Annie threw away her arms and took away the four nurseries that Xuanxuan reported. While smiling at Zhou Qishao and winking: "Brother Qi, go back and ask my mother to cook shepherd's purse soup for you. It's so delicious!"

"Did you receive the shepherd's purse?"

"I got it, there are still two varieties. This institute is really good, studying shepherd's purse!"

"Two ignorant kids, shepherd's purse is very high in iron and is used to make blood-tonifying medicine."

Xiujia himself didn't believe this. Looking at this so-called nursery, it turns out that it is basically a small vegetable field for researchers. Each one picks and grows what he likes to eat. It's in the hands, there's nothing wrong with it.

"We have never heard of high-tech, we only know it is wild vegetables, very expensive ones!"

Zhou Qi'an, an ignorant child, shouted back in unison!

Cousin Xiu signaled Fan Zhen to go ahead and follow him, ignoring these two lunatics.

The quarrel was won! Annie was happy, and the next step was to collect those small specimens, which was even more enjoyable. Humming a song whose melody I couldn't understand clearly, I swung my pigtails, I was so happy.

Annie's happiness continued into the zoo area. The corner of her mouth dropped when she saw the animals that were so hungry that they were almost dead.

"Brother Seven, the director of this research institute is simply not a human being!"

Must not be!

Zhou Qishao looked at the various cattle, dairy and beef cattle, rabbits, chickens, ducks, sheep, etc. that were locked up in the fence...

"Is this a preserved specimen? Why do I not believe it so much?"

"I believe it. Look, whose family only has two or three chickens of various shapes?"

"The feng shui here is really good. I didn't see a single zombie." Annie was serious when she said this. Xiu Jia said it was true, and then asked Zhou Qishao, Fan Zhen and himself to look forward again. If there were no more plants, they would go home.

No one would be able to raise these pigs, horses, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks, geese, rabbits, etc., even if they could be contained in space. That’s it! As for why he kept Anne here, it was because of his pettiness. What if Anne had any ideas? Men and women think differently.

The three of them walked forward. Xiu Jia concentrated on using his mental power to check if there were any mutated zombie beasts. He saw on the map in his mind that there were several little red dots not far away, so he took Zhou Qishao and Fan I really went to fight zombies.

Annie didn't move. She stood here. After they left, she began to move the zoo area to the bracelet space. There is a small river in the bracelet space. Annie immediately circled the area beside the river and moved all the cages and railings here. The automatic feeding machine was also moved. The empty warehouse behind the machine was empty. I thought about it and moved it. If I keep these animals in the bracelet space, I can move the food into the warehouse and feed it automatically, which saves a lot of trouble!

Those animals that were half-dead and about to die were immediately sent into the bracelet space by Annie. Then mix the life essence with water and put it into the water feeder.

What do these animals eat? There were no clues in the feed warehouse, but Anne had heard that corn was the main raw material for making animal feed!

I just put some corn I collected earlier into the warehouse.

As Annie pressed the switch, the feeding machine started to run...

It's up to you whether you survive or not! Annie looked at the sudden appearance of the breeding farm, and she felt something was wrong. Her mind quickly went to the forest outside.    Hmm, wild animals?

You can move some trees, but the key is grass...

On the grass, Annie thought of what grass she had received before, and immediately dug it out. There were nearly thirty bags, each bag containing fifty kilograms of high-grade grass...

Annie pulled out a bag, grabbed a handful and threw it on the ground by the river regardless of the situation.

The effect is not good, a word suddenly pops up in my mind, dust-raising technique? Annie's hands moved faster than her head, and when the grass seeds landed evenly on the ground, she came back to her senses! So familiar?

Very good, Annie's mental strength quickly caught up. Start sowing seeds on land where there are no grass seeds. No worse than a seed spreader! Annie ran around for a few times, finished scattering a bag of grass seeds, and then thought about what kind of spell she had in her mind, the Lingyu Jue.

I took the initiative to start using it. The first time I used it, I only watered less than one square meter, but the second time it was almost an acre, and the third time it started to rain lightly!

These tips that Xiao Yuan downloaded for himself are very useful.

Pulled back the mental energy. Sitting on the roadside waiting for Zhou Qishao and others to give instructions.

After Xiuga dealt with the rabbit zombie that was already as big as a horse, he informed Annie on the communication device that there were several nurseries here. He didn't even need to look carefully. He saw on his holographic mental map that the bunch of green dots in the zoo area were gone.

Do you want to protect a sister who has many secrets? Wait online, but don’t rush!

Annie comes over, these nurseries are more practical. All kinds of forage. No matter how ignorant you are, you will know that the animals you just collected must be eating these things, and they are genetically screened varieties! pretty good.

Anne waved, half of the family, fair and square.

The five collection teams gathered together and everyone said they had completed the task. So triumph!

On the road, Annie still walked at the end. Behind her, large and small pits appeared from time to time. In the bracelet space, beside a small river and a green grassland, trees began to appear one after another, some big or small, two trees formed a forest, and three trees formed a forest.

After walking out of this forest, Annie already owned a small forest. Lush, green and full of vitality. After all, she harvested it secretly and was not careful. Therefore, there were some wild vines hanging on the trees, as well as small animals, birds, and butterfly eggs that had not escaped... and some in their shells. Little snakes...these fish that slipped through the net gained a new life after entering this forest.

The group of people divided into four groups and returned to the safe house. As soon as I sat down and didn't even have time to drink my coffee, I heard the doorbell ring.

Owners, we have to go to fetch water today. Every household must go.

Fetching water, this is everyone’s knowledge blind spot. Fortunately, there is a fan who is quite down-to-earth, and I will give you a scientific record now.

Since the onset of the extreme cold in Dijing, the water supply system has gradually collapsed, and many residential areas have insufficient water supply. Therefore, bottled water has been prepared at water purification plants in each district for everyone to drink daily. At first, there were dedicated personnel to supply the water. However, as time went by, the number of tasks required by the dedicated personnel increased and the water consumption increased greatly. Therefore, each residential area sent people to fetch water independently.

Today should be the day to fetch water from Emerald Bay.

Fetch water? This is the first time in this life! The four group leaders were very enthusiastic and must participate. This is the time to experience the real apocalypse for themselves.

The doorbell rang four times, and the notices received were the same. Each household must send three people to fetch water, and each household must bring 10000 liters of clean water to the property management office.

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