Ten thousand liters. Annie looked at the clean water bucket at her feet. This bucket was 50 liters. If she wanted to complete the task, it would be 200 buckets. Actually it's still possible...

Everyone agreed that it was ok and it was a simple task. Therefore, when the four captains wanted to complete the task in person, there was no stopping them. All the brothers could do was take action.

The only thing that the group leaders were dissatisfied about was that they couldn't complete this task together and had to pretend to be unfamiliar with it and go get water. Xiu Jia and Qi Shao didn't want to go.

So, the water fetching team consisted of Wei Ruhai, Lu Bin, Anni; Jiang Zheng, junior Jiang Wenwen; Xiaoguan, Lin Sen, Beaver; Ti Ge, Wei Moyan, and Lao Long.

With Lu Bin and Lin Sen among them, Xiu Jia didn't have any worries at all.

The people in the water fetching team are actually the people who have registered their identity as homeowners in the property. Therefore, there was no discomfort for the group of people to go down.

Downstairs, many people have already gone downstairs, one household at a time. Many people know each other and are old neighbors after all. This kind of occasion is the home court of Wei Ruhai and Xiao Er, and Lao Long is not weak to the two of them, and His appearance is still online, but his special ability is not very strong. He is a water type. When the level is low, he can be regarded as a support, but he can do small things such as fetching water. Only then did he become the main force to complete the task.

Everyone is waiting for the administrator to lead the team, exchanging information in twos and threes, such as where there are vegetable supplies. Boss Long went down to the ground and started formulating words after three minutes. Others thought he was a bit unfamiliar, but the tone of his words was completely the tone of speaking to acquaintances and friends. After saying two or three sentences, he felt that there was something wrong with his memory!

Soon, Wei Ruhai, the waiter, and Boss Long became the senior owners of Emerald Bay! After listening to it for a long time, the three of them were stunned!

I'm sorry that 10,000 liters of water is not a very easy task to accomplish.

"Haha, if it doesn't work, I have to condense it myself!" It seems difficult to line up to fill a 10,000-liter bucket.

Annie and the four of them first imitated Wei Ruhai's trick of chatting with others in the crowd. Then, the four of them began to pretend to be neighbors and then chatted together as friendly neighbors. Unfortunately, the four of them were full of charm points. Friendly neighbor chat group, soon six or seven girls were talking together, discussing how to complete the task as quickly as possible.

"Hey, how did you complete the task the last time you had sex?" Brother Ti asked abruptly when everyone was chatting lively.

"You can't just drag it around for a few turns. My brother and the others did it. It was cold and I didn't come out!"

"Can the task be completed in just a few turns?"

“Last time my family used a sprinkler truck to fill the water!”

"My family paid 5000 liters more last time, but also only received 100 points."

"It's a pity that we can no longer use sprinklers. They say it's not clean. Who knows if it's clean or not? Would it be clean if the water was stored in another place?" The girl named Zhou Ying said dissatisfied. Yes, why do you have to move good water around? Isn’t there always water in the water pipes?

Of course, Annie didn't know that each building in Emerald Bay has a separate water tower. Everyone's water is supplied by the water tower. Some of this water is indeed provided to residents for daily drinking, but some of it is also used for drinking. The current safe zone.

Letting people collect water and put it into water towers is a plan, a plan to steal water. Because there is not much truly clean water left!

Moving water can be exchanged for points. These points are the key to living in the safe zone. This is a good reason. But what these children said about the process of collecting water made Annie more and more frightened.

According to a 50-liter bucket, one bucket after another is connected. It takes six or seven minutes to fill a bucket. Oh my god! 200 barrels of 20 liters, how many hours does it take to pick it up? hours, I’ll do it~

Anne said that she was willing to experience the apocalypse, but she was not willing to be a water-receiving machine. Not to mention that it was impossible to start receiving water as soon as she arrived. The water pipes only provided a hundred or ten. Not counting other communities, even Emerald Bay has about a hundred households.


People from the property management and Lin'an Association came out and took everyone to get water, but Annie didn't see a bucket. Do you still have to raise your own bucket? That's outrageous.

Sure enough, bring your own bucket! Anne wanted to curse, 200 50-liter buckets! To be honest, after collecting so many supplies, there is no such thing.

"What are you going to use to fill the water this time?"

"I don't know. If it weren't for a special water storage bucket, more water would have to be paid."

Wei Ruhai also asked about the container. I was so frightened that he had never confiscated so many buckets!

Boss Long was more straightforward and began to search in his mind where the buckets were to bring some back. The waiter still has a way with this kind of thing that is too real for life. So, Wei Ruhai and Xiaoer went to a water plant warehouse that Xiaoer knew to see if there was any stock.

The stock is available, but it's a bit old!

"Master Wei, do you still want this?"

"Why not? It's not for us to use the water after all! It's 10,000 liters per household, what are you thinking about!"

There were many recycled old buckets piled in the warehouse. Wei Ruhai took them all in without hesitation. There were roughly four to five thousand.

When Wei Ruhai rushed to the so-called water purification treatment plant, he saw a sea of ​​people waiting to receive water! There are only 50 pipes that can discharge water at the same time!

The temperature outside is minus 20 degrees. In this harsh weather condition, people are queuing up to receive water! I'm afraid I'm not crazy!

Annie and the four others also thought everyone was crazy. Wei Ruhai came and said that he had received the bucket, but he lined up to receive the water.

Annie was still thinking of a move, and then she heard Brother Ti let out an exclamation.

The people queuing up in front to collect water were quite quiet at first, but then they started to make a noise because the water stopped flowing.

Xuanxuan and Wenwen are more open-minded. If there is no water, they can go home. Why are they arguing here?

He took Annie and others and squeezed in.

The water was cut off, and Annie used her mental strength to look inside. The reservoir here was already dry. What kind of trick was this? The water was dry, so why not hide it? Do you want to make this news public to cause a riot?

Who benefits from the riots of the people?

"If you don't have water, go home. Do you have to pay it? What will happen if you don't?"

"How about it? You don't want to receive supplies or a pass to enter the safe zone. Don't you need points for these?"

"If you don't hand over the water, points will be deducted."

"It's much better than handing over food. It was hard for our community to win the task of handing over water..."

There was a mess at the water fetching place, and soon there was a commotion. Next, they began to stampede and push each other, letting out the anger and frustration in their hearts. Not only people were fighting against people, but also people were fighting against things. The scene was a mess.

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