The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 372 Bloody Highway

Chapter 372 Bloody Highway

Ji Jingxian turned out to be a pretentious eldest lady, otherwise Gu Wenying wouldn't be able to call her a virtuous concubine. Calling her Empress, in short, means that she is very egotistical and willful.

However, her temper has been almost frayed now. If it were before, anyone who wanted to order her to do things would have to discuss it first. But now, when Qi Yi said this in this tone in front of everyone, she did not react and obeyed obediently.

In fact, the intercoms of the five cars are always connected, which is almost a shared communication. So the drivers of several cars got ready and sat in the driver's seat, ready to leave at any time.

The rest of the people were standing in front of the car window, monitoring the monsters outside the car. For them, they have really seen a lot of zombies and mutated beasts, but none of them can tell clearly which category it belongs to.

It made my heart feel cold and terrifying. It looked scary, but it wasn't. Half of the face was corroded, half of the body was covered in blood, and the lower half was just a skeleton. Really, everyone is used to it, but occasionally there is someone who looks very close to a normal person, but everyone is still not used to it.

The goods outside the window look normal. Although it is a bit abstract, I can only say that it looks wrong and a bit ugly, but it cannot be said to be scary. Really, compared to zombies, this is much more complete. It's really impossible to rise to the level of scary.

But in comparison, looking at these people makes people tremble in their hearts. The chill rising from the soles of my feet, I don’t know how to warm back up.

Those monsters were outrageous, with teeth and claws, but their movements had absolutely nothing to do with dancing. There is absolutely no artistic quality in their moves. Full of violent temperament! The output of each move is simply amazing! It’s not that I don’t dare to look at it, it’s that I can’t bear to look at it.

There was no time to watch either. Everyone looked at the monster and didn't know what to do next. No, not the next step, but how to survive in the next second.

It's too cruel. I can only say it's too cruel. The people who got off the car were grabbed by these monsters with super ease and torn in half by their ankles or wrists. Their techniques were particularly uniform. They seem to be very disgusted with other parts of their prey, and they only grab these two parts of humans. If you grasp the hand, you will not grasp the foot. If you pull the foot, you will not hold the hand.

The spread of a person's arms is equal to his height, and the spread of his feet is... these two extreme points, these monsters are really easy to use, and they can do whatever they want. Take your time.

I watched the people around me being torn in half in a leisurely manner, with their internal organs falling all over the floor. The key point was that these organs were tied together, and they were dragged and thrown away, and their blood was spread on the narrow ground between the cars. Come on.

"Lao Li, even if this car can be driven, it can't be driven out. Are you going to push people from this place over?"

"What should I do? This isn't a plane."

“Can I still have this car after it’s driven out?”

“I don’t want this car anymore if I change the tires!”

"Are you crazy? Our car is so solid and you don't want it. Look, on the left, that car has been broken into. It's terrible. It's over. The people have been dragged out!"

Sure enough, the person who was dragged out over there was torn in half alive, and his intestines and stomach were piled in front of the car door. It was too horrible to look at and could not be looked at again.

Qi Yi also saw this scene. He immediately thought of his girlfriend's feelings, but who was the Concubine Xian? She took good care of herself. Although she was sitting by the window, she tightened her seat belt with both hands. , eyes closed extremely tightly. The little white teeth biting her lower lip revealed her fear.

"Baby, don't be afraid!"

"Don't call me baby, it's disgusting!"

Qi Yi feels that calling his girlfriend Baobao is a good nickname that can express his inner feelings. However, for Ji Jingxian, this baby is a nickname that she absolutely cannot accept. Calling her little smelly or puppy is fine. You just can’t call me Baobao. You can’t call me Baobao!

But Qi Yibao has been treasured by his mother since he was a child. Xiaobao has been called big by various treasures, but he still makes such principled mistakes occasionally! But he never expected that at this critical moment of life and death, this girl would still stick to her bottom line and couldn't help but laugh.

"Now, I have to be busy for a while and can't take care of you. But don't worry, I'm here, always!"

"Okay, go ahead and do your work, I'll scream if something happens!"

"No, what are you calling me? Your scream is so scary, I think it's scarier than those outside!"

