The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 371 Fantasy Super Team

Chapter 371 Fantasy Super Team

Our ancestors were not allowed to bring these things into the enclosed house, let alone Pemberley. After thinking about it calmly, it was quite right (did our ancestors ever do something wrong?) When I brought these things into the house, I thought some of them were really not good.

Unbelievably, everyone went up to Beacon Hill and finally arrived at Fanzhen Zoo. Seeing how spacious the place was, they built an empty room. This is an exaggeration, but it was actually a mobile home that someone moved out of space. It's actually quite good. The materials used are very particular. A wooden room made of pure oak is actually a bit of a waste for studying these evil things. However, who calls us rich? We don't need to care about these details. 0+
Everyone is here to study some cultural relics from this tomb. There are many outrageous things. In this tomb, the ages of various items are actually inconsistent, and the ones that have been tested the furthest are from the Tang Dynasty. The most recent one was less than three hundred years ago.

All the amateur archaeologists fainted and then immersed themselves in the world of archeology. Wei Ruhai did not become the disciple of Patriarch Helan, but became a disciple of the "Guiyuan Sect" that Patriarch Helan had never mentioned. .

Because it had been a long time ago, the members of the rebuilt sect were withering away, Wei Ruhai entered the inner sect, and Zhou Qishao and Jin Ao became outer sect disciples. Although they were happy, they still had some regrets. Fortunately, the ancestors said that if the outer sect disciples perform well, they can also enter the inner sect, so they have a goal.

All members of the 508 Beacon Mountain Base began archaeological work, and for a while it felt like the sun and moon were growing in the mountains.

————————I am the divider——————————

Since the Green Water Base merged with the Imperial Base and was changed to the Qingshan Safe Zone, people have been moving here in the federal land to join the Qingshan Safe Zone. After all, there are not many bases in the entire Federation that can be called safe zones. There are even some privately established small refuge camps and small bases that have moved towards Qingshan City.

Of course, no one expected that. Seeing that the extremely cold weather was about to pass, everyone set off. Unexpectedly, in addition to zombies, there were also zombie beasts on the road, which made every step difficult.

The highway with the highest traffic volume in the Commonwealth today is the southbound highway. There are all kinds of vehicles on the road, and they are really available in all price ranges, but the main products are RVs and beds. Because the road is not easy, everyone has to live while walking, and a small mobile home (tent) has become a necessity.

Of course, there are finished RVs, but they all end up in the hands of strong teams. On the road, cars and weapons have become a symbol of measuring the strength of the team.

The Dream Team owns two modified Type A RVs. It is also legal to own several thermal weapons. It's not a hand wooden warehouse, but a light machine wooden warehouse. Although the list is not sufficient, it is enough to scare away many people with bad intentions.

The Dream Team is from Dijing, so their news is relatively accurate and timely. The Dijing Safe Zone has merged with a green water base in Qingshan City. I don’t know why, but what I do know is that the president is planning to go to Qingshan City. And many ministers have passed away, and almost half of the agencies have moved.

Therefore, after receiving the confirmed news, the Dream Team also began to go to Qingshan City to live. Everyone has thoughts, and no one can make decisions for others in the end of the world. After Qi Yi, the leader of Dream Squad, brought it up, not everyone agreed, and Qi Yi didn't take it seriously. To be clear, ghosts don't harm people, let's be villains first. Later gentleman.

The dream team was divided into several teams, but the main force still followed the leader. Qi Yi's girlfriend Ji Jingxian naturally came with him. The two had a good relationship. After the apocalypse came, the two became more and more intimate. Everything in the last days is here to test mankind. The two passed the test and became a real couple, with a love stronger than that of Jin Jian.

Gu Wenying is Ji Jingxian's best friend. It's rare to find a true best friend with a strong sense of boundaries, but Gu Wenying is a rare species, and she deserves it.

Qi Yi took thirty people and made full mental and material preparations and headed south to Qingshan City.

Along the way, we stumbled. Although we didn't lose any troops, competing with the zombies for physical strength and superpowers was really exhausting for everyone. People have to cut off the zombies' heads to be considered a victory, but the zombies only have to scratch and bite them. Even if human beings win, at least they declare death, and at worst the zombie army adds more strength, and everyone's nerves are stretched to the extreme.

