The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 373 Capturing the Demons Alive

Chapter 373 Capturing the Demons Alive
"team leader!"

"Captain, just on the roadside..."

"I saw it. Everyone, please control your speed. I'm going to find a place to stop. Please follow the car carefully!"

"Captain, why?"

"Stop asking, Lao Jin, you have a hundred thousand reasons why, you should concentrate on driving at this moment!"

Lao Jin was driving a large RV at the end of the road. He just wanted to run faster and leave the place of right and wrong, but he didn't expect that the captain actually wanted to stop the car. He didn't ask why, which was not in line with the character!

Qi Yi led the team and stopped the car at the emergency stop zone in front. The five cars turned on their double flashes very brightly. Although it was daytime, the clouds were too low and the visibility was not too high. There were strong lights shining out. It is a good idea to let the car behind you remind the following teams not to hit you...

But soon, one of those special soldiers they had seen before appeared.

"For the team ahead, turn off the lights. The new type of zombies like light sources."

Several people jumped back into the car and turned off the lights with a sweep. Originally, what kind of lights should I turn on in broad daylight?

The man then disappeared and could no longer be seen. But that doesn't stop Qi Yi from shouting loudly: "Brother, we, we don't dare to go forward, can we follow you?"

"..." There was the sound of gusts of wind blowing in the distance, but no one answered.

"If you don't answer, I'll treat it as if you agreed!"

Qi Yi's words deepened the team members' understanding of him, but he didn't take it seriously. Instead, he stared at the place where the sound came from, hoping that someone would reply.


Qi Yi refused to give up, so he led his people to guard the cars. This time, he could just keep an eye on these cars.

Feng Yi was assigned to deliver the message. He heard Qi Yi's words, but he didn't answer. What does it have to do with me? You are following us. There is no mirror to pee and look at yourself. Can you keep up?
Feng Yi walked very fast, and rushed back to Lu Bin: "Vice Commander Lu, told them to turn off the lights. These people are sick, so they turned on the lights in broad daylight. They also said they wanted to follow our convoy."

"What did you say?"

"I didn't say anything, I didn't waste that saliva."

After Feng Yi finished speaking, seeing that there were no more orders, he turned around and returned to his position. In the combat team of the 508th Regiment, everyone’s position is fixed. I don’t know the reason, but if this is required, then it will be strictly implemented.

Lu Bin didn't have time to meddle in these nosy matters. Just as Feng Yi said, he was too lazy to bother! It's better to save it to deal with the demons ahead.

Yes, he was very lucky. Lu Bin found a group of demons at the rest stop in front of him. There were about a hundred of them. If they were zombies, there would be no need to stop. He would just rush up and fight them!

However, now Lu Bin asked everyone to get out of the car, discussed the battle plan, and replenished the bow and medicine before preparing to lead the people to rush forward and destroy these demons.

Without the federal army in front, these demons were not registered, so Lu Bin was ready to take all these demons away! Of course, he called back to the base headquarters as soon as possible. It was easier for him to find the CEO than anyone else. Anshan also found Helan Ancestor very quickly and was lucky. At this time, the ancestor was teasing classmate Xiao Ming. As for Guo Ni, when he heard Lu Bin's application to take back the hundred demons, the old man narrowed his eyes and agreed. "Xiaoshan, show me his location..."

Even if Anshan (Xiaoshan) was beaten to death, he didn't know that his ancestor was his ancestor after all, and he had never heard of the tricks he knew. Of course, President He and others said that we had never heard of it either.

Lu Bin got the agreement and immediately took out the spare storage bag. He followed the instructions on the package and identified the owner with blood. He then asked Feng Yi to see what those people were doing there and informed them. They turned off the car lights. This super-power team must have some water in their brains. Turning on the lights in broad daylight, you thought it was the heyday of mechanical thinking.

Seeing that everyone was ready, Lu Bin waved his hand: "Attack, maximum output, ensure your own safety."

The first team rushed towards the demons, using all kinds of heavy weapons with full firepower. Because they had discussed it, they tried the depth first and only hit the demons' legs and feet, thinking that they had to make the corpse look better no matter what.

For other armies, such a style of play will definitely reduce the hit rate. However, this argument does not exist in the 508th Regiment. To exaggerate, it is to kill mosquitoes and ask you to hit your left eye. If you hit the right eye, it doesn't count as completing the mission. If you hit the right eye, it counts as completing the task. If you hit the wrong part, it counts as mission failure.

At this time, the request is considered to be a bit loose. Try it on non-vital parts. This is not difficult at all, right?
It's easy to hit the demons' legs. These big-headed demons are a bit stupid!

Lu Bin felt that something was wrong. These demons seemed to be moving a little slower. Could it be that we had encountered a demon group with low IQ?

"Stupid boy, stop it quickly! You're going to kill him while he's sick. Why do you want me to come and teach you now?"

Lu Bin heard a slight scolding in his ears, and immediately his energy was shaken. White hairs of sweat broke out all over his body. He rushed forward energetically, waved the storage bag in his hand, and immediately collected the demons like potatoes. Go in, whether dead or alive, just reach out!

Of course, his mind was still clear, and he immediately issued a ceasefire order: "Ceasefire, form an encirclement with fire, don't let a single demon go!"

As his order was issued, everyone moved outward from Mucangkou, pointed at the outside of the demon clan, and used bullets to weave a fire net, surrounding the demon clan in a circle.

This fire circle move is often used by 508 when fighting zombies. Everyone has become accustomed to it and it is almost a habitual move.

Lu Bin quickly collected these hundred and ten demons.

"You brat, you're pretty smart, bring it to me!"

The thirty people in the first team just watched as Lu Bin raised his hand and threw the storage bag in Lu Bin's hand into the distance.

"..." An unwritten rule of the 508th regiment is, shut up. If there is anything you don't understand, shut up! I don’t understand this either, so Big Furniture kept silent and didn’t ask.

"Boys, you have done well, and you will be rewarded when you come back to your ancestors!" The voice faded away! All the members of the small team jumped up happily, and the ancestor directly rewarded us. I wonder if we can become outer disciples of the "Guiyuan Sect"?
Zhou Qishao: I want to eat shit!
Even though Lu Bin was happy, he didn't forget to go home as a team! Everyone got on the bus quickly,
Qi Yi and the others saw only a few figures flashing past. The car in front started moving, and within three seconds the taillights were no longer visible.

I couldn't help but be speechless: "This speed... is really amazing."

Fortunately, I didn't even get out of the car. I was always ready to go. I hit the accelerator and chased after him.

I started chasing the exhaust fumes from other people's cars again. There are benefits of course, the road is as smooth as a highway in the heyday.

The Dream Team's luck points are full. Not only was it safe, but he also passed through a dangerous area where zombies were said to be blocking the road very quickly.

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