There are people nearby who are not willing to do so. These two young people are still spreading dog food at such an age!
"Lao Li, don't talk nonsense. It's not that scary. At most, it will scare the car to a stop!"

In this tragic moment, everyone actually took the time to chuckle for two or three seconds, which shows how funny the joke of scaring the car to a stop is.

The loudspeaker sounded again, informing everyone at the highest volume not to get out of the car: "For everyone's safety, don't get out of the car. The new zombies in front of us are very powerful now. Don't get out of the car. Seize the opportunity and drive away from here. After reconnaissance, we are fifty miles outside." I haven’t seen this new type of zombie yet, but everyone should stay as far away as possible!”

This rapid but definitely steady voice kept repeating similar words, which was obviously the language of the temporary organization.

So, some smart cars drove out, and naturally there were also small cars that were overturned by monsters in the middle of the drive. When Qi Yi saw this situation, he immediately shouted: "The whole team is ready to withdraw, drive to a place with fewer monsters, use all your strength Rush, especially passenger cars. You must rush with all your strength. Don't let those monsters stop your car. Our big car is following behind. If there is any loss, we will push our big car from the side. It is estimated that our car will be difficult for them. Turn over."

Three light passenger-modified bed trucks moved forward. The thing that hit the top of the car and was pressed to the ground rushed forward. Fortunately, everyone was used to driving this kind of speeding car, and they really cut their way through the monsters, and then ran away all the way!

Others don't know what their moods and feelings are, but Gu Wenying feels like she has escaped and ascended to heaven.

"Xiao Dao, let's not stop. Come on, come on."

Daolosa is a fiery woman with fire powers. Her driving skills are not the best, but she is braver. With the blessing of high technology, nothing has happened to her. However, as the magnetic field on the Aqua Blue Planet exploded into chaos, Many high technologies have become useless. After crashing into three cars, her driving skills have been greatly improved, and now she can drive with ease. He is the one with the best driving skills among the seven.

Her parents are drivers, and her two brothers are professional racing drivers. Gu Wenying, who is also a semi-professional racing driver herself, remained silent. Sometimes talking less means doing less. After all, those who can do more work. When she was little, her family always told her, you are a girl after all... don't think of yourself as a boy.

The dream team escaped unscathed! There were also not many people and cars running out, so Qi Yi drove the car to the front and placed three light passengers in the middle. The five cars followed each other closely, and then rushed forward desperately in the car formation.

No one, not even the people in the army, could have guessed that the speed at which those monsters ran was top-notch. Chasing a car or something is considered a small scene.

No one expected it, so they were really fighting for their lives while running. The result of the desperate effort is that many car drivers cannot keep up with the speed of the cars. Including the knife driver, everyone was offline. Driver Gu, who had never said that he was a good driver, came online and swung his hands in two directions, immediately calming everyone down.

Three of the five cars had different drivers, but the encirclement was finally broken through.

Qi Yi frowned and sat in the passenger seat, staring at the road ahead with sharp eyes, wondering if there would be any new zombies running out on both sides.

Soon, he noticed that a team of about 20 or 30 people were well-dressed, and the weapons were completely different from what he had seen. As a senior military fan, he said that he had not seen any of the weapons that had been announced. .

But the force value of the people in these teams, no, each person cannot be described in terms of force value, it can only be said to be a fighting beast! Chase those monsters one to a hundred! It makes people feel dizzy.

The military quality of these people is the king of soldiers. Anyone can identify them just by looking at them for a few minutes. At the same time, they can also definitely recognize that the courage of these people cannot be described as brave. If you have to compare, I will be the king of heaven. Not bad at all.

With the strong support of these nearly thirty people, the soldiers who were chasing the monsters soon felt that the pressure was relieved. They were all veteran soldiers, and they quickly took the rhythm into their own hands.

The team responsible for the safety of this section of the road is the Ninth Independent Division of the Army. The people who can come on the mission are very powerful. Wherever the military quality is, it will not be any different, no matter who comes. Team, but they must be friendly forces! Immediately, he fought with the opponent's leader and performed the usual tactical actions of the troops.

