea room.The two of them looked up, and the old man's face was slightly red.

The protagonist in their words is standing at the door prettyly.

"Is it okay to ask about something if I'm tired?" Anne pretended that she didn't hear the discussion between the two.

"Sister, please give me your instructions!" Young Master An breathed a sigh of relief.
"Is the ranking of the supernatural team in the base real?"

"The truth is invalid." Young Master An raised his mouth and said.

"Why is it invalid?"

"All members of the 508th Regiment with special abilities did not participate in the ranking. So it is invalid."

"Oh!" Annie started drinking tea quietly without saying anything else.

Helan, who was listening quietly on the side, felt a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart, very uneasy!

At night, with this sense of uneasiness, he found Anshan in Anshan's study: "Uncle An, there is something..."

After Anshan listened, he was silent for a long time.

"I don't know. She's too much like me when I was young. She would definitely do it if she stabbed her friend twice." "Can you stop me?"

"Well, if we can stop her, we won't know each other!" Anshan looked at him calmly: "I will try my best to talk to her and analyze the pros and cons."

If the analysis is useful, he will not be able to become Shujia. Helan knows the answer.

Anshan found his daughter that night.

Annie didn't say anything. She held out her slightly protruding belly and put her hands on her lower back. Xiuzhen was a very particular person. This was the first time she put on this pregnant air: "Nier, do you not like your sister? If so, I will go..."

"Mom, why do you say that? Pay attention to prenatal education..."

"Then why did you leave mom? I'm going to give birth in a few months. I'm so scared when you're not here..." She was still crying after she finished speaking.

"Mom, you are provoking this as early as possible! My brother will not kiss me in the future, you see if I will return it or not!" Annie was so angry that she said, "Prenatal education, prenatal education!"

Is this prenatal education for you?

"Then why don't you go?"

"go with!"

"Why? Why?" Anshan was dumbfounded as he watched his always elegant wife chasing after his precious daughter like a shrew.

"Jane, Jane, we have to be steady and don't hurt the baby in our belly."

"What's the use of having a child in my belly? Do it to me like she did, and do whatever is dangerous! It's better not to have the child, raise it in vain, and then die." Xiuzhen took Annie's hand and shouted loudly Express your inner dissatisfaction.

"Okay, sit down and let's talk carefully. I'm going to pick up Wenwen because I can guarantee that I can come back alive!" Annie held her mother's hand and comforted her.

"It's not that you don't know that outside now, in addition to zombies, there are also alien beasts and mutated plants. All of them are deadly. Nibao, we can't lose you... We can't live without you, and we can't do it again..."

"Dad, Mom, come with me!"

Anne said something that the two of them could understand, but Anne's actions made them unable to understand.Annie raised her hand to make a mudra, and then, a door appeared in front of their eyes, with leaves hanging on the door frame.Glowing with the light of jade.

"Dad, Mom, come in!"

Apart from these two words, Annie and Xiuzhen couldn't find any adjectives.

Here, there are criss-crossing streets, mountain peaks, valleys and springs, flowers like brocade, warmth like spring, and towers and pavilions lined with green bamboos and pines...

"Dad, this is the ancestral space. Its name is Xianfu. It was refined by the master of the ancestor of the Xiu family. Now, it has been fully activated. The current level is not high. Only ten people can enter and can stay for one day. One person can stay Stay for ten days! I'm still working hard. One day, Dad, Mom, look at the tall tree in the distance. When it grows taller and bigger, until we can't see its crown, this fairy mansion It will become a small world..."

"small world?"

"Yes, Dad, three thousand river sands, one sand makes up the world, this is not a story!"

A grain of sand is a world, a flower is a paradise, hands hold infinity, and a moment is eternity.

This is the meaning of life, this is the reason for rebirth.Since the fairy palace was upgraded, Annie knew why she was reborn. It was not about grudges, but about building a new world.

Anshan looked around and finally felt relieved: "Nibao, you are right, it is that our role as parents has become smaller. Since you already have such life-saving means, no matter what lies ahead, bravely go for it!"

The leader's words will cause his subordinates to run away and break their legs!

Be brave and brave, just four words!However, it took [-] words to prepare.

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