On this day, when we arrived at a rest stop, we all informed the team to take a rest. After queuing up and passing the security checkpoint set up by the federal army, I found cars with five parking spaces connected together. Two A-type RVs were on both sides, and three 11-seat light passenger cars were lined up in the middle.

"There are troops guarding outside, so we should be able to take a rest tonight."

Gu Wenying was thinking about it, and then she called to Ji Jingxian: "Concubine Xian, let's cook rice today. I haven't eaten for many days and I feel hungry all the time."

"Okay, do you want to make the bacon you like too?"

"Then thank you, concubine!" Gu Wenying replied with a smile, then got into her minibus and took out a five kilogram bag of rice from her space.

"Brother Zhang, are you the cook today? Can you cook some rice?"

"Miss Gu is so polite, it's just a matter of extending your hand!" Brother Zhang took the rice, then thought about it and scooped back a little bit of tonight's flour.

The dream team cooks in shifts. The team is led by a few people who are recognized as good cooks, and the team members who are not good at cooking have always been in peace.

Gu Wenying was not on duty today, so after she took out the rice, she stopped participating in the production. It is rare to have time to truly relax and have a complete night's rest, which must be cherished.

When Gu Wenying saw that she had nothing to do, she returned to the bus, leveled her position, and lay down to rest.

The sky was getting dark, and Qi Yi felt that it was going to rain again. The recent rain was very unusual. When he smelled it carefully, he found that it was slightly fishy and smelly. Qi Yi didn't like it, so he immediately pulled up the tent with others. . Fortunately, Brother Zhang hasn't set up his stall yet and is making dough in the car. It is very convenient to move positions.

Because Qi Yi hated the rain, he told the team members about it. After listening to it, everyone tasted it carefully. Sure enough, they thought the smell of the rain was quite strange. Everyone in the Dream Team consciously defended themselves against the rain and would not get a drop of it. Would rather waste a liter of water just to rinse it off.

Ji Jingxian's aunt was visiting these days and she felt uncomfortable, so she rested in her RV.

It was raining, so Brother Zhang decided to make a meal for everyone. He steamed the steamed buns in the RV, ordered some ready-to-eat side dishes, and cooked a pot of seaweed soup. As for the rice, he cut the bacon, added some green beans, and potatoes to make a stuffed rice. .

Everyone came with their own bowls and chopsticks and ate deliciously.

After packing up, the rain was getting heavier, which made it easier for everyone to take a rest as soon as possible. All members of the Fantasy Team immediately closed the car doors and took a rest. The Dream Team doesn't know other people's thoughts and actions, but one thing is the same for everyone, that is, if there is an army garrison, it will be a safe and quiet night.

Some people are the kind who are not afraid of wind and rain. They pull up their tents, eat and drink when they should, and drink tea and chat together. The last days are so difficult, and it would take at least a thousand years to meet the fate that would definitely not come from five hundred years of cultivation.

Each team had camping lights. After it got dark, they hung them up one after another and turned on the car lights, illuminating the parking lot like a market, with clusters of lights. Strong smoke and smoke blew out.

There was a sound of rain on the tent, but it didn't stop everyone from visiting each other. Some high-quality people brought hot food prepared by themselves and delivered it to the soldiers at the entrance of the rest stop. The relationship between the military and civilians is fully reflected.

The noisy rest stop became completely quiet after 12 o'clock. As the car lights went out, the lights in the parking lot became weaker. Some people were too excited and did not fall asleep. Tossing and turning in bed.

The night was as thick as ink...quietly, so quiet that there was no sound of the wind blowing.

Suddenly, a shrill scream broke the silence.

Along with the harsh whistles blown by the soldiers, in addition to long hard tentacles with many burrs, there were also monsters that were breathing heavily but moving extremely quickly!

Gu Wenying woke up at the same time as the screams started. She opened the blinds and saw that the car lights outside were turning on one after another. In the light, a man with long hair reaching his shoulders and as messy as a chicken coop was scratching with sharp claws. Don't ask why you know so much about the broken tent, because after Gu Wenying opened the blinds, she saw a monster facing her. Across the car kiln, the distance between the two people was less than five steps. The monster was now scratching with its sharp claws. The glass of the RV!
Gu Wenying quickly closed the blinds, so she wouldn't be afraid if she didn't see him!