The other party really understood, and immediately responded with the corresponding gesture. There was no time to be polite, and the communication tools between the first team leaders were connected, reporting to each other the enemy situation around them! The situation of the battle gradually reversed.

Monsters began to run away. One monster ran away, and two monsters followed. The three monsters must have thought there was something ahead, so don't run too fast! This is very pleasant.

The monsters began to run around, and the soldiers chased them and beat them wildly. Heavy weapons quickly left these monsters in place.

The captain of the thirty people who came behind was a tall and powerful forty-year-old man. He activated his superpower to chase and fight, and at the same time, he collected the two dead monsters at lightning speed. He put it into one of his storage bags, and when he caught up with a monster that was running a little slower, he took out a spirit animal bag and put the living monster in it!
"Perfect, this mission has been successfully completed. Everyone can go ahead and cooperate." Lu Bin's voice spread through the team channel!

"Deputy Commander Lu, let's give it a go! Everyone, pay attention, cover each other, try to kill a few demons with different parts, keep the brains, dig around and see, I still don't believe it, could the demons just Aren't they human? Where is their magic crystal?" Xiaobai gave the order in the team channel.

It's finally my turn to give the order! Xiaobai ignored it and immediately issued the order to dig up the magic crystal.

The entire team knows how important this magic crystal is to the base. Besides, the second team led by Vice Commander Lin, the third team led by Vice Commander Wu, and the fourth team led by Vice Commander Liang are all completing the same task outside. If If you lose, where will you put your face?

come on, come on, come on!

Under Xiaobai's strong call, the whole team finally dug up a magic crystal in the middle of a demon's brain.

Lu Bin took the body handed over by the team members and put it into the storage bag.

"This demon's head seems to be bigger, let's chop it off!" Lu Bin took a casual look and found an obvious feature.

Everyone stared at the demon clan's big head chop, and they really got a good harvest.

This area of ​​demons was quickly wiped out, and Lu Bin's entire team wanted to go back!

"Hey, comrades, may I ask which military region you are from? Your military uniforms look like this!"

Commander Shi from the independent division thanked Lu Bin and asked seriously!

Lu Bin helplessly pointed to his armband and nameplate: "The 508th Regiment is a special ability regiment located at the 508 Beacon Hill Base in Qingshan City."

"Superpower Group, Beacon Hill Base, why didn't we listen..." Mr. Shi felt that these words were a bit impolite. He stopped talking immediately.

"Commander Shi, we will see each other again!" Lu Bin didn't want to say anything more. If he said more, he would be wrong. After all, the 508th Regiment had many huge mines buried in it. Those that were about to explode but were not exploded should never light the fuse by themselves.

The first superpower team of the 508th regiment returned safely. The car they drove along the way was like sparks and lightning. They went as fast as they could!
Back at the base, before the corpses of the demons had cooled down or deteriorated, Lu Bin was still worried even though Annie had repeatedly assured that this small bag passed down from An family's ancestors was comparable to a deep freeze box. Always try to send it back as early as possible to feel at ease.

The eight military anti-riot vehicles of 508 were like black lightning, passing like arrows beside the convoy of the Fantasy Super Team and other teams.

Everyone noticed it, but no one knew it was the car from the previous team.

It finally dawned. The Dream Team did not stop, but changed drivers and continued on their way.

There is a team taking a rest.

Therefore, although all the members of Dream Team are executing Team Qi’s orders, it does not prevent everyone from asking if they have questions: “Team Qi, why! We can take a break!”

"Have you seen the five or six cars that passed by before? We are not qualified to touch such a car. People are driving such cars very fast. Is it because they have a guilty conscience?"

There is no such thing as a guilty conscience!

No one else needs to say it, just the aura that comes out of that car is of great importance. There is no need to question the military quality of the person who drives this car! This is common sense!

The name of the Dream Team is very euphemistic, but their actions are not euphemistic. Team Qi, with everyone, is running towards boldness!
At the same time, the name of the dream team brings them dream-like luck!

Qi Yi led everyone to chase the convoy that had already driven far away. He never expected that he would actually see these intimidating riot vehicles parked on the roadside. !

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