The last volume of the base chief

Chapter 374 Joining the Safe Zone

Chapter 374 Joining the Safe Zone

It was impossible to catch up with a team, and the Dream Team's cars were not known for their speed. Qi Yi knew better, so he tried to hurry up, because if time went by, the zombies would climb onto the road again and it would be over.

Lao Jin was most afraid of being destroyed, so as soon as he heard what Qi Yi said, he immediately drove the car loudly, but the car in front was not something they could catch up with if they wanted to. The smell of exhaust gas could no longer be smelled. Fortunately, after chasing them for a long time, the first echelon arrived at Qingshan City.

The bases are all the same. You need to register first, take medicine according to the prescription, and Qi Yi leads the whole team to settle in and register.

The ideal is very full, but the reality is horribly pale. The Qingshan Safe Zone is now considered a big rip off of customers. There are many people coming to seek refuge. If there are many, there will be many people lining up. Qi Yi took everyone to queue up. Each of these staff members had a very arrogant attitude. Well, bear with it. What can you do? Should we turn around and go back when we get here? It wouldn't be possible even in the prosperous age. It has been thousands of kilometers, and it has been a difficult journey, with zombies being chopped off with knives and guns. No one wants to make the same mistake again.

The inspections in the Qingshan Security Zone are particularly strict. Men and women enter two tents respectively, and every inch of their skin must be inspected. Only those who have not been injured by zombies can enter. Even so, blood tests must be taken. If the test results have not come out, it cannot be done. After entering the safe zone, there were many people queuing up on the road in front of the base, like a refugee camp.

The first experience of the safe zone was very bad, not to mention the refugees. The supplies were very scarce, there was no water, no food, and I had to deal with it all by myself. Just like at the previous rest stop, the only advantage was that it was very safe because there were people guarding it. place.

Gu Wenying didn't have high demands, so he thought it was enough if she could do this. She just wanted to have a good sleep. She didn't know that she was very tired from others during this journey, especially after becoming a driver, both hands were exhausted. Numb.

There isn't a lot of food in Gu Wenying's space, so everyone still needs to find it. His space is not large and can only meet the storage problem of firearms in the team. There is also a small amount of food, and everyone has to look for it, which is what they are used to.

Lao Jin and Lao Li went to look for things happily. They said to the captain: "We still have to take a look at the outside environment. We can't just sit back and wait. We have to ask those who have joined the safe zone. What do you think about the safe zone? If you want to return it now, you can return it. I have heard that there is a safe zone next to it. It is very small, but I heard that recruitment is very strict. Maybe this safe zone is better! "

"Aren't you crazy? Is there anything you can go to in a small safe zone? We from the Imperial Capital don't want to stay there, so why should we stay in a small safe zone? There are countless small ones along the way. Haven't we seen them all? Aren’t there many good ones?”

Qi Yi immediately rejected this suggestion.

Lao Wang smiled and added: "The one on the road must be bad and small, and those people have evil intentions and want to defraud people of their property. It may make sense that this place can be established based on the Qingshan Safety Zone. As the old saying goes, what exists is reasonable.”

"Forget it, stop arguing. Let's get the food first. I don't know what to do in the past three days. Those people around me are hungry for both mutton and beef."

"Okay, okay, Xiao Gu, will you follow us? Or do you want to take a rest?"

Before Gu Wenying had time to answer, Qi Yi said: "Xiao Gu doesn't need to go now. The situation outside is unknown. There are many people and teams now. If something happens to her, our supplies will be lost. Everyone can use the car to pull her. We Find someone to trade in for a smaller car.”

Dollosa said from the side: "I heard someone said that you can rent a car and just use the crystal core."

"Don't tell me that you can make any money in this safe zone. Fortunately, it's convenient for us, so let's rent a car." "Then I'll go." Lao Li said, pulling Lao Wang away. The two of them have always done these things of buying grain in exchange for crystal cores.

Relying on everyone's long-standing habit of cooperation, the Dream Team quickly found food and immediately set up camp. Their equipment was considered the largest. The best in the refugee camp. After all, there are two RVs and they are still very big.

Three days passed quickly, and three days later, the Dream Team was allowed to join the Qingshan Safe Zone.

Just like in the Imperial Capital Safe Zone, you need to pay the crystal core and register the superpower team, and then rent a house. The only trouble now is that their RV is very large. The staff said that it cannot be driven into the residential area and needs to be parked in a public parking lot. .

The monthly crystal cores are a huge amount and cannot be dealt with. No one knows whether they will be used in the future. There is a high probability that they will be used.

Wang Peiru is a girl with rich life experience. She belongs to the poor and has been in charge of the family for a long time. She immediately asked the staff about the rent, rent and other expenses. We all have a plate next to her. Qingshan Residence is not easy to live in.

"The news I received before was not so expensive." Wang Ruilin, also known as Lao Wang, felt that he couldn't accept it.

"Then we have to check in. We have been out here for three days, and our blood has been drawn and our bodies have been checked. Do we have to start from scratch? Let's rent it for a month first."

Everyone agreed very much with Lao Li's suggestion, so they chose a house in an apartment building and rented it for a month.

Each of them would bear their own share of the rent, and the lovers would live together openly if they rented a room.

Among the seven girls in the car with Gu Wenying, the three girls who had boyfriends had no choice but to agree to their boyfriends' proposal and rent a house together, Gu Wenying, He Huili, Chen Jialu, and Dao Luosa. The four of them didn't have boyfriends, so they rented a room together.

"Xiaoying, why don't you live with us anymore? We can live together." Ji Jingbo wanted Gu Wenying to live with her, but she didn't care. Her boyfriend's face was already dark.

"It's not that far away. We are just one floor below. You want me to be a lightbulb for you two and eat dog food every day. It's a nice thought." Gu Wenying flatly refused. No matter how close a good friend is, the distance is necessary. It was necessary. Besides, she really couldn't stand seeing these two people being so naughty.

"It seems you don't love me anymore. I'm so sad." Ji Jingxian cried deliberately on the side.

"Okay, empress, don't do this. I'm not your boyfriend. Your trick has failed on me. Put away your tears and return my backpack to me."

Gu Wenying pulled Dao Lothar and was about to leave, which made Ji Jingxian extremely angry. This good friend had become someone else's friend. At this time, she feels that she doesn't need a boyfriend or anything.

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