Everyone in the car was awake and cheering each other up:
"Don't worry, our glass and body are both reinforced. Even if they are not reinforced, they are not strong enough to be destroyed by these zombie monsters."

Along the way, these vehicles are indeed very sturdy and reassuring! There were seven girls living in Gu Wenying's car.
The other cars are all mixed in, and they are simply blocked by curtains. Because they are either boyfriend or girlfriend, or they are husband and wife... There are four single girls in the car, including Gu Wenying. The other three have boyfriends, but the relationship is not very close and they can't save face, so they don't live together. (There are also reasons why we can’t live there.)
When the intercom came from the car, the boyfriends of the three people came to encourage everyone and told everyone not to be afraid. They would be watching and paying attention. If the seven people were in danger, they would come out to rescue them.

Qi Yi informed the whole team not to get out of the car, close the doors and windows, put on protective clothing, grab weapons and be ready to fight at any time.

But Qi Yi's policy is very simple, to remain unchanged in the face of all changes. People in his own team are not in danger, and they cannot get off even if they are killed. There are troops stationed outside, and they are professionals in fighting. If they need to participate in the battle, the male team members will go down. As for the female team members, wait until the situation is really wrong.

"Everyone, put on your clothes, put on your gloves, hold your weapons, and pay attention to rain protection. Wear the protective clothing we were given before, outside, and don't get caught in the rain!"

"Captain, there's nothing wrong with this rain except for the smell!"

"It won't stink in vain! There must be something weird about this rain, so everyone should be more careful. There are plenty of protective suits anyway. I'll give you another one tomorrow to keep."

Qi Yi understood very clearly that smell was a big problem. It was not about the smell, but the deeper reaction that the smelly rain would bring about.

When the people are in danger, the soldiers are definitely the first to come out to take action. As the whistle stopped, the soldiers rushed out in full gear. Qi Yi saw it in the RV. These soldiers were all wearing waterproof military uniforms. Moreover, his hands and head were covered so that they would never be exposed to the rain. His eyes stopped at the soldiers' attire. After thinking about it, he realized that the soldiers had come out two or three minutes late. This time difference is not the reaction speed that soldiers should have. It is obvious that they stayed here specially and made waterproof treatment.

The Dream Team is indeed lucky. Because of mysophobia, I dislike the smell of the rain and have never been exposed to rain. It’s so lucky!

Now the dress of these soldiers shows one thing. This rain is very harmful and will definitely bring extremely bad effects.

"Everyone, have you seen that the soldiers are protecting themselves from rain, so our rain protection work must continue in the future! This rain is definitely not right!"

Everyone has eyes to see it. They were all thankful in their hearts that the captain of their team was so smart. He told everyone early not to get wet in the rain because it smelled bad!

The entire Dream Team could not move, but some members of the team were much bolder and jumped out with weapons, beating those monsters hard!
Unfortunately, it was only then that everyone discovered that these monsters could withstand beatings better than zombies, and even if they cut off their heads, they would have a scar as big as a bowl. When the heads fall to the ground, they will automatically bounce back and reconnect with the body. No matter what direction they are, they will still work!

"Please note, passengers, don't get out of the car. These enemies will be handled by regular troops. Get back in the car and close the doors and windows. Our heroic federal soldiers will kill these monsters. Everyone, get back in the car quickly to avoid accidental injuries! "

The loudspeaker at the rest stop rang, telling everyone to return to their cars. They all discovered that a team with more high-tech weapons and equipment was coming outside. Of course, as usual, the protection work is fully in place. Not a trace of skin is left outside.

"Xiao Jing, put on your protective clothing and a mask. Your immunity has been too low recently!" Qi Yi spoke to his girlfriend while finding a mask and preparing to put it on for her!
"You can bring it with you. I will never get out of the car. My stomach hurts to death!"

"Take some medicine..."

"After eating, I'm so unlucky. Why is it that Aunt Xiaoying came and nothing happened? It's just me..."

"You two are incomparable. Your physique is weaker than hers. How powerful she is, just like a boy!"

Qi Yi said, while putting on protective clothing for his girlfriend, he raised his voice and said to the other six people in the car: "Everyone, listen to me, let's all put on waterproof clothing, just in case, there are people under our car There’s nothing, Lao Li, go and sit in the cab, and if you can, let’s drive away!”

"Inform their four cars! Xiaoxian, you are closer, you inform them!